
Boink Bean





History (Optional):

Looks (Any sort of picture is fine, if using a picture in the first place):






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Name: Svingemin Óksen

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Nord

Personality: Fast Learning, cocky, anxious, wannabe hero.

History (Optional): Svingemin was born in Rorikstead a troublesome orphan and joined the war when he could to become a hero for the Stormcloaks. He wore plate mail that he had stolen from the Warmaiden's in Whiterun and ran off to Windhelm to enlist. He joined with the other Nord lads and under the command of Galmar began to fight for their first times. Before he went out fighting Svinge trained with his fellow Nords in the way of Krig Slåssing, or War Fighting, a technique used by most Nord warriors. You simply strike parries and a few blows on the enemy's shield before you suddenly land a hard one, an attack hard enough to break their defense, leaving them open. If the enemy was two handed you were taught to dodge and counterattack. If the enemy was quick you were taught to find a corner, where you could defend yourself easily with your shield and strike once they got close. And if an enemy was ranged, such as a spellcaster or archer, you simply would take cover and use anything you could as a projectile if you didn't have a bow on you.

Looks (Any sort of picture is fine, if using a picture in the first place): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebc2342f_images(7).jpg.3c7468156a05b85128a6cd9943495f6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebc2342f_images(7).jpg.3c7468156a05b85128a6cd9943495f6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(In the stolen armour)

What makes Svinge stand out is his armor, among the troops he may wear different armor but tiny Stormcloak Icons appear around his armor, along with an occasional blue streak across his armor.

Without it: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebc25da0_images(8).jpg.da9758e1a25de859a56d133f74eb2de8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12995" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebc25da0_images(8).jpg.da9758e1a25de859a56d133f74eb2de8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Without his plate on)

Birthplace: Rorikstead

Group: None (If not Stormcloak)

Spouse: None

Crush: None

Lover: None

Children: None



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Personality:Asrin is a loner. But if she hangs out with anyone, she hands out with guys. She considers herself as a guy. Shes a sweetheart to guys that are sweethearts to her. She usually goes by this rule. "If you do this to me or my friends. I'll do it right back." Asrin is very bold she's been interrogated by many. But before she could say anything she would escape. She considers herself as the Queen of Thieves because of many things. Her favorite skill she has is that she can sneak out of handcuffs of any kind

History (Optional):

Looks (Any sort of picture is fine, if using a picture in the first place):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_static_tumblr_mierlxo4gh1rtjfsno1_500.gif.d978184b3d4fa895af05cbd9a15d7041.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_static_tumblr_mierlxo4gh1rtjfsno1_500.gif.d978184b3d4fa895af05cbd9a15d7041.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> but with armor...

Birthplace:Doesn't know





Yes I have I've just.... nevermind... if you don't want me to join I wont



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Name: Sajorn Stakmig

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Nord (a slight bit of breton)

Personality: He is a hardy fellow who enjoys a good laugh and keg of ale, but can be rather somber at times often becoming quiet and unsocial when something is bothering him or pressing on his mind. He is stubborn and fool harder when he sets his mind to something and can not be persuaded otherwise. Furthermore he is a hands and would rather work in the mud then let someone do it for him.

History:(I would perfer to have it come out in the rp)

Looks: He has a typical viking/Nordic look to him with broad shoulders, wide jaw and brow, and stocky muscular body. He stands 6 feet and 5 inches tall and dirty blonde hair that goes down to his shoulders and a short well grown beard. His armor is like this but has both of the horns intact. He caries a large steel great sword with ancient nord ruins carved into it on his back as well as sleeping roll attached horizontally right above his waist and a small knapsack slightly above that. (I only described his looks cause I couldn't find a picture that matched the image in my head.)

Birthplace: He was born in a small village south of Rorickstead.

Group: None, he has thought of joining the Stormcloak rebellion tho.

Spouse: None



Name: Theringolf (There-in-golf) "Shadow savage"

Age: 21?

Gender: male

Race: Imperial (Vampire)

Personality: Confident, somewhat perverted, all around unpredictable, susceptible to outbursts or rage and chaos, really easy to read, bad liar, easily distracted, kind of a sadist, has the tendency to scream, "BOOM! Killed ya!"

History (Optional): Doesn't say much besides the fact that the Dark Brotherhood kicked him out for killing his fellow guild members. He constantly says that they attacked him first. That, and he taught himself magic...it's easier than you think. He's also a skilled river dancer.


Birthplace: Cyrodill

Group:He's really all alone, but he tries to make friends.

Also has two of these bad boys up his sleeve:
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Name: Finnick Mastercroft

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Race: Breton

Personality: Smart-mouth, a bit of a know if all, gets embarrassed easily, trying to get over the habit of pick-pocketing, surprisingly big-hearted under all the big talk.

History (Optional): Finnick lived with her parents, where she first found an interest in magic and ancient history. At the age of 10 though, her mother passed away and father mysteriously left. For the next 3 years, she scraped a leaving on the streets and founded her bad habit of pick-pocketing. In a small town in High Rock, she found an old man who took her in. He was, at her joy, a mage. She lived with him until her passed away, and in return taught her everything she knows about magic. Finnick came to Skyrim in hopes of joining the College of Winterhold, and possibly go on an adventure or two.

Looks (Any sort of picture is fine, if using a picture in the first place):






High Rock

Group: (Not yet) College of Winterhold

Spouse: n/a

Crush: n/a

Lover: n/a

Children: n/a
Name: Medeimar Peraan

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Breton

Personality: A serious and contemplative individual, Medeimar is a student of study. Whether that be the study of combat or of knowledge, he does have a natural knack for geography- which is just as well, considering the travelling he does. He has a tendency to speak in a way as if he were lecturing a person like he knew all there was on what he was talking about- this doesn’t come from any belief of superiority (usually) it’s just the way he speaks. This carries over into many areas of his life; from study, social engagements or combat- in fact, some have found combat with him to be infuriating as he oftentimes provides unwanted feedback- mostly to distract his opponents.

He’s level headed and not one quick to anger, yet beneath this cool exterior beats a heart filled with hate for anything of darkness. In fact, he will not sleep without some source of light nearby. He wouldn’t say he’s afraid of the dark, just that he doesn’t trust it or the creatures that call it their ally.

History (Optional): Born in High Rock to wizarding parents, he was only young when his mother died of illness. Shortly after, his father was invited to instruct at the Winterhold Mages College. It was on their last leg of the journey through Skyrim that he and his father were set upon by cloaked men.

They were taken to a cave deep underground where they were bound upon altars before an icon of Mehrunes Dagon. Helpless, the young Medeimar watched in horror as his father was sacrificed to the Daedric Prince. He life surely would have followed moments later were it not for the timely arrival of a trio of saviours.

In the aftermath of the fight that ensued, Medeimar was taken in by the trio. They took him to their lodging with others of their standing. From then, he was raised by the Vigilant of Stendarr.

Over the years, he learned from them what was needed. How to wield a blade, history, and of course, how to hunt and kill Daedra and their followers. He did not inherit the magical talents of his parents, however he still boasted that inherent Breton resistance and was taught to capitalise on that.

Recently, Medeimar’s eyes have been set upon the College of Winterhold. He has heard reports of increased magical presence in cults and he believes the College to be worthy of investigation.

Looks: In armour:


Out of armour, he sports dark hair, grey eyes and a short goatee.

Birthplace: High Rock

Group: Vigilant of Stendarr (yeah I know it's not in your list, but pleaaaaaaaaseeee?)

Spouse: None

Crush: None

Lover: None

Children: None

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