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Multiple Settings Small Scenario List - LONG TERM ROLEPLAY


New Member
So, I was thinking about a few scenarios and decided to post them in case anyone else thought they were cool! Feel free to read through them and PM me if any appeal to you!

~ Requirements ~
- Must be 18+ (Since I am-).
- Must be Semi-Literate to Advanced-Literate.
- Must be at least a bit active on here! Monthly replies are a no-go, since I'm rather quick at replies.
- Must be alright with me not doing character sheets - ; w ;

~ Preferences ~
- Hopefully you're alright with me doing art of our characters!
- Hopefully you like OOC talk!

~ No-go's ~
- Please do not ghost me! Just tell me if the roleplay doesn't suit your fancy.
- Please do not just message me for NSFW! I do roleplay darker themes, but I abide by the site rules!

Romance is not required, but does add drama! I prefer to be the female in a FxM romance, since that's what I'm most comfortable with.

The stars indicate how much I want to do the plot! *=least, *****=most

(I have a preference to be Muse A)
~Plot 1~
[Western, Drama] *****
Muse A is your average everyday antisocial human being. They're usually located in either their room or a library, not very adventurous at all. One day upon renting a rather peculiar book about the history of 'cowboys', otherwise known as Outlaws, Muse A notices that the book is half empty...and their world will never be the same.

Muse B is a Rootin Tootin ready-for-shootin 'cowboy' settled in the 1860s. They run quite a few shenanigans including (but not limited to) duels, carriage hold-ups, stealin' horses, getting drunk, and the occasional bank or train robbery. They like living life on the edge and don't give much of a care for their own or others safety. That changes when Muse A and Muse B find themselves meeting unexpectedly after a magical book brings Muse A to the past. They meet after Muse B notices a flash in the sky and quite suddenly Muse A falling out of some sort of rip in time.
Now very lost and alone, Muse A seeks help from Muse B, confused as to how and why they're there.

~Plot 2~
(No preference)
[Sci-Fi, Futuristic] ***
The year is 2055. Two astronauts are chosen to test a new type of ship - the first one capable of traveling through hyperspace. Those astronauts are Muse A and Muse B, current rivals with a distaste towards each other. Of course, they tolerate each other for the launch and such but begin to bicker once they reach the moon...problem is, once they're a bit past the moon, Earth explodes. Making a quick decision, Muse A travels into the next solar system while Muse B panics their head off.
Now they're the only humans in the universe AND in an unknown world. Plus...they kinda despise each other.

~Plot 3~
(No preference)
[Modern, Horror] ****
Muse A is a murderer, to put it lightly. No one's caught them yet - usually because they're careful with their crimes and they wear a mask. They usually go after people who have done something wrong, observing them at a bar or just out in public and hunting them down. They don't feel too much remorse, being apathetic and all.
Muse B is a private detective - they usually handle the more hardcore crimes...which is why they're put on Muse A's case. After observing them at a recent crime, they decide to do their research - and voila, they discover an ad online about looking for a roommate. Muse B quickly applies, deciding to learn more about the supposed killer.
What will happen with a murderer and a detective under the same roof?

~Plot 4~
(I prefer to be Muse B)
[Horror, Fandom] ****
(This takes place in the SCP universe.)
Muse A is a semi-dangerous, sentient SCP. Muse B is their newly assigned therapist, since the last one was killed. What could go wrong?
(Sorry this one's very unspecific, this could go many ways. The SCP in question could've killed their last therapist, causing a bit of panic. It could also be something like the therapist is actually an SCP wanting to help Muse A escape - oh, the possibilities.)

~Plot 5~
(No preference)
[Fandom, Futuristic] ****
(This takes place in the D;BH universe.)
Basically Hank and Connor - but with original characters! Yay! In case you don't know what Detroit;Become Human is, I'll explain the plot.

Muse A is an overall apathetic, human-like cyborg. They're made to mimic human behaviors and look exactly like one, too. Though, that's the limit of their programming...or is it? They're specifically made to be a detective with advanced scanning capabilities and a knack for sweet-talking criminals - and don't forget fighting!
Muse B is a detective who's been on the scene since before the advanced cyborgs. Personally, they believe there's no use for them, and with an increased crime rate within the robotic race, they've come to despise them. Now, as a sort of 'experiment' within the company Muse B works in, they're assigned a cyborg partner - Muse A.

Sorry for any misspellings, I wrote this at 1 AM-
Three or four! Im in love with horror, be it creepypasta oc scp ive put up a search for all of them
Your first one looks so much fun!! I would love to play Muse B :D
Ahhh, a chance to plot some Androids! I've been unashamedly browsing the fanfics again recently and would love to create something with you!
I’d love to try number 4 with myself as scp049! (Plus, I think that plot is great for him, because in his full lore that’s actually kind of what happened :D )

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