Smeggedoff's Smithy


Elder Member
((Geez, I'm not sure if this goes here. I'm dropping it partiall as a resource for other storyteller and partially to get a bit of advice that could help me for my game so I guess this fits))

Hi all, Smeggedoff here (duh)

I've got a largeish list of Artefacts (finished and unfinished) knicking around so I figured I'd share them here. Basically if you like one, feel free to use it without asking (though I wouldn't say no to hearing about any good stories that come from them), if you feel one needs work, tell me so and why.

Any suggestions or critique are welcome and encouraged. I'm going to limit my stuff to one a post.

Coming up next: Jorgen & Balinbow
Jorgen & Balinbow (oooo) - 8 attunement

Jorgen and Balinbow are a pair of Starmetal Flame tongue repeaters.

Each gun is of long straight construction, with a lightly curved stock and an odd sideways chamber. Each weapon also possesses a blade running along the underside of the gun projecting beyond the barrel.

The starmetal used in their construction came from a pair of solar flare spirits and is stained black as if it has been in a hot fire for a very long time. Tiny spots of the original starmetal shows through the surface, catching the light and making the weapons surface appear to be covered in stars.

The grips of the weapons are wrapped in crimson thread and a tassel hangs from the end of each gun, the core of each thread is a tiny starmetal wire inscribed with prayers to Mars.

Jorgen and Balinbow are decorated with orichalcum and red jade, the inside of each barrel is plated with the precious metal and thousands of prayers to Sol invictus, each blade has a core of red jade scribed with prayers to Hesiesh and grow red hot momentarily when they clash with another object, glowing with runes of fire.

Speed:5, Accuracy:+3, Damage:12L, Rate: 1, Range:20(Max), Ammo:5

Additionally, Jorgen and Balinbow have large underslung blades that the user can protect themselves with, due to their construction they are specialised for defense and count as a form weapon for any martial art which allows plasma tongue repeaters.

speed:5, accuracy:+3, damage:+7l (+2), defense:+4, rate:2, tags:R

Spear of Helios

Someone struck by the flames of either weapon race with golden flames taking a -1 internal penalty to all dice pools until the end of the scene. This may stack up to -3

Scales of Hesiesh

When struck, the blades of Jorgen and Balinbow shudder with the heat of a volcano causing the edges of the blades to glow red. Each blade does an additional 2L of fire damage in combat and anyone blocking or blocked by the blades barehanded must soak this damage as well even if the block is successful.

Next up: The Loaded Deck
Loaded Deck - 5 Dots - Attune 7

[Loaded deck requires a deck of cards (including Jokers) or a 54 sided dice to use, for the purposes of these explanations the attuned user is referred to as the "the Dealer"]

Plentimon checked his cards discreetly again and grinned to himself, his skills had got him this far, he would obviously win like he had last calibration. And the one before that. And the one before that. 5 Days Darkness had given him a run for his money the year before that though.

He rolled the miniscule token of his power over his knuckles and tossed it onto his accumulated pile before pushing the whole pile into the centre of the table, closer to the hooded god who was his opponent.

"All in" he declared, to cheers from the assembled small gods.

Nara-O sighed to himself, this seemed hardly fair.

"Very well" He pushed his own tokens in "I call"

Plentimons face fell as it was revealed he had lost

Nara-O nodded, selecting a few of the morsels of power from the pile, before pushing the rest back to Plentimon, before scooping up the deck and taking his leave.

The Loaded Deck is a set of Fifty Four playing cards, each one is a jet black tile sprinkled with metallic flecks that sparkle like stars. The face side of each card is an exquisite representation of one of the 13 ranks and 4 suites of a classic deck OR is one of two leering jokers. The illustrations are rendered in starmetal ink. The reverse of each card is blank. A particularly lucky person may notice the sign of Plentimon on the upper right hand corner though, and if you know the secret the sable sigil of Nara-O is emblazoned prominently. Black on Black.

The Deck is housed in a slim case of jade, which cannot be opened unless a potential Dealer commits essence and begins the attunement.

The signs of several other small gods can be sighted within the deck under various conditions.

House Rules - Attunement to this item is completed by playing a game

of Solitaire with the full deck. Attunement will not break unless the

Dealer is in possession of the full deck. Should the attunement

"expire" while cards are waylaid, the Dealer has a 7 minute window,

after reclaiming the last card, to begin the attunement condition

before attunement lapses.

Only the Dealer may draw and handle cards from this deck, unless she grants permission to another, though they cannot use any abilities granted by the deck.

Hot Streak - The Dealer gains the 3 dot lucky Merit, even if she already

has it.

In addition if this deck is used in a game of chance, Luck spent by the Dealer to influence the game counts double.

Bust - If at any point the someone draws a Joker from the deck horrible mocking laughter fills the air. The card explodes dealing one point to bashing damage to the that person and surreptitiously plants a green coin known as the "Fools Cap" on them.

The explosion will usually distract the drawer long enough to interrupt whatever action they were taking and end their turn.

The Fools Cap represents a Jokers wrath and will stay with the fool until a moment the ST finds appropriate. At this point they will suffer an automatic botch and the Fools Cap will vanish.

Should the Dealer attempt to discard the Fools Cap, it will subtly reappear in her possession, draining 1 mote of essence from her to perform the feat.

The Dealer may attempt to appease a Joker before he cashes in the chip (for the Jokers are a pair of very real gods). She could make him laugh , make an offering, take a risk witout relying on the deck, relieve a Prince of his money until he is a pauper (through a daring heist of course) or even have a willing individual take ownership of the Fools Cap. As always though the Joker (and the ST) is final arbiter on whether the joker feels generous enough to let the Dealer get away with it.

Only two fools caps exist however, so if the dealer can trick another individual into drawing a Joker she will be safe... for a while.

Joie de vivre - In any scene during which the Dealer draws ten or more cards from the deck, she feels the rush of good fortune, fate smiles upon her. For the rest of the scene all actions involving the deck have their target number reduced by one.

However should the Dealer go an entire day without drawing a single card (apart from fulfilling House Rules), she feels the weight of the world and glimpses Jokers stalking her out of the corner of her eye, in mirrored surfaces and dark shadows. She loses a point of temporary willpower each day, and takes a -1 internal penalty to any roll this paranoia would affect.

Reshuffle - 1 willpower - The Dealer can reshuffle the deck at any time by paying the cost. This returns all lost cards to the deck. Reshuffle is a reflexive action during which the deck shuffles itself.

Fifty Two Card Pickup - Free - Missing cards will always find their

way back to the dealer, though this takes time. As a general rule

a single card will reappear on the bottom of the deck after one minute

has passed for every missing card.

Ante up - none - When channeling a virtue the dealer may declare her

intention to ante up, the dealer spends the virtue as normal and then

draws a card. If the suite of the drawn card matches the virtue being

channeled, the dealer regains one point of that virtue.If the suite is of the Virtues antithesis she loses a second point of that virtue(or two points of temporary Willpower if they cannot pay this cost). If any other suite is drawn there is no extra cost nor any gain.

Either way the Virtue is channeled as normal.

This ability can only be used once per day for each virtue and there must be cards available to draw.

Hearts - Compassion

Clubs - Valor

Diamonds - Conviction

Spades - Temperance

Black suites are opposed as are Red suites

Wild Draw - Free - Individual cards can be thrown with statistics similar to a starmetal shuriken. However the value of the thrown card determines its power. Thrown cards vanish after a minute or when picked up by The dealer (unless a charm requires that a card stay in place for the duration).

Ace - The card feels cold to the touch and gain the Cold Iron property, effectively dealing aggravated damage to Fey.

2-10 - These cards use the regular properties of a starmetal shuriken

Jack - The card doubles raw damage, while armor counts twice for reduction

Queen - Creatures hit by this card are poisoned as per Arrow Frog Venom*

King - Draw another card. The original King gains the property of the second card and both can be thrown as one action. If another King is drawn, keep drawing new cards. This ability is incompatible with the use of extra-action charm and if a King is drawn while using such, use the statistics for a regular starmetal shuriken

Marked Cards - 5 motes - The Dealer draws five cards from the deck and then through sleight of hand switches the strands of fate to rearrange that hand into a more desirable configuration. The Dealer then discards the hand.

Should a Joker be drawn the Dealer goes Bust as normal, but Marked Cards is not interrupted, unless the ST deems it appropriate.

Tricking the loom of fate is taxing however and each hand may be drawn no more than once per scene.

For clarification, any weapon drawn using this ability is made out of Starmetal.

The Hands are as follows:-

Royal Flush - As persons gains a deeper understanding of the Perfected Lotus, so does the Deck respond. This hand represent this resonance in creating an in-form weapon chosen by the Dealer at the time of attunement.

Full House - The Dealer enforces the pressure of Fate and Chance on all creatures present in an area equals to Essence x 2 yards; roll Charisma + Larceny (or Performance, of the Dealer's choosing) - if it overcomes the MDDV of enemies, they lose 1 willpower out of depression and fear as an Emotion effect. If it overcomes the MDDV of allies, they feel reassured in their purpose, effectively regaining 1 willpower. This effect can, at most, be used once per day.

Crazy Eights - Crazy eights is a special hand that can appear as any weapon though the stat bar is always the same.

Speed 8 Accuracy +8 Damage +8L Defense 8 Rate 8

Crazy Eights disappears after 88 minutes.

Lucky Sevens - 7 motes -if a source of damage would otherwise reduce the Dealer to incapacitated, she may play the hand and negate seven levels of that damage.

((Apologies for formatting and such and any spelling mistakes that exist within my work. I'll gladly fix any errors you point out to me. Additionally, following these two I'll probably post one a day or every other day or so until my log of mostly finished stuff is depleted, then I'll post new stuff when I get something finished enough that I'm happy posting it. This'll continue until I run out of ideas probably))

Next up: The Silver Sisters
This set's fairly dull and could use some spicing up frankly. Probably because It wasn't made for any particular purpose, I just really wanted to use the names for the sisters after reading them in the Skin Deep alphabet of monsters.

Aello, Calaeno, Okypete and Podarge were sisters who lived before the usurpation. All four of them were gifted with beauty so great it was said that no mortal could match them, and even gods and exalts grew jealous of their looks. In the prime of their youth they caught the eye of a Lunar craftsman who adored pretty things, in life and his work. The craftsman, Seventh Bright Hart, courted the sisters for a year and a day, offering them jewelry, luxury and wondrous mechanical pets to no avail. It was only at their reaction of longing when he presented them with a set of fine silver doves that he managed to discover the key to their hearts.

He made for them wings of bright sapphire, so they might soar in the sky.

They accepted his dowry, as they had grown fond of him, and were married at the next moon.

But Hart's Solar mate, Fivefold Righteous Kodiak, had grown angry at the objects of her partners favour, shunned for over a year in favour of mortals.

She arranged to have them kidnapped while Hart was working on his latest great creation, Royalty, and had them cast into the deepest Wyld, their wings smashed so they could not escape.

Kodiak was proud of her plan, for even if they escaped surely the Wyld would disfigure them and Hart would discard them.

But her plan went awry due the to fickle fingers of her bonds patron. Luna, who had blessed the sisters union with Hart, was gazing from His palace as events unfolded and witnesses the treachery, he felt pity for the sisters and before the wyld could ruin them, struck them with a pure shaft of moonlight and transfigured them to purest moonsilver.

Hart was heartbroken, his four pretty wives had vanished when he came out of his workshop, and through he searched for many years, he could not find them.

During the Usurpation however, Hart managed to flee to the Wyld with several other Lunar elders when his mate was slain, and by chance, stumbled into a clearing where four exquisite Moonsilver statues with broken sapphire wings sat with grief stricken expressions on their faces.

His heart mended when he was reassured his wives did not desert him, Hart built a strange smithy from materials her found in the middlemarches.

A Furnace of Fire Ants, an Anvil of Iron hard fog and tools of hopes and dreams he laid before him before setting to work. He toiled for a month under the moon, drinking only mead a dear friend brought him, and quenched his creations in the dark of the new moon, before declaring them finished.

And then he died.

The sisters lay unused for centuries, refusing any who would try to attune to them, until a Dove Lunar by the name of White Wings of Peace tried to woo them, memories of the fine silver doves stirred them and when he took them flying again they agreed to form a partnership with him.

The sisters still do not trust Solars, but their years with White Wings of Peace have taught them that sulking brings joy to no-one, least of all themselves.

The silvers sisters is a set of four moonsilver flamepieces. At rest they appear to be pieces of jewelry, two anklets and two Torcs to be worn around the biceps. However when attuned the pieces spread out to cover more of the limbs and form into a pattern of four encircling wings. When in use, each piece extends a long barrel crowned with an avian head, either down the outside of the leg or along the underside of the arm, while the wings grow to provide a more stable anchor on each limb.

The Sisters are supremely balanced to each other and reduced the penalty for utilising multiple weapons by one, or if the user has the omnidexterity merit, actually provides a 1 die bonus to attacks made with them.

Speed 5 Accuracy +2 Damage +10L Rate 1 Range 20(max range) Ammo 5 Attune 6* Cost OOO* Tags F

*Attunement and cost is for the set of four

Next up: Winds of Change
No feedback yet? nuts.

This is actually a type of artefact rather than a singular one. I wrote it ages ago while I was watching naruto for the first time (go Temari!) so it's probably a bit naff.

Winds of Change - (Artifact oo/o)

These stylish fans have been adapted to war for many centuries, but only recently have they under a new transformation. These war fans are 4 to 6 feet long and when open have a wing span of 8 to 12 feet. They can be made from any of the magical materials,-

-Orichalcum Winds tend to be made from sheets of essence silk stretched between thick orichalcum plates, painted with panoramic vistas or battles in orichalcum ink

-Moonsilver Winds tend to be artfully curved, with spokes and sheets often made from the claws and hides of great beasts, if they are decorated they usually depict forest scenes or great hunts with animals that seem to move and change location in the picture every time the fan is opened or closed, the moonsilver ink shifting to new scenes each time

-Jade Winds are the widest in variety being made in any shape, some with spokes, some with plates some bare, some with sheets depicting any picture imaginable, the variety of colours that can be attained from the five jades cause some Jade Winds to be works of art in their own rights

-Starmetal Winds tend to be made from rare woods stained black laces with the barest amounts of starmetal, if they have sheets they tend to be dark blues, blacks or greys covered with the tiniest motes of starmetal ink in perfect replicas of the night sky

-Soulsteel Winds tend to be terrible constructions of razor sharp soulsteel, made to look like terrifying wings or simply bare bone motifs, for some reason a common trend seems to be for the plates or spokes to have sharpened gaps in them about the right size to let through an adult males head for some reason, if they have sheets at all that aren't rotten or ragged they surprisingly tend to be pure least to start with.

. When the fan is closed, it can be used as a weapon that deal devestating blows to the target. Some people like to sharpen the ends of each panel into a razor sharp slashing weapon or attach knives to end of each spoke.

The Fans great size allows them to be used for a ranged attack. The Exalt may spend 3 motes and with a wave of the fan, a large gust of wind is created and shoots out at all of his opponents in a 90 degree arc in front of the Exalt. Any creature hit by the attack must roll (Dexterity + Resistance or Athletics) vs. the Exalts Essence twice, the first one against Knock back and the second against Knockdown. If the character fails the Knock back test they move a number of yards equal to the users permanant essence rating, or (Rating x 5) yards if an air aspected hearthstone is socketed in the weapon.

Rarer versions of these fans that tend to be slightly larger or more equisitely detailed have a second ability if a hearthstone is socketed to the artefact it grants an ability dependent on the Material used to make the fan. to use this ability the user must spend a point of willpower and six motes of essence and spend an action using the fan to generate an intense wind current out to (10 x users permanent essence) yards, anyone caught within this wind suffer the following effects:-

Orichalum - A sun warmed wind flows through the are lifting the spirits of the weilder and her allies, everyone within the area gain +1 to accuracy and damage as they gain they gain the fervent zeal of the rising sun for the remainder of the scene

Moonsilver - A strange wind swirls and eddies through the area warping and slowing equipment and reactions, all hostile units have their speed increased by a number equal to half the users essence (round up) for the remainder of the scene

Jade - A passionate wind whips through the area stoking the essence fires of exalted in the area, for the remainder of the scene all animas are calculated as being one level higher than usual

Starmetal - An ill fated wind blows through the area insinuating into into the cracks and gaps in peoples armour, this wind causes poor luck in the foes of the user causing buckles to slip or straps to snap in their armour causing penalties at storytellers discretion as per a botch following the inadequate donning of armour.

Soulsteel - A chill wind buffets through the area causing all foes of the user to feel the futility and despair of their mortality as the wind as even the wind fights them, reducing all virtues by one until the next day

Winds of Change also come with one setting for a Hearth Stone.


SPD: 5 ACC: +2 DMG: +9B DEF: +2 RATE: 2 MINS: STR 3, DEX 3, MA 3 ATTUNE: 6 TAGS: 2, M, P


SPD: 5 ACC: +3 DMG: +6L DEF: +3 RATE: 3 MINS: same ATTUNE: same TAGS: 2, D, M


SPD: 6 ACC:+0 DMG: +0B DEF: +3 RATE: 1 RANGE: 20* TAGS**: 2, M

* If an Air aspected hearth stone is socketed, add the (stone's rating x 5) yards to the range.

** This ranged attack can be used with ([Thrown or Martial Arts] + DEX) to make the attack.

Next up: Jotunn's Stairway
Jotunn's Stairway (3 dot god-kicking boots)

Speed 5 Acc +1 Dam +8L Def -1 Rate 2 Min str2/dex3, Att 6, Cost 3, Tags M, P

Jotunn's stairway are a pair of Moonsilver and White Jade God kicking boots with Freezing blades that allow the user to skate on water, for the cost of 5 motes the blades become cold enough to generate their own icy path for 1 scene allowing the wearer to skate on land adding 1 yard to their move actions, 2 to their dash actions and allowing them to move along walls and ceilings provided they do not stop.

((Could use some fluff for these really :-/))

Next up: Chimimire no Ashiato
Let's add to the party:

10,000 Blessed Tools of the Great Maker (Artifact Lv. 3)


While working on the designs necessary to endure through the Primordial War, many attempts were made to consolidate the tools needed to create and maintain the artifacts of Creation.

Though the designs and power levels of these tools varied, none was so popular as the Ten-Thousand Blessed Tools of the Great Maker, a design oddly created by Raging Howls of Blood, a Full-Moon Lunar who was irritated that his warstrider's repair times were causing him to miss out on battles.

To remedy this problem, Ragin Howls of Blood designed and crafted this efficient little device, with the help of his repair crew of Mountain Folk and People of the Earth.

Crafted from pure yellow Jade and Moonsilver to resemble something between an oversized pair of brass knuckles and a folding knife, the tool, when attuned reacts as a Proteus Gauntlet, though on a smaller scale, changing into any tool the user might need from a tiny snaking screwdriver able to get inside the smallest crevices to a wrench the size of a man's arm.


As a small device, the Ten-Thousand Blessed Tools of the Great Maker easily fits in a pocket or pouch and can be used by anyone, whether they are capable of weilding essence or not. With a simple mental command, thousands of miniscule gears slide and coalesce into whatever shape the user desires between the tiniest flexable driver needed to repair a Prosthesis of Clockwork Elegance or a great wrench to wrest the bindings loose from the arm joints of a Warstrider.

Any tool ranging in size from a yard to less than a tenth of an inch may be created, including powered or rotating devices, saws and the like, either simulating a flawless workshop or adding two dice to the crafting roll on any device created or repaired by someone using it. Spending a mote into the item for a scene makes it capable of replicating power tools and adds two more dice to the crafting roll.

Though the device is not typically abused in such a fashion as to turn it into a weapon, it is possible to do a malicious amount of damage to most living creatures with a blade, saw, or even a buzzsaw, though powered items require the expense of one mote per scene they are active.

Altering the shape of the Ten-Thousand Blessed Tools of the Great Maker is a miscelaneous 5 tick action.

Commitment: 2m or 1wp

Activation Cost: 0m or 1m

Speed: 5

Accuracy: +3

Damage: +1B

Defense: +2

Notes: In addition to the above statistics, any weaponized version of the Ten-Thousand Blessed Tools of the Great Maker also recieves 6 points to allocate to Accuracy, Damage or Defense, at the whim of it's weilder. Altering the damage to be lethal instead of bashing spends one point. Spending a mote adds another 4 points to this pool.

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