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Fantasy Sleet Pack Wolf RP


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I have permission from@PlayfulWolf to control their character and post this. I hearby declare this thy opening post.

Thank you for understanding

Tundra was exhausted, head and tail hanging as low as anyone else's. The pack hadn't eaten anything in days and the water was foul, things were looking grim. Glancing over at Stone, the grey she wolf walking with the limp as always as her pelt hung off her thin frame. Tundra had begun to doubt the medicine wolf, though med wolves had the strongest connection to heir ancestors in silver pelt she wasn't pack born. Focusing her eyes upon the forest ahead once more, dragging her paws along. Wondering if this place ever existed.

Tundra was about to collapse with no intent of getting back upon he paws when the ground disappeared beneath her. Given a yelp of shock, she tumbled head over paws down a steep slope. Landing hard on her left flank, the breath was knocked out of her. Slowly getting to her paws, the bleached she wolf tried to collect herself. Once she had, Tundra heard her packyelping and howling for her, out of all the cries Stone's had to be the loudest. "I...m...fine..." She wheezed, though she want entirely sure.

Turing with her back to her pack, Tundra have a slight gasp. In front of her was a beautiful lake that reflected the setting sun. In the center was a sizable island sheltered by trees. Giving an excited howl and cry, Tundra was filled with a new energy and determined to save her pack.

Stone quickly slid down the steep slope, practicality falling the last few fox lengths. Running to her leader's side, she was about to ask if she was okay when Stone laid eyes on the lake. Limping up to the waters edge, she became giddy with excitement. They had found their new home. Taking a leap into the freezing water, it took her breath away. Trying to keep her head above water, she used her three paws to propel herself to the island.

When she reached the beach, Stone dragged herself onto the sand. She lay there for a moment, exhausted from her swim. Slowly getting to her paws, she shook the water from her grey pelt. Padding up the beach, Stone found an opening shrouded in bracken and various other undergrowth. Pushing through, she found herself in a large open clearing. Surprisingly, there were holes in the dirt floor. Padding into one underneath a giant rock pillar, Stone saw that it could be used as a den. Backing out, she turned and entered a lichen concealed hole that was on the left side of the entrance. Entering there was a small pool of water, a trail leading to another area and a small alcove. "This is perfect" she breathed with a smile. Yet, just as she was about to back out, she felt as if she was being watched. Turning slowly she exited the den. Stone stopped cold as soon as she caught a strange, unknown scent. And in the center of the clearing now law strange paw prints that hasn't been there before.​

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Lusine stretched feeling his ribs ripple beneath his pelt. He wasn't use to this kind of hardship and recently it kept getting worse. His hunger had long since faded due to feeling hungry for moons now. He noticed Tundra fall and went to edge forward, but through all the yelping she heard her wheeze words that she was okay. Lusine approached her as they looked at the island across the water. Stone had went towards the island, much to Lusine's displeasure.

It didn't seem like a wise decision to let the only medicine wolf swim across to an unknown land with no protection. "It seems small," He commented, but soon regreted speaking. Like the others, he needed hope to push forward and he didn't wish to crush their only chance of home. "Though I am sure it is much larger when you are on it," he corrected himself as they all waited for Stone to return. "Should I send someone after her?" He asked Tundra as his paws padded the ground in worry for the she-wolf.
Tundra looked at the island and back to Lusine. She nodded. She didn't want their medicine wolf to run into any trouble alone. "Yes, send someone to make sure she is okay." She looked behind her at the rest of the pack. "In the meantime the a few of us should search for some food. The others should rest. If we are going to make it to the island we need all the strength we can get." She was a bit worried that some of them would have a bit of trouble making it across, like Tera. She promised herself that everyone would make it, even if she had to make multiple trips to help.
Lusine nodded and dipped off towards the Deltas. He couldn't go himself since he needed to be here to protect his alpha, but he looked around trying to determine who was best suited for this mission. Brook was wise and much older so she seemed like a good choice, but there was the young wolves like Silvertip and Lethan that could be spared. This could be a good mission for the young Deltas, He thought and decided that that would be the best choice.

Lethan was much calmer, though he appreciated Silvertip's antics, he needed a calmer head than the fun loving Silvertip. "Lethan," He called to the young wolf as he approached him. The Black wolf was standing back away from the others as he approached him. "I have a mission for you," He bega with his voice being persuasive like, but friendly. Lusine wasn't intimidating, but he was a wolf that you listened to because you felt it was the best decision. "I need you to swim over and make sure Stone is alright. I don't like her being alone over there. Think you can do that?" He asked the blue eyed wolf.

Orion watches the older wolves closely, sneaking away from the queens. He wants to see this new island, but at the same time, he's too hungry to attempt swimming. So instead of going to the lake to swim, he goes down to follow Tundra. He looks back at the queens. They still haven't noticed. Good. He runs in front of Tundra and sits, tail wagging behind him. "I can get food!" He offers, looking up at her with his large green eyes. He knows that he couldn't get much food, but even a squirrel or a rabbit would be helpful right now.
Tundra looked down at Orion, the looked towards the queen. "Woah there little one. Aren't you supposed to be with Akira?" Tundra picked him up by his neck fur and carried him over to Akira. "I believe you lost something important." She set him down gently and looked at him. "Maybe when you have more strength. For now you need to rest. We have a long journey ahead of us."
Orion paws at the air when she picks him up, but calms after a few moments. He sighs when he is put down and looks at the ground. "Sorry, Tundra." He mutters, ashamed. He really did want to help, but he should have realized his place. Bothering Tundra was not something he wanted to do at all.
Snow listened to the conversation between Orion and Tundra. She padded over to Tundra, Snow's chain dragging behind her and whispered, "Not to be rude, but the pup's right. We do need food. Everyone here is practically sticks and bones. I'm surprised Stone made it across. Not only that, I am worried about Terra. In order for her to make it, she needs to have her strength." Once she finished, Snow pierced the ground with an icy stare, she didn't want to seem disrespectful, but the pack hasn't eaten for far too long. It's surprises Snow that this many have made it this far.
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Tundra looked at Snow. "I am already aware of the situation and I intend on taking care of it." She sighed and looked at Orion. "Fine. Snow, take Orion hunting." She looked up at Snow. "Don't lose him." She padded away towards the edge of the water.
Orion hears this and perks up. "I can go hunting?!" He barks happily, jumping into the air. "Yes!" Then he runs to Snow and sits, tail wagging a million miles an hour behind him. "When can we go? When can we go?" He asks hurriedly, excited more than he probably should be.
Snow nods at Tundra. "Wait here pup." Snow swiftly padded over to the other Deltas. Arnou, Brook, and Lethan should make good hunting partners. That way we can bring more home. Anyway, we have to watch Orion too. That little pup better be quite on this trip. Snow stopped and looked at the multitude of wolves, they were so thin and none of them looked at all similar. One could tell that this pack was made of a hodge pudge of loners that came together. "We have to go on a hunt and bring home food. Arnou, Brook, Lethan. You guys in? If anyone else wants to come, now is your chance to speak up." Snow paused waiting for responses from the others, she looked at each delta with her icy blue eyes. If they come across cold, she doesn't mean too.
Orion didn't listen to Snow, but instead ran up underneath Snow's legs and howled. He's far too excited for this. He gets to go hunting! Sure, he is almost the age to be considered an adult wolf, but even then he usually wouldn't be allowed to hunt.
Lupa gingerly stood up from the place she was resting, glaring around. Letting out a low growl of annoyance, she sat and rose her hind leg to itch at her ear. "Damn these fleas. . ." She growled to herself.
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Brook was more than exhausted when she caught up with the others again. She glanced at the wolf pup behind her. Ashfur seemingly could barely keep standing. She trotted back to the little wolf and nudged him with her head. "Come on, we're almost there," she told the small puppy. They were both pups of the same Queen, one that had died together with so many of the others. And although she wasn't a Queen, she tried her best to looka fter her little brother and do her best with hunting for the others.

"I'm so tired..." Ashfur whined. "Do you think I'm gonna die? I don't wanna!"

"Hush now, you're not going to join mother and the others in Silverpelt yet," Brook assured him.

She looked up and bowed her head as she heard Snow address herand the other Delta's. "Of course I'm in," Brook replied, trying not to sound as exhausted as she felt. Although she was probably too hungry and tired to focus on the hunt, they would all grow even more hungry if they wouldn't return with food soon.
Snow's increased annoyance of Orion was beginning to show. "Look pup! If you don't calm down, you won't come. You also need to be quite or you'll run all the kills away before we even have a chance." Snow tried to explain patiently. If this is not a successful hunt, we may have even more deaths. Snow turned around and started to head toward the thicker tree line exclaiming, "Time to hunt."

Snow went deeper into the woods quietly. She placed her nose to the ground to try to find a trail. After 10 minutes she caught the faint scent of a deer. Snow seemed to move even quieter, with careful placement of her paws, following the scent of deer.
Orion hangs his head. Of course he was too excited. He can't even get ready for a hunt correctly. With his shame in mind, Orion takes off into the trees, silently sprinting deeper into the woods. He could hear Snow faintly, but even clearer he can hear a rabbit on the ground nearby. He slows down, padding towards his kill slowly. He was careful not to make a noise. The moment the rabbit was in sight, Orion leaps, digging his teeth into the rabbit's neck, effectively beheading it. He then picks up his kill carefully, almost cradling the dead body with his jaw. He goes over to Snow, tail wagging a million miles an hour.
"Good job, Orion," Brook said in a tone of approval. Though the pup was energetic, he did just make a nice kill for such a young one. In a way, he reminded her of her brother Ashfur. He too was very energetic, but he was clumsy too, clumsy enough to fall over or chase the prey away. She too moved more quietly as she saw Snow slow down. Sneaking over the trail, her senses were as focussed as she could to pick up on sounds or movements in the area.
Snow glanced back at Orion. That little pup actually made a kill. Snow thought to herself surprised He still needs to be less energetic. We are hunting! Not playing! Snow nodded at Orion and smiled in approval but prayed that he would keep his noise level down. Snow kept her ears and eyes sharp, she could sense that something was close by. A brown fawn with white speckles gave the herd away. Snow stopped suddenly and stared ahead. There was not one,but two fawns. Snow glanced back at Brook and then back at the deer. She was indicating that meal time was a quick kill away. She then quickly stared at Orion, as to quietly indicate for him to not move and not make a single sound. Snow did not want the fawns to be alerted to their presence.
Tundra glanced at Lupa and padded over to her. "How are you feeling after the journey Lupa?" She wanted make sure she was going to be able to make it across the water.
Lathen was wandering through the woods as he usually did in morning since he was usually he first up he would get ahead start on his hunting for the day. He had caught a few rabbits and was bringing them back to the pack. He neared the caves and could here everyone talking. He simply brought the rabbits in and set them with the other food for the pack ad walked back outside and found his way up to the high point on the rocks and sat up there over looking everything that was out there wandering when he would find the one person to travel with him and go explore everything without be frowned upon by the others. He would think they would be considerably nice seeing as how he did always go and get them food, but then again that is one of the lower jobs for a wolf he though to him self. He walked away from the few and waked back into the woods to find something to do besides help the pack get food.
Lupa turned to Tundra, scowling. "Hungry and tired. Just like every other bag of bones wolf here." She growled, itching herself behind the ear again, a few fleas seen jumping off of her thick golden-brown pelt.

(( @PlayfulWolf ))
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Orion stopped moving, knowing he should not mess this up for anyone. If he makes a noise, no one would get a meal, and that is the last thing he wants. But at the same time, he doesn't want to be left out of the hunt. Maybe if they went after one fawn, Orion could get the other while they were busy killing the first! But looking at Snow, all thought of that ceases. Obviously Snow has no faith in Orion's hunting ability.
Lathen was walking around when he saw the rest of the pack hunting again. He looked over and saw Snow ad Orion. Lathen stayed a safe distance behind the rest not to spoke what they where catching. He was as Orion had the best spot and could easily catch the prey, but seeing as how snow was in charge Orion would not pounce until Snow gave the Ok for it. Lathen crouched down so he would not be seen and slowly and quietly moved in behind the rest of the pack and kept quiet making sure not to spoke the prey. Lathen walked in next to Orion.
"Don't be such a pessimist. If you are tired go and rest. I have already sent a group to go hunting so we should have food soon... hopefully." Tundra said last the last word to herself. She had faith that they would bring back food but she doubted it would be enough for the whole pack.

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