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Fantasy Skyfall Vampire & Werewolf

"Oh no, I don't belong in any pack. I just came here to get some fresh air" Dimitri said while looking down on the multi-colored ground with a slight blush on his usually pale cheeks. To be honest, he wanted to find the pack as well but hadn't really been able to locate them. He smiled the tiniest smile a human could manage to see before he tilted his head to his side in confusion. He wasn't a threat, at least not according to him, so why was she still in her wolf form. He ran a pale hand through his messy hair and straightened his back a bit. "I doubt that they are near here. If that were the case, I think I would've felt it." The young man said while putting his hands in the pockets of his dark jeans
Freyja sniffed the air once more and realized he wasnt going to be attacking anytime soon. She turned back into her human form, rolling her shoulders once she did. While she examined him to see if he might have any hidden weapons she thought she caught the scent of more wolves. But it was different..they didnt have the scent that made them were's. "Theres a pack of normal wolves close by..Maybe thats all we will find. I have been searching for the pack as well..hoping to get in touch but sadly its hard to tell if this town even has one" She looked in the direction she smelled the wolves and squinted. They were very close but probably werent going to be a bother. The bracelets all over her wrists jingled when she crossed her arms. It was starting to look like a town of lone wolves than anything.
"I think most of the werewolves around here are loners like us. And I doubt that there are many of us, I mean werewolves isn't exactly the things you see everyday." Dimitri felt the footsteps of a pack through the ground as he spoke and turned his head around. He spotted the group of wolves within his range of view, even though his eyesight wasn't the best. "I think we have company" He continued while cracking his neck in a quick motion. It wasn't because he was preparing for a fight, that was none of his intentions. It never were. But recently his neck had been hurting because of his lack of sleep. He did the same thing with his fingers before putting his hands back in his pockets.
Malkavian stood up still looking at them his large black form the other wolves gathered around him coming out of the brush. He gave out a quick howl as the wolves quickly re began their chase of the small pack of deer. After they left Malkavian walked towards the two people before him. He approached slowly as to not provoke aggression. Most other lycan he met tended to be quite aggressive and territorial.
Freyja noticed the large wolf appear from the bushes, her eyes widened. Today was just her lucky day she guessed. When he howled her inner wolf wanted to howl back but she kept it down. "You were hiding with those wolves? Is this your territory?" Two male wolves in one place was usually not that good and she sure as hell didnt want to get caught in the middle of it. She backed up a few steps and put her hand on her hip. She was going to avoid fighting at all costs. She just wanted some of her questions answered and to find some other werewolves around this place. Which it seems she has.
Malkavian returned to his human form clothes re appearing. He stood before them as the girl spoke he looked in her eyes replying back" in a sense I guess you could say it is . The wolves are just a pack I hunt with on occasion they provide good company. " He said calmly. Strange he thought two lycan in this small town new arrivals.
Freyja looked at both males once more then back at malkavian, "This pretty interesting..I would think a were like you would be with others. Then again its not the first ive heard of a werewolf joining a pack of normal wolves. But then you must know if there are any werewolf packs around here?" He had to have seen some at some point if he was running with a pack of local wolves.
Dimitri backed a few steps as well. Just by looking at the other man, he could tell that he was more of a leader than he himself would ever be. And he certainly wouldn't want a fight. He then said with his head tilted to his side in a bit of confusion again. But he shrugged the thought off and listened to what the female wolf had to say. Despite his silence, he really wanted to know if there was some other packs around here. A pack of his, or well their, kind. "Name's Dimitri McAddams" He said with a polite smile towards Malkavian.
(Sorry guys wasnt getting notifications)

Freyja looked at the to and bowed slightly, "Freyja Gotthard...its nice to meet a pair of wolves after months of solitude." She really had gone a long time with no meeting another were, not even a damn vampire. But this town seemed promising.
(It's ok I'm not getting them either) Malkavian smiled slightly" pleaser to meet you all I have bin living here for some time, and indeed it is rare for lycans to be around here." The clouds were starting to turn a dark gey. He looked at them" perhaps it would be better to talk over a cup of tea or coffee for it would appear it's going to rain." He said calmly.
(Yea its putting me behind in a lot of rp's)

Freyja looked up, she welcomed rain but she really didnt feel like smelling like a wet dog at the moment. That and she really didnt want her bike out in the rain, leather really doesnt do well in rain. "Id say that sounds like a pretty good idea..what about you?" She looked over at Dimitri while pulling the keys from her pocket.
The air rained on his neck very roughly, he rubbed the back of his neck with an ill cough. He began to walk out of the guarded fence, he stood in the street. This was a strange place for him, a new home possibly. The lights beamed on him, they had no effect on what he'd see or do.
Esme sat in the forest, looking at the leaves, at their detail. Her headphones sat on her neck, her phone silent. Suddenly, she smelt a deer and her thirst grew. Changing, she ran after it.

(sorry if it sucks, i've never rp b4)
Dimitri nodded with a bright smile taped on his lips. "That would be lovely" Once again he ran a hand through his light brown hair before turning his head around. The sky began to cry and drips of cold water fell down on his cheeks. His smile faded into his cheeks, rain wasn't particularily his favourite wather. "This way, isn't it?" He said with a gesture towards south-east as he began to walk, not really knowing if they were following or not. But he stopped to turn towards them and see if they were tagging along as well as waiting for them to catch up to him.
Malkavian looked at dimitri" indeed it is" He said following the gentlemen. Keeping pace he looked at freyja" you may go ahead of us if you would like." He said calmly. The rain was pleasent, but he didn't need to get wet right know. A small layer surrounded his body giving a slightly noticeable blue glow.
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Freyjs nodded, "specific place in mind?" She kept pace with the two males but managed to get ahead of the anyways. (Sorry if it's short..writers block and on my phone)
Malkavian looked at the others " how about lunch maby at the cafe still morning and I could use a good cup of coffe" He said with a delighted tone. As they walked the rain slowly dropped from the sky l, but the sound of thunder grew ever closer.
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She loved the sound of a storm and wished she could enjoy at its fullest, but she needed to get her bike undercover. "Ok..ill see you two at the one a few miles down the road then!" She ran ahead and waved back to them. When she got to her bike she started it up and put her helmet on, trying to get down the road before the roads became to slick.
Walking with dimitri to the cafe although it took a while they made it in time before the rain began to poor down. The rain clashed heavily against the building blurring the outside view in almost a white mist. Wind raged outside as Kain looked at dimitri he spoke in a calm tone as usual " know that we're inside shall we look for freyja." He said as he scanned the room.
Freyja had gotten there much earlier then they had. She was sitting at a table with her helmet next to her, a pot of coffee with a few other cups next to her. When she spotted the two she waved them over and leaned back, "glad to see you both made it"
Malkavian saw freyja waving them over, and headed in her direction. Sitting down he poured himself a cup of coffe taking a sip. Placing the cup down he looked at them " so what might I ask has brought you two to these neck of the woods?" He asked leaning back into the chair.
Dimitri sat down on a chair as well while glancing over at the two. "I was just going for a stroll, nothing unusual" he said in a calm tone and a bit of a smile on his lips. He looked down at the coffee and made an expression of disgust. Instead he just leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms.
She watched his reaction to the coffee and shrugged it off, "I was just passing through when I thought I caught the scent of a vampire and werewolf..it made me want to stay and maybe find a pack here" she took a drink of her coffee and glanced out the window as the rain started to come down.

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