{ SKYRIM } [Inactive]


Boink Bean
Arri was in the trees, she watched over Whiterun silently. These bestially nords have taken over most of Skyrim. She narrowed her eyes then she heard a soft bird call to her left, Her ears swiveled and she glanced to her right and spotted Kihni, She flattened her ears and gritted her teeth. She looked back towards Whiterun and spotted a nord walking towards the bar. She looked at Kihni before leaping from the massive tree, she landed on her feet and camouflaged into the forest, She then spotted the one she was after. The man walked past her unknowingly, He walked down the path slowly, carrying the deer he had killed. Arri narrowed her eyes and unsheathed her blade, she approached him from behind, she covered his mouth and dug her blade into his throat, He let out muffled screams, She drug him into the bushes. He bled out quickly and she then took his items and slipped into the forest. Kihni followed her quickly, the two swiftly moved throughout the forest, Sneakily being undetectable.

Nelva was sitting in the inn, She remained silent. Her hood covered her pale, soft skin. She took another drink before standing up, she moved swiftly past the preacher yet tripped over a nord. She growled softly before standing up. She dusted her hands off and glanced at the human male. She narrowed her Red, Orange, and Blue eyes. She squinted before turning away once more.
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Therengolf as walking through the streets of Whiterun. He sighed and alked to the in for a drink. "Your finest mead please." He turned to see that Talos preacher. "How's the word spreading?" Therengolf said calmly. The priest chuck;ed and said, "Not that well...like always. People just think I'm loud and obnoxious." Therengolf replied, "I hate to be rude, but that's because you are being to loud. The people need a break from preaching, and just want to drown there sorrows in drunken bottles..." The priest nodded and sighed. "Maybe so..."
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Finnick hiked on the cobblestone path leading towards Whiterun. Casually reading a novel on Dwemer Ruins, while somehow not tripping on any stray tree roots or rocks. She took her eyes off the book for only a moment, just to check where the sun in the sky was. To her luck, the sun was just about to fall behind the mountains, just great. She let out a irritated sigh,mumbling to herself, "I was hoping to make it to Whiterun before nightfall..." She decided to pick up her pace a bit and stop reading, that would only make her trip even longer. She didn't want to run into any bandits or wild animals at the moment, she wasn't in the mood for charring corpses right now.
Svin was walking around Whiterun in a guards disguise, he was set on a mission to infiltrate and kill Captain Meraltis as he had received Imperial Orders that needed to be delivered straight to Falkreath.

Meraltis was walking past the Bannered Mare and two talking foreigners, a khajiit and a dark elf, bumped into him. "Watch where your going you runts!", Throlf screamed full of rage. The Imperial obviously bumped into them in excuse to let out some steam.

"We're sorry, we weren't paying attention!", The Khajiit said, smiling. "But I mean we-". Suddenly a nord from behind Throlf had kicked his back, sending him face first into the ground below. "You can't just do that!", the Nord woman yelled, drawing her blade. "As an Imperial Officer I have authority over you skooma sniffing bastards, so I can.", Throlf said, laughing as he got up.

"Guards, disbatch them", he said with a cackle, turning and walking towards the gates of Whiterun. His back was closed off by two Whiterun Guards, and the others charged the three people.

Svin charged up and drew his steel blade and tore a shield from a nearby guard's grasp, spinning and decapitating the guard before he could react. The group of four now fought off the guards with weapons gathered from around them, they were backing up towards the well. Soon the civilians Svin had protected would be cut down by the oppressing guards, he knew that well, yet the Nord woman seemed to hold her strength.

"Go for the gates, I'll cover you!", he screamed out.
Hooves chipped and sparked against the cobblestone road leading to Whiterun. The sturdy horse towed a cart, it's driver, and older man by the name of Kibell, spurred the horse on at a trot. The cart bounced and shuddered as it went, stirring the lone passenger inside awake for the hundredth time since his climbing aboard.

He gave a grunt of annoyance, but the sight of the central city of Skyrim not far in the distance lifted his spirits. Finally, he was nearing his destination.

Medeimar straightened his arms and legs, stretching them out and suppressing a sigh of pleasure as his muscles un-cramped.

The journey from Markarth had been long and much to his relief, uneventful. If as much could have been said about the days leading up prior. He shook his head, trying to forgot the confrontations he'd had with his fellow Vigilant, Tyranus. The older member was far too impatient for Medeimar's liking; wishing to run head-long into an unknown and unconfirmed Daedric site. Medeimar had left the zealot to his own devices. Keeper Carcette would not approve, but he would deal with that if the time came.

For now, Medeimar settled into the familiar jagged movements of the cart and setting his eyes on the road, not really taking anything in aside from grass, grass, rock, grass, robed woman, rock...

"Almost there now..." Kibell called out over his shoulder.

Medeimar grunted. Not bothering to muster the energy to grant a civil response. He was tired.
Finnick's interest was peaked for a moment, while she watched a horse driven cart pass my at least twice as fast was she was going. Maybe she could pick up a ride- no. Not again. She had caught herself in some trouble with those blasted cart drivers in High Rock, and she was damned if that would happen again. Even if it was another nation, her grudge would still stand.


Her vision was nothing but a blur of grey and green, and her face felt cold. Like she was touching stone. Out of the corner of her sight, she saw a man in blue... why was he so tall?
"Ma'am? You 'lright?" She wanted to respond, but couldn't mumble out anything out besides, "mbmbughh" If she could guess, he was giving her a curious look. Before she knew it several more blue figures stood around her, and her vision was more detailed, and could make out the symbols on their... uniforms? They were guards? That's ridiculous. She only fell asleep on her cabby a few minutes ago. Now that she was regaining her sense, she felt like her head had been hit by a mammoth.

Her first instinct was to push herself up, which she did off the... stone ground. Her logic was returning to her too. Now that her sight was fully recovered she sat up and looked at her surroundings. The pieces of the puzzle were finally fitting together. She was previously knocked out cold, laying in the middle of the street in some foreign land and... oh no. She instinctively clutched at where her coin purse would be laying, her side. But it
mysteriously disappeared. She began to shake.

"Ma'am?" The only response he got was a quivering clenched fisted young woman that began to stand. ".... Ma'am?" The knuckles of her hands began to turn white and her nails just about penetrating her palms skin. her head was casted down, so they couldn't tell what emotion she was feeling. The first guard asked a final time, "Ma'am..? Are yo-"

She screamed, directed more to herself than the guards. Finnick was dripping with pure rage. Not hopelessness or despair. Just the urge roast to death the person who robbed her of every septim she had. And that person, was her cart driver while she was asleep. She was dog piled by the guards before she could light all of Falkreath on fire and hunt down the man.

(end of flashback)

'yeah... let's pass on the carriage driving for now.' She thought, now perfectly content on walking the rest of the way to Whiterun. Besides, she overheard the carriage driver say to his customer that they'd be there soon. So the walk would be bearable.

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The Khajiit and Dark Elf made a run for it, running off towards the gate, yet guards blocked their path and they turned to run for the Sky Forge, avoiding guards that came from around the stands and houses of Whiterun. Their backs were covered by the Nord and Svin, who both had downed atleast two guards by now.

"We won't hold much longer, we're just trading parrys with this horde of Imperial genitalia-sucking bastards, if more come we'll be overwhelmed!", Svin yelled out, backing up towards the Jorrvaskr with the Nord. "Run, I'll hold them off for as long as I can", Svin commanded, pushing the Nord woman back.

"If you insist!", she said, nodding. The woman turned and threw her heavy axe away, tearing away bits of her iron armour as well as she ran towards the Sky Forge, managing to scale over the walls of Whiterun with the others and escape.

The Guards started to push Svin around Whiterun, to where his back had hit Gildergreen. "Surrender, Stormcloak milkdrinker!", a guard yelled, pushing his way to the front of the horde of yellow. Svin sighed and nodded, tossing down his weapons. There was no point in trying to fight more, there were fifteen guards and one of him, if he had retaliated he would have been easily cut down, the safest route was to accept passage into Dragonsreach Dungeon.
As always, it was the last few minutes of the journey that dragged on the longest. The city of Whiterun drew closer but seemingly at an unbearable snails pace; taunting Medeimar- the promise of a bed and a hot meal hanging just out of reach. He sorely wanted both the hot meal and the bed as he had lacked both for the last couple of weeks and this last stretch was almost unbearable. He shifted uncomfortably and impatiently in his armour.

Finally, the cart came up alongside the stables of Whiterun.

"Thanks." Medeimar said as he tossed Kibell the remainder of his fee. The cart creaked with relief as he stepped of the cart, grunting a little as his leg tried to give way underneath him at the sudden exercise.

"Anytime you need a lift, you be sure to come to me." He heard Kibell call after him as he made his way up the sloping path to the city.

He passed a group of Khajiit, camped to the side of the path, their campfire already being used to cook up something that smelled pretty darn good. He recognised them as traders that wandered Skyrim.

Reaching the top of the hill, he walked under the wooden guardhouse and overpass. The guards seemed rather tense for such a peaceful day.

He was stopped as he approached the city gates.

"Halt! The city is closed." One of the two guards gruffly informed.

"What's going on?" Medeimar replied, hiding the frustration in his voice.

"There's been a murder-" "It was an attack! A Stormcloak-" The other guard interjected. "We don't know for sure, so stop trying to incite hysteria..."

Medeimar look from one guard to the other. The one still on the gate had the look of barely controlled rage; it wouldn't take much for him to start looking for an excuse to let it out.

"Either way," The first guard continued. "No one gets in or out until we hear otherwise."

Medeimar's shoulder slumped. Great, this is just perfect.

"I've come all the way from Markarth, I'm tired, surely you can let a traveler in?"

The guard shook his head, his hide helmet jiggling with the motion. "No exceptions. Now move along."

"Look you look reasonable, maybe a few-."

"Are you deaf!? He said move along; now get lost before I throw you down this hill!"

Medeimar held his hand up. "Alright, alright, I'm going." He turned away and looked back down the hill. A deep scowl cross his face. He cursed.
Therengolf heard screams of horror outside and swooned. "Oh the beauty of shrieking..." His eyes suddenly widened in thought, "...But wait...I didn't cause it." Therengolf stood up and walked outside and saw a body that was stabbed. The victim must have been important, due to all the commotion. Three guards walked up to the body and told everyone to back away. They inspected the body as one of the muttered 'damned stormcloaks'. Therengolf walked up to the guards, asking, "Got any leads?" One of the guards looked up at Therengolf and replied, ''I'd like to blame the stormcloaks for this, but they would've made it obvious. This was done in secrecy.'' Therengolf raised his eyebrows and replied, "An assassination?"
Finnick trudged the last bit of land between her and the market hub Whiterun, giving a sigh of relief that she finally made it. She had walked the entire way from Falkreath to where she is now, and she could really go for a decent meal and a warm bed. But her joy was cut shot, when the two guards standing at the city gate stopped her.

"Stop right there! The gate's closed" The shorter of the two guards said, holding his arm out in the international sign of 'don't move a step closer'

What? Why?" She felt her good mood roll out of her body into the mud, does the universe love proving her wrong?

One of the guards gave a sigh of irritation, like he had to explain it again in such a small amount of time, "Stormcloak attack. Can't let anyone in, now move along girl." Besides the fact she had no idea what a Stormcloak even was, the news hit hard.

She let the news seep in for a moment, because she was having a hard time believing she came all this way just to be turned down. " I'm only a traveler from High Rock, and I can assure you I'm not some- what do you call them, Stormcloaks?- because I--"

The beefier guard was loosing her temper, " I said, move along! No. Acceptations."

She was about to come up with something sarcastic, but decided to hold her tongue. These guards didn't look like the reasoning type right now, but they sure looked like the angry type. Despite her aching feet and dampened spirits, the only thing she gave the guards was a bitter and final "Fine." .

Finn drug her feet away from the city walls, casting a ball of "candlelight" since the sun was about at it's limit. She looked around a final time at the guards for any type of 'we're sorry come right in ma'am', but no dice. But when her eyes weren't where they were suppose to be, in front of her, she accidentally bumped into someone. Her feet lost heir footing for a moment and she almost fell over, "Hey! Watch were you're go- wait... are you the man from the cart?" While she rubbed her head, she remembered seeing that carriage sitting in front of the stables, but didn't really pay it any real thought.
Medeimar had been making his way slowly back down the hill, pondering his next move. He could forget about staying here and instead move on with his investigations, it would save time, but he knew in the long run it would only hurt him. His mind was as much his weapon as his silver sword, and like a sword, his mind needed to be maintained. Exhaustion was as much an enemy as any fell beast.

He was considering eating with the Khajiit when he was suddenly knocked off balance.

Several things happened at once. Medeimar took a large step and regained his balance; his left hand rested on the hilt of his sword instinctively, while his spare hand went straight for his money pouch (something he'd learned to do a long time ago.) In that brief instant, his head snapped around to see that it was a woman who had bumped into him. His right hand left his pouch to arrest her fall, but she regained her balance, his gallant gesture of chivalry unnecessary.

Medeimar began to bristle at her first words. It sounded like she was going to accuse him of barging straight into her. Her tone changed though and Medeimar bit back the retort he was preparing. He eyed the woman up and down quickly. With the failing light of the sun and the torches the guards were starting to light; a dim light of recollection sparked in Medeimar's eyes. He had seen a woman on the road to Whiterun only a short time ago dressed similarly to the woman before him now. Could it be the same one? He couldn't be sure. On the road he had only seen the figure and clothes- not the fair skin, piercing blue eyes and hints of red hair- or was it brown? Difficult to really tell in this light.

He regarded her a moment more before answering.

"There are many carts in Skyrim which travel all over. If you're referring to the cart that just arrived here, then yes, I am he. Though, to be more precise, I'm but one of the men- if you wish to include the driver which would be a correct thing to do. What is it to you, Breton?" Having been among Nords for so long, the woman's accent was as obvious as a clarion bell.

He straightened as he spoke, drawing up to his 5'11" height and resettled his bow more comfortably across his back.
She ceased from rubbing her head after hearing the name of her race, "Ah, noticed I'm not from here? If I'm not mistaken... you are too?" She squinted at his facial features, even though his accent was lacking, he definitely has Breton features like herself. "Oh, and about that. It's nothing, really. I just noticed, even though you got here earlier then me... you didn't have any luck getting into the city either, I assume?" Finn looked leisurely at the cities impressive walls, throwing in a light joke, "Unless you were wandering around the city the entire time."

Her eyes strayed from the walls to the dimming light of the sun. Before she could even react, it finally went entirely under the mountains. She cursed under her breath. The Breton got tense, and her posture straightened. This wasn't good.

She spoke briskly,"Sorry, no time to chat. I have to make it Winterhold as soon as possible. If you'll excuse me." Even though the night was dangerous, sleeping in the wild unprepared was even worse. She'd rather make progress and be aware of her surroundings then have saber cats pick their teeth with her bones before she even wakes up.

Not to mention renting a carriage was out of the question.

She was going to buy a horse after doing some odd jobs in Whiterun, but with the Stormcloak outbreak, she was out of luck getting enough money for one. In other words, she had to rely on her own two feet to get to Winterhold.
"An astute observation." Medeimar replied simply. He'd lived in Skyrim most of his life, no doubt the accent of his native land had mixed with the nord bruskness- but it wasn't difficult to see his heritage in his own features which this woman, judging by the way she had been squinting at him, had done.

Medeimar raised an eyebrow. "I can assure you that there could quite possibly be no greater waste of my time than to aimlessly circle this city. That aside, you just established that I only just arrived by cart." The woman's humour flying straight over his head.

His ears pricked at the mention of Winterhold. His own goal and conundrum.

"Winterhold you say?" He asked, his feet following after her. "What business does one like yourself have there?" He asked casually, pulling down his cowl and the cloth covering the lower part of his face in an effort to appear more open and trusting; rather than a half hidden stranger to be wary of. The cool evening air filled his nostrils with a freshening rush that blew away some of the fog of fatigue that had been starting to encroach on his mind.
Finnick acknowledged the man by looking over her shoulder, but didn't let up her brisk pace, "Isn't it obvious?" Her tone wasn't hostile, but of honest curiosity, "I've heard there isn't much in Winterhold, besides the college." She let a slight smile cross her lips, her words edged with pride (and a little excitement), "That's why I'm going, to join the College of Winterhold."

She casted another ball of light through her fingertips, since the last had faded away some time ago. Even if he seemed like a decent man, she just couldn't trust being alone in the dark with someone she met 5 minutes prior. Now that she answered his question, he should be satisfied. But, why did he want to know in the first place?

She stopped mid-stride, then swiveled around. She delivered a slightly suspicious stare, "What's it to you, Breton?"
Aha! Medeimar thought as the woman explained her desire to reach Winterhold. He could have ventured a guess at her wish to join the college but yet again she cold have been visiting relatives...as unlikely as that would have been.

But still, she was a hopeful!

Another orb of light left the woman's fingers and Medeimar watched it float with a great sense of satisfaction. He looked back down again barely in time to notice she had suddenly stopped. He stumbled a step, ending a little closer to her than what he was comfortable with; he backed off a pace, regaining his composure under her gaze.

"Well, why Winterhold? There are a number of college's in High Rock. I'm curious as to what makes Winterhold so special as to warrant such a journey by foot?"

He stopped. He was becoming too focused on his questions. Pertinent as they were to his investigations and as much as he couldn't ignore someone coming from such a long distance just to come to a college under his scrutiny. He didn't want to alarm this woman.

"Please," He continued. "Forgive my rudeness. Perhaps introductions would provide us with a more amicable atmosphere of shared interest. My name is Medeimar...I too am on my way to the college of Winterhold..." He looked down at himself in his armour and weapons; he forced a smile and shook his head.

"I may not look like it...but I am a college hopeful of sorts."
Her serious appearance almost faltered, after the man got a step to close. She kept her ground though, the only physical thing that changed, was that she got tense in her shoulders. Finn's first instinct was to cross her arms over her chest, a subconscious she did occasionally.

Finnick's brow furrowed in thought, eyeing the man up and down. Well, he certainly didn't look like a mage. But, you didn't exactly have to be a mage to, at the very least, visit the college.

She had half a mind to say 'none of you business' and walk away. However, meeting someone who might know a thing or two about the College would be useful. Even if he did batter her with questions. "... Very well." She extended one of her arms awkwardly, signifying a hand shake. "If we're going to introduce ourselves, we might as well do this right." Her other hand was used to tuck a few strands of hair behind her ear, " My name is Finnick, soon to be scholar. I also go by Finn." She scoffed to to side, displaying she didn't do this often. "Nice to meet you, Medeimar." She dragged out the last word, in hopes she pronounced it right.
With a quick glance down at the offered hand, Medeimar tenderly took the proferred hand, not shaking too firmly so as to save his hand healing beneath his thick gloves. He nodded slowly at her careful pronounciation of his name. She had the courtesy of taking her time- a change from the Nords he was used to that would stumble and fumble-tongue their way through and shrug him off with some callous nickname to save themselves teh trouble in future.

"It is nice to meet you, Finnick." He withdrew his hand, giving it a slight shake at his side to resettle the glove.

"So..." He began; not entirely sure how to proceed. "...you didn't travel here all the way from High Rock on foot did you? Or do you have some fear of more expeditious travel?"

He shifted a little awkwardly. Small talk was not his strong suit. He wanted questions answered and honestly, it would be so much easier just to question Finnick directly and chase her down if she fled. He understood that. Investigate. Detain. Resolve. He couldn't do that now of course. He needed practice at playing well with others.
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