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Fandom SnK RP


roleplaying is fun!
If you're gonna use an Original Character, this is the place to place the bio.

Besides from the normal regiments, there is one more regiments, explained below by Brianna: Guardian Regiment. Your OC will be able to enter this regiment in the story, but there will be no more regiments.
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Caleb Williams

Looks like me

Is a Titan shifter but can only turn his arms by cutting his hands with a knife so he carries a dagger with him at all times. when he gets mad he can turn his whole body into a Titan but only if his arms are in Titan form. when in full Titan form he is a 15m Titan that looks kinda like him but with a calise that covers his hole nape and the only way to get him out is to cut him out manually due to the fact that he can not get him self out. His main ability is speed and stealth this Stelth is by very quite footsteps and he can speak in basic words like kill help get me out stuff like that. His killing style in full Titan form is to eat the nape and when in Titan arm form he punches the crap out of it until it busts. He is more of a night owl and perfects to work alone due to a bad childhood. He does not talk much because he believes actions speak louder than words. And he has a heart not to kill animals but he will eat them. He grew up in where eren grew up but in the worst part of the district. he is 18 years old. He refers to his regiment as spec ops due to it being classified.

Owner of the lunar regiment.

The lunar regiment is a regiment that is kept classified due to abnormal people in it. I.e. Titanshifters, people with powers per say. The goal of the group is to learn how to control these powers and use them to benefit humanity. However due to the goal they have the hq outside the walls. The regiment is in a treeline with a lake. They also have been know to work with the scouts on expiations that a little on the extreme side. The motto of the lunar regiment is to do what other are unable and unwilling to do. The only way to join is to get either a. Letter from him asking for you to join or b. A refurral from the leader of your regiment due to odd occurrences that happen to be commented by you.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.9a0af74592dfcc5115c47c82061c68f8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107561" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.9a0af74592dfcc5115c47c82061c68f8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>About 6'3" with a slim and athletic build. She has long black hair with gorgeous steel grey eyes. She has pale and fair skin. She has a marking carved into her right arm, an arrow. It was a brand. She has scars everywhere from combat, and one large one in her side from where she was stabbed at the age of 10.

Name: Katelle Smith


Species: Human

Nationality: obviously of French descent. Probably on her father's side. Her mother's family is of German and Russian descents

Lineage: is the niece of Commander Erwin Smith. Her father she never knew, and her mother was killed in her youth. He raised her. (Her father, however, is a very short, French man who is height challenged)

Affiliation: Survey Corps, Guardian Regiment

Guardian Regiment: Also known as The Legion of Saints, the Guardians are a result of my own imagine. They are the most elite team, and a subsection of the survey corps. In order to join their ranks, you must be invited by their Leader, and be able to show your strength and abilities. They are a group of the best soldiers from anywhere, and is lead by the next predicted commander of the Survey Corps, Katelle Smith. They are in charge of protecting everyone, as they are the most skilled in hand-to-hand combat and weaponry. The members of this team almost always have something special about them,whether it be incredible intelligence or unwavering courage. They must be ready to lay down their lives, without question. They are always on the front lines, and have low numbers due to casualties. Their symbol is a dragon and fire, and their motto is "For freedom and honor."

Interests: combat, weaponry, reading, quiet, being alone

Disinterests: cowards, loud people or places, being pestered, paperwork.

Personality: on the outside, Katelle is a flat out bitch. This is because she has trust issues, and doesn't like letting people in due to her abilities. On the inside, she is actually rather kind and caring. She is a natural-born leader and will do what is right, no matter the cost.


3DM gear: 10/10

Hand-to-hand: 10/10

Intelligence: 13/10

Strategy: 11/10

Determination: 10/10

Bravery: 11/10

Agility: 10/10

Speed: 10/10

Kindness: 6/10

Resourcefulness: 11/10




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Name _ Strauss Kramer

Age _ Seventeen


Bio _ Strauss was born on the ghettos of Stross District to abusive parents. At the age of thirteen he ran away from his insane parents and into the streets off Greigher square. Their his been leaving until this very day.


Appearance _ Strauss is about six feet tall and is of German and Greek descent. He has wavy brown hair, and pale blue eyes.


Personality: Strauss is normally seen as being arrogant and cocky. He usually doesn't show much emotion and tends to be cold and dismissive towards other.

He actually though is quite intelligent, but not in the typical sense. He's usually very aware of his surroundings and very observant. Sometimes being able to predict others movements just by looking at their body language.

He is also extremely generous, due to living in the slums of an otherwise well of district.


Skills: Strauss has a gift for combat and weaponry. He is well versed in street fighting, and the art of dual weaponry.

Hand to Hand: 11/10

Agility: 6/10

Speed: 10/10

Resourcefulness: 11/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Bravery: 11/10
Name: Patrick Smith

Age: 16

Bio: Patrick was raised in the middle class in wall Maria. As a pre teen Patrick learned martial arts and grappling techniques and became a high level fighter. When he was 14 he was one of the best fighters in the walls but that couldn't save his family from the titans when the titans broke through the walls. Something about him changed that day a rage developed in his psyche which in turn raised his core tempature. The result was a mutation surfacing for the first time allowing him extra speed,strength, and quick thinking. He enlisted after the incident and after his abilities surfaced for the first time he was placed in a special division.

Apperance: he has dark brown hair and brown eyes with a slight tint of red from the mutation. He had a muscular frame with a slight tan. He is about 6'2 and has the sides of his hair is shaved at the sides and is spiked up at the front. He is of American and Native American decsendence. He wears a tank top under his outer coat. He also wears hand wraps when engaging titans or fist fighting.

Personality: Patrick can seem cold and pessimistic sometimes but is a kind and nice person normally but his tone is sarcastic but stern people tend not to try and anger him because of his temper. He is not the brightest in some areas but is extremely tactical and is extremely talented in chemistry and physics. He has a tough love complex and is very under standing if some one needs to explain their problems to him.

Skills: Patrick is one of the best fighters in walls and enjoys a little spar from time to time he has become an expert in bladed combat and fire arms his added speed and strength also come in handy.

Hand to Hand: 13/10

Agility: 8/10

Speed: 9/10

Resourcefulness: 8/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Bravery: 8/10

Strategy: 10/10

3DM Gear: 9/10

Kindess: 7/10

Sarcasm: 5,000,000,000,000/10
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BusinessMan said:
Name: Patrick Smith
Age: 16

Bio: Patrick was raised in the middle class in wall Maria. As a pre teen Patrick learned martial arts and grappling techniques and became a high level fighter. When he was 14 he was one of the best fighters in the walls but that couldn't save his family from the titans when the titans broke through the walls. Something about him changed that day a rage developed in his psyche which in turn raised his core tempature. The result was a mutation surfacing for the first time allowing him extra speed,strength, and quick thinking. He enlisted after the incident and after his abilities surfaced for the first time he was placed in a special division.

Apperance: he has dark brown hair and brown eyes with a slight tint of red from the mutation. He had a muscular frame with a slight tan. He is about 6'2 and has the sides of his hair is shaved at the sides and is spiked up at the front. He is of American and Native American desendence.

Personality: Patrick can seem cold and pessimistic sometimes but is a kind and nice person normally but his tone is sarcastic but stern people tend not to try and anger him because of his temper. He is not the brightest in some areas but is extremely tactical and is extremely talented in chemistry and physics. He has a tough love complex and is very under standing if some one needs to explain their problems to him.

Skills: Patrick is one of the best fighters in walls and enjoys a little spar from time to time he has become an expert in bladed combat and fire arms his added speed and strength also come in handy.

Hand to Hand: 13/10

Agility: 8/10

Speed: 9/10

Resourcefulness: 8/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Bravery: 8/10

Strategy: 10/10

3DM Gear: 9/10

Kindess: 7/10

Sarcasm: 5,000,000,000,000/10
That Sarcasm though. Same
Yeah. Mine would be more like 50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000



You can never have too much sarcasm xD

And sure. the thread is still open and there's plenty of room to jump on in
Darkmaster006 said:
Yay! Join in, join in to the party, dear!! Haha. Sure, I've been doing Annie's char for now. She is the leader of the rebel group that wants to behead the king; we are in the time where we just graduated from cadets, so nothing that happened in the anime has happened, nor should it happen. I thought it'd be cool to give Annie some kind of redemption instead of killing as the Female Titan and get thrown on ice :( ; I have read the manga, but Brianna hasn't, so if you have, check not to spoil haha.
@Annie Leonhardt
eh, go for the spoil. I'm probably not gonna finish it for a while. So go ahead and say whatever. Chances are I already know anyways xD

@Annie Leonhardt
Darkmaster006 said:
Yay! Join in, join in to the party, dear!! Haha. Sure, I've been doing Annie's char for now. She is the leader of the rebel group that wants to behead the king; we are in the time where we just graduated from cadets, so nothing that happened in the anime has happened, nor should it happen. I thought it'd be cool to give Annie some kind of redemption instead of killing as the Female Titan and get thrown on ice :( ; I have read the manga, but Brianna hasn't, so if you have, check not to spoil haha.
@Annie Leonhardt
Alright ^^ thanks, and I'll try not to spoil anything haha
Name: Christian zoe (Chris zoe)

Age: 21

Birthdate: May 1st

Gender: Male

Height: 170cm

Weight: 63kg

Appearance: Christian zoe show’s similar appearance to hange zoe, as stated to one of his comrades “Twins” although his hair is down instead of in a bun, such as hange’s. Christian zoe wears identical glasses as his sister does, he wears an all black outfit, with the ordinary garrison jacket over it.

Species: Human

Affiliates: Garrison

Place of Birth: Within wall rose

Bio: not much is known about christian zoe, other then that he is related to hange in every shape, and form, but has little to know knowledge about her, he was born behind the walls of wall sina, where the wall titans are shown. Chris had graduated out of the 104th trainee squad as the top 5 best soldiers, their wasn’t any doubt that he would have made it higher than the top ten, as other veteran garrison members after he joined the garrison that they assumed hange graduated higher then him, during his time as a garrison he had difficulties with the citizens in the trost district, during the titan breaching. Christian would assist his comrades into fighting the horde of titans, after killing several titans, he, and his comrades order the citizens of trost to move to a hostile area, so they would hold off the titans for a little longer. This would resolve into a success, and his victory for his comrades, though most of the military police brigade was lost, as christian lost thought about them.

Two months after the breach, christian would volunteer to maintain the wall of wall rose, watching any suspicious people.


Combat > 9/10 || Initiative > 10/10 || Wits > 9/10 || TeamWork > 11/10 || Intelligence > 11/10

  • Human: He has grey hair. He is thin. He has about 1.87m or 6.1 feet. He has brown eyes. His hair is short and curly.
  • Titan: He is a 16 meters class titan. Like his human form, the titan has grey and curly hair but it is a bit longer. The titan doesn't have any muscle showing. The eyes of the titan are dark grey. The titan has skin that covers his mouth. When his mouth opens to do the smoke attack, the skin is cut showing the titan's teeth. The teeth are in a square shape. The titan doesn't have any lips.

Name: Daniel Almas

Age: 19

Species: Human/Titan Shifter

Titan Powers: Also known has the "Smoke Titan" or "Volcano Titan", he has the ability to split out smoke that will burn anything that it touches. It acts like a volcano smoke. The ability has a cooldown, since the inside of his mouth is burned when he uses it. He also has a fast healing ability. When his smoke ability is on cooldown he will often act like a crawler type titan, to evade attacks.

Nationality: Portuguese

Lineage: He doesn't know. The truth is that his family is all dead.

Affiliation: Survey Corps

Interests: The truth of this world, woman, adventure and freedom.

Disinterests: The King, being inside the walls, death and cowards.

Personality: Daniel he is a very nice guy. He will always treat strangers with a smile. He plays alot of games and drinks alot too. He fights really hard to protect his secret. He makes alot of deals. He doesn't talk alot about his future due to unknown reasons. He is a fierce soldier and has alot of courage within him. He will help an ally/friend if that wont make him die. He is always smiling and never shows his true feelings.


3DM gear: 9/10

Hand-to-hand: 8.5/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Strategy: 6/10

Determination: 10/10

Bravery: 10/10

Agility: 9/10

Speed: 10/10

Kindness: 6/10

Resourcefulness: 7/10

History: Don't Read This If You Haven't Read The Manga! It Has SPOILERS! You Have Been Warned!

He doesn't have a great backstory. He was a titan. He turned into an human when he ate a titan shifter. After that he woke up inside the walls. He doesn't know how or why. He just remembers the pain he felt. Like his body was about to explode. Then he trained hard to become a soldier and joined the survey corps to know more about the truth of the world
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JPTheWarrior said:
  • Human: He has grey hair. He is thin. He has about 1.87m or 6.1 feet. He has brown eyes. His hair is short and curly.
  • Titan: He is a 16 meters class titan. Like his human form, the titan has grey and curly hair but it is a bit longer. The titan doesn't have any muscle showing. The eyes of the titan are dark grey. The titan has skin that covers his mouth. When his mouth opens to do the smoke attack, the skin is cut showing the titan's teeth. The teeth are in a square shape. The titan doesn't have any lips.

Name: Daniel Almas

Age: 19

Species: Human/Titan Shifter

Titan Powers: Also known has the "Smoke Titan" or "Volcano Titan", he has the ability to split out smoke that will burn anything that it touches. It acts like a volcano smoke. The ability has a cooldown, since the inside of his mouth is burned when he uses it. He also has a fast healing ability. When his smoke ability is on cooldown he will often act like a crawler type titan, to evade attacks.

Nationality: Portuguese

Lineage: He doesn't know. The truth is that his family is all dead.

Affiliation: Survey Corps, Guardian Regiment

Interests: The truth of this world, woman, adventure and freedom.

Disinterests: The King, being inside the walls, death and cowards.

Personality: Daniel he is a very nice guy. He will always treat strangers with a smile. He plays alot of games and drinks alot too. He fights really hard to protect his secret. He makes alot of deals. He doesn't talk alot about his future due to unknown reasons. He is a fierce soldier and has alot of courage within him. He will help an ally/friend if that wont make him die. He is always smiling and never shows his true feelings.


3DM gear: 9/10

Hand-to-hand: 8.5/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Strategy: 6/10

Determination: 10/10

Bravery: 10/10

Agility: 9/10

Speed: 10/10

Kindness: 6/10

Resourcefulness: 7/10

History: Don't Read This If You Haven't Read The Manga! It Has SPOILERS! You Have Been Warned!

He doesn't have a great backstory. He was a titan. He turned into an human when he ate a titan shifter. After that he woke up inside the walls. He doesn't know how or why. He just remembers the pain he felt. Like his body was about to explode. Then he trained hard to become a soldier and joined the survey corps to know more about the truth of the world
I really like your character, but you'll have to be invited into the regiment somewhere along in the rp, by my character. Just make your character act normal, and if I like what I see, you'll be invited :)
[QUOTE="Brianna Ackerman]I really like your character, but you'll have to be invited into the regiment somewhere along in the rp, by my character. Just make your character act normal, and if I like what I see, you'll be invited :)

So my character is now just on the survey corps right? And I am glad you do :D
JPTheWarrior said:
So my character is now just on the survey corps right? And I am glad you do :D
Yes, if they wish to be a Guardian, they begin as a normal soldier in the Corps, and try to appeal to the leader of the regiment, who can also recommend you go to the Lunars if you're a shifter. Which is a bad idea because their leader drives us insaneeee

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