• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Accepting Requests Smells like Memes >> Noiv's Code Shop

Hey long time no see! say i really like ya coding!...i must say i would like one!

What do you need from me?
A CS for two important characters in a ongoing RP (I can give link if needed)

What color palette do you use on RPN?
Default yes...

What size do you view the site on? (75%? 100%?)
I view it in 100% but sometimes to view other content i zoom out to 85%

Yes i would like two images on the sides and with space In between them for a title, So i want them at the top of the CS, if you are thoughtful here are the images i will be using. Or the title above and the images under it with a set size :3
{Image of the "Master"}
{Image of the "Apprentice"}

Colors? Palettes?
I would like "Reds and greens" To be used in the creation seeing it affiliates with the characters! but as well not so much to make some one blind by the color...Any color but sure to be Green and red (of any tone) in the creation!

I am not sure of fonts name but wish something "Formal" like Trebuchet ms, But if there is anything else please feel free to use it!

What kind of feel?
I would like something with a straight feel, like formal as said before, serious and honorable. Like that of a knight

Any specific layout?
As far i can see no, its all well in chosen layout by you.

Anything fancy?
Yes would like Two Tabs,One under the other or if possible one under the image's so it ca be easier to identified who is being talked about, But all in all: two tabs,border,and any other fancy decorations that you see fit, i want full freedom so you are not restricted to much stopped from imagining.

Anything else?
As far i can tell no, but your signature, we had a case of some one using a some one else CS and i want to evade from such being used without my or your permission. as well to give credit.
Last edited:
Hey long time no see! say i really like ya coding!...i must say i would like one!

What do you need from me?
A CS for two important characters in a ongoing RP (I can give link if needed)

What color palette do you use on RPN?
Default yes...

What size do you view the site on? (75%? 100%?)
I view it in 100% but sometimes to view other content i zoom out to 85%

Yes i would like two images on the sides and with space In between them for a title, So i want them at the top of the CS, if you are thoughtful here are the images i will be using. Or the title above and the images under it with a set size :3
{Image of the "Master"}
{Image of the "Apprentice"}

Colors? Palettes?
I would like "Reds and greens" To be used in the creation seeing it affiliates with the characters! but as well not so much to make some one blind by the color...Any color but sure to be Green and red (of any tone) in the creation!

I am not sure of fonts name but wish something "Formal" like Trebuchet ms, But if there is anything else please feel free to use it!

What kind of feel?
I would like something with a straight feel, like formal as said before, serious and honorable. Like that of a knight

Any specific layout?
As far i can see no, its all well in chosen layout by you.

Anything fancy?
Yes would like Two Tabs,One under the other or if possible one under the image's so it ca be easier to identified who is being talked about, But all in all: two tabs,border,and any other fancy decorations that you see fit, i want full freedom so you are not restricted to much stopped from imagining.

Anything else?
As far i can tell no, but your signature, we had a case of some one using a some one else CS and i want to evade from such being used without my or your permission. as well to give credit.

I'll get started on this soon!
Here's a small project I worked on, because I've hit quite a block as of late.




We've never met,
can we have a coffee
or something?




Noivian Noivian Here!!!!~ :3

What do you need from me?
A CS Please As I'm Hopeless At Coding. XD

What color palette do you use on RPN?

What size do you view the site on?
I think I view it on 100%

Shown below in the spoiler.

Colors? Palettes?
The colour's/palette featured in the mystic blue and white piano image please!

Book Antiqua is fine.

What kind of feel?
Once again the mystic blue pianist is the kinda vibe I wanna go for along with some of the warmth and kindness the actual character image itself expresses.

Any specific layout?
Nupe! Feel free to do whatever you want.

Anything fancy?
Only if it's not too much work or you think it'd look better? "^w^

Anything else?
If possible I need it done before September 5th but otherwise please feel free to do whatever you like with it!!!! :3


"You don't need to hear, to speak."

Hitori Sakimoto

Hi-chan, Saki, Momo, Tori, Hito, Risa, Kemo, Kimu, Mu, Etc…. Just about anything you can think of she'd tried calling herself at one point or another, none of them really stick but she doesn't mind.

18 (To be honest her birthday wasn't too long ago and she's fresh out of high school.)


Currently unemployed, she was a student up till a few weeks ago however and considering her plans to continue with her education if possible you may still consider her as such, she's studying to become a musician.

Physical Description:

[Sorry! I know it's rather anime but the moment I saw it I knew that this is what I wanted my character to look like, please just tell em if it's really unacceptable and I'll try and find something else, or you could kinda just take it for a rough reference otherwise as I'll be writing my description down below!]

Height- 5'7"-5'9"
(She hasn't actually measured for a long time but in comparison to other girls she is rather tall, only adding to her tom-boyish yet gentle appearance.)

Weight- 45-49kg
(Once again she hasn't checked or quite some time but considering her rather skinny appearance despite her height she was last somewhere around this, she's one of those lucky people who can eat just about however much they want and it all seems to just disappear into thin air around them.)

Hitori doesn't exactly fit the stereotypical body type of a girl, she looks more on the tomboy side of things shape and style wise but she does have a certain cute and feminine charm about her if you look, especially face-wise and if paying even closer attention, her hands. She has a rather pale skin complexion and never wears makeup, her eyes are a stunning deep ocean blue colour with almost silver-ish hints within and her blonde hair, as featured in the image above shows off her fathers more western side brought to her Japanese mother, though her mixed ethnicity is clear. She has a somewhat delicate yet muscular body build, an odd combination but believe when hearing but easy to understand once actually seeing her in person, she doesn't tend to wear anything too fancy unless at a performance and otherwise prefers her school clothes or as she puts her casual and comfy wear.

-Music, more specifically playing music.
-Being around people and her friends.
-Calm places as busy ones have a tendency to make her confused.
-Natures beauty.

-Being alone.
-Crowed areas.
-People not respecting or listening to others or herself.
-Felines, the terrifying and monstrous creatures. (Cats)

Positive traits:
-Friendly, sociable.
-Optimistic and hopeful no matter what, a strong believer in the power of belief and an almost contagious positive energy and smile.
-Strong-Willed and Kind-Hearted, if she has a goal she will keep going towards it in an extremely determined fashion, she's hard working and resilient, caring for even the smallest thing and willing to assist however she can in a situation.

Negative traits:
-Highly energetic and sometimes hard too keep up with meaning she's extremely playful/mischievous.
-Secretive, and on occasion an overly independant mindset.
-Stubborn to bite the fault and unwilling to give up even when she needs help.

-Fidgeting in the manner of playing piano keys that aren't there, her fingers seemingly dancing across invisible keys when nervous or bored.
-Blushing uncontrollably when happy or embarrassed, her pale complexion turning a light pink shade to match her equally as adorable laugh.
-Having been raised in a more country side area of japan as a child before moving elsewhere she does have a slightly odd accent, only progressed further by her hearing condition.
-When trying to control her short temper she tends to puff out her cheeks in a childish manner.

-Loosing sight, both figuratively and literally.
-The dark.
-Cats, yeah to this girl those small fuzzy balls of fur are an absolute nightmarish creature.

Note: Okay, let me say here that despite all my two plus years on donation I still cannot write a personality without loosing the feel for the character I want, I can write about it in any other context but here so I ask of you to please accept the extra focus on her personality I've put into other sections of the CS as you may have noticed, if this is not allowed just tell me and I'll do my best to write one up. "^w^

[T.B.R, The backstory will be not yet revealed to other members besides a short description due to many secrets wanting to be slowly revealed throughout, if you were wondering why it only covers a short period of time rather than an overview.]
Hitori grew up and was raised in a semi country area of japan, it had a small town and a local school, the whole place surrounded by acres of rice fields on a hilly yet beutiful terrain, everything was so green and lushes, the air fresh and clear it wasn't the biggest nor busiest place but it was home and a place she will always remember, everyone knew everyone their, they were all friends and many hot summer mornings and cool spring afternoons were spent playing and chasing each other around, it was a place away from all the hustle and technology, a place where kids could be kids.

Hitori's love for and astonishing skill at music was discovered at an extremely young age when she first started music lessons and despite the knowledge of her inherited condition she continued playing no matter what, she was playful and friendly and always up to something, either that be mischief or simply having a laugh with they people she was close with and cared about, the girls smile always optimistic and her songs like a light of hope and innocence.

-Hitori's family has a condition passed down hereditarily which can cause almost completely deafness, it doesn't affect everyone in her family and luckily skipped over her mother but did pass down to her over time she's slowly lost her hearing and as such has hearing aids/implants on either ear, without them she's practically deaf but with them she continues to play her music.
-She's always been afraid of cats ever since she was young and no one really knows why, not even she knows why she's so scared of them but for whatever reason the irrational fear of cats stays, they do have a family dog however, a border collie cross of which she loved as a child and spends time with every day, she really des have a soft spot for animals.
-She practices her music hard every day to prepare herself and to keep up with her work load, she's quite the child prodigy you might say despite her condition that she keeps well hidden from audiences, it eats up a lot of her free time but she loves it.
-Her main instrument of choice is piano but she has mucked around with a pan flute and a saxophone once or twice just for fun, not to mention she has a rather impressive singing voice.
Note: I like the sound of the mysterious 'space-y' one but I'd be much happier with you choosing whatever you feel is best senpai!!
Clearing queue, dusting this bad boy off. Gonna start coding again.

Status | Fine
Location | Place
With | People
Tags | Tags here


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempor luctus lacinia. Sed nec lacus velit. Aliquam ut dui dolor. Praesent consectetur maximus nisi sit amet tempus. In tincidunt vehicula nulla, sit amet viverra elit bibendum vel. Phasellus sed eleifend mi. Nunc semper, est eget lacinia pretium, nisi nunc cursus nibh, sed interdum arcu ligula vitae eros. Ut laoreet ante ipsum, ac laoreet tortor viverra ut. Suspendisse potenti. Sed malesuada lacus vel purus tincidunt tincidunt. Etiam posuere sapien ut purus consequat, sed finibus nisi gravida. Nullam vestibulum tortor neque, ut tempus velit dignissim a. Curabitur lacinia massa eget lacinia maximus. Maecenas molestie turpis et elementum auctor. Maecenas vel gravida diam. Nam luctus elit magna, eu tristique ipsum euismod sed.

Donec lectus neque, fermentum quis est in, fringilla tincidunt ligula. Vivamus commodo felis maximus nunc egestas posuere. Suspendisse dignissim felis eget mi dignissim aliquam. Aenean dapibus dapibus erat, vel eleifend purus rhoncus id. Suspendisse viverra felis ex, a vulputate turpis aliquam quis. Donec augue mauris, pharetra et mollis eu, malesuada eget enim. In nibh nulla, eleifend ac libero et, vulputate sodales lectus. Cras iaculis odio ac velit ultricies aliquam.

margin: auto;
width: 500px; 
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background-repeat: no;
color: white;
padding-left: 20px;
overflow: hidden;][div=
text-align: right;
float: right;
padding-right: 20px;]
Status | Fine
Location | Place
With | People
Tags | Tags here[/font]
background: transparent; 
box-sizing: border-box; 
margin: 0px 0px 0px 7px; 
width: 250px; 
height: 288px; 
overflow: hidden;][div=
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempor luctus lacinia. Sed nec lacus velit. Aliquam ut dui dolor. Praesent consectetur maximus nisi sit amet tempus. In tincidunt vehicula nulla, sit amet viverra elit bibendum vel. Phasellus sed eleifend mi. Nunc semper, est eget lacinia pretium, nisi nunc cursus nibh, sed interdum arcu ligula vitae eros. Ut laoreet ante ipsum, ac laoreet tortor viverra ut. Suspendisse potenti. Sed malesuada lacus vel purus tincidunt tincidunt. Etiam posuere sapien ut purus consequat, sed finibus nisi gravida. Nullam vestibulum tortor neque, ut tempus velit dignissim a. Curabitur lacinia massa eget lacinia maximus. Maecenas molestie turpis et elementum auctor. Maecenas vel gravida diam. Nam luctus elit magna, eu tristique ipsum euismod sed.

Donec lectus neque, fermentum quis est in, fringilla tincidunt ligula. Vivamus commodo felis maximus nunc egestas posuere. Suspendisse dignissim felis eget mi dignissim aliquam. Aenean dapibus dapibus erat, vel eleifend purus rhoncus id. Suspendisse viverra felis ex, a vulputate turpis aliquam quis. Donec augue mauris, pharetra et mollis eu, malesuada eget enim. In nibh nulla, eleifend ac libero et, vulputate sodales lectus. Cras iaculis odio ac velit ultricies aliquam.


Greetings Coder! Noivian Noivian

What do you need from me?

-ICC Post Template
What color palette do you use on RPN? (Default? Nite Lyfe? Custom?)
What size do you view the site on? (75%? 100%?)
8 Bit Forest BG.png

16 Bit Ocean BG.jpg
One of these as the background
Placeholder Image.png
and this in a circular border at the top left of the post as a character image placeholder
Colors? Palettes?
-Whatever you believe fits best for the backgrounds
Nope, I'll dabble with fonts another time
What kind of feel?
Whatever you believe matches for the background
Any specific layout?
Something like this. Feel free to make whatever changes are needed. The padding bg, if used I'd like to have as a blank background with an invisible border.
Anything fancy? (accordions, tabs...)
Whatever you feel is needed to achieve the layout as best as you can
Greetings Coder! Noivian Noivian

What do you need from me?

-ICC Post Template
What color palette do you use on RPN? (Default? Nite Lyfe? Custom?)
What size do you view the site on? (75%? 100%?)
View attachment 368937

View attachment 368938
One of these as the background
View attachment 368939
and this in a circular border at the top left of the post as a character image placeholder
Colors? Palettes?
-Whatever you believe fits best for the backgrounds
Nope, I'll dabble with fonts another time
What kind of feel?
Whatever you believe matches for the background
Any specific layout?
View attachment 368946
Something like this. Feel free to make whatever changes are needed. The padding bg, if used I'd like to have as a blank background with an invisible border.
Anything fancy? (accordions, tabs...)
Whatever you feel is needed to achieve the layout as best as you can

Ah, I love when I'm given very specific requests! It makes my end so much easier! :) I'll work on this tonight perhaps, and have it up for you within 24 hours!
Ah, I love when I'm given very specific requests! It makes my end so much easier! :) I'll work on this tonight perhaps, and have it up for you within 24 hours!
Feel free to take as much time as you need, I'm in no rush :3 I love your work by the way
DVationz DVationz It's done!

The margins were more of a pain than I expected. Hopefully everything is to your liking! The images replaced into the placeholder will automatically resize themselves to a small square shape. I recommend using a basic photo editor to crop the images you want to use into a square first (any size square will work) and then uploading them to Imgur to host online for you. After that, it's a matter of copying and pasting the image's url into the code where the placeholder images are. That is, you only really need to do that if the images you're using aren't already square. Rectangular images will distort if you just plug them in.

If you're confused, or something breaks on you, feel free to drop me a PM or ping me - I'll gladly help you fix the code.

No signature/watermark on this one - I didn't want to mess up the code and try to put it in haha.

Character Name Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer condimentum sed urna vitae hendrerit. Aenean congue nibh massa, porttitor fermentum justo dapibus non. Etiam suscipit ex ut ornare varius. Donec ut turpis ex. Maecenas sit amet vulputate eros, eu cursus lacus. Ut cursus ipsum at nisi porttitor ultrices. Integer eu suscipit dui, id dapibus eros. Mauris arcu nisl, rhoncus sit amet ligula quis, pretium vulputate nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus venenatis augue id sapien ultrices, vel varius mauris maximus. Vestibulum tincidunt ex eu nisi volutpat pellentesque. Vestibulum aliquam at tortor non condimentum. Duis malesuada laoreet imperdiet. Ut vel nunc ut leo pretium congue. Sed ornare eros sit amet mollis lacinia. Quisque nec semper ligula.

Donec at est nec enim bibendum molestie. Nunc lorem enim, cursus ut accumsan in, pellentesque a magna. Phasellus malesuada arcu at convallis lacinia. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris venenatis orci ut mauris commodo, non ultrices nisi vulputate. Cras faucibus mauris urna, eleifend tristique libero porta eget. Nam et lectus lobortis, ultrices nunc a, iaculis tellus. Cras tincidunt mi vel sapien lacinia mollis. Pellentesque ullamcorper gravida neque id ornare.

Maecenas sodales dui sed felis consectetur, sit amet posuere libero placerat. Duis non efficitur enim. Phasellus condimentum nisl vitae nulla finibus, at euismod purus consequat. Ut ultrices condimentum orci at blandit. Nam eu lectus elementum, facilisis est a, ullamcorper eros. In magna lectus, sollicitudin vel dapibus sed, malesuada accumsan elit. Fusce pellentesque, augue eget rhoncus euismod, eros nunc sodales nunc, in volutpat ante ante vel turpis. Nunc a enim euismod, aliquet justo eget, vulputate enim.

Cras in dolor sed enim molestie suscipit vitae sit amet nunc. Morbi nec erat et nibh bibendum ornare. Praesent pellentesque, ex vel ultricies sodales, dui nibh posuere lorem, vel hendrerit augue sapien ut nunc. Donec et urna dignissim, dapibus dui eu, ultrices magna. In sit amet eros bibendum, convallis quam dictum, pharetra felis. Duis libero ipsum, scelerisque vel magna non, euismod auctor ante. Nulla dignissim odio libero, et vehicula enim varius fringilla. Sed blandit mauris sed turpis sodales malesuada. Nam ullamcorper sagittis eros, ac porta elit efficitur et. Nulla malesuada est at dui blandit fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae viverra tellus.

Donec enim mauris, interdum ut efficitur tempus, porttitor nec odio. Nunc fringilla dapibus pretium. Suspendisse facilisis volutpat porttitor. Suspendisse potenti. Donec fermentum congue metus quis sollicitudin. Nulla egestas, tortor sed aliquet fermentum, nunc lorem blandit mi, et tempus arcu justo in sem. Cras at hendrerit urna. Curabitur pretium lectus in ante interdum consectetur. Integer et ornare nisi, scelerisque dignissim felis. Donec vel orci in tellus pharetra fermentum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu massa vitae urna varius vulputate aliquet id turpis.

Morbi vitae interdum urna. Donec dignissim vitae justo suscipit luctus. Morbi sed finibus urna. Duis eu dapibus felis. Vestibulum et blandit justo. In pulvinar convallis ipsum, vel ultricies libero vestibulum nec. Sed efficitur tellus sed tellus porttitor, in volutpat nisi accumsan.

Mauris vitae erat suscipit, venenatis felis sit amet, aliquam dui. Maecenas bibendum malesuada dictum. Nullam hendrerit libero ut augue placerat ullamcorper quis in velit. Cras at elementum lectus. Nulla posuere dignissim nisl id pharetra. Donec tempor justo justo, id mattis ex fermentum vel. Aliquam sit amet velit a orci congue rhoncus nec maximus orci. Curabitur vehicula non ante tincidunt elementum. Vivamus aliquet enim id nulla suscipit, ac laoreet sapien convallis.

Donec dictum tristique lectus nec egestas. Maecenas nisl velit, sagittis ut lacinia vel, hendrerit et purus. Vivamus semper nunc rhoncus ultrices feugiat. Nullam mi eros, volutpat sed orci a, tincidunt ornare ex. Pellentesque non nunc ac lacus sagittis fringilla vel ac arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed ullamcorper pellentesque tellus vel dictum. Integer rutrum sodales elit quis sagittis. Nulla non tortor molestie, dignissim metus sed, posuere quam. Sed aliquet maximus blandit. Donec nec feugiat sem, feugiat finibus dui. Mauris vestibulum nibh quis felis molestie auctor. Sed mi orci, luctus eu quam sed, luctus ornare odio. Suspendisse auctor sem sem, sit amet pharetra tellus lacinia in. Cras imperdiet mattis velit, tempor vulputate nibh.

Nunc imperdiet porttitor ex non rutrum. Vestibulum lobortis scelerisque varius. Vivamus mollis ut neque eu aliquet. Fusce interdum finibus molestie. Cras et dui ipsum. Mauris pulvinar velit vel dolor laoreet, eget dictum felis hendrerit. Integer vel fermentum magna, id faucibus libero. Proin eu lorem in nibh molestie pharetra eget vestibulum velit. Sed dignissim sagittis diam a semper.

Nulla euismod nisi nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris consequat fermentum purus, ut aliquam elit. In ut turpis in erat porttitor ornare. Sed congue, nisi tincidunt placerat rhoncus, leo turpis cursus orci, a viverra nisl tellus vitae arcu. Aliquam quis lectus tristique, dignissim quam ac, imperdiet ipsum. Fusce aliquet eros nec felis convallis, in finibus lacus commodo. Cras condimentum, augue a ultrices sodales, odio ante semper velit, non maximus justo massa varius purus. Pellentesque vitae dapibus erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris rhoncus vel leo faucibus molestie. Cras cursus bibendum hendrerit. Nulla vulputate dapibus faucibus.
put your tags here!







[div=background: url(https://i.imgur.com/YVZp9qK.png);
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Donec at est nec enim bibendum molestie. Nunc lorem enim, cursus ut accumsan in, pellentesque a magna. Phasellus malesuada arcu at convallis lacinia. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris venenatis orci ut mauris commodo, non ultrices nisi vulputate. Cras faucibus mauris urna, eleifend tristique libero porta eget. Nam et lectus lobortis, ultrices nunc a, iaculis tellus. Cras tincidunt mi vel sapien lacinia mollis. Pellentesque ullamcorper gravida neque id ornare.

Maecenas sodales dui sed felis consectetur, sit amet posuere libero placerat. Duis non efficitur enim. Phasellus condimentum nisl vitae nulla finibus, at euismod purus consequat. Ut ultrices condimentum orci at blandit. Nam eu lectus elementum, facilisis est a, ullamcorper eros. In magna lectus, sollicitudin vel dapibus sed, malesuada accumsan elit. Fusce pellentesque, augue eget rhoncus euismod, eros nunc sodales nunc, in volutpat ante ante vel turpis. Nunc a enim euismod, aliquet justo eget, vulputate enim.

Cras in dolor sed enim molestie suscipit vitae sit amet nunc. Morbi nec erat et nibh bibendum ornare. Praesent pellentesque, ex vel ultricies sodales, dui nibh posuere lorem, vel hendrerit augue sapien ut nunc. Donec et urna dignissim, dapibus dui eu, ultrices magna. In sit amet eros bibendum, convallis quam dictum, pharetra felis. Duis libero ipsum, scelerisque vel magna non, euismod auctor ante. Nulla dignissim odio libero, et vehicula enim varius fringilla. Sed blandit mauris sed turpis sodales malesuada. Nam ullamcorper sagittis eros, ac porta elit efficitur et. Nulla malesuada est at dui blandit fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae viverra tellus.

Donec enim mauris, interdum ut efficitur tempus, porttitor nec odio. Nunc fringilla dapibus pretium. Suspendisse facilisis volutpat porttitor. Suspendisse potenti. Donec fermentum congue metus quis sollicitudin. Nulla egestas, tortor sed aliquet fermentum, nunc lorem blandit mi, et tempus arcu justo in sem. Cras at hendrerit urna. Curabitur pretium lectus in ante interdum consectetur. Integer et ornare nisi, scelerisque dignissim felis. Donec vel orci in tellus pharetra fermentum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu massa vitae urna varius vulputate aliquet id turpis.

Morbi vitae interdum urna. Donec dignissim vitae justo suscipit luctus. Morbi sed finibus urna. Duis eu dapibus felis. Vestibulum et blandit justo. In pulvinar convallis ipsum, vel ultricies libero vestibulum nec. Sed efficitur tellus sed tellus porttitor, in volutpat nisi accumsan.

Mauris vitae erat suscipit, venenatis felis sit amet, aliquam dui. Maecenas bibendum malesuada dictum. Nullam hendrerit libero ut augue placerat ullamcorper quis in velit. Cras at elementum lectus. Nulla posuere dignissim nisl id pharetra. Donec tempor justo justo, id mattis ex fermentum vel. Aliquam sit amet velit a orci congue rhoncus nec maximus orci. Curabitur vehicula non ante tincidunt elementum. Vivamus aliquet enim id nulla suscipit, ac laoreet sapien convallis.

Donec dictum tristique lectus nec egestas. Maecenas nisl velit, sagittis ut lacinia vel, hendrerit et purus. Vivamus semper nunc rhoncus ultrices feugiat. Nullam mi eros, volutpat sed orci a, tincidunt ornare ex. Pellentesque non nunc ac lacus sagittis fringilla vel ac arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed ullamcorper pellentesque tellus vel dictum. Integer rutrum sodales elit quis sagittis. Nulla non tortor molestie, dignissim metus sed, posuere quam. Sed aliquet maximus blandit. Donec nec feugiat sem, feugiat finibus dui. Mauris vestibulum nibh quis felis molestie auctor. Sed mi orci, luctus eu quam sed, luctus ornare odio. Suspendisse auctor sem sem, sit amet pharetra tellus lacinia in. Cras imperdiet mattis velit, tempor vulputate nibh.

Nunc imperdiet porttitor ex non rutrum. Vestibulum lobortis scelerisque varius. Vivamus mollis ut neque eu aliquet. Fusce interdum finibus molestie. Cras et dui ipsum. Mauris pulvinar velit vel dolor laoreet, eget dictum felis hendrerit. Integer vel fermentum magna, id faucibus libero. Proin eu lorem in nibh molestie pharetra eget vestibulum velit. Sed dignissim sagittis diam a semper.

Nulla euismod nisi nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris consequat fermentum purus, ut aliquam elit. In ut turpis in erat porttitor ornare. Sed congue, nisi tincidunt placerat rhoncus, leo turpis cursus orci, a viverra nisl tellus vitae arcu. Aliquam quis lectus tristique, dignissim quam ac, imperdiet ipsum. Fusce aliquet eros nec felis convallis, in finibus lacus commodo. Cras condimentum, augue a ultrices sodales, odio ante semper velit, non maximus justo massa varius purus. Pellentesque vitae dapibus erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris rhoncus vel leo faucibus molestie. Cras cursus bibendum hendrerit. Nulla vulputate dapibus faucibus.[/div][div=border: 3px solid black;
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Is it okay if I still request one?

What do you need from me?
-Character Sheet Pleasseeee!!
What color palette do you use on RPN? (Default? Nite Lyfe? Custom?)
What size do you view the site on? (75%? 100%?)
I believe it's 100%...?

maybe this on the side ?

This as the background please!

Colors? Palettes?


I'll leave that up 2 you xP
What kind of feel?
Calming and with the pastels but still cute!

Any specific layout?

I'd like it to look nice maybe tabs to contain the info, I'd like it to look detailed please, just bc it's a cs It needs to be able to hold a decent amount of info

@Noivian tysm!
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