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Fantasy Skyrim RP

Nirilor calmly appeared from the shadows, where he was watching the group. "Tsaesci....,what an interesting race..." He mumbled to himself. "Oh..., Im sorry, I am the Knight-Paladin Nirilor." He said while smiling. "Who are you?"

@Vulkin Zephoore


Standing there in silence she heard the word from Ka'Jaime and then the presence of a new comer but hearing him greeting and questioning her. "Silence!" She hissed to them as she tilted her head to the side softly before returning it down and remaining silent for a short while before her eyes opened and she lifted her head, holding her long sword in her clean hand before lifting it and sliding the blade into it's sheath on her back and fixing it in place. "I am T'vris Getra, I am the Priestess of the Hunt under code of the Requiem Order." She said and stated her name and title. Slithering over to one of the bandits and pulling the Kama from his chest and using her bloody hand to wipe away the blood from it before pressing the top of the blade on her side and against the armor so the blade folded down. Then slithering towards M'aiq and Ka'Jaime to grab her other Kama that was on the ground and grabbed it with her clean hand and folded the blade in against her armored side as well before sheathing it at her other side. "For a Paladin Mr. Nirilor, you didn't seem to care for the safety of these two people." She said and spoke in a tone of doubt that he was one. "I'm here in search of abominations that threaten the land, specifically dremora... Do any of you happen to know of any that may be threatening these lands?" She asked and looked to them all.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.9ff5e45fed1462b012c3ed5731fae1ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.9ff5e45fed1462b012c3ed5731fae1ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Ka'Jaime nodded no. Her eyes fixated on the snow elf. Thinking about the dagger in its shealth. The only though running in her mind was to kill him and nothing else. She clenched her jaw on and off.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/maxresdefault.jpg.c51b05a55333adc5de9a6480af31fd78.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79127" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/maxresdefault.jpg.c51b05a55333adc5de9a6480af31fd78.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The thief, which escaped to Riverwood, decided to go to the Barrow, since he didn't want to go to the Inn and get caught so easily. "Bleak Falls Barrow..." He mumbled while following the path to Bleak falls, when he arrived, he noticed there was no bandits around. "Weird, usually there are a few bandits here..." He said to himself and opened the door, when he noticed the two Khajiits, the Snow Elf and the Tsaesci he just stood there, confused. 'What in Oblivion...?' He thought.


@Vulkin Zephoore




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Adrian was growing restless and bored by the minute. He sat at his table and looked around the tavern once more before reaching for his ale and finishing it off. Adrian stood up from the table and began to make his way for the doors of The Drunken Huntsman. He pushed the doors open, stepped outside and scanned his surroundings. A normal day in Whiterun for everyone else, however, for Adrian today would be far from normal. Adrian looked up towards Jorrvaskr remembering his interaction with some members of the Companions on his way into Whiterun and began to reflect back.

It was earlier in the day, and Adrian was coming up on a small farm out in front of the city where he spotted a giant and three brave individuals facing off with the beast. Adrian quickly reached for his dragonbone bow, pulled an ebony arrow from his quiver, readied it, and let it fly, hitting the giant right in the eye. The shot distracted the giant long enough for a woman in the group to move in and make the finishing blow. The giant toppled over, Adrian hung his bow across his back, and began making his way down the hill to greet the three warriors that had been in the thick of the fight with the massive creature. "You handle yourself well. You could make for a decent shield brother." The woman had said in greeting to Adrian as he approached. "You three are quite brave, facing off with a giant like that. You didn't quite look like you needed any help but I couldn't pass up the chance to do battle with a giant." He said with a smile. Getting a head shot in on that giant was truly satisfying. "A true warrior indeed, relishing the opportunity placed before him.
Glory only awaits those who triumph. And as Companions, our glory must always be hard-fought. My name is Aela. Standing with me here is my shield brother Farkas, and my shield sister Ria." Adrian was pleased to meet such capable warriors and from a guild by the name of The Companions. He had to know more. "Pleased to meet all of you, my name is Adrian Tyranus. You said something about the companions. If I may ask, what does that mean exactly?" Adrian asked hoping to gain some insight. At this point Aela looked slightly puzzled by his question. "An outsider, eh? Never heard of the Companions? An order of warriors. We are brothers and sisters in honor. And we show up to solve problems if the coin is good enough." Adrian was immediately interested. Sounded just like his type of work. "What would it take to join your ranks then?" Adrian asked curiously. Aela smiled at this and responded. "Not for me to say. You'll have to talk to Kodlak Whitemane up in Jorrvaskr. The old man's got a good sense for people. He can look in your eyes and tell your worth. If you go to him, good luck."

Adrian continued to stare off at the building before finally taking a deep breath and making his way down the street. He was headed for Jorrvaskr, a place that The Companions called home.
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Walking down a road, Uzurag looked to his left and had seen a carriage on its side, three dead bodies, and the horse missing. Drawing his Ebony Warhammer, he walked up to the carriage seeing that everything was plundered, then turned around and saw three bandits "Hold it there, give us everything you have, and you might get to live" The bandit giving the threat was holding anniron sword, and the other two were holding a steel sword and a dagger. Laughing Uzurag swung his Warhammer, decapitating the first bandit, and swung at the one holding the steel sword, but he blocked. Swinging with full force, he killed the bandit then the last bandit came up and sliced at his right arm multiple times. "Is that all you got? If your going to make threats, make sure you have the strength to back it up" Swinging twice henkilled the final bandit and searched their pouches, taking their gold, gems, jewlery, and left. Makining his way to Whiterun, he passed through Riverwood, and followed the path, but taking the wrong turn and headed in the direction of Bleak Falls Barrow. After getting there he saw a couple of dead bodies laying around, then walking inside following a trail of dead bodies. After a bit of walking he saw a serpant lady and drew his Warhammer and stepped forward "Hey, two questions, one where am I, two how doni get to Whiterun from here?" Keeping his gaurd up but trying to look friendly as possible to gain her trust.

@Vulkin Zephoore
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.b83ee33177704e52f6415c920bab0ff0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.b83ee33177704e52f6415c920bab0ff0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Looking over the serphants lady's shoulder, Ka'Jaime saw a Orc enter. And Ka'Jaime sighed at his question. "Ka'Jaime knows where this one needs to go. Whitrun is that way." She said pointing towards the direction of Whitrun.Then she saw a stranger standing at the door and she paused and looked at him. He had very strange armor on.



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Kamille and the others arrived at dragon reach, just then, it seemed like the whole earth shook as something booked from a mountain and the word "Dovakiin" could be heard instantly. She stopped at looked at the mountain. The highest mountain in Skyrim. She shook her head and entered Dragonreach.She walked to the Jarl and started Talking with the Jarl of all the details that happened.

Adrian was making his way towards Jorrvaskr when he heard a thunderous voice calling out from the mountains. "DOVAKIIN!" echoed throughout the city. Adrian stopped dead in his tracks and looked up towards the mountains. What in the nine hells was that? He thought to himself. He looked around and noticed everyone else was just as puzzled as he was giving him some relief that he wasn't just hearing things. These were strange times indeed, a Dragon attacking Helgen and now this. Adrian shook his head and began heading up towards Jorrvaskr once more.

He walked up the steps to the building and made it to the doors. Getting a closer look at the building, he was surprised to realize that the building itself was an overturned ship. He pushed the doors open to find a large mead hall and a fire pit, with many of the members of The Companions gathered having their meals and drinking. At the far end of the room was what looked like a sparring area, and around the sides of the room were shelves stocked with various books and food. He scanned the room to try and find a familiar face from his first interaction with The Companions earlier in the day, and finally he spotted Farkas sitting at the table drinking. Adrian moved on further into the room towards Farkas and he could feel the eyes on him. They were all curious looks, wondering about the newcomer in their presence.

"Nice to see you again Farkas." Adrian called out from behind him to get his attention. "Any chance you could point me in the direction of Kodiak White Mane?" He asked.

Farkas turned towards him and stared expressionless for a moment before replying. "Still interested in becoming a shield brother eh? You can find him down the stairs in our living quarters. Best of luck to you." He said before turning back to the table and his mead.

Adrian turned and spotted the staircase heading down towards the living quarters. Alright, here goes nothing. He thought to himself before making his way over. As he walked he could still feel many curious eyes upon him. Everyone was interested to see where this would go. He walked down and into the stair well and pushed open the doors heading into the living quarters.
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Adriana waited for a break in their conversations before stepping forward. "My Jarl, I am Adriana Montebello, thane of Jarl Elisif. I have come bearing a letter from General Tulius, for your eyes only." He looked up at her, accepting the greeting.

"No doubt another request to garrison troops in my city. I assume this letter has some reason behind it? Give it to my Steward, Proventus," the Jarl dismissed, scratching his forehead.

"My lord, i have strict instructions that the letter is for your eyes only."

"Don't be daft, Proventus is my eyes! Oh, just give me the damn letter. I presume once i have it that I can do what I want with it?" Adriana handed the Jarl the letter, and stood at attention while he read over the reports. "Hmm... these are interesting reports. Proventus, what do you make of this? If Ulfric plans to attack Whiterun..."

"As in all things, Lord, caution; I urge us to wait and see."

"Pray waits..." muttered the Jarl's housecarl.

"I am of a mind with Irileth," the Jarl said with finality.

"You plan to march on Windhelm?"

"I'm not a fool, Proventus. I mean its time to challenge Ulfric to face me as a man, or declare his intentions."

The three of them continued speakign for a while about Ulfric murdering High King Torygg, and about whether or not they should accept the Empire's offer. "Tribune!" the Jarl said, turning to Adriana. "I have a message for you to deliver to Jarl Ulfric, in Windhelm. Deliver this ax to Ulfric Stormcloak."

"An ax?" Adriana asked slightly surprised.

"How long have you been in Skyrim? Yes, give the man my ax. If he returns it to you, we have business to settle. If he keeps it, we are at peace."

"Should I say anything to him?"

"Men who understand one another need not waste words."

"I understand." Jarl Balgruuf turned to his steward and called out for him to write a letter to General Tulius. Under her helmet, Adriana smiled. She had always liked Balgruuf more than the other Jarls, thanks to his general kindness, so it was a relief that she wouldn't be his enemy in the war. With a quick bow, the tribune spun, marching towards the door. Gabriel followed close behind her, smiling as always.
"Oh...umm...., Im out...." The thief said, turning around and running off, going down the mountain then towards Whiterun, not even bothering to follow the road, when he finally arrived at the stables, he searched for the carriage. "Where is it....,where is it..." He said to himself, as he stop by a man neary the stables. "Excuse me sir..., where is the carriage?" Erich asked. "Right there ." The man replied as Erich turns around, now noticing the carriage. "Thank you." He calmly walked towards the carriage. "So, going to Windhelm soon?" Erich asked the man on the carriage. "Soon, jsut waiting for a few more people." The man answered, as Erich jump on the back.

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