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Fantasy Skyrim RP

Einarr did his business in the local shop. He exits to discover a bunch of imperial soldiers escorting a wagon into the town. What's this all about? The sight of storm cloak uniforms didn't surprise him; the empire most of capture a bunch of them. The last wagon comes into sight, puzzling the wanderer. There were others in the wagon who weren't wearing the uniform. Maybe they were hidden agents that were caught? Curious, Einarr follows the wagon a good distance that the imperial soldiers don't warn him to stay away.

The sight of a chopping block made him internally cringe. This is an execution, wasn't it. Einarr was about to head the other direction until he notices a familiar face in the hoard of prisoners. He couldn't put his memory to use but there was something familiar about the woman who's with them.
"Never trust a liar" He said to Gunmar before laughing. "Of course, but M'aiq still believe in the Khajiit pantheon" He nodded.

(And just saying.... M'aiq is from the Thieves guild, atleast thats what the 'script say'...)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.bf94c745170c08f4b820be6982ad192b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78167" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.bf94c745170c08f4b820be6982ad192b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Kamille sighed. There would be no trial. She was going to die. Damnit Ulfric. Damn the Stormcloaks. She turned her head and saw somebody... No it couldn't be... Einarr. "By the Nines" she like weed and tried to stand but couldn't due to chains. "Eniarr!" She yelled. An imperial told her to shut up but she couldn't over surprise and joy.

She looked at Gumnar "Aye, of course"



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The Dunmer heard Kamille and turned around, to see what she was yelling to, when he noticed somebody following the carriage, he load and arrow and raise his bow, waiting for Einarr.

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The woman yelled his name. His eyes widen, who was this again? Curse his memory! He wanted to approach more but he would put more suspicion on him. He stares directly at her, searching his years of traveling and sorting it out. Her face was so familiar but why... Then it dawned on him. It can't be - but she's much older now. "Kamille?" he mutter to himself. He remembers a young girl training in the Thieves Guild. They used to talk a lot back when he was with them but those were years long gone. The traveler was in disbelief; why was she here? She's not a stormcloak and from her appearance, she's been doing well in the guild.

Einarr spots a Dunmer elf staring at him. He averts his eyes, taking a step back from the area where they were dropping off the prisoners. He can't take his chances to talk to Kamille here. He prays mentally to the Divines that they don't execute the prisoners not wearing the stormcloak uniform. If she is to be sent to the chopping block, he would have to think quick. In the past, this woman was equivalent to a little sister he never had.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.c14162138312289d8963fd91bcf5bade.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78168" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.c14162138312289d8963fd91bcf5bade.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Einarr is like a brother to me, we were both trained as children as thieves until he left one day to find adventures I guess." Kamille said somberly.



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They came to a end at the stone wall. "Alright get out!" A imperial soldier yelled, and the Stormcloaks began jumping out of the wagon.
"Bah.. This is it.." Gunmar said as he hoped off the wagon and walked towards the imperial calling the names.
Adriana pulled out her list, scrolling through the names. At least half a dozen Stormcloaks, the King Killer himself, and a handful of others. "Captain? This lot isn't on the list," she called out. Gabriel anxiously stood behind her.

"Forget the list, they go to the block," the captain replied, giving her a strong look.

"By your orders..." She sighed. "You there, step forward." Adriana pointedly looked at the nearest prisoner, a younger woman with long blonde hair. "What is your name?"
Gunmar stepped forward, "Gunmar Ice-heart." He stated towards the captain.

Adriana looked up, confused. "I didn't... To oblivion with it. State your name, please, and your homeland," the Tribune said in a slightly frustrated voice. Why did she have to do this? Why did Tulis insist on her coming down here?
Gunmar shrugged, "Oops." He said with a rather smug smile, "And my homeland is here, Skyrim." He said before walking towards the block.
"Talos be with you..." Adriana muttered, just quiet enough for only him to hear. She scratched his name on the paper before turning to the next prisoner. "Step forward, please."

Gabriel grumbled under his breath, clearly against what what happening. Sure, he despised Ulfric almost as much as Adriana, but his honor demanded that Ulfric should receive a trial. But his thane had given him an order, which he would follow to his death.
The Dunmer watched the group going to the 'block' "Eh..., good luck..." He said to them, before turning around to look at Einarr.


M'aiq was a little nervous.
"P-Please..., M'aiq isn't a Stormcloak..., he was searching for Calipers..." He said, looking around once, then back at Adriana.

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Gunmar's eyes widen when he heard, but decided not to say anything, What's this? Talos worshippers in the empire? Odd.. He thought.
The tribune looked at the kahjiit sympathetically. She had no love for his race, given their voluntary involvement in the Aldmeri Dominion, but even she knew this wasn't acceptable. "May Kyne'areth guide... You passing," she said slowly, not looking at him. "Next..."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.3e844ea8bca9868e2a139dd5730d601d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78169" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.3e844ea8bca9868e2a139dd5730d601d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Lol she has white hair xD )

Kamille stepped coward her face strong and prideful. Although on the inside she felt fear and sadness. "Kamille, Skyrim." Her hood still over her head. She looked over at Eniarr, her expression read 'it's over, friend... It's over.' It was a sorrowful expression and she knew he would know what it meant.



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"P-Please...,M'aiq didn't do anything..." He said, closing his eyes and walking towards the block, not before saying a few 'nice' words towards Adriana.
Einarr watches the prisoners head to the imperial soldier, one by one. When she mentioned Kamille, Einarr's heart skipped a beat. Okay, what's going to be her fate. The nord beside her steps forward making him narrow his eyes. Then the cat. Wow, this will give him enough time to think of something - a distraction perhaps - to give Kamille the chance to escape.

The wanderer feels a pair of eyes still watching him. It was the elf; what did he want? Einarr locks eyes with the Dunmer before returning to the prisoners when Kamill was called.

Think. The traveler scans his surroundings. There were soldiers everywhere and putting attention on him will only add more trouble. General Tulius stands out from the rest, examining each prisoner who gather around the chopping block. Damn general can't just kill everyone under suspicion! Einarr never supported the stormcloaks but the empire was being unfair. The tower behind the crowd of people made an impression. He could use that as an advantage point to take down some soldiers - that was stupid; he wouldn't be able to escape after. He could set something ablaze but he didn't want to destroy the town's property. For now he'll continue to watch, with a few minor ideas in mind.
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The Dunmer looked at the prisioners and noticed a Khajiit using robes. 'Wait, he is an innocent!' He tought and went closer to him. "M'aiq, right?" He asked the Khajiit. "Yes...,yes..., do you need something?" M'aiq asked, confused about the question. "Good, because I will try to you out of here..." He whispered to him. "Thank you, M'aiq would hate to be executed without a reason."

Adriana scrawled the name on the list slowly. "We'll make sure your remain are returned to your next of kin. Step towards the block," the tribune said in a quiet voice.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.6c02b38276d04d8dfb784ad48c74365e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.6c02b38276d04d8dfb784ad48c74365e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Kamille glared at the Dumner. "Idiot just as the others of us that do not wear the symbol of Ulfric, and yet you point a bow at one who walks towards the wagon in order to talk? Good luck there." Kamille hissed in a acid tone.



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