Sophisticated Sea Dweller
If you want to make a character, simply copy and paste whats below and insert stuff when necessary.
[Tab={insert slinger name here}]
[imageFloat=right]{insert image here, optional}[/imageFloat]
Name: {insert name}
Gender: {insert what gender you prefer, make sure to specify if that differs from your biological sex}
Orientation: {insert whichever way you roll}
General: {insert brief visual description}
Eye color: {self explanatory}
Hair: {self explanatory}
Scars, Birthmarks, etc.: {self explanatory}
Anything else: {self explanatory}
{insert a brief history of your character here, it should be about 2-3 paragraphs long}
General:{insert brief description of you personality here, should only be a paragraph long}
Flaws:{insert why people may dislike you}
Strengths:{insert why people may like you}
[Tab={insert Gun name here}]
[imageFloat=right]{insert image here, optional}[/imageFloat]
Name: {self explanatory}
Personality: {all Guns manifest as a voice inside their owner's head}
{insert visual description, along with what kind of gun it is}
{insert a brief description of your Gun's abilities here, it should be about a paragraph long}
[Tab=Writing Sample]
{insert a short telling of the time you received your Gun. Remember, the Dealer only appears in extremely dire situations.}
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