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Fandom Small Group SAO Roleplay!


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello all!

Recently I've found myself interested in Sword Art Online! My vision for this roleplay involves a small detailed group of maybe 3-4 in addition to myself. I see that many SAO roleplays are largely mechanics based, but that's not really my cup of tea. This roleplay would be largely story based, taking place during the first arc of SAO.

All I have right now are the bare bones, and that's by design! Part of this roleplay experience would be coming up with ideas as we go, and mostly the reason behind wanting a small and dedicated group to carry this out. Please post any questions below! :)


There will be a required 3 paragraph minimum writing sample when applying for a character. It can be SAO related, or ripped from another roleplay you're proud of.

Also, feel free to keep posting interest! I do want to keep this small, but the reality is that people drop. I'll accept a few, and make a waiting list for those who miss the cut off!


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I like to see how this has been up an hour and I already have a little bit of interest! Just a note to those interested, when I post this RP thread there will be a place to post a writing sample. :3 3-4 paragraphs. It can be about your character and related to SAO or ripped from another roleplay you're proud of! I'll try to have this link up tonight...
What kind of plot do you have? Is there a vision of the future or an ending?

I'm interested but i don't want to be invested in an RP that will flop in two weeks.

I understand the fear of a flopping RP, hence why this will be application based and small.

I do have an end game in mind and a pretty general outline, but a lot of the fun of roleplaying (for myself at least) is its ability to adapt as each player responds with their own inputs. So no, there's not an exact timeline, but yes, there is an outline. There will be some more information once I finish the thread, and once it's up you're more than welcome to review it before making the decision to post a CS.

I hope that addresses your concerns!
I would be interested in this. However seeing the I am late, and you have your few by now. So if you have enough and are not looking for anymore I understand. I just wanted to state my interest and see if there is a possibility of joining.
@Dai tenshi

I'm doing this through applications! Once everyone has posted a CS, I'll select a few from there and place others on a waiting list in case someone drops. The thread is up, feel free to check it out and work on a CS! :)

Tentatively, June 24th (A week from when I posted this). Once it's set in stone, I'll post in the main thread and I'll inform everyone if it changes! :)

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