Sleeping Secrets


Seven Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
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Kawashima Thunder submitted a new role play. @Kawashima Thunder, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

Main Characters

Emma Gilcrest- Protagonist (@Kawashima Thunder )

Alexis Gilcrest- Emma's widowed expectant sister (@Hiddencard )

Jen Black- Emma's Best Friend since Junior High ( @Vampiress )

Jake Lancaster- Emma's Childhood Friend, has a pet Siberian Husky (??????? )

Elise Belizaire- Kidnaps Alexis in an attempt to take her baby out of revenge (@Kawashima Thunder )

Supporting Characters

Mateo Moore- An Ex-Military Rookie Cop with an extremely strong sense of justice. The investigation into Alexis' abduction gives Mateo the opportunity to prove himself worthy of becoming a Detective. @killerlung

Lilith Baskov- The Detective assigned to investigating Alexis' Abduction (@Haley )

Maddy Black-Jen's teenage cousin ( @Vampiress )

Character Sheet







Personality: (Can be Traits or a Paragraph; the Choice is yours)


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/MV5BMjE3MzMxMjE2MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODgwMTMyOA@@__V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg.f6d6d94503d6fda0cef66db3a47e79a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19330" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/MV5BMjE3MzMxMjE2MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODgwMTMyOA@@__V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg.f6d6d94503d6fda0cef66db3a47e79a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Emma Gilcrest

Gender: Female

Ethnicity/Nationality: Asian-American

Age: 20

Occupation: College Student

Personality: Protective, Kind-Hearted, Friendly, Nice, Loving, Caring, Timid, Sensitive, Shy, Upbeat

Biography: Emma was born in Anaheim, CA, but raised in Seattle, WA. Growing up, Emma was fairly tomboyish and was very close to her Father. In Elementary School, she took an interest in Mixed Martial Arts. As a result, she would enroll into Shotokan Karate. A star pupil and fast learner, Emma made her way up to Black Belt by the time she was in 7th Grade. By High School, she was more exposed to Mixed Martial Arts, as she started watching UFC Fights, watching every event available and going onto Pay-per-view whenever there was a new fight card. Starting in Freshman year, she took up Boxing, Muay Thai and Jujitsu. In Junior Year, she took up Kendo. During the Summer before her Senior Year, her parents went through a Divorce. By then, her Older Sister, Alexis, had already gotten married and was no longer living with the Family. During this time, Emma felt lost and alone, despite having her Childhood Friend Jake, his Dog Blackheart and her Best Friend Jen by her side. As a result of her parents' divorce, Emma would seek solace in Mixed Martial Arts, spending most of her time in her Garage training day and night on days that she did not have lessons or classes. In August of 2014, her Father would leave Washington and moved to Florida, leaving her with her Mother. Despite wanting to move with her Father, she did not want to leave Jake and Jen behind or jeopardize her graduation. As a result of her Father's departure, Emma's Senior Year would start off in depression. She would suffer from social withdrawal, fatigue, emotional outbursts and loss of interest in practically everything around her, most notably in School Dances. Rather then be excited for a guy to ask her to the Dance like she did nearly all of her High School career, she would instead shut down and it would seem impossible to talk to her. However, it did not stop practically every Senior Male from asking her to Homecoming, Junior Prom & Senior Prom. Despite losing interest, Emma would go forward and attend every single school dance. However, at Tolo, she would keep to herself, but would dance with guys that ask her. Later, Emma would graduate from High School with Honors. Shortly after, her Mother too left Washington to go return to California. Out of empathy, her sister and brother-in-law would take her in. She would then start attending the University of Washington, majoring in Criminal Justice. Sometime during her third year in College, Alexis would ask Emma to be the Godmother of her child, which would snap Emma out of her depression. Unfortunately, three months into Alexis' pregnancy, Emma's brother-in-law would die in a fatal car accident, where Alexis and her baby were the only survivors -- or so she thought. As of current, with Alexis' due date approaching, Emma has decided to set four weeks aside for Alexis, so she can care for her for the remainder of her pregnancy and be there for her when she gives birth. While she has no doubt Alexis will be a good mother, Emma is unsure if she is fit to be Godmother -- or Aunt for that matter. However, two weeks before Alexis' due date, Emma herself is brutally assaulted and Alexis is kidnapped. With only two weeks, Emma has no room for mistakes. She must find Alexis before it is too late...




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/one.jpg.032248d631f5cf9258a515dabd80bf34.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19386" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/one.jpg.032248d631f5cf9258a515dabd80bf34.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Jake Lancaster

Gender: Male

Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian

Age: 21

Occupation: College Student

Personality: Funny, Caring, a bit awkward at first. Protective, and loveable

Jake was born in Miami, FL but moved to Seattle, WA after his father took up a job there. Jake grew up with a violent temper that caused his parents to enroll him in Shotokan Karate. Almost always the bottom of the class he looked up to his upper members but most of all to Emma Gilcrest, a tomboy-ish girl that was always the first to understand the moves being taught. Jake befriended Emma and became close friends with her and her best friend Jen. Until this point Jake's only friend was Blackheart his large Siberian Husky. It wasn't until senior year when he felt his friends were changing. Emma had become depressed after her father had left and had lost all interest in the things she loved. Jake tried his best to help Emma in this time. Thanks to Emma, Jake worked to be better and by the end of senior year managed to graduate along with Emma. Shortly afterwards Jake enrolled into The same college as Emma had and began studying philosophy. Still keeping in close contact with Emma and Jen he was pleased to learn about Emma's sisters pregnancy and even more so that Emma would be the god mother. This seemed to make Emma happy as well as she took interest in everything again and seemed happy which pleased Jake. When Jake receives the call about Emma's assault and Alexis kidnapping he vows to do everything he can to help find her.




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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.9698c35efd0e3d772c6be36f10067bed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.9698c35efd0e3d772c6be36f10067bed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Jen Black




Occupation: Collage student

Personality: (Can be Traits or a Paragraph; the Choice is yours) Nice, caring, overprotective, smart, funny, and a fashionista with time for fighting when it is needed.

Biography:Jen has lived in Seattle Washington since she was born she has moved from the houses she lives in but stayed in Seattle. Jen loves fashion and is super girly and she has been that way since she was 10. Growing up until junior high was rough because Jen although super girly never had friends cause everyone called a fashion horde. In junior high that changed when she met Jake Lanceaster and Emma Gilcrest. She was happy and was instantly over protective of them and Blackheart Jake's husky. Jen doesn't care that Emma is a tom-boy at least she has a female friend. Jake, Emma, and her are now all overprotective of Alexis cause she has been kidnapped and is pregnant and she is due in two weeks. Jen will rest at nothing until Alexis and her baby are safe and sound and Emma is happy again. Oh Jen loves music she can't live without it as well as Emma, Jake and Jake's dog Blackheart.




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/mysterious_woman_with_purple_eyes_wallpaper_gm3a0.jpg.c791b05e89d78200c86b337290d1a2ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19397" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/mysterious_woman_with_purple_eyes_wallpaper_gm3a0.jpg.c791b05e89d78200c86b337290d1a2ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Elise Belizaire

Gender: Female

Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian

Age: 26

Occupation: Unknown

Personality: Nothing is known about Elise, other then that she is a vengeful soul.

Biography: Elise Belizaire was once a woman who burned with a strong desire to start a family. Unfortunately, that dream came to an end when she suffered a miscarriage brought on by a fatal car accident. Although Elise survived the crash, she widowed another expecting mother, Alexis Gilcrest. Following the Accident, Elise tried to commit suicide after learning that Alexis' unborn baby survived and her's did not. Her suicide attempt failed and she was nursed back to health as a vengeful soul. After spending nearly half a year recovering from the miscarriage, Elise began her quest for vengeance. She would find and kidnap Alexis in revenge. Successful with the abduction, Elise plans to wait for Alexis to go into labor, then perform a C-Section on her. Only then her revenge will be complete, as she now seeks to take Alexis' baby, much to Alexis' horror. But will Emma and her friends stop her before she can execute her plan?




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>Character Sheet<


“Yep this is me."



“Proud to be.”

Alexis Gilcrest


“Never ask a women that!”



“I’m pregnant…"



“That’s me.."



“Right now I am on hold because of my pregnancy, but when I am back I will continue."

Student Lawyer


“Oh, here it comes.."

She is a very outgoing and fun person normally. She would love to crack jokes, and especially annoy her little sister was one of her favorites.

It did halt a little when her husband was killed, she turned more quiet, and pretty protective of herself (because of the baby)

She has really tried to get back to her own personality, but it has become quite hard.

Right now, being kidnapped, she is extremely stressed, and uses whatever chance she has to try and escape for her baby.


“Story of my life.."

When she was younger Alexis was quite the girly-girl, she loved cheerleading, dresses and parties. She tried so hard to be the perfect

daughter all the time, and it left her to be a bit of a perfectionist. At the same time she wanted to be a perfect sister and help her

in any given situation. Emma was her baby sister and she loved her. Too bad she was better at protecting herself than Alexis was

when she started all her karate classes.

Her whole life really revolved around other people and how they viewed her. She wanted to be perfect.

It wasn’t because she met her true love - as she knew he was- that she actually found time for herself. She loved him dearly and it

was such a happy moment when she announced that she was pregnant. Which just made the cut even harder when he passed away. She

became enclosed when he died. Luckily she hadn’t lost her baby in the crash too.

She started putting even more on her sisters shoulder’s, which she hated, since she still wanted to protect her, but at

the same time she just felt so broken down by all this and needed the support.

And now she was kidnapped….

Eonni <3

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(Can you add Maddy Jen's 14 year old cousin to supporting characters and reserve her for me Kawashima Thunder?) 
Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.99d93b8bfc1206babe7f5de1ba69cb7c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19681" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.99d93b8bfc1206babe7f5de1ba69cb7c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Maddy Black (Jen's cousin)




Occupation:8th grade student

Personality: (Can be Traits or a Paragraph; the Choice is yours)Smart,Nice,Girly,Caring,and a bit overprotective of her Cousin Jen's friends.

Biography:Maddy Black grew up in Seattle. She hates school although she is very smart she only hates school cause she gets bullied a lot. She loves Edward Cullen cause she is in her twilight phase like Jen she has every Edward Cullen thing she could find. To her her only friends are her family and Jen friends Emma,Jake,Jake's dog Blackheart and Alexis Emma's Pregnant sister.



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Lilith Baskov










Lilith is very headstrong and determined. She is often underestimated by people and colleagues that don't know her but once she's on a case she is a force not to be reckoned with. She is often known for being closed off and cold, usually resistant to working with a partner.


Lilith lacks much of a personal life as a result from her dedication to her job. at only 28 she was recently promoted to detective in the state's SVU precinct. With over a 90% closing rate on cases it's no wonder she is hailed by those who work close to her for being one of the youngest SVU detectives in Seattle.

Born in the lower middle class part of Seattle to her American cop dad and full Russian mother, life had it's ups and downs. They weren't rich or anything but they made it by okay, having the most expensive clothes and newest toys wasn't what was important to Lilith, so when the bullies tried to target her on everything she didn't have, they were quickly shut down. Not only did she have a knack for getting her own personal bullies to back off, but little Lilith also took to helping other kids keep bullies off them as well.

This attitude and determination to keep the peace and safety of her fellow classmates is exactly what made her head of her grades crimestoppers all through middle school and high school where she earned "most likely to be a cop" in her senior yearbook. It didn't take the encouragement of her peers that started her in the criminal justice degree at the community college though, she had already planned her destiny ever since she was a kid when she would watch her daddy leave in his sharp, clean uniform and come home tired but satisfied with his days work. He helped people, he sometimes even saved people and despite a lot of hate he got for being a cop, she still knew that was what she was meant for. So she toughed it out, passed her classes and started at the bottom of the totem pole in Seattle vice at the ripe age of 22.

Working her way up from the bottom wasn't all show and tell for miss Baskov. Daily she was undermined not only for being a woman, but for being half russian. Racial slurs and sexist remarks seemed to be the special that came with her coffee every morning, especially served whenever she tried to be a leader and assert herself as worthy of a leader position. She didn't let it slow her down though. She was determined to make it out of vice and go further than even her father had climbed on the precinct ladder. It only took six years of parking tickets, prostitution and drug stings, domestic violence calls then finally promoted to Special Victims Unit where she deals with rape cases, child abuse and pedophiles, making Seattle a better place, one scum at a time.

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Character Sheet


Mateo "Mathew" Moore

Gender: Male

Ethnicity/Nationality: Hispanic/ Irish-American

Age: 27

Occupation: Police Officer, (possible rookie Detective ) Former MP


Mateo or 'Mathew' Moore is young, and often gives off a vibe of carelessness, or "softness" to his peers. This however could not be further from the truth, Matt is fully aware of how he appears in the eyes of others, and he continues to facilitate this illusion to his peers so that he can get them off their guards. You see people have a tendency to slip up around those they deem to stupid, or inexperienced to catch on to their schemes, and so Matt continues to play a fool in the precinct. A bit of a drinker, he often comes to the office after long nights, and makes it no secret that he does so. He is often the "nice cop" when interrogating suspects, and often does favors for other officers, even at the risk of being perceived as a fool who can be easily taken advantage of. Though he plays these roles well his true nature is cruel, unfeeling, and dedicated to a mission of his own design. He has a dedication to justice, and is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure it is done. He has no patience for corruption, even if he might be a little hypocritical in this, and he is constantly working towards cleaning the streets. His true methods are somewhat unorthodox, and he is a bit sadistic in his pursuit for justice, but the truth is....he loves this job. So to sum things up, Matt is a sociopathic machine, though perhaps a real person lies underneath the surface, buried in the act he puts on. Though that person is no doubt a broken, sad thing.


Mateo Moore is the son of a Mexican green card worker who was busted by an Irish-American cop. The two met in Dallas, while Josiah Moore was positioned there as a police Lieutenant. Mateo's father busted an immigration ring that soon began to take a dangerous turn, a turn that may or may not have involved narcotics. Josiah's mother Isabella Espinosa was to be quickly deported, though something about her caught the Irish cop's attention. She was kind, noble (as someone who illegally got into the country and moved narcotics could be) , and perhaps most importantly headstrong. The two fell in a sort of love that was only facilitated by constant correctional bondage. That is to say being on opposite sides of the law only furthered their love...well let's be honest lust, but eventual love. Each and every time she was caught or deported she'd be back with a new cartel, with a new group of traffickers. Anyways, their game of cat and mouse was soon put to an end when SURPRISE a baby was to be born to the two. So naturally Josiah took up extra shifts to work in a favor to get Josiah's mother Isabella a green card despite her many run ins with the law. For a while they were happy, well they were fighting spitfires, but they were in love. For six long years that marriage went on fairly well, and that kid grew up to be an adorable spitting image of his mother. Well that was until the day that his mother's past caught up with her, the day when the cartel found her, and when they found out that she had married a cop after all the secrets she was exposed to, they did the only thing that they thought was right. Brutally murdered her! With her son hiding in the house and her husband at work. So later when his dad did arrive he had to explain to his son why his mother's head wouldn't go back on her body. (Talk about an awkward conversation) After that moment the two were relocated, and Josiah took up a job in the postal service.

The years that came after didn't go quite as smoothly. Josiah began to drink entirely too much, and the young Mateo began to get into constant fights in school. Eventually Matt was sent away to boarding school, where he proceeded to get into fights, though he eventually straightened up after a rather abusive visit from his father. Of course after he graduated, (a year early I might add) he immediately joined the Army as a Military Policemen. Though his ideal to uphold the law was soon tested when while on leave he witnessed an off duty platoon of marines invade the home a local family. The things he saw in that home would sicken him, would bring him to the point of breaking, and set off a chain reaction that undid years of therapy. The years after that were a blur, Sgt Moore solved a number of cases though what he did in his off time was much more menacing. Using stashed local weapons or weapons confiscated from insurgents he murdered a number of these sick soldiers, all under the guise of a terrorist. Later he would shoot down the supposed terrorist, a local degenerate he'd shoot down, maim, or burn before moving to a new post. His most famous case involved taking down a supposed Muslim radical convert in the base, though that wasn't without casualties, seeing as a Colonel died in that man's attack. In truth it was Sgt. Moore who killed them both since that Colonel was a pedophile who was guilty of forcing himself on locals when off duty, and the officer who supposedly converted was actually a psychopathic torturer.

Yes after that mission Sgt Moore was commended, and promoted, though he never went back for another tour. Choosing to instead head home and join the police academy where he'd pass with subpar scores to avoid arousing suspicion. He moved to Seattle, hoping to give the rain a try rather than stick to the sand. Since graduating the academy, he's feigned his way through as the gullible, oafish, yet kind hearted officer. He often allows himself to be taken advantage of by other officers with the thought that people tend to lower their guards around simpletons. Though he lives his life still intent on his mission to deal true justice, he has somewhat fallen for his role. Finding it hard not to somewhat care about the people that surround him, he's torn between being the cold machine that he was overseas and the lovable all-too feeling act he plays around the office. Though he wavers his mission is still the same, root out injustice, kill those that deserve it, and make for a world free from the type of depravity that made children like him. He's looking for corruption and sick degenerates with which to put a bullet to their brains...or their spines...or their fleshy organ things that pump blood....oh wait that's right they call that a heart, yeah that's the one! So while other cops like to arrest the sickos, he'd much rather kill them and make it look like a suicide, in fact in Seattle the rates of suicides are already much higher than average so all the more perfect for his off duty antics go unnoticed. So, this case will be interesting, especially since it's grabbed his attention.

OOC:Yes, I know adding a sociopathic killer in a cop outfit is a little....erm unorthodox, and no I'm not gonna go killing people all willy nilly. Also no willy nilly is not a word, though willy might be if you consider a euphemism equivocal to a definition.......I'll just shut up now....Oh yeah, Eonni.
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