Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

Endless Love

Reality TV Junkie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Vampirelovee submitted a new role play:

Smalltown Kids - A neighborhood in Lakewood Louisiana

Lakewood is a great community, mostly consisting of farms and small family owned businesses aside from the Stop and Shop. The nearest mall is a good twenty minute drive away, making it live up to its expectations of being a 'small town'. The biggest farm is The Ellis Cattle farm, owned by a family with a son and whom the town greatly respects. Overall Lakewood is actually quite charming, but often experiences nasty weather especially over the summer. View attachment 47380...
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A Chevy truck cruised easily along the freshly paved road that was lined with palms to Lakewood High, all the while Bo's strawberry blonde hair whipping at the humid Louisiana wind. That was just the way Bo liked it. Logan was driving of course, biting his lip and wishing his sister would sit damn down so she wouldn't fall out of the window. She had the top window open and upper body out, her black converse on the leather seat skidding off mud from the farm work yesterday, which had already been dirtied, so who cared? They eventually pulled into Lakewood High and the siblings stepped out of the truck, taking in the summery breeze through their noses. Though being very close since the ages of two and three, Logan and Bo both had other friends to greet, and make. So both parted ways, Logan flocking towards the direction of the other jocks/country boys at school, Bo doing the same only with girls, a few girly girls mixed in too because they had fallen for the charm of the country girls. It seemed only natural for Bo to stretch her arms out and embrace Danielle, one of her best friends since Kindergarten. Their quote, though tacky, was 'We were both young, when I first saw you'. Taken from a Taylor Swift song which they both made their friendship song at the age of seven.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images.jpg.5af636515865123d4e3738d563d8d0b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16303" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images.jpg.5af636515865123d4e3738d563d8d0b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/img-thing.jpg.e7fad763be769f674170c8b4e2fe5fdd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16305" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/img-thing.jpg.e7fad763be769f674170c8b4e2fe5fdd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Sneakers stepped along the pavement, a light breeze tossing Mason's red hair up in the wind. She walked along the road to school, wondering who she would have to deal with today at school. She hummed her favorite tune, singing along lightly. As Mason reached school, she wondered about her stomach showing a bit. Shrugging it off, she crossed the parking lot, waving at people. Seeing the country/jocky boys, she waved, and blew a kiss towards them, grinning brightly. Normally she would go over there and chat with them, but today she wanted to be closer to the entrance. Propping herself up onto the ledge on the staircase, Mason swung her legs, smiling at her light brown boots.
The curls on the young boys head bounced, the usual big smile on his cheeks. He walked towards his new school, his heart pounding with excitment. He hoped the other kids would like his gifts...he stared down at the plastic bag, readjusting his slightly sooty sweater. Inside the baggy was a few flowers. Some lillies, daisies, even dandylions which he favored the most, even though they werent even flowers, more so weeds. He went up the steps of the building, huge green eyes scanning the structure. He came to a stop, staring blankly at the girl leaning against the door frame. Friend? He went over, head still tilted, before his big smile returned and he scooped a plant from his bag. He placed it on the floor beside her, patting it down, before hurrying away.
After sharing a long, air kiss filled hug, Bo pulled back from Danielle's warm embrace to reapply her rosy pink lipstick, perfectly, but hurriedly. It was true Bo had woken up thirty minutes later than she should've, but that didn't mean she couldn't look presentable on her first day, right? There was still however, plenty of time before the students would have to get to homeroom, and in the meantime they'd just hang out just outside the school, most adjusting their hair and makeup, some even still tying their shoes they'd came in so last minute.

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Logan couldn't help but turn his head at the eye catching redhead who blew kisses flirtatiously in their direction, a couple of his friends whistling and watching her go to sit on the steps. It was hard for Logan, or anyone for that mater not to notice a girl like that. Even some girls turned to shoot envious looks at her. He scratched the back of his neck, too shy to whistle but managed a heavily dimpled heart melting smile instead. Almost every girl other than his sisters and some of her friends swooned over that smile, it was sort of Logan's trademark.



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Mason saw Logan smile at her, as the others whistled at her, and smiled back. She loved his dimples. Suddenly, a boy came up to her, and laid a flower down in front of her, scurrying away swiftly. Touched, she picked it up and yelled, "Thanks!" It was a gorgeous flower, and she held it gently, so as not to hurt it. Usually the guys at this school flirted with her, but none had ever done a nice thing like that. She was happy. She noticed girls shooting envious glares in her direction, and just to irritate them further, she hopped off the wall and headed towards the boys who were whistling at her. They were actually some of her closest friends, but they flirted with her a lot, so they didn't really consider her as a friend more than their girl to flirt with. "Hi! You're all looking gorgeous today," Mason coyly stated, grinning innocently.
Robby decided, after a long quiet moment trying to pry his locker open and getting snickers and whispered comments about how weird he was, to go back to the outdoors. he looked defeated, upset even, and he quickly plopped onto the grass, soft huffs of annoyance coming from his nose. he pulled off his backpack, quickly looking through it and squeezing Williams hand tightly once he found him. he smiled slightly. at least William still liked him.
The boys all laughed, of course, with her being gorgeous they laughed at everything that came out of her mouth. However, Logan, shyly standing in the back was surprisingly the only one to laugh and reply. "I'd say the same about you." His blue eyes sparkled with nervous excitement, lower lip slightly taken in by his teeth into an..almost adorable bite. Usually, Logan was going for the blonde at school..the one his friends told him he should go for..but Mason was different. She was so bubbly and cute..the way her eyes were so brown like that made him want to throw his arms around her. He wasn't quite head over heels just yet, but he had a huge crush.
The boys all laughed at Mason's reply, making her smile brighter. She heard a voice laugh and reply, and swiveled her head in that direction. Logan. He was biting his lip, and what he said made her cheeks match her hair. "Thanks Logan." She smiled, staring at Logan. He was definitely a leap for her. He was 'higher' than her on a popularity level, and he probably went for the blonds at school. She was definitely out of his league. "Too bad I'm out of your league," she remarked flirtatiously, winking at Logan. She laughed at her own joke and cheesy wink.

The climate was incredibly hot for Sage in this Louisiana weather. Unfortunately for her she told her parents that she'd be fine riding to school, alone, on her bike. She knew next time that she'd be asking for a carpool in a car of cool air conditioning. Sage finally arriving felt a bit of a nervous drop in her tummy. There were a couple of crowds hanging out about the school exterior. Sage pushed the nervous feeling aside. She wasn't going to be a baby and chicken out before the day even began. Sage locked her old little grandma bike into the biking station. 'How on earth can they hang out in this heat?' Sage asked herself. She began walking swiftly, in a hurry to get inside, but not running where as she would have attention drawn towards her. Her caught ahold of a figure who seemed to stand out a bit from the rest. The corner of Sage's lip lifted a bit at the sight of his plastic bag. It was almost poetic; an expessionist painting for sure. In the next heart beat Sage realized she wasn't paying attention to her feet. She lost her balance and stumbled a multitude of times forward. Sage's heart was caught in her esophagus. Luckily for Sage she caught her balance before she could actually physically fall over. Sage straightened her back and kept walking with her eyes locked onto the ground; if anyone was looking at her now or saw her stumble then she did not want to find out. She found her way into the cool building; cheeks still ablaze.
How was it so easy for her to flirt? Though, luckily today Logan had managed to flirt with ease, usually Mason gave her butterflies and it was hard for him to talk. Him. Logan Ellis, possibly the most well known guy in the entire town was nervous around this innocent redhead. "Gahh." He grinned, adjusting his backpack over his broad shoulders and jerking his head to move aside the soft blonde bangs which fell in his eyes. "Can I uh, walk you to class? You know when it's time." Though outside, Logan only sported a flirty smile, but inside he was filled with unexplainable joy and excitement at the very sight of the flush to her face.
He watched the others flirt and frowned. He wondered if he was going to make any friends at all. He supposed he'd have to converse with them before begining to make friends. He looked at the groups and frowned. Which would he go with? He wondered into each out, holding his backpack in his arms, listening to each of their conversations. He looked loanly. He saw the girl stumble and he rushed to her, eyes wide. She had her head down...oh no SHE WAS SAD!!! He grabbed from his bag a daisy and whined, grabbing her hand and placing it in it."Don be sad!" He whimpered, his strong british accent seeped through. "Is kay, really." He patted her forehead, hoping that helped.
Bo was now leaned over Danielle's iPhone, a frown prominent on her normally gorgeously bubbly expression. The website was, and they were currently viewing a severe weather warning for tomorrow. Danielle wore the same face as Bo, her hands clasped over her lips in horror. The last time Lakewood had a 'severe weather' warning, it had worsened itself to a twister. "God damn it!" Bo shouted, stomping her foot on the burning asphalt. "You know what this means don't you, Dan?" she stepped away from the phone, large blue eyes wide with fear. The majority of Lakewood was very flat, making it terribly twister prone, and that meant disaster for the families who owned farms, meaning Bo's. "We should tell your brother." Danielle put a hand on her friend's shoulder reassuringly, nodding all the while her dark curls bouncing around her shoulders. A huge knot of anxiety grew inside Bo, but she managed to nod, being led by Dan to where her brother flirted with the pretty little redhead.
"Can I uh, walk you to class?" As Logan said this, Mason shrugged. "Why not, a handsome guy, walking little ol' me to class? And, even better, it's Logan Ellis! Go. Right. Ahead." She smiled sweetly at him, trying to force the red tint from her cheeks. Logan casually stood there, shaking his bangs to the side, while a flirty smile curled onto his lips. She wondered how he could act so chill with this. He practically made her stumble over her words. His sister walked up, and she smiled. "Hey Bo, Danielle."
Sage eyes grew wide when suddenly someone grabbed her hand. She was A bit taken aback because the guy appeared out of no where; he whined, whimpered then pat her forehead telling her it'll be OK. She took a few steps back unsure what to say and then relaxed once looking into his wide green eyes. A smile lit up her face once she noticed she had a daisy in her hand. 'So that's what was in the bag.'

"Hey, I'm fine," she placed her hand on his shoulder gently to let him know she was alright. "At least I'll be ok," Sage smiled at the guy to reassure him she was alright. "I'm Sage by the way," she held out her hand for him to shake. "What's your name?"
He stared at her hand, before his hand softly gripped about hers and he shook it happily, giggling madly. His butt wiggled, legs quivering in an attempt to hold still. "Mm...Robby..." he said softly, papping his face and then her head again. He looked interested. His eyes sparkling with happiness. "My daddy's police man!" He continued. "He big nnn...strong and...uuuuh..." he stopped, eyeing her hair, before blinking and patting it softly. "...pretty..." he mumbled.
"Hey Mason." The girls chanted in unison, they would've been just as bubbly as her if it weren't for the news they had to give. "We have some..bad news." Danielle nodded, her brows knitted as she looked from Logan to Mason. "There may be a twister, so the farm might be in trouble." Bo nodded alongside Danielle in agreement, if it weren't for their hair and eye color they could've practically been twins.

Logan sighed, Bo was being annoying again, ruining his chances with this girl. But when he heard the news his smile was gone as if someone had smacked it right off. "What?" His posture stiffened, leaning over to glance at Dan's phone screen. When he'd got all the evidence he'd needed he moved back to Mason's side which smelled sweet, kind of like fabric softener and flowers. "We'll have plenty of time to warn our neighbors and family, that's also plenty of time to get the cows into the cellar." Logan shrugged, letting one of his arms fall around Mason's shoulders and pull her to his side. "I've got a girl to walk to class." He stated casually.

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Sage giggled at his excitement. She smiled but deep inside her stomach was in a knot. She knew this could be the very moments that might shape her year. The moment she looked in hos eyes she knew he was... different. He looked like a sweet, harmless guy but still; humans (especially teenagers were cruel). She could even tell now by the looks of a few kids passing by.

"A police? My dad's a vet-- oh, oh uh aha thanks," Sage smiled. "So... what class you have for first period? I start my day with Physics; lucky me," Sage said the last part with sarcasm and rolled her eyes.
He held his bag close. "Mm...I gotta go to office cause I new. Daddy nnn me jus got here. They gonna tell me what classes I get and where to go...see if mmmsmart or not..." he peeked into his bag, before sneezing and sniffling, giggling at the noise he had made. He looked up at the hot sun,huffing heavily at the heat. He needed to cool off. He whimpered, pulling on her arm, wanting to go inside.
"Oh. Yes lets go then," Sage said simultaniously as Robby began pulling at her arm. "I'm pretty new myself.. Well, n-not new-new, like you; but new still.... Anyways; I can show you the office." Sage remembered the way to the office because she wasn't there too long ago. Sage bit her nails as a habit. For a split second her eyes were blank as she looked into space. She snapped out of it and look to Robby, "let's go there my friend." She pulled his hand and began jogging to their destination.
As Bo and Danielle mentioned a storm, Mason worried. Her parents were off on work business, and she was home alone. She looked up at Logan and Bo and Danielle, and decided not to tell them. She could survive this alone, right? Logan sighed, and left her side. She bit her bottom lip as they all conversed worriedly. He returned to her side, his arm draping around her shoulders, sending chills down her spine, and a pink tint to her cheek. She grinned, but tried not to grin to broadly, because his sister was right there. Glancing at him, he just looked so..perfect. Shaking her thoughts, she just waved politely at the girls. He pulled her to his side so she was pressed up against him, and grinned at his fowardness, which she didn't mind, not at the moment.
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Robby looked confused, but hurried along with her, his curls bobbing and sweater flopping over his hands. He giggled gently, tilting his head at the people, before hiding behind his brand new friend. Eyes wide and thin frame trembling, he watched the strangers stand there and converse. Something he couldnt do.
The girls shrugged and waved back at Mason before spinning on the heels of their sneakers to enter the school, fresh cool air conditioning hitting their sun kissed skin. As requested for that year, the girls had lockers directly next to each others so they basically were together the entire day. Bo and Danielle never argued, so there was virtually no risk. They both, again in unison spun in their combos easily as if they'd done it hundreds of times before.

Danielle: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/3127697345_1_10_2sj3gXj6.gif.1f428e27dcde86eb2bd0417af23a6071.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/3127697345_1_10_2sj3gXj6.gif.1f428e27dcde86eb2bd0417af23a6071.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Logan grinned, leading Mason to the entrance of the school and into the hallway. "What's your first class?" He looked down at her, taking a minute to admire her face. Just looking at her filled him with hope that they'd be in the same class. However, he still had the worry of the storm lingering in the back of his mind.



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"What's yours?" Mason countered, a big grin still inhabiting her face. She wanted to be in his class, so then maybe this conversation could continue. She wanted it to, she didn't know if Logan did. He seemed like he did, but sometimes, looks perceive you, and Mason knew that.
With his hand fishing around in his blue jeans pocket, his hand found a crumpled piece of paper which smelled of mud and powdered iced tea. He unfolded it so his eyes could scan over it and find the words in black and white 'History' Logan held it out to her so she could plainly see the bold word. "What about you?" He asked playfully through a laugh.
Robby soon, through his ADHD, went wondering away drom his friend, hearing laughter and footsteps all about him. He walked down the halls idly before bumping into the wall and staring down at his feet. He cooed and papped his cheeks. He walked to a room with a pretty girl on the very front. He stared before smiling. Something pretty must be behind it...

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