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Futuristic Skypirates: A New World (Not accepting new characers)


Junior Member

Three figures sat in a dark room, a number of files sitting in front of them.

"Choosing a new crew it always a pain in the rear ain't it?" one of the figures moaned as they shifted through a variety of applications.

The second figure gave a huff of an agreement. "Too good and you leave other crews wanting, not good enough and you are wasting a ship."

The third man sat silent, tossing a file he had been reading behind him, obviously dissatisfied with what was held within it.

"Maybe we are going about this wrong," One remarked. "Lets just go piece by piece with the options that we need from the top down."

The other two nodded in agreement, with Three pushing forward a small dossier on Ash Solotov Voichek.

"A strong contender for our fleet, a bit harsh but better to have someone made of iron at the front of our ships, any objections?" One asked.

There weren't, and the file was placed at the front of the table.

Two picked up a file he had in front of him and placed it down, baring Arkia Razgod name. "A good gunner is important for ship to ship combat, plenty of in combat experience with high marks all around."

Another name to the pile.

"Someone to fix up the ship is just as important, and having a secondary pilot never hurt anyone," One tossed forward Jason Steele file. "The man is no nonsense about his work, a bit of a vice toward cigars but it doesn't hurt his work."

Three lifted the file of Crow, putting it on top without a single word.

"A former Round Table soldier?" One questioned, giving a weary eye toward the file. "Isn't that a bit risky?"

Three didn't respond with anything but a well placed glare that cowed One into silence.

"Well might as well have Mech pilots, even if one is damaged the other can still be in use, not to mention they double as a strong soldier as well," Two put forward Krystal Tassonis file to round it off.

"The lack of a chef or doctor is a bit worrying, but it wouldn't be the first crew to go without, so I believe that rounds us out then, any final words?" One looked around and nodded, standing up. "Well then gentlemen it is always a pleasure to work with you, Live Free and Soar."

"Live Free and Soar."

Deep within Ranram's many towering piles of scrap lays a hidden launching area used exclusively by the Skypirates in order to launch out new ships into the ocean of the sky. After having been summoned from wherever they had been before the crew of the newly restored ship have been brought together to await the raising of their vessel. Together this group will go forth and decide a new fate for the world.

((And with that the game has officially begun, feel free to meet and mingle with each other. If your name wasn't mentioned you didn't make the final cut for one reason or another. Feel free to PM me if you have questions.))
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Arkia sat on top of several crates with a very large magazine in her hands "Weapon Systems Quarterly" was printed in large red letters with a picture of a tri-barreled anti aircraft gun on the front. She looked abit until she flipped to the next page and her eye widened at whatever she was looking at. From Ark's point of view it was the new Zodiac H-2 600mm high velocity anti ship gun that had the power to tear a battle cruiser in half. The only downfall to the gun was the cost of maitenance and ammo...

A gentle breeze kissed her body as she continued reading. Ark had recieved a letter about a week ago to meet her new crew that she would be apart of at this location, the ships supplies where stacked up outside the ship so Ark put her large back pack next to her as well as a large shoulder bag and decided to wait out side as the weather was nice that day...
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...this was it, alright. The actual ship this time. Krystal knew how that Luke guy felt in that old movie, Star Wars. And hey, there was a genuine pirate sitting over there, complete with eyepatch.

"Hey, what's up. Is this the Hammerlock? I went to the wrong ship a few minutes ago... and that's the end of that story."
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Ark snapped out of her gaze of the Zodiac weapon system and looked at the young woman below her. "Hey, what's up? Is this the Hammerlock? I went to the wrong ship a few minutes ago... and that's the end of that story." Ark kept here normal body language as she hoped that this girl was not a navigator, Ark replied in her calm and low toned voice "Yeah, it is the Hammerlock..." she streched a bit and the was curious about her"Im Arkia, but uh, call me Ark by the way, I will be the weapons pilot and weapons system maintainer. And you? what's your story?"
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"Hi, Ark. I'm Krystal. I've got a mech and a gun, so I guess I'm just a people-killer. I like having my life flash before my eyes. Not much else to it, I guess."
"Ah say, Do be careful with that, Son!" Crow said as his mech was being loaded. the head was about to be uncovered, exposing it as a Round Table mech. He threw another tarp over it and nodded. He was playing with his necklace when he spied the other crew chatting. He should talk to them. What would they think of him though? Two years ago he was probably hunting them. The Captain trusted him though and that was enough. He tried his best at a pirate's swagger, but he ended up looking silly. He sighed, straightened, and walked in his usual crisp march. He was still not used to the pirate life, no matter his clothes. He did wear an Round Table Officer's pin, deeply scarred and stained brown from unwashed blood. That alone made most people avoid him. He smiled at the two women. "Did ah hear you say you were ah mech pilot? Ah happen to be one too, pleased to fight beside you. Mah name's Crow, at least for now. Pleasure already to meet the flowers of tha ship so soon after boarding." He said charmingly. You get more flies with honey Nana always told him.
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Anorher man appeared, another member of the crew. Ark's eyelid narrowed as he approached, he walked tall his head held high, but not in a way his ego was through the roof no he was different...the way he walked told Ark he must have been military...maybe...and she felt her blood start to boil just at the thought. "Excuse me Krystal, it was good to meet you, but I should check the weapons systems" Ark hopped down from her seat a top the crates and began to walk towards the ship before the man could introduce himself...

Ark realised she was being rather judge mental which was not her style. It must be because of what happened during her time serving the previous crew...

After entering the ship, Ark searched and found the weapon systems control room and shut the door. "FUCK!" She screamed and slammed her fist into the wall, "A god damn MILITARY DOG!!!" Ark's rage flowed through her viens like a Niagara Falls,"The Captain honestly think that he is trustworthy?! Damn them to HELL!" She bellowed and drove her fist into the metal wal once more, her arm fully extended. "He better be loyal to us without fault or I WILL KILL'EM IN HIS SLEEP!!!" Ark was breathing heavily, her hand throbbed sightly after throwing some heavy punches into the wall.She put her back against the wall and slid to the floor thinking to when she was younger and how the military destroyed her life....
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"Oh, ah never thought ah'd be seein' another southernah here the these pahts." Krystal spied the badge. "Oh, cool. Who'd you kill for it?"
Cigar in mouth and Hoodini on his shoulder Strongman approached the docking bay where he was assigned. He had been reluctant to join up at first because he was working on a special project but he accepted anyway. He was ready to get back out to the skies. Seeing some people already gathered he made a point not to talk to anyone directly. Instead he simply leaned against a box trying to look as scary as possible. In reality Strongman was a nice enough guy, unless you messed with his things of course, he just wanted everyone to think he looked like a bear and had the attitude of one too. Being a large and fairly...hairy man he had the looks part almost down, all he needed was a sneer to complete the look. While trying his best to be intimidating he pulled the cigar from his mouth and held it up to the mechanical owl on his shoulder. It clamped down with it's mechanical jaws while Strongman pulled a flask from his belt and took a swig. Once the flask was replaced he took the cigar back and continued smoking it.

{Ok i am testing something here...this post is NOT using the corrector, Give me feed back if its good in grammar. Next post i will use the corrector and see the difference}

"Well Ash there he is....The hammerlock"

"My my my, What a beauty it is indeed and remarkable restoration after the Incident"

"Yep in perfect shape once again. Well ash- Um sorry, Captain you better go the crew is waiting and well your ship"

As after the small talk ash had with sir Jorge, Captain of "The Odessa" the second vessel that survive the encounter with "The Excalibur", She would shake his hand only to soon open the door of a pirate transport car and stand out of it as it drove off towards the second vessel not far from "The Hammerlock". Standing straight with her hands behind her back and the view of the ship in front of her as its being loaded with needed materials and needs for the crew. She took a deep breath and comment "Lets hope this time we are alive and not chase down by, THAT, Capital ship again" With that she began to walk down the small path towards the ship seeing: crates,bags,munition,ET Cells and other objects being carried inside the ship. Soon as she walk down the path her eyes catch glimpse of three of the few "Selected" crew members to her ship for there skills being: Krystal a formidable pilot that would be a perfect addition to the ship and then came"Crow" maybe one of the most debated crew member on the ship because of his past connection with the military. Yes he is our enemy but Ash needed the best crew possible and remember that saying?: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". The government is both his and our enemy now and Sir "Crow" now works with us because of a common enemy...even if he had connections with them his skill is surely, Acceptable. Then "Strongman" the engineer with the skill of fixing mostly anything and he is the perfect card as if the engine is busted he can fix it with the crew in no time.

Good day, be sure not to leave any important objects behind and be sure to be on board the ship before the loading is complete. I wont hesitate to leave you behind if its needed"


She mention as she walk pass by them heading towards the ship as Ash needed to make sure the main deck was ready for operation and as well she needed to be at the main deck and make sure all papers of the following: supplies,income,munition,repairs,etc are taken care off befor they take off. As she enters the ship one of the crew members gestured to the left. Her head turns and notice ship pilot Arkia on the floor. Ash stared for a moment and raised a eye brow wondering what has gotten in to her. With a sigh she would call out "Weapons pilot Arkia. May i ask why you are on the ground?"Ash ask looking towards her with her hands behind her back waiting for a response. Well Arkia is a great weapons operation pilot and she is very well needed on this ship, but why is she like this? Her crew needed to be strong but...Ash will treat them lightly for now.

Ark had rested herself against the hull of the main deck after her outburst of anger and became deep in thought. "Weapon pilot Arkia. May I ask why you are on the ground?" Ark came to Immediately, stood up and faced the woman who was asking the question. She was much older than Ark and it was obvious this woman was the Captain, her stance was relaxed yet ready for anything and looking into her eyes one could tell the Captain was a veteran of the skies. " Yes Captain, I was just in thought thats all. I am Arkia Razgod, I will be your weapon system pilot and system maintainer if need be ma'am" Ark said respectfully and slightly readjusted her eyepatch for a more comfortable fit....
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"Who did you kill for it?" Crowe sighed. "The man who killed mah family. The blood is his an' every officer Ah've killed in the past sixteen months, the scars on it are from when he struggled when ah slit his gullet." Then the mention of food came and Crow smiled. "Well let's not be late for a meal. Ladies first."
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Gradous13 said:
Ark had rested herself against the hull of the main deck after her outburst of anger and became deep in thought. "Weapon pilot Arkia. May I ask why you are on the ground?" Ark came to Immediately, stood up and faced the woman who was asking the question. She was much older than Ark and it was obvious this woman was the Captain, her stance was relaxed yet ready for anything and looking into her eyes one could tell the Captain was a veteran of the skies. " Yes Captain, I was just in thought thats all. I am Arkia Razgod, I will be your weapon system pilot and system maintainer if need be ma'am" Ark said respectfully and slightly readjusted her eyepatch for a more comfortable fit....
Location:Ship main deck

Action:Conversation with Arkia and filling papers

Ash would look at Arkia Razgod as her full name was and would hear her explanation of being on the ground and position on this ship. With a nod as she would then say "Good, Welcome to the Hammerlock i am glad to have you on this ship Miss Arkia. Now we will be surely leaving soon once all supplies are on board the ship so please keep and eye on the clock as once we have departed i need all pilots in there post. If you have any questions feel free to ask i will be here filling papers. "she said as Ash would walk forward to the middle of the room. There was a long Metallic "Table" where most plans where discuss and other important discussions but now there where a few documents on it each telling what is being delivered to the ship and so on. Ash sigh as she would pick one on and read as she ask "Tell me miss Ark. Are you only able to operate specific ship weaponry or are you able to use...most on any ship?"Ash as as she read the paper in her hand silently as the bridge was mostly empty. It was Ash and Arkia and some other people walking in and out some on the computers making sure the ship is ready. Ash had high hopes in this crew and they are gonna get along just fine.....
Hammerlock, chewing fingernails--LEFT, GO LEFT

Krystal nervously watched as her mech was being loaded onto the ship. Sure, it was pretty beat up, but the hydraulics were kinda sensitive and whoever was loading this thing wouldn't be winning any awards.
Location:Ship maindeck

Action: Conversation with the Captain

"Its good to be aboard the ship Captain, thanks" Ark replied, the chain that was hooked on her belt loop fell to her left side and to a side pocket, Ark removed a pocket watch and looked at the time before returning the watch to its place, it was 0937 at the moment. "Tell me miss Ark. Are you only able to operate specific ship weaponry or are you able to use...most on any ship?" Asked Captain, who seemed to have high expectations of the crew, "Captain, I am high proficiency opperator, I am very efficient with any weapons system that I am put behind. I adapt quickly to systems I have yet to use and an expert with those I have." Ark replied with pride "My previous ship was a Victoria class light cruiser stollen from the Kings port and I effectively ran the system alone, this ship has a quarter of the armorment that cruiser had." Ark took a seat at the weapons control paneland began pushing command keys on the touch screen, they system booted up and the main screen came to life and showed the HUD of all onboard weapons...

"Too easy Capt, hmmm it seems we have several hard points for more weapons but they are in need of multiple components, Ill take a look when I have a chance...." Ark shut down the system and sat back in the chair. Her eye patch began to bother her and she hated wearing it but was uncertain on whether or not her new crew would think her a freak or something due to her right eye....

"Capt...I... need to know something, do you trust him? The military rogue?" Ark asked as she began to scratch under the eyepatch...
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"Careful with that!" Crowe shouted at the loaders, the tarps fell over to reveal a mostly pristine M-82 Type Round Table Mech. "Damnit man cover it up You're not on the top 100 traitor list being hunted for killing officers and stealing a mech!" The tarp was quickly put back on and Crowe took a saber and a pistol out of his sponsen box. "Ah keeping these on mahself just in case anyone wants to collect." he said aloud to himself.
Krystal had a coughing fit upon seeing Crowe's mech.

"Who'd you kill for THAT?! I contemplated robbing a bank just to get one of the new Infinium cores!"

"It's was issued to me shortly before ah got the badge. I killed three men to keep her. An' ah do declare a bit of bankrobbing sounds damn near pleasurable. If you'll pardon the affectation." A few of the mechanics came over to gawk. "Hey!" he yelled at them. "Ain't nobody touching her without me being there. After supper you can get you looky-loos outa tha way and we can move on and start killin' some Round Table idgits."
Strongman strolled on to the ship casually, Hoodini still on his shoulder. A large wrench hung from his belt and it swayed with each step. He watched some people go by as he looked around the ship. It wasn't the greatest, but he could make it work. He sauntered over to the Captain who was talking to another crew member. "Cap'n" he started in a deep Scottish accent. "Just wanted let ye know eye'll problay be down in the bowels of the beast if ye need meh. And eye'll 'ave ye know, I'm the best damn engineer yee'll find. Aye can fix anything." he looked to the woman with the eyepatch and gave her a small, polite nod before crushing his cigar out on his arm. @Gradous13 @Yonsisac
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Location:Ship main deck

Action: Conversation with Arkia and strong man

As Ash waited for Ark's respond she let down the papers and look at her and paid great attention as this girl really seem to have very much a extensive knowlage on ship weaponry. Ash look rather impress and would nod a few times before smiling and saying "You seem to have far more knowlage than me Miss Ark....i feel with you on board we will survive longer in the wide open skies feel lucky we have you and its funny how i am a pilot and i don't know much as you Miss Ark. I am rather impress of your skills and the ability to operate a cruiser is beyond impressive" she said with a slight chuckle as she had the best weapon operative in the ship so far and with ark here they will live longer and not die in a few minutes against a Destroyer or something. Ash would hear her other question and she seem to go in thought and would rest her hands on the table. A sigh escape her breath as she would answer "No....but as well i do trust him...He might be a military spy acting to be rogue so we can accept him and let him be under our radars like a pest...But i trust him as if he is actually abandon the government we would have a great play in battle with some one who has knowlage of the enemies capabilities,formation's,and so on. But most of all is his skill as he was train under the government military so he has great training and overall a essential man in battle and also his battle unit is rather advance...he is equally as dangerous to the enemy than to us but you know the saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend""Ash said with a sigh only to soon hear some one enter the room.

She stood straight and would see strongman the "Fix of everything" guy. Ash would nod only to reply "
Alright sir strongman you are a great engineer as far i heard from you. It will be of my great gratitude if you could keep us in the air with your skills....and keep those engines working and in shape as i might need them one day for "Disposal"...but anyway strong man be sure not to stay down there for to long don't want you working on a empty stomach"she said with a chuckle as he was equal as needed than ark...if they busted something he was there to fix it. Her crew was great as she could tell but some are still on there way here.
Location: main deck holding conversation with Captain and Strongman

As the Captain gave her reply Ark nodded "If you can trust him a bit...then I suppose I can do the same", just then another member walked in an told the Captain the she has the best engineer anyone could have and that he would be down in the engine room before putting out his cigar out on his arm. Fro some reason Ark was very interested in the man, almost a genuine intrest one might say...

Ark left her seat and went up to the man and leaned against the wall, "Hey, the names Arkia Razgod but uh, call me Ark....so what about you what are you called by?" She asked wanting to know more about the man....
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"Since you're ah fellow Southanah and you didn't spit on me when I said I used to be Round Table, sure. Just please don't try to be the one to kill me. She's a bit more touchy than yours but she'll sing in close combat. Back then it was a prototype, the plasma cannons can fire in a five second burst and has a i-warhead in the middle. Cut right through weak shields and hull plating. Ah like to space the engines so they can't escape and fleece the crew for a few extra creds. Excluding nobles and Round Table officers. They get added to tha badge. Ahm wearing ah dead man's skin anyway. Ah just got one more thing to do before ah join the choir or tha pit."

Crow took out a flask and took a quick pull. He offered it to Krystal and said, "It's bathtub bourbon, but it's the best ah could afford after repairs and reloading. Ah mixed ah little mint and shuga in it along with a can of lemon soda. Sorta ah poor man's mint julip. Careful though, it'll bite you if you're not careful. We'll be the one's in the mechs fightin' while they sit in the ship. Ah got your back, ah hope you'll have mine."
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Strongman watched as the woman the captain was talking with approached him. She said her name and introduced herself. "Ark..." he said quietly to himself as he committed it to his memory. "Mah full name is Jason Steele, but everybady I associate with calls meh Strongman." he looked to the mechanical owl resting on his shoulder. "And this here is Hoodini. Loyal companion. Built 'im mahself." he smiled at his handiwork before nodding to the captain to verify he understood her orders. @Gradous13 @Yonsisac

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