So The Story Goes

"Okay I get off at three and it should only take me an hour to pay the bills so how about five thirtyish?" Marella asked looking around the store. She backed up a few steps knowing she needed to make sure everythingw as in order. The morning rush would start soon and she could see that the pastery cabinet was not even turned on yet.
"Okay, that sounds perfect. I'll text Callie now, tell you what she says. Bye, Marella," he called as he walked out, a few people looking at him as he did. He opened the door to his car and slid in, putting his coffee down in the cup-holder beside him. Kendall started the car, and pulled out and back on to the street before he finished his croissant. At a stop light, he pulled out his cell phone and started a new text, typing in his girlfriend's number. Somehow, the stop light was long enough for him to actually finish and send his text. Hey, Cals, would you wnt to com over 2night, around 5:30, and watch The Saint with me and Marella? =)

(I hate this post...>.<)
Callie was happily feeding her goldfish (thing one, thing two and thing three) when her phone vibrated. A smile slid onto her face as she read the text; she has never spent a lot of time with Kendall's best friend, it'd be nice to get to know her and hang out. Sweet, she typed. I'll see you tonight.
Alright, great. See you later, babe, Kendall texted his girlfriend back at the next stop light. This was going to be fun. He was almost sure Callie had never seen The Saint, but he was also certain that she didn't care. Callie, Callie, Callie.......

Kendall pulled in to the Borders parking lo, croissant reduced to crumbs in his lap, and expresso to a few drops. He took the cup and napkin inside with him to toss, walking into another day of
Hello, do you have your Borders Rewards card with you today? and I need you to find a book for me.....Kendall rarely loved his job, but at least he was around books.

(Time skip?)

Jessica was snapped back to reality at the sound of people shuffling around, rushing out of Ice Monster. She rubbed at her eyes, blinking a few times as she stared at her watch. Five, huh. About the damn time. Grabbing her purse, she got rid of her apron and strode out, her heels clicking against the floor. She made sure to stop by at the shop she saw earlier this morning, with that gorgeous, gorgeous white heels. As it turned out, it was much too expensive than she can possibly afford, so she made a really irritated grumbling noise under her breath and left.

Things were looking pretty good for Philip. This month's sales were higher than ever before, and his boss seemed to be ever-smiling ever since he got back from his honeymoon, and he could barely make out a promotion coming his way. A smile slid across his face at the thought of actually getting that promotion and announcing the news to the kids; maybe he would take them to a movie or something, as a celebration. And Jill, too, if she wasn't busy with her job. Philip parked his car, keys jingling as he came to a stop. The house was lit, so the kids were probably home. And Jill, too.

(sure :) )
Jill bustled around the kitchen hoping that if she made it clean enough some how it would look prettier. Her feet ached from walking around the hospital the day before and in a few short hours she would be back again. Brendan was doing his homework at the kitchen table, he was still a momma's boy at heart and she prayed that would never change. The kid cherished every moment with either of his parents and the moment they started fighting he disappeared. Jill knew he wasn't a baby but at the same time he was her youngest and always would be her baby. The sound of a car pulling into the drive caught her attention, looking out a shabby painted peeled window she saw Phillip's car.
"I'm home," Philip said, spotting Brendan on the kitchen table. His smile faltered a little when he saw Jill, tired as ever. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. "Dad!" It was Jessica, with that too-sweet-to-be-genuine smile plastered on her face. She wrapped her skinny arms around him as she pulled him farther into the living room.

Philip almost laughed. What will it be this time, a new phone, purse, heels, maybe? "What is it, sweetie?"

"Nothing," Jessica shrugged, trying to focus on her father as she tried to calculate how much she can ask for that won't be instantly refused and enough to get her that pair of heels. "You just look incredibly handsome today. And happy. What's going on?"

"I'm not buying you anything, Jess." Philip said, laughing. "Not after you made me pay for that insanely expensive car repair."
Kendall walked up to the house, exhausted. He wasn't sure what it was about demanding, sometimes really stupid readers that tired him out so badly, but it did...He could see his parent's car in the driveway, so they must have been home fairly early, as they sometimes were.

He turned the key in the door, and walked in. "Callie and Marella are coming over," was the first thing he said. Kendall usually did this, because usually, he wasn't supposed to have people over until he studied. "How was your day, guys?"
Jill was about to ask if he had studied but decided she did not want to pick that fight. "My day was fine and what time are they coming over?" she asked trying looking through the pantry. Dinner tonight would most likely be a simple meal of spaghetti and meatballs. She valued trying to create family time and cook home meals but it was getting harder and harder.

Brendan shoved his books back into his bag. He was going to have to set the table soon and he might as well start now. His mom was going on some family time craze as if that could possibly hold them together. If she wanted results she should try shopping less and Dad should attend some AA meeting. Would it kill him to not smell like alcohol. It had practically consumed his whole body so even when he was sober he smelled drunk.
"Five thirty," Kendall said, putting his keys in the bowl by the door. He walked in, putting his thumbs in his pockets. She hadn't asked if he had studied that day. Kendall guessed she was trying to keep peace, but it was somehow very uncomfortable. He was really starting to hate being at home.

(I'm sorry for crap-post, I have to get off....XP)
Philip looked at the kitchen, then Jill. It seemed like she has been going through the cabinets. He had just stocked up more beer yesterday, just in case. Jill hated it when he does that; hopefully she hasn't found anything. Jessica was saying something about how she needed that money, but Philip just shook his head and kept his eyes on his wife. He tried to keep the smile on his face, but even that couldn't stop the worried look that had appeared.

So Dad isn't going to buy me those heels, Jessica thought, arms crossed, eyes rolling. She heaved a sigh and helped herself to a can of soda.
Kendall was going to set up the movie in his room, but decided against it. His room was a mess, plus his mom would flip if he brought two girls upstairs. Parents are crazy.

And speaking of crazy...Kendall thought as Jesica put on her famous pout and grabbed a soda. Suddenly feeling awkward, Kendall went to teh fridge to see what he could offer the girls - just to give himself something to do. Milk. Grape juice. Coke. Sprite. Orange juice. What was that? - Pomegranate juice? Okay....With a sigh he closed the fridge and walked to the counter, leaning on it. He looked from his mom to his dad, a new question forming in his mind. Dad looked worried, but Kendall knew that if he asked about it, he'd give the same answer as always. "So, we can have the living room, tonight, right?"

(Bleh, boring post...Just thought I'd kick this off again =))
Brendan finished setting the table and wandered into the living room plopping down onto the couch beside Kendall. "What are you guys watching tonight?" he asked lazily. He planned on crashing the little get together and he was pretty sure Kendall wouldn't mind....hopefully.

Marella practically ran from behind the counter at Starbucks to her car. She needed to pay the bills before her Dad got home, checking her watch she could tell she was pushing it. Within ten minutes she had turned into the driveway of her house and knew she was too late. Her dad was home but her had friends were over so maybe he hadn't found check.
Kendall looked at his brother and sighed. "It's called The Saint. It's kind of old, but it's good." He ruffled his brother's hair. "May be a bit much for you - Don't think I don't know what you're planning, kid." He checked his phone. 5:10. If they wanted to start the movie right away, he should make the popcorn now. Then again, it wouldn't be warm when they got here. Did they even have popcorn? "Do you know if we have popcorn?"
"Nope." Jessica said, shrugging. "We have potato chips, though." She eyed Kendall up and down, her hand on her soda. "Sure you don't wanna change? Your girlfriend is coming over, isn't she?" She set the can down on the counter and grabbed Kendall's shirt. "Gosh, this is old. Are you even my brother? What about that shirt I bought you for your birthday, it brings out your eyes, that one."

Philip walked over to Jill, his hand touching her arm. "Jill," he mumbled absently, still eyeing the cabinets. "Long day?"
(Pleba what was the plan for the argument I can't remember what it was so supposed to be about)

Jill nodded scrubbing at a stain in the counter that would never come out. Kendall had spilled koolaide there when he was about five the stain was not going anywhere. It was almost like a worry stone for Jill, she scrubbed at it when she was nervous or angry or any time for that matter. She knew it was bad to do so in front of Kendall considering it might make him feel bad but it was almost like biting your nails, a terrible unsightly habit.
(Pretty much anything you want, really. Although the beer could be easy :) )

Philip removed his hand from Jill's arm and began undoing the button on his sleeves. Jill was doing that again, scrubbing that stain with that look on her face. It made him nervous, whenever she does that. Philip frowned; it was hard to tell if she's mad at him or just tired.
Jill opened a cabinet below the counter that housed all of the extras. When a sale occurred she always stocked up on family favorites but too her surprise there was a stash of empties. She had opened the wrong cabinet this was the one that was broken she had been pestering Phillip to fix the jammed door. Apparently he had and decided to hide his emptied beer bottles in them. Her whole body began to shake as she thought of all the progress she thought they had made. She thought he was on the way to getting sober.

Slamming the cabinet door she turned around refusing to even look at it. She knew whatever she said she would regret but than again she couldn't bottle it up.
The cabinet door slammed, causing Philip to turn around. Oh. His eyes widened slightly, but he kept his appearance calm. Jill was obviously upset, which made him extremely uncomfortable. And guilty, too. She always had him begging on his knees, apologizing ever since high school. Things changed, though. They grew up and there's work and children and things, he couldn't even remember half of them. But it seems like the more grown up they are, the more complicated things get.

Or maybe it's just him. Or maybe not.
There was too much going on. His sister was getting on to him about his shirt, his dad was seriouly screwed up, his mom was scrubbing Kendall's stain....Kendall's head started to hurt. So, he used Jessca's unhappiness with his shirt as an excuse. "Fine, I'll put that one on. If you guys want to crash it and watch the movie, you have to prepare the snacks," he said, stood up, and left.
She stared at the wall shoulders hunched supporting her tired body."I don't even ask you to give it completely up I just ask that you cut back and that you are honest with me," at this point she turned around, "I'll even help just tell me what to do and I will try and help you," she said forcing herself to stay low. Kendall had friends coming over soon and she didn't want to get worked up.

"Fine, I can leave if you want," Brendan said standing up and walking out of the room. His parents were arguing and his room was the only place he couldn't hear them. As he passed the laundry room he tossed a pair of sneakers in the dryer turning it on high so that the banging drowned out the sound of his parents.
"Jill," Philip said carefully. "It isn't as bad as you think." They had talked about this before, but he didn't see how it was a problem. He was just tired sometimes, what with all the bills and the work and his wife complaining, drinking was just to take a little of his frustration off, right?
Kendall walked back downstairs, now in the shirt Jessica bought for him. He walked in to the kitchen to get some chips, and immediately felt a tension so thick, he could cut through it with a knife. Intead of getting the chips, he simply said, "Do what you guys want, just try not to with my friend and girlfriend over." With that said, he walked in to the lving room and sat down, checking his phone. 5:27. They should be here any minute....He thought, a bit restless due to the pregnant atmosphere. Marella could say whatever she wanted about it, but he didn't want Callie asking or worrying at all.

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