blue tea
(𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠) 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 pleaded
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the first mate...
full name
youkai zankoku
phantom reaper
february 3, 1593
sex / gender
member of the night jewel
five years
first mate ( gunner )
don't raise your voice. improve your argument.
195.6 cm ( 6'5″ ).
64kg ( 141lbs ).
hair c.
salt n' pepper
eye c.
secondary form
youkai can shift into a large dire wolf that's heavier and more muscular than the modern grey wolf weighing around 160lbs with a shoulder height of 48in and a body length 79in. his pelt is a rich, smokey obsidian hue with firey molten orbs and a small patch of white splashed across an elongated muzzle.
body mods
a large tribal-like tattoo of snakes twisting along broad shoulders, intertwined with red spider lilies [ ref ] and various smaller tattoos that represent each adoptive / biological child he's taken under his wing.
a long gash across his right eye, starting from the left side of his hairline at a diagonal to reach the right side of his cheek, followed by another one going the opposite direction starting just below his right eye, nicking the waterline and both top and bottom lip to rest at his chin [ ref ]. unfortunately, youkai lost most of his vision in his right eye, which became blurry and a tad lighter in color. various facial knicks, the most noticeable being a gash across the bridge of his nose. a prominent bite mark on his left shoulder blade, concealed beneath clothing with smaller bite marks across a broad frame. a few prominent gashes take up most of his backside [ ref ], including most of his bulky frame [ ref ].
frankincense, patchouli, sandalwood, myrrh, and rose.
voice desc
an intimidatingly confident timbre with a smokey, guttural tinge allowing for a gravelly raucous pitch to the ear. youkai possesses a fatherly, yet soothingly monotonous, guttural timbre, much like the slow roll of approaching thunder.
insomnia, nightmares, and ptsd ( partially blind on his right side, vision blurry and shrouded in monochrome, it's rather sensitive to bright lights. often covered by an eyepatch or left alone. older injuries can become excruciating during the colder seasons, becoming numb and painful to move ).
henry cavill as geralt of rivia [ the witcher ]
a weird mixture of henry cavill as geralt of rivia / kenjiro tsuba as nanami kento / crispin freeman as soma schicksal and tsume / lex lang as geto suguru
5w6, 9w8
lawful neutral
ambitious, wise, adventurous, practical, creative, calm, rational, analytical, caring, passionate, reliable, troubleshooter, open-minded, tolerant, kind, self-aware, adaptive, flexible, supportive, even-tempered, assertive, observant, independent, compassionate, mysterious, blunt, enigmatic, strict, logical, quiet, contemplative, honest, reserved, reckless, stubborn, aloof, relatively easy-going, introvert, stoic, diplomatic, determined, insensitive, cold, impatient, ruthless, isolated, withdrawn, hardworking, self-critical, protective, secretive
hogwarts house
shaking his head, various sounds like grunts / sighs / grumbles / etc, pinching the bridge of his nose, running a hand down his face in exasperation, raking a hand through salt n' pepper strands, calling those younger than him kid / kiddo / small fry, smoking
losing what little family he has left, people seeing him the way he sees himself ( a no-good sinner that's long past redemption ), unable to protect others, the past catching up to him, someone going through what he had to go through, getting close to others, being happy
defense fighting, hand-to-hand combat, physical strength, cold logic ( even if it physically hurts him ), diplomatic, accurate aim, perspective, sword fighting, open-minded, critical thinker, taking charge in a time of crisis, level-headed, slow to anger, good advice / knowledgeable, assertive, stealth ( though lacks the quickness / nimbleness someone with a smaller / lankier stature might have ), commanding presence ( breathing a sense of warmth and safety ), self-disciplined, decisive, adaptive, high pain / drinking tolerance
allowing himself to be happy, prioritizing others above his wellbeing ( self-sacrificing ), self-isolating ( doesn't fancy having his emotions out in the open, preferring to remain a stable / unmoveable rock the crew can rely / look up to ), not able to give into his true desires ( going into a fatal flaw of his that he is undeserving of everything good ), delicate things ( like flowers, youkai is the idiom " a bull in a china shop " ), smaller statures ( because of his bulkier build, youkai is naturally at a disadvantage depending on how they use their cards against a brute like himself ), truly does have strong self-worth issues, secretive toward his health, the inability to let go of the ghosts from his past nor the guilt / shame that comes with it, appearing cold / aloof because of his non-expression features and monotonous timbre, will work himself to death if you allow him too ( far to many nightmares that youkai has a hard time getting proper sleep ), hair maintenance ( doesn't always have the time / energy to deal with it ), self-critical, cooking ( has the basic skills to cook several things, but nothing worth boasting about ), climbing ( at risk of re-disolocating his shoulder ), aching bones ( older injuries can become difficult - rolling 1d100 to decide on the severity ), prone to injury ( not out of carelessness, but pure born need to protective his family / crew ), storytelling ( might have wicked stories, but lacks the naturalism someone has - youkai is just pure gruffness with a side of charisma )
fireflies, sunsets / sunrises, flower crowns ( never could he make one, but for the sentimental value they possess ), taking nightly walks, colder seasons ( though his body disagrees, youkai dislikes the overwhelming heat for someone that runs a higher temperature ), nighttime, smoking ( though acknowledging its bad for you, youkai will still take the risk and several barrels of mead ), lengthy reads ( a fellow collector of scrolls to pass the time ), the salty smell of the sea and the adventure that comes with it, rough seas ( you aren't a sailor if you haven't once sailed rough waters ), forget-me-nots, cease the moment
pointless arguments ( he hates running around in circles when you can state it bluntly and move on from the problem ), reckless participants ( hypocrisy at its finest - would rather it affect him than someone else ), warmer weather ( the sweltering heat to be more specific ), feeling helpless ( a prime reason why he hides injuries ), folks who have real bad mannerisms, anger ( it solves nothing, but making everyone high strung and emotional - doesn't go to say youkai doesn't feel anger he does but better to keep it in-check until needed ), neglectful parents, mercy killing ( not directed at anyone, but because of emotional trauma, this is a personal dislike ), sunflowers / daisies ( a personal attachment )
section 1
— a bittersweet childhood, youkai’s parents wanted nothing to do with him, his twin, and two younger siblings having given them various degrading names like “ cruel spirit ” or “ temptress ”. they considered them bad luck charms, opting to tease and poke fun at them rather than be actual parents ( which was what the nanny was for - having been a considerably rich family in a well-populated city ).
— as common sense would allow, you’d suspect they’d stop having kids once their eldest were born ( twin brothers ). youkai’s parents fired their nanny in favor of saving money they shoved that responsibility onto youkai as the “ eldest ”.
— life was rough, juggling random jobs and raising his little brothers with the help of his twin and third eldest when the poor struck, setting fire to their home and killing everyone but his parents and him ( though his siblings' corpses had never been recovered, and naturally presumed dead ).
— his parents lost everything leaving it up to him to replenish their depleting funds through various labor jobs, exploiting his shapeshifting ability to the max.
— growing tired of their facade, youkai packed up and left his parents to do whatever it was ( youkai hadn’t the slightest clue ), finding a decent job as a blacksmith in a small, quaint village when he met his wife.
— some odd years later, youkai was the proud father of two ( a daughter and a son ). he swore to become a parental figure that’d never disappoint them like his. it was a trial by error as first-time parents until discovering she was pregnant again ( 5+ years later ), giving birth to three little girls.
— though the years had been peaceful for the family, tensions brewed between two neighboring towns, divided by a plentiful river that bled into the vast ocean bringing scuffles and unwanted violence.
— youkai lost his wife and youngest daughters to a conflict that could have been avoided ( avenging them by killing those that dared lay a hand on his family ), scooping up his eldest children, and booking across the ocean as stowaways on a trading ship. it was hell for the first few months until they reached dry land where youkai started anew.
— during a particular afternoon near the seaside, youkai and his two eldest children were forcibly broken apart.
— he searched for months, gradually becoming a hollowed shell after losing them. there wasn’t a purpose. he’d lost everything. why should he care if he lived or died?
— getting into fistfights and wagering bets to see who’d beat him during a particular context of “ who can drink the most mead before passing out ”. In case you aren’t aware; youkai won the majority of those. he’s done things he’ll regret for the remainder of his life and he’ll do his best to own up to those mistakes for as long as he’s able to breathe.
section 2
— by no one’s fault by his own, youkai has an unnatural ability to accumulate broken, traumatized children ( apparently ). though youkai has no qualms about this when he managed to “ adopt ” several children.
— it was a broken family, but good, so very good that youkai managed to get out of his depressed isolation, though the guilt continues to eat him alive.
— peaceful years full of chaos and bright-filled laughter, youkai became a grandfather to a beautiful niece for some odd months when illness struck, killing his adoptive son and husband ( alongside their 5-month-old niece ).
— grief struck, falling into familiar patterns of self-isolation and unwavering loss all while trying to remain afloat to take care of the remainder of his adoptive kids.
— a ditzy, sunshine fellow, one of his kids was, and notorious for trusting strangers left the man tearing his hair out in stress ( perhaps that’s why his hair is nearly white ) when murder struck. unable to prevent it, youkai witnesses his adoptive son die, leaving him to pick up the pieces of what was left of their messy family.
— later on in the years, youkai was recruited by the local lord as a soldier where he remained for the next ten-some-years. doing his best to visit the last remnants of his family when he wasn’t sailing. by some miracle, youkai isn’t sure had found his younger brothers ( the twins ) who’d survived, taken in by a dotting couple.
— youkai spent time with his family, juggling the grueling work and spending quality time with his family. it wasn’t perfect, but it was theirs. the few remaining kids he’d adopted leaving the nest to start their paths. youkai couldn’t have been happier.
— an accident occurs during a nightly visit to the tavern, rendering his brother dead and the other suffering, youkai is forced to make a hard, calculative decision by killing his brother. a mercy kill to most, but to youkai was murder.
— with a heart full of guilt, youkai jumped from tavern to tavern. wandering the lands with nothing but a rusty pistol and a broadsword doing odd jobs here and there with no real sense of purpose.
— nearly sixty, youkai joins the night jewel, freshly new with no one knowing who he is, he begins a new chapter.
the ability to shift from human to dire wolf at will, following the painful process of bone reshaping and muscles reforming to match that of whichever form, though allowing him stronger night vision to wade through the darkness while possessing enhanced physical strength.
considered an old relic, youkai has a rusty pistol that's seen better days and a blister steel broadsword attached by a series of leather straps across his backside.
♡.﹀ several ways to braid hair ( having been self-taught when his daughters were alive )
♡.﹀ carries no judgment when offering help whether that's calming them from a sticky nightmare or running a soothing hand up and down their spine in a silent i ain't goin' anywhere
♡.﹀ knows that life is too short to second guess and live with the guilt of what if so naturally, youkai will grab life by the horns and ride it through
♡.﹀ isn't sensitive when it comes to questions about the multitude of scars he bares, even willing to add a story ( as awful as he is, youkai is trying his best )
♡.﹀ some might not even realize youkai is being sarcastic because of his monotonous timbre
♡.﹀ rarely does he indulge in " silly " things like water fights or roughhousing, but when it does, it's such a rewarding sight
♡.﹀ will bring anyone under his wing as a mentor / fatherly figure which is why a lot of the time, youkai is dubbed " gramps " or " old man " by the crew
♡.﹀ isn't necessarily religious but does believe something is out there, so you'll see him commonly refer to things as " for the love of stars " or " for stars sake "
♡.﹀ a man full of scars who's gruff, but has a gold heart
♡.﹀ general vibes are cowboy x mafia ( aesthetic wise )
♡.﹀ has lost too much, but is still willing to give and give. not once looking to take for himself, but to suffer in silence
♡.﹀ slow dancing after dinner with s/o ( and children ) and calling s/o sweetheart
♡.﹀ you will never go uncertain that youkai loves you, offering simple, feather-light touches and syrupy words
♡.﹀ youkai is similar to john wick, leroy jethro gibbs, tom chandler, jon snow, aragorn, and arthur morgan
♡.﹀ his pokemon is the zamazenta
♡.﹀ his tarot card is upright temperance
♡.﹀ the dog breed most like him is the cane corso
♡.﹀ his stone is the amethyst
♡.﹀ his flower is the forget-me-nots
♡.﹀ doesn't hide his secondary form, but doesn't boast about it either. if the situation requires his secondary form, youkai won't hesitate otherwise he'll go about his day.
love language
quality time, quality time
now playing...
dead man
david kushner
♡coded by uxie♡
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