Sly Night Fox Rp

Astra noticed Shanelle's reaction when she first saw Fire and was a little surprised, but when she asked Astra if she could help she just nodded and carefully, but quickly so Fire didn't feel a lot of pain from the movement, got him on her back. She was use to having things on her back from hunting with her pack and when her and Keiran had to walk all night he would sleep on her back, she didn't understand how he could sleep like that but he didn't whine so it worked for her. She turned to Shanelle once Fire was comfortably on her back saying, "Okay, lead the way."

Keiran looked away and sat down waiting for Astra or Shanelle to start going so he can quickly follow and hopefully not see Fire's leg again or to stop smelling the blood. All he could think about was his parents every time he got a whiff of it. He wasn't there when his parents died, but he was there to see his dead parents and the alpha standing over them with blood dripping from his mouth. Ever since then Keiran hasn't been able to look or smell blood without thinking of his parents.
Exile looks at him and then growls loudly. She looks away and then sighs. She was frustrated. She started walking faster. She snaps at him, she was getting tired and weak she wanted to get there now. "Get moving." She growled and then keeps walking. She flinches and then kept walking. She growled hating to be so weak. Hating to have to accept this dog's help. She didn't trust him...she didn't like him.
Buck let out a sigh of relief when the Alpha consented and gave him the okay. What happened next was a blur, it seemed as if the vixen was calling for another fox when suddenly another vixen appeared ordered him to go retrieve his sister with the Alpha or Flaming Sparks. His head flipped back and forth as his attention was split between the two vixens but finally he set off into the woods to retrieve Raven.

The black and grey vixen lay just as he had left her, in a heap with harsh coughing fits racking her body. The only change was the blood splattered on the ground in front of her. “I can grab her scruff if you push,” he barked grateful that it was a short distance. Carefully Buck began to pull his sister across the forest floor and back to the pack’s camp.

he whimpers and wanted to get away he was in trubble he was being hunted down by humans and dogs but got away and the. The hole thing happend with him and the trap and blar blar blar . he looked and sore shanelle and felt he was about to pass out he then found he was on Astra back he was loosing a lots of blood as it was he wanted to get up and run but couldnt find the energy to he didn move at all or say a word.
Astra looked over at Fire noticing how much blood he was loosing then back at Shanelle waiting for her to show the way.
Astra just rolled her eyes as she lightly growled, "I don't think so." She started walking waiting for Shanelle to go a head of her to lead the way. Keiran followed but stayed a foot or so away from Astra because of the blood.
Astra smirked still walking but was slowly picking up speed getting more worried about Fire as she walked. Keiran looked over at Shanelle and asked, "How far is the camp from here?"
Ooc: Man, I suck at being an owner, I need to reply on here more often. /:


She gave Fire a sharp glare when he offered to walk himself. She was about to growl at him, but Astra beat him to it, and she casts Astra a side-long glance of gratitude. She didn't know why she cared so much about a strange fox, especially a strange fox that swayed onto her pack and into the trap, but she did. Seeing how much time was being wasted already, she stands up, and sets off to her camp. She wanted to run there, but with Astra fully carrying Fire on her back and Kieran following behind, the pace was rather agonizingly slow. She felt a twinge of guilt seeing how Astra was the solely carrying Fire. She wanted to offer he help but was just too scared to do so, but for two reasons. One reason was that she was afraid of what Astra's reactions to her helping would be, no matter how ridiculous that sounded, since Fire was supposedly her pack mate. The other reason was that she was afraid of blood, not really afraid of it, just the scent made her nauseous. Even from a distance, the air brought the scent of the blood, and even that slight scent was making her a bit queasy. Not only that, but she also felt guilty because she was bringing strange foxes into her pack, not even thinking twice to about an attack; and this made her feel as if she was somewhat betraying her pack. At long last, they made it back to the camp, which seemed to take forever. The sight there shocked her, she wasn't really expecting Ice Crystal to be there, especially with the look on her face shocked her. Ice Crystal had a distant look on her face, but no matter, she still noticed Fire and would be ready to take care of him as soon as Astra would set him down. Shanelle motions Astra to set Fire down with a slight nod of her head, but didn't say anything, afraid she would get more of a whiff of the scent of Fire's blood.

Fallen Night:

He stood there with a devious smile on his face and shook his head before finally getting up, goes in front of Exile, and starts to lead the way back to his camp. He kept an even pace so that Exile could keep up with him. "Are you sure you don't want or need my help?" He calls back over his shoulder and even looks over his shoulder again to look and smile at Exile. He had a hint of amusement back in his voice and he knew at once that though Exile may hate him, he didn't hate her. For once, Fallen Night hoped that Exile would stay and join the pack. There was something about her that he liked, probably because she reminded him a lot of himself. He mentally shakes the head at the mere thought and pushed his optimism away. From Exile's attitude it wouldn't seem like she would be staying, he couldn't help her, he would of felt the same; and yet he couldn't help but to feel slightly disappointed at the thought. Before he could growl at himself, the scent of more fox blood caught his attention, and his insides churned at the thought. Though he might not show it, a thread of fear was weaving through him, worried for his pack mates, especially for Shanelle. He might of wanted to be the one that killed Shanelle plenty of times, but he truly never did want to see her dead. Shanelle, after all, was his closest ally, though a very annoying, creepy, and stalkerish one. No matter, these thoughts distracted himself of his distaste, and picked up the pace, almost running to his camp now.

Flaming Spark:

She was quite shocked that Ice Crystal burst out of no where, especially when she was about to call her. Most would think that this was a coincidence, but Flaming Spark knew better, and knew that it was not a coincidence. She listens carefully to what Ice Crystal had to say, though she spoke in quite a fast way, which was unusual for her, that it was somewhat hard to understand. It took her a moment too slow to realize that Ice Crystal commanded her to go with Buck. She didn't however hesitate to do so and she jumped down from the Alpha Rock. Her paws barely landed on the ground when she was running after Buck, in fact, it seemed as if her paws had glided down onto the forest floor. Usually, the Alphas were in charge of the Healers, but in emergencies like this, it was acceptable take orders from the Healer, especially the Lead Healer. Besides, they were basically equals, and you had to be a very high and respectably leader to not obey your Healer on a daily basis. Though Healers weren't really there to boss you around, but merely, to advise you. When they reached Buck's sister and he started dragging her, she shook her head slightly and stopped it. She bends down low and slips Buck's sister securely onto her back. "It is always better to carry the injured. It causes them less pain." She said with quite authority and knew this to be true, for Ice Crystal has told her this personally. Though it might of been appropriate to let Buck carry his own sister, there wasn't any time now to transfer her. So Flaming Spark stood up and keeping up a fast pace, she carried Raven back to her own camp.
Exile looked at Fallen Night and blinked wondering what he was thinking about up there. When he asks if she wanted or needed his help, the slight amuzment in his voice made her growl. Even his smile was setting off her temper. "I am in no mood to deal with this." she said and as the smell of blood hit her noise, she too became conserned. She looked as he practicly started running. She looked at him going faster, ignoring the pain and weakness she felt in her legs.

he felt the groans on his body he looks around and emediantlh tryed to get up " im fine ... I can't be hear I'm trubble " he growls he maniged to get up but claps again he had no snergry from lossing to much blood
Astra growled at Fire, "Stay down and let them help you." She got irritated enough by Keiran she was not going to let a hurt fox annoy her too by doing something stupid. Keiran stayed back looking around the place. He didn't know what to do since Astra was helping Fire and every other fox he didn't know.
Astra smirked and looked over at Shanelle noticing that she was looking at a diffrent vixen then Astralooked at Ice Crystal wondering if she was the healer of the pack.

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