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Fandom Small Cravings Thread ☼

Sole Survivor

Roll for Initiative
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Good Morning / Evening all,

Normally whenever I post one of these, I do out of my way to make them long and rather detailed with all the BBcode frills I can manage. But this time I decided to go about it a little differently, so, I hope you can forgive me for the rather bland looking thread. Sometimes short, sweet, and to the point can be just as effective in my eyes. Also, a touch of rambling. Now - onto what you came here for:

1. Please be 18+ years old.
(I know some people right away won't be happy when they see this, and I completely get it. After all, I started roleplaying when I was ten or eleven years old. Age doesn't define how good of a writer you are by any means; however, I tend to like to write with people closer to my own age since it is often times easier to relate.)
2. I ask for at least one paragraph.
(I tend to write between two or four paragraphs to over eight if I'm really feeling the story, plot, or scene. I need something to work with when it comes to actions or dialogue. One liners, we've all done them, aren't overly my thing. I tend to use smaller fonts and sizes when I write, so, sometimes they'll appear tinier than what they actually are.)
3. Be Understanding.
(Life can be chaotic. My work can exhaust me both mentally and physically, so, if you don't hear from me you can always poke me. There will be days where I get busy and won't be able to reply at all. Sometimes I can get multiple out with a snap of my finger. So - it really is a roll of the dice. If you want someone who can reply back ten or so times a day, I probably won't be a good match for you. I do give it my best though to get them out. Quality and rather good timing, that is. I give the same to my partners. Take the time you need on your replies and I won't rush you. If I don't hear anything for a while, I'll poke you to see what's up. Namely just to check on you and see if you're good, instead of worrying about the roleplay itself.)
4. (Optional!) OOC.
(I ask that you work with me. No this doesn't mean we have to have constant small talk if you don't want. I would just like the line to be open to talk about the stories, because I tend to have questions about what direction we want to go as well as I like to get your input on certain things before I do them. If you want to talk outside of it to become friends - I'm all for it! Want to talk about your cat, dog, snake, etc? I'd love to see pictures and I'll show you my own. Having some trouble and need to rant? I'll listen and offer advice if you want. Want to send memes back and forth, talking trash? Hit me up. I love making friends with my partners, and hell it makes the story last longer sometimes branching a couple generations. And for those people - they know who they are. So, if they see this - you're pretty cool mates.)
5. Be Open-Minded.
(Let's go ahead and put it out there. I have all sorts of characters, straight and LGBT+, different genders, races, ages, etc. Having one type of character without any kind of deeper level isn't fun. I know some people only feel comfortable playing certain roles, male or female, straight or a different orientation. That is completely okay! However, do let me know your limits and what you want to do. Sometimes doing the same thing over and over again bores me, really bores me to be honest. I'll be honest with you if I'm into it, so, be honest with me about what you want to play and if you're comfortable with it. It's a team effort. Then we'll be golden.)

I'll be updating the list below as time goes on.

(I'll put ♥'s as an indication of how much I want to do it from a scale of 1-5. )
1. Fallout ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
(Will there every be a time when I'm not interested in this game? Probably not. Anyway, I'm looking for someone to play against a couple of my characters: a former institute courser, a brotherhood paladin, a couple different raiders including an outcast, a Mojave native, a "mom friend" trying to survive in the wastelands, a ghoul [still in the process of detailing them out] etc. I have a couple more but those are the main ones. I'm always up for making new characters if those don't tickle your fancy. Preferably, I'd like it to be set in the Fallout 4 universe or the New Vegas setting as well. We could probably find a comfortable middle ground.)
2. Sirens ♥ ♥ ♥
(This show has climbed up the ladder to become one of my current obsessions. I love the twist they put on the normal siren / merperson / etc. I'd love to play around in this universe but without the cannon characters. We could make our own version of the town, characters, etc. Yet if someone is interested in playing a siren or against one like character not in this universe, but with the same sort of sirens, I'd still be interested.)
3. End of the World / Apocalypse / The Walking Dead ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
(Zombies [The Walking Dead, Fear The Walking Dead, Z-Nation], radiation or nuclear war [Fallout-ish], disease [plagues], vampire-like beings (less of Dracula and more like the Strain, Van Helsing [Netflix Version] *), Man-Made Disasters [The Rain], aliens, etc. You name it and I'll probably be interested. I gave some examples, but feel free to throw your own twists at me. I'm a sucker for it, and I'll probably eat it up.)

Thanks for your time, and I hope you all have a wonderful day. If you're interested PM me or post below.

- S.S.
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I will like to rp to the end of the world apocalypse type I am 20 almost 21 if that’s too old that if fine but I love zombies and such.

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