Slave Trade


Thug Na$ty
When Gin came to his vision was fiercely blurred and his head was throbbing intensely. His thoughts were slow and sluggish, and he hadn't the faintest idea where he was..

The last thing he remembered was walking down the street towards his house from the store, and now he was looking around a small, dimly lit room that smelled of sweat and blood. He tried to rub his eyes but his hands strained against rope bindings. His shout was muffled by a vigorously tied gag. He waited for his head to clear then attempted to asses the situation. He noticed that his ears would pop every once in a while and realized that he was actually on a plane!

Gin heard a cough in the darkness and wormed his way toward the sound. Upon closer inspection he saw that several other people were bound and gagged in the same way as himself. But there must have been some reason they were here with him... He fought hard to remember the last thing he could before this. He remembered walking to the grocery store for his parents, then, nothing.... Gin's shout was muffled... However after a few minutes of thrashing he discovered that his gag was loose! He wrenched his head from side to side until the gag loosened and fell to his neck.

"Yes!" He shouted, his lungs sucked uninhibited oxygen. He was sure he could chew through some one elses restraints, he just had to wake one of them up...
Emily sat shivering on the plane. She'd awoken just moments before Gin. She couldn't stop coughing and saw the male that woke up was looking at her and soon had his gag out. She struggled against her bonds but her delicate body wasn't a match for the ropes.

The last thing she remembered was the chase. Her wings had burst out in public when an older man approached her and was trying to grab for her. It was obvious the man was drunk, and Emily was aggravated at the situation. Her wings pushed out in defense, and all the humans began running away and screaming. She soon saw a group of people in matching uniforms running in her direction, and she'd taken off the other way. She tried to fly after she'd finally made it to an open area of town, but when she lifted off she felt a sharp pain in her neck and everything went black.

Emily looked around, still shaking from the cold on the plane. She was dressed in summery clothes, shorts and a tank top with tennis shoes, but the plane was chilly to say the least. There were others on the plane with them, most still unconscious.
After a while Gin's eyes adjusted to the darkness and he could make out the shapes of his companions. After a moment of inspection he confirmed they they all had wings like him. Gin swayed for a moment he was still groggy. Under normal circumstances his mind was razor sharp and he never missed anything. But this drug inside of him was clouding his mind.

Even with out his powers of perception he noticed one of the other captives was shivering in the darkness. She appeared female and her wings were beautiful. He paused himself.. What an odd thought.. Beautiful. He hadn't wrapped his mind around the fact that there were others like him! Another Aviate! He had never met another like him before and despite the situation he was sort of excited. Must be the drugs.. He thought.

He crawled towards the girl and looked at her. Her gag wasn't as forgiving as his. "Let me see your hands. I think i can get the knot out with my teeth." He told her.
Siyuri awoke instantly and shot up. She looked around, freaking out a bit. Then she realized it was a plane she was in. She screamed to the top of her lungs only for it to become muffled by a gag. She thrashed violently, trying to get it off. She accidentally smacked her head on the window and almost past out. She looked around dizzy. She saw to others. "Help me!" She attempted. She was sweaty and her dark red hair was a little crazy. The last thing she knew she was at home with her totally average family. That was until her mom got a certain phone call. And boom, just like that shes put to sleep and stuffed into a car. She was especially hot since she was wearing skin tight jeans with a white tang top and a black, skin tight jacket that went down just below her breasts
It was dark on the plane. Emily couldn't tell how many others were on the plane, or if any of them were conscious other than the man close to her. They all seemed to have something protruding from them, but she couldn't see well enough to tell if it was attached to their bodies of if it was simply more people lying around.

Emily saw the man wriggling towards her. She noticed that he had wings just like her. From that, she assumed it was wings that were attached to the back of all the others. So all of these captives were Aviates? She nodded and turned so the male could reach her wrists, which were bleeding slightly from the friction.
Gin heard a shout for help in the dark.

"Hold on! I'll be right there." He replied to the girl. Gin looked down at the first girls knotted bindings. He bent down to examine them closer and he found that it was a simple knot. After a moment of awkward biting and maneuvering he managed to free her hands.

"Here, untie me, then we'll get to her." He motioned in the direction of the shout from earlier.
Emily quickly pulled the gag from her mouth, her cough subsiding a little from the newfound ability to breathe properly. She quickly untied his hands and then sat up, crawling around in the dark to try to locate the muffled voice from earlier. Emily finally found the source of the yell and made quick work to remove the gag and untie the girls' hands. She looked back to the man. "What about the others?" she asked. They weren't conscious yet, but they would be soon so they might as well unbind them all.
There where 2 armed Guards given charge of watching the new "imports" who where standing at just out side of the section of the plane the Aviates where captive in. Hearing a slight commotion Guard A said: "Fredrick, go and check on the merchandise, if the Director found out something wrong with them it would be both our hides."

the other guard "Fredrick" tried to retort: "But i watched the last ones!" but could only get about half of the sentence out before Guard A decks him (punches) in the throat making a thud sound that would be audible to the prisoners sending Fredrick on his way. He entered the detainment area and closed sliding door behind him before he shouted at the little monsters in his high pitched voice ; "SHUT UP!. if i hear or see anyone doing anything that i believe will threaten this transport i will see that the offenders are thoroughly beaten!" it would have been almost comical if he was not holding a stun rod. he had not noticed that many of the Avians where already unbound.
When The last of Gin's bindings were off he stood up straight and his knees popped as he did. It felt good to be free...ish. Gin looked at girl one.

"Yeah we should untie them" Gin looked around at his fellow captives. Most of them were knocked out.

"What are your names?" He asked as he untied the bindings of an unconscious male.

His unbinding was cut short by a loud thud just outside the door of the room they were in. It's true his senses were more dull than usual but his perception was still almost flawless. Gin extended the tendrils of his mind outward to interpret the signals he felt:A large object just hit the ground, a man... Footsteps, left foot, right foot... He's leaning forward, probably clutching his wound from that fall.. His weight was forward he would be easy to bring down..

Gin came back to himself and rushed to the door. With all his strength he jumped up and grabbed a pipe that was above the door. Seconds later an angry guard burst through the doorway shouting incoherent babble, he sounded like he was punched in the neck but he had recentered his weight.. Gin decided not to drop down on him when he saw the baton. for now he would remain unnoticed.
Fredrick stood there Watching the Avains that where awake seeing that everyone was still disorientated and that he was the largest man in the room he made 5 fatal flaws that would not be expected of an elite security detail even if he was a rookie :

1: Fredrick failed to check the prisoners bindings

2: Fredrick failed to do a head count

3: Fredrick dropped his stun rod and failed to follow protocol, instead of brandishing his side arm he bent over to pick it up revealing to Gin one of the only parts of his amour that was unprotected. his neck

4: Fredrick thought was also smarter than everyone else in the room

5: Fredrick failed to look up
As Gin watched the man he was sent a gift from above. For no apparent reason the man dropped his baton and bent over ridiculously slowly to pick it up. Gin seized the opportunity to drop down and smash his heel into the back of the man's neck, instantly knocking him out cold and possibly breaking his neck. The adrenaline of the moment had completely pushed the drug out of his system and his mind was going full tilt, no doubt there was another guard near by and he probably heard the commotion. Gin had to secure the room immediately. He threw the unconscious body out of the door and bolted it closed. Then he knocked over as many cargo boxes as he could in front of the door.
"Emily," said the girl when Gin asked her name. She continued to untie the other captives hands until she heard someone approaching the door. Gin ran over to hide and she simply put her hands behind her back, leading the guard to think they were tied.

She thought for sure nothing was going to go wrong. That was, until the man bent over and Gin hit him in the neck. He was now unconscious on the floor. Emily stifled a gasp. "What are you-" The male started knoking over crates and doing other noisy things that would surely be noticeable. There was no turning back.

Emily went back to the other ones that were still asleep and untied the rest. "Great," she said. "Now what!? That guy had a freaking stun gun, who knows what the others have?!" She was speaking a lot more than she typically did, but certain circumstances call for certain actions, and for once she thought all the yelling was necessary. If there were other guards, and the Aviates were outnumbered - which, they were, since only three were even awake - they might even be killed.
Siyuri held her hands to her head. "Oh my God! What the hell is going on!?" She said in a frustrated and confused voice. She shook her head as if the confusion left with it. She walked over to the nearest person. Untying them and moving kn to the next in propetual motion. She stopped and turned to the other two. "Im Siyuri by the way." She brushed her hair over her shoulder and looked around. She saw the Baird lying on the floor. That cant be good, she thought. Then she turned her attention to the crates. And neither can that, she thought. She put her face in her hands and sat back down. "We are so gonna die."
(Mowgli said Gin threw Fredrick out of the room but Siyuri and Emily both can still see him on the floor, writing next part assuming that Fredrick was NOT thrown out the door because of majority)

The remaining Guard pulled a hand radio out of his utility belt to radio his partner after he heard the ruckus ; "Fredrick do you have the situation under control?" hearing no reply he asked again; "FREDRICK! quit playin around!" it went on in this manner for about 2 minutes untill Guard A began cursing wildly into the radio but still receiving no reply he attempted to open the sliding door but it was locked from the inside so he shoved his stun baton through a crack in the door and forced it open to get a view full of boxes piled up specifically to keep him out. He switched to the pilot`s communication channel. " Fredrick is maintaining radio silence, he`s most likely to be incapacitated and the merchandise has boxed themselves inside of the detainment area. how long before you can bring us to a steep incline?" * Rodger that* came the slightly distorted voice of the pilot. *we have approximately 3 minutes till incline favoribility to move an improvised barracade. in the meantime hold on to something * Guard A held on to a bar on the left side of the entrance as the plane began to rise....

(we have 3 more chaercters awaiting confirmation)
Opening her eyes for the first time, all Kira could see was darkness. The dry air filtering into Kira's lungs through a dirty gag was stale and smell of blood and sweat filled her nostrils. The poor girl had been unconscious for quite some time, until now when a sudden ruckus has stirred her from her restless slumber. Where am I? W-what happened? Kira's mind was in a flurry of thoughts and she couldn't seem to focus. Slowly struggling in an attempt to sit up, an immense aching began to pound in her head; however, she found that her muscles were stiff, sore, and bruised as well as her wrists were bound tightly behind her back. Any movement she made with her hands only caused a sharp sting to circle her wrists, the harsh rope digging into her already tender skin. Slowly wiggling her shoulders, she found that her slender blue wings were also wrapped securely against her body.

Just then, the girl's chocolate brown eyes caught movement over in the far corner. Huffing in determination, she managed to right herself and lean against the metal wall of wherever she was being kept captive. Was that....another winged being? At first Kira thought her eyes were playing tricks on her but sure enough, there was a young man not too far off from her, beautiful wings protruding from his back. When her eyes finally adjusted, she noticed that he wasn't the only one. The room was full of winged people, mostly her age! A few other girls such as herself were already free and roaming about, cutting the ropes from others.

Seeing the young man was untying the others, also tightly bound in rough ropes, Kira attempted to call out to him, but found her voice was raspy and dry. Eventually though, she managed to croak, "Over here!" through the stiff gag across her mouth. A massive headache still occupied her forehead, but at least now her thoughts were starting to clear. That strange buzzing and the constant bumping told her that they weren't in a building, but in a transportation unit, most likely a plane. Sure enough, when a guard came to check on the prisoners, the young winged man jumped down from the ceiling and attempted to throw him out a door of the plane! It wasn't long before another guard stuck his baton through the window, which had apparently been boxed up by some of the free winged beings, then spoke into his radio, though Kira couldn't tell what he was saying.

Only moments later, the plane began to rise. Higher and higher it went, the nose tilting upward causing the floor to slant and the boxes creating the barricade to slide towards the back. Panic caught hold of Kira in its icy grip; she was still bound, she couldn't move out of the way! She could be crushed by one of the heavy crates if the plane tilted back much more.
(okay problem solved)

(for future reference if your typing a long post, copy it, then refresh the page so you can see if some one beat you to the punch, then paste your post and edit accordingly)

Gin adjusted his footing as the plane started to gain altitude and tilt backwards. Gently at first, but as the seconds creeped forward he realized that the plane showed no intention of leveling out. Gin looked at the pile of boxes and the unconscious guard lying in front of them; they started to slide towards him slowly. Pretty soon there would be people and cargo slamming into each other.

"Emily, Siyuri, find something to hold on to! And grab one of the others to hold onto." Gin ran toward the aviate that had just woke up, a girl eyes wide with panic, she was still bound. As he maneuvered around boxes and bodies he found that it was becoming increasingly difficult to grip the floor. He fought uphill in the cargo area and released the girl from her gag and her bindings.

"Grab something!" Gin shouted and pulled her towards a series of pipes and valves where he secured a death grip on the most solid hold.
Emily saw that one of the other prisoners was now awake. She was trying to prevent the barricade from moving backwards, hoping she could buy the others some time. Emily pushed back against the crates but of course they seemed much heavier than she was, especially with the incline adding pressure. Her feet started sliding back. She heard Gin telling everyone to move out of the way, so she let go, quickly pulling an Aviate out of the way and grabbing onto a metal bar to steady herself as the crates toppled back.
(( Yeah, that's a good idea, Mowgli. :3 Ok, Kait, haha. ))

As soon as the gag fell to the floor, Kira gasped for air, her lungs sucking in much needed oxygen. As soon as the ropes were pulled off her wrists, she dove to the side, colliding with the cold, steel floor just in time as a heavy crate slid past her and crashed into the opposite wall. A weak "T-thanks," was all she managed to pant, reaching up and grabbing hold of a pipe sticking out of the wall. Her bare feet managed to cling to the floor for a while, but soon the plane was at so much of an incline that they began to slip.

Kira's sore muscles strained and throbbed as she attempted to keep standing. She heard a shout from another female prisoner, instructing her to move the unconscious captives out of the way from the sliding crates. Her head snapped back and forth from the girl to the boxes to the other prisoners. How could she get them to safety when she had a hard time keeping herself out of danger?? Pursing her lips together, determined, she shoved her fears out of her head and did her best to help move the rest of the captives away from the crashing crates. Oh, it would be so much better if only her wings were strapped to her back! She could use them to balance.

Grunting, Kira managed to shove a few captives over into a corner where no boxes would reach, but several times her feet lost traction, sending her sliding part way to the back of the plane until she managed to grab hold of something.
The planes incline became impossibly steep he thought for sure the plane must be pointing straight up. In the cargo area it was mass chaos, in addition to the major gravity intense turbulence was shaking loose his grip. Gin looked around seeking options, his mind in overdrive, he had to get to the pilot!

The unconscious guards electric baton rolled past his foot and he snatched it before it rolled away. Gin hit the safety switch and concealed it in his pants. His hand was beginning to slip off of the pipe he was grabbing and it was a pretty good fall to the other side of the cargo room. Shattered wood and packing materials were everywhere and it was getting hard to see in the dimness. Gin was just about to loose grip when the door flew open, now almost directly above him, but he would have to climb his way up. He saw no other option he would have to fly. He didn't know why but he hated using his wings, it was because of them he was here right now, but they could save his life. Gin grunted and flexed his wings under his jacket. He grabbed the knife out of his pocket and cut holes in his jacket with some degree of difficulty. As soon as he finished the turbulence shook him loose and he was in freefall for just and instant until his wings burst from the holes in his jacket and he leveled out. His enormous black wings caused the air around him to pulsate with the beat of his wings. He pumped himself forward fighting the motion of the plane. When he finaly reached the door he turned to the others.

"Use your wings! see if you can't bring one of the unconscious with you! If you can't, we'll have to come back, but we need to find the cockpit!" Gin had to shout, the noise was unbearable, breaking wood, plane engines, and turbulance made it nearly impossible to convey his message.
The buzzing of the engines, crashing of the boxes, and shouts of others rang in Kira's ears as the black haired Aviate tried hard to hold on. The plane felt as if it was now perpendicular to the ground! A large crate managed to scrape her shoulder as it whizzed past, smashing into pieces as it hit the back wall. She let loose a soft yelp, but continued grasping the edge in order to keep herself from falling. Hearing what she thought was the voice of another captive, she glanced upward. The young winged man had somehow managed to climb up to what was now the roof, using his now uncovered wings to propel him further.

At first, Kira couldn't make out his words, only seeing his hand motions, but eventually figured out what he was trying to say. Craning her neck, she looked down at the feathered limbs protruding from two holes in her shirt. Two thick leather straps around her middle kept them firmly plastered against her back. How was she supposed to undo it in time? Her thoughts jumped to and fro inside her head as she searched for an idea. Suddenly, she gazed over to her right and noticed a sharp metal edge sticking out from the wall. It looked like it might have once been a pipe but had burst, leaving a sharp point. Back and forth she began to swing, getting closer and closer to the mutilated pipe. Finally, stuck out her hand and found a hand hold, then quickly placed the first strap over the sharp edge.

It seemed no matter how hard she tried, the leather would just not give until finally, it gave a loud snap and fell from her body. Swiftly, she went on to the next one and soon her graceful light blue wings unfurled behind her. Giving it all she had, Kira wrapped her arms around the nearest unconscious captive's middle and flapped her wings hard, sending a gust of air to the floor and flew up towards the door, reaching out and grasping the handle before managing to pull herself up, heaving the unconscious one up with her. A slight trickle of blood ran down her arm from her shoulder scratch, but that was the least of her problems.
Guard A could see the Avians on the other side through the thinning fortress of crates, he radios the piloit agian; "hostiles in site! get this thing stabilized!"

Almost on cue the boxes began to slow down and the Guard was able to get a level footing, as the floor became the floor again he let go of the rail on the door way and kicked in the last box separating him and the mutants before plugging his ears and pulling on a stun grenade from his utility belt. with a smirk he threw the grenade in the general direction of the Avains closing his eyes so he wouldn't be affected by the blast.

Folkvar was checking some of the cell blocks on the Aviate mostly a lot are tried, hungry and few are have illness. Folkvar was writing some the report on who sick or not, before he start to leave a girl was staring at him with tears in her eyes. One thing for sure, that he can tell, that she was hungry and was beating up by stun stick pretty badly. He check his bag and only have half of sandwich but no bandages, however girl didn’t care about the bandages she only just wanted food. He given the half of the sandwich to her she devour the sandwich very fast. When he started to leave, the girl ask him a question "Why are you helping us Aviates for?" Folkvar stop and look at her then continue to walk away.

Folkvar was going to report his cell check and speaking to his officer about the health about the ‘slaves’. However he was about to knock at the door but hear louding in the room about Fredrick and a lot of other stuff. However he still knock at the door
Gins perception was flawless, or so he thought.. All at once the plane immediately stabilized sending everything and everyone except the guard at the end of the hall crashing into what was originally the floor. One of the female aviates had managed to get herself and an unconscious to the door just before the plane righted itself. All three of their bodies slammed into each other and crumbled to the ground in a mess of feathers and curses. Then just as Gin looked up he saw a grenade leave the guards hand and come flying threw the air towards them, with lightning reflexes Gin arose and threw up his wings to protect the others behind him. He would have covered himself but just before the grenade detonated he tripped on a stray arm and fell backwards still covering the others but he was completely exposed. The grenade detonated about a yard infront of him and a few feet above him. All of the sudden he was completely blind and he thought he might be deaf too. It wasn't an explosive grenade but a stun grenade that was meant to disorient, and it worked. Gin was completely useless for the next few minutes, he didn't know which way was up, panic start to set in..

(Leman, is english your second language dude? im not trying to be a **** lol.)

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