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Small Commission


Shades of Success
I could probably do this myself, and if you would like to tell/show me how I would indeed, but if anyone would be kind enough to crop this character out of the background it would mean a lot to me.

Well, as for how to do it -- it's fairly straightforward.

First, you need an image editing software, the most well-known one being Photoshop. However, some wonderful, free alternatives include GIMP and paint.net

Afterwards, you need to familiarize yourself with said program. Frankly, with this specific image, a magic wand tool won't do you much good.

Instead, I would suggest using the path/pen tool or simply a lasso tool.

Now, your specific image brings another complication.

The large ax is apparently ethereal along the borders, this means that the opacity is low, and therefore, the ax is see-through. This brings a problem since you can't just erase that background. In other words, you'll need to mess around with it a bit -- though it shouldn't be that difficult.

I might do it if I get the time, but I encourage you to try it out for yourself.

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