Skyrim: Main quest line

Cressida Lemercier

Master Assassin




Fighting style (i.e. mage, warrior, thief) w/ description:

Appearance (describe character please):

Title(s): This will be changed during the events of the story

Name: Ora

Race: Nord

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Fighting style (i.e. mage, warrior, thief) w/ description: Mix of all. Ora can easily adapt to whatever fighting style she needs to.

Appearance (describe character please): Black hair in a ponytail. 5'7". 121 lb. Scar on over right eye. Slim build.

Title(s): This will be changed during the events of the story

Other: Blind in right eye

Race: Redguard



Fighting style w/ description:warrior Ivan uses a spear as his main weapon, he usually uses the advantage of the long reach a spear gives to aggressively attack his enemies forcing them on the defensive and leaving them little to no room to attack. But when the enemy does mange to attack Ivan has a small round shield on his left arm that he can use to block the attack or attacks.



Ivan also has a small round shield on his left arm


Title(s): This will be changed during the events of the story

Other: Ivan is an adrenaline junky and likes to be in dangerous and life risking situations he almost never backs off a fight and sometimes will even start one on purpose
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Name: Aven Ulles

Race: Imperial

Gender: Male

Age: 24-1/3

Fighting style (i.e. mage, warrior, thief) w/ description: Spellsword - While relying heavily on his blade he has a small arsenal of spells including fireball, flames, a flame atronach spell. He inherited his blade from his grandfather who's father was a soldier during the siege of Kvatch. The blade is a steel sword etched with the sigil of Kvatch.

Appearance (describe character please): Tall and slim his body writhes with compact muscle. His face is etched with a pattern of small scars that form a daedric sigil for the letter A. He has long black hair that he wears in a ponytail to keep it out of his face. His ears are slightly pointed the only sign that his grandmother was an elf.


Other: He wears a modified suit of Kvatch guard armor, that was made of black studded leather.

... going to have to recover those supplies probably.
Both are accepted but there will be an order for posting. It will go me then orion then transcendence then the fourth person. They still have create a cs then it will start.
Name: Erik'aa

Race: Dark Elf

Gender: Female

Age: Human equivalent to 19

Fighting Style: As a thief, Erik'aa is extremely good at stealth and prefers using a bow than a sword. She wears entirely light armor and rarely uses magic.

Appearance (describe character please): About 5'2, with dark hair usually pulled back into a braid. It is seldom let down, though if it is, it means she is comfortable and feels safe. She wears completely light armor, and her skin is a lighter shade than most of her race. She has a bit of a baby face, as she is still young, and has one scar running down her side.

Title(s): None

Other: Although she is not a wood elf, she has a way with animals
Name: Marcus Montoya

Race: Imperial


Age: 25

Fighting style (i.e. mage, warrior, thief) w/ description: Agent/thief

Appearance (describe character please): Whilst an Imperial, Marcus has a bit lighter skin tone akin to a nord due to to his lifetime in Skyrim. With black , short-cut hair he stands as tall as any other. He usually wears a casual tunic, bracers, leggings, and boots when isn't on task for the guild, in which case he is seen woth a full suit of guild armor.

Title(s): Marc, Monty

Other: He has somewhat of a phobia of caves and ruins. Marcus is also ambidextrous.
Name: Danaya

Race: High Elf (raised by Breton couple, however)

Gender: ♀ Female.

Age: 24, soon to hit 25

Fighting style (i.e. mage, warrior, thief) w/ description: Mage, though tends to use a bow and arrow every now and then. She's adept with lightning magic, and can cast a nice healing spell. She cannot cast illusion spells for the life of her, however. Prefers ranged battles, and would stand behind and heal her allies for most of the fight.

Appearance (describe character please): Danaya has the golden skin linked to her people, though her hair a mop of messy red. She cut it short, and one can see her completely black eyes perfectly. Not the eyes of a healer, but she's pretty damn good at what she does. Tall (even for one of her race), slender, though she has more upper body strength and it shows in her lean muscles.

Title(s): This will be changed during the events of the story

Other: Danaya tends to pickpocket others, and put their trinkets in odd places. Very rarely, she'll steal gold, but overall she just wants to make mischief. She also tends to tower over people, making some uncomfortable but she is too air headed to actually come off as intimidating.

//Edit: Her name, I feel like it matched two others too closely... (' :) )
i think i will change my character into a warrior who uses a spear ( iknow there are no spears in skyrim so if you aint cool with that i will just make him use a battle axe)

edit: i edited my old cs into the new character if u want me to go back to the old one just say so, i have the cs saved xD
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Actually there are but they are classified as arrows (Riekling spears) so if you want you can make a man/mer sized one if you want.

@wasteland queen you're accepted I'll start posting my first. The order goes by when who posted their cs first.
Name: Primus

Race: Nord

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Fighting style (i.e. mage, warrior, thief) w/ description: Heavy warrior. Primus is a large man and he wears heavy armor and uses large weapons that a simple normal person could not muster the strength to hold and fight with. His approach to combat is to charge in and house his massive body to his advantage, he will grab, throw, and tackle people. Since his main weapon is very large he can't fight at close range, so if an enemy gets close he'll either swotch to a smaller weapon, but if he can't in time he'll simply grab his opponent!

Appearance (describe character please):

He stands at 6'5 260 pounds, and he is made of pure muscle.

Beneath his armor he looks like this.

Title(s): Butcher Of The Imperium (Old title from when he was a stormcloak.)

Other: covered in scars and hates imperials with a passion... Those two things are related. He was in an imperial jail for five years because he fought with the storm cloak rebellion and killed countless imperials, once they caught him they tortured him for 10 hours a day in jail to avenge all the imperial he has killed. After being in the jail for five years the imperials decided it was time to execute him, they grabbed him from his prison cell and put him on carriage to helgan, to meet his Fate.


Long two handed axe.

Dirk, a small dagger made for piercing through an enemies armor.

Can I join in this rp, or is it too late?
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Aight cool, I'll start off not in helgan since you already posted about who's in the carriages and what not.
Dovahgirl said:
Heh. I already corrected that part.
@Transcendence don't forget about the posting. You're up next
Ahh, ok I'll fix my bio then, I'll just change the last part where I said I escaped from jail. Then I'll post when I'm up.
No I'm trying to get into college, and trying to find a job, and trying to get a drivers liscence. I'm on at least three times a day though so I'll be sure to keep up. @Dovahgirl RpN is my escape from reality and stress, I could never leave it. (*U*)

Azkebon Wise







Fighting style:

Warrior. More strength than stealth, swift and accurate and efficient with the long bow. No background in magic or illusion but proficient in armor, favors the war ax.


Very tall, dark, and strong. Well built and structured but still slim enough to move around quick. Normally face painted and adorning light armor.


(None Yet)


Azkebon is friend to an ice wolf but has since been separated from him prior to his imprisonment but his friend, Brudaun, will be able to track him down sometime in the future when he comes across his trail again

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