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Fantasy Snow-Fire Academy for the Gifted

Frey had just about finished mapping out most of this building when more chatter started filling the halls. Other students began piling in as the minutes passed and it began to make his self assigned task difficult. So, he placed the pen and loose paper back into his bag and continued to wonder into the direction of his class. At least, until he rounded a corner into a relatively empty hall and noticed another student staring at a rather majestic looking bird a few steps into his walk. He froze and watched for a moment before taking quiet steps backwards and turning around to leave. It wasn't possible to guess what that was about, but he figured it was probably best not to disturb the two.

Instead, he decided to try and find another route to his room, if there was one. Stuffing his hands into the pockets of a tea green coat, the male glanced at either direction as he huffed and chose to go right and tried not to get distracted by the floating creature flying about ahead of him. There was only one of them at the moment, but it seemed to be more distracting than have more.
Smoke motioned for the two to get on his back. One was being a bit sassy however and Smoke decided to win him over. Smoke slowly and sadly walked over to the demon. He looked down at him pitifully, stuck out his tongue a small bit, rubbed against him, pulled his ears down and finally began to whimper. He had transformed from being the scariest beast ever to being a pitiful dog.
Lucia nods. "That would probably be preferable. After all, I'd probably look like quite the fool wandering around and knocking on random doors if I was attempting to contact you."
zenreaper zenreaper
"Well, that's an unusual name. I am Leonardo, but you may know my..." He took a deep breath "Yea, you may have heard of me"
Lucia carefully folds the paper into a very small square, stowing it away in her pocket so she wouldn't drop it or lose it. "Alright, thank you." She unfolded her written list of her classes and tore off a small blank section of paper at the bottom, quickly writing down her room number. "And here you go." She says, folding it into a small square and handing it to Asura.
zenreaper zenreaper
The daytime was far from nice to the lean young vampire. His body was covered so not to be in the sun in anyway. having to wear a wide brim had along with his usually clothing to keep the sun off his head and face. Even dawning gloves for the time being. He didn't have much though, two bags, one with his electronics and the other with everything else he owned. Which wasn't much since he had been living in an old mansion for the past year. Mikage had come to this school looking to see if it was possible to hear how to be human again. He regretted the decision of becoming a vampire to keep living. This was hell really. sure he didn't like being outside before but now being outside was something that could kill him if he stayed in the sun with out being covered up. Trying to make it inside without being noticed was not so easy but seemed a little easier then he expected. This place wasn't to busy with other students and he was able to relax a little once he got in out of the light. Taking any of this off wasn't going to happen but at least he was out of the major danger.
It was going to take him so long to find his actual door room. though Mikage's only worry was if he was going to be alone int hat room. he wanted there to be no one else there and if that was possible then he could set up all his gaming things and his computer with little issue at all. though it dawned on him that if he didn't have a tv this was going to be even more of an issue. He would need one. A lap top wasn't going to be perfect for this much. He tried not to let his worries take hold of him. he didn't have the time to think about it did he? maybe he did. it was taking him a while to get around this school. Maybe he could locate someone to point him in the right direction.

(helllllllooooo : D I've come to join you all! totally left this open.)
Smoke nodded and waited for them to hold on. Once they had done so Smoke took off like a rocket. In under a second they reached the front office. Smoke was huffing and puffing but turned back into his smiling human form. He smiled at the others before going back to huffing.
"Nice to meet you both..." Smoke huffed.
Eris stood up again and paced in the small area that he held with hishands in his pockets. True, birds do manage to get away with information, just like most other animals who seem insignificant to those who assume they have higher intelligence. And so that's why... Eris suddenly spun around a few times. Their form disintegrated into a cloud of black particles, which rearranged themselves to form a raven hovering in mid air. It was all black, except for its right eye, lower half of its beak, right wing, and down its throat, which held what appeared to be red stitches, just like the other form. ... I have to be something less desirable to get some information, valuable or not. He changed back into his more human-like appearance. I have to agree about the rumors. There are plenty of reasons to spread rumors, although most are negative, like to make someone look bad, or turn others against them. Eris leaned against the wall with their arms crossed, keeping the same grin on their face. Of course, there's always those that are merely misinterpreted information.

SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Iria did a bit of a double take. Did this person just shapeshift? So they were a demon, a telepath, and a shapeshifter?! This person seriously seemed to be capable of a lot of things. Well, yes, there are usually at least some people that just misinterpret it, and, uh, some of them are sometimes spread to make people look bad and that kind of stuff, which, I mean, I suppose is sort of common... Iria thought about it for a minute. She probably should stop listening to rumors, but, not all rumors could be just malicious lies spread to make people look bad. At least some of them had to have some truth behind them. Although, after thinking back to a few rumors she'd heard about Lucia before actually meeting her, she realized that only one of them was actually true. Now that she really thought about it, most of the rumors she'd heard tended to be rather mean spirited and malicious, and could probably be seen as a way to make someone seem bad, whether they actually were or not. Huh. She was surprised she hadn't figured that out before, and even more surprised that a demon had pointed it out to her. Maybe this person wasn't as bad as she was thinking? Although, something about them was still unnerving to her, but she couldn't quite figure out what it was specifically. So, I, uh, suppose you've got a pretty valid point there...
Spice Spice

Lucia nods. "Yes, I know where the class is. If I didn't I probably would have asked you for directions wouldn't I?" Honestly even if Lucia actually didn't know where it was, she probably wouldn't have asked anyone where it was anyway. She would've just wandered around until she found it. So, it was a pretty good thing that she actually did know where it was.
zenreaper zenreaper
Finally catching her breath, Jaya removed her hand from the boy's shoulder and wiped away tears that were shredded during her laughing fit. "Come on now, Vi." She held open the sprite's container in its direction. Letting go of the boy's face Violet turned towards its keeper to see the container. Rolling its eyes scornfully and hissing lightly it complied and reentered its carrying case. Jaya, now content with her exploring for now, decided to head to the dorms and drop off her carrying sack now that it was finally starting to wear her down.

On her transit to the dorms, she encountered another student with bright blonde hair and piercing red eyes. Taking notice of the unique individual, Jaya thought she'd strike up some words with the man. "Interesting combo ya got goin' with the hair an' eyes. Even got a swanky flowin' trench coat, makin' ya look all mysterious. Diggin' the look." She gave a glowing smile as she raised the only arm she had to put her left hand on her chin. Her brow was pleasantly cocked as she looked the other person over.

noirfox5 noirfox5
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"Alright ill meet you there" Asura spoke a he turned and gave a wave, walking away. He quickly headed for his dorm room. As he stepped into the door he immediately went to his bed and looked underneath the covers. He let out a sight as he stared at the seven foot long katana left to him by his father. "Of course..." He picked up the sword and unsheithed it quietly reading the inscription written on the blade in an ancient language that read "I will always follow you, no matter where you may be..." The swords name was Kikumura. It was his fathers only gift to him and his familys only heirloom. It was a sword that was enchanted to always show up where its master last slept. On the handel were two hand prints, each perfectly fitting hia mechanical hands. Asura re-sheithed the sword and put it in the fitted rings on the back of his pants. He went and tool a look at himself in the mirror and was greeted with a goofy image. Given the swords size it was unlikely he would be able to fit through any normal door carriying it in this fashion. But it was also too long to put on his waist as it would drag on the ground."no wonder he said he hated fighting in enclosed spaces" he laughed remembering the image of his father walking away from the house with is sword in place waving and smiling back to asura and his mother. Instead of carrying the sword horizontally on his back he just decided to hold it over his shoulder as he left his room heading for the classroom.
(Sorry I can't put an image in 'cause I'm on mobile but if you want to see what Asuras father looks like just Google "asuras wrath akuma")
Being tired from the light he really just wanted to go to bed. the sooner the better and really long as he didn't see anyone just yet that would be great. Least it was till someone called out to him. Or rather walked right towards him. He couldn't avoid then and he really couldn't just hid now after being seen. Though having the comments coming towards him, Mikage looked about to be sure it was him she was talking to. He even gained that confused look in his eyes as he pointed to himself. "um.. thank you?" he started though he was so confused. first person he meets is nice to him. how different that felt to hear a compliment. "and you are rather.. tall." he wasn't sure how to compliment someone that stood taller then him. He guessed trying to work it out in his head but she looked to be a good 7 or 8 inches taller then he was.

demiSpirit demiSpirit
"Haha, no need to be thankin' me for the complements, mate." Jaya slapped her hand firmly against the center of his back. She then raised her gaze to the ceiling above in thought. "Guess I am pretty tall though. Not even just for my age, but for my sex as well!" She then let out great laugh of confidence in the humor of her own joke.

Looking back down to the vampire she took a step back in order to better converse with him. "So, what're ya here to study? I, myself, am lookin' to see how I can avoid this mess from happenin' in scuffles." Jaya grabs the end of the empty right sleeve of her shirt and waves it around, showing off she has no right arm at the moment. A wide smile is spread across her face as she does the aforementioned action.
noirfox5 noirfox5
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Asura stood in front of the combat readiness classroom. He looked kinda silly with the humongous sword he was carrying but he was trying not to pay too much attention to it. He was patiently waiting for Lucia.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
"Ugh... i hate animals... Not you guys, of course... well i'm not calling you- You know what, nevermind." *He walked into the office for help and directions*
Lucia's trip back to her dorm room was rather uneventful, luckily for her. She entered the room, simply searching through her belongings for her whip. "No...no...not the right whip...what the heck is this doing in here?" She pulled an object that she was at least ninety percent sure she hadn't brought with her out of her travel backpack. A falchion. This...definitely was not hers, and she didn't remember stealing it either, so how it had ended up in with the rest of her stuff was quite the conundrum. For the time being she simply set it aside, searching through her belongings rather uneventfully until she found her whip. "Ah, here we go." Lucia suddenly realized something that should really have been rather apparent practically the moment she walked into the room. Iria was gone. "...Not good..." Iria must have gotten out somehow, Lucia supposed. This wasn't good, definitely not good. She had to find Iria! If Iria was on the loose she was likely either causing trouble, or in trouble, as far as Lucia was concerned. She walked out of the room and began walking the halls at a rather brisk pace looking for Iria.
Mikage felt so awkward as she spoke. Such a tall woman and she was trying to joke? was that a joke? He laughed a little nervously though he didn't think he got it but having her hit his back he jumped a bit. it wasn't anything he was use to and so far from what he wanted to do right now. "oh.. that." the question of why he was here. he had a feeling this would come up since why would a vampire come to a school in the first place. "actually.. I'm here more for socializing.. least that's what I was told for a reason to come here. my master is a jerk..." he answered though he did hope she wouldn't ask to much.

demiSpirit demiSpirit

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