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Fantasy Sky Pirates RP


The Shipping Queen

Let this tab be a brief reminder to us all.

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  • Thorn:
    Nymph - Nature
  • Female
  • 20 years
  • Medium Height
  • Hair:


  • Original Hair (Before Tragedy)


  • Green Eyes
  • Hair color changes with the season
    Summer = Deep Red
  • Fall = Brown W/ Orange Highlights
  • Winter = Black W/ Silver/Gray Highlights
  • Spring = Pink - Purple Gradiant

[*]Bio :

  • Thorn is very playful and family oriented, always playing with her sisters and the woodland creatures - all were her family. She is very skilled in acrobatics as well as different things many would consider crafty. Her favorite activity is running through the forest.

Thorn woke up in a pile of ash, her body covered in the ruins of her home. Devastated, she frantically searched the ruins of her old home for anything to tell her what had happened. Shock clouds her memories of the night - only snippets of flames, screams, and an image of a shadow and flashing eyes remain.. All that remains in her home is ashes, dead trees, and the rune necklace around her neck.

  • Personality:
    Guarded around strangers, and because of her situation
  • Independant
  • Playful, but it’s hidden
  • Outgoing, but it’s hidden
  • Trickster, but no one usually suspects her

[*]Weapon: Made from Vines & Thorns


[*]Overarching Quest: Find who destroyed her home
Name: Moon Fate

Race: Nymph - Nature

Gender: Female

Age: 22? 23? Moon isn't quiet sure of her own age since she had lost track when she was in a coma for a year when she was around 10.

Height (Doesn’t need to be exact) Around 5’1”

Hair: Her hair changes between the seasons just like leaves

Spring-A light brown with pinkish highlights.

Summer-A somewhat darker shade of brown with sky blue highlights.

Fall-A reddish-brown color with red-orange highlights.

Winter-A very light brown color with hints of icy blue and white.

Bio (Anything from whole life to how they were found):

Moon grew up an orphan. “Moon” wasn't even her original name apparently. Though she doesn't know where and who her family is, she is still searching. She started to remember bits and pieces of her past but she has one thing from it. A rune bracelet that she never takes off.


Moon has a temper that can be set off very quickly and is very hard to tame. Though it is possible, not many people can do it on the first few tries.

At times she worries about others around her. Having been one of the oldest in the orphanage she grew up in for a bit, she got used to having to help care for the younger children. Now it's a habit to help anyone in need. Not only is it a habit, it is one of her flaws.

She tries not to set anyone off normally but when her temper has gone off, most thoughts about others feelings are just thrown out the window.

Weapon: Moon uses two twin chain swords. The hilts are a dark, blood red color with silver and gold designs etched into the blades.

Overarching Quest: She wants nothing more to then find her true family and learn about her past before she had been in the orphanage, which happened when she was 8.
(I put this here, right?)

Name: Nicol Bolas

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: Probably his early 40's, so they say.

Height: Pretty tol

Hair: The sexiest haircut you can think of.

Bio: His great grandfather was a king, and he inherited the ship he sails, formerly known as Benefactor, that now calls itself Malfactor. There isn't much about him. All that have seen his face have either been bribed to never tell, or haven't lived long enough to.

Personality: Some smooth-talking douche with anger issues he manages to keep under control until he feels like letting go.

Weapon: Some badass, legendary Lever-Action Rifle, named The Plague

Overarching Quest: Chew some bubble gum, kick some ass.
[QUOTE="Nico McFly](I put this here, right?)
Name: Nicol Bolas

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: Probably his early 40's, so they say.

Height: Pretty tol

Hair: The sexiest haircut you can think of.

Bio: His great grandfather was a king, and he inherited the ship he sails, formerly known as Benefactor, that now calls itself Malfactor. There isn't much about him. All that have seen his face have either been bribed to never tell, or haven't lived long enough to.

Personality: Some smooth-talking douche with anger issues he manages to keep under control until he feels like letting go.

Weapon: Some badass, legendary Lever-Action Rifle, named The Plague

Overarching Quest: Chew some bubble gum, kick some ass.

Yeeeeah, you did gr8, son 8)
Name : Krow Von Karma

Race: Bird Shifter

Gender: Male

Sex: Asexual

Age: 25 looking

Height: 5’7’

Weight:158 lbs

Hair Style: It is an loose flowing hairstyle as if it were combed through many times and is about the length of his chest

Hair Color: Auburn

Eye color: Blue with the middle being an silver tint

Outfit: He wears a simple three piece suit, but minus the blazer and a pair of short lace-up embroidered shoes, over which there is a long cape. His accessories include a belt and a pork-pie hat along with two feathers sticking out of the band. The whole ensemble is coordinated in dark brown, light purple, and silver.

Bio: He is witty and sincere, but that is to be expected by someone whom is tormented by their past. At the age of fifteen his parents where killed by pirates for not paying money to them. He had to lived alone shunned by everyone thin the town after the gang took him as official, property. After the many beatings he had revived he became mute as an human, but he always managed to smile in the face of the pirate gang. His Torturous captures molded him into an an courageous young man and when the gang went out he ran off and joined the pirates even though he sill hated pirates.

Personality: He is the silent type quite literally she is incapable of speech and responds through simple gestures and drawings. His responses also could be more personal such as the basic nuzzle when fed or an slap when infuriated, one action can speak thousands of words. He is an bid hard to warm up to because he doesn't speak or interact much so it leads to many awkward situations and silence.

Weapon: A silver staff embedded with sea-foam green embellishments and gold trim hooked at the end in a moon shape, in the middle an floating orb with the same gem color. This staff is able to change gravitational putt to the things he grants including himself and others making them heavier and lighter, this also works on common objects such as feathers.

Overarching Quest: He mostly joined because he wanted to go on an adventure, so he tagged along with the pirates when they stopped by the ruins he currently lived in.
oh yeah, i forgot.

  • Name: Swift Beurezu
    Race: Angellic Vampire: An angel infected with the Vampire Virus, these angels tend to lose their halo and feathers. You’re lucky if you retain the ethereal beauty, though certain sub-species tend to become more appealing, (Until they show their wings.) And forget about holy powers… if you walk in the sun, it's said that you’ll burst into a ball of fire.
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: She’s only been a vampire for six years or so. Six long and tedious years. She was turned at 25, so that’d make her 31.
  • Height: Approximately 5’6
  • Hair Style:


  • Hair Color: A sterling white with a black flame pattern coming from the ends…. well, they SAY it’s a flame pattern. It’s grown to more of a color at the ends then anything else of form.
  • Eye Color: A deep bourbon color.
  • Bio:
    Not much can be pieced together of Swift’s past, other than the fact that she lived with other supernatural beings before being turned. This lead to the death of a dear brother close to her heart, a Necromancer named Alex. She had never forgiven herself for his death, and she joined the Pirates as a way of finding them. It’s clear that she could of done just fine without taking to the skies. But she has no way to track the coven, and she ultimately ends up begging to join. One of her more embarrassing moments.


  • Very arrogant
  • Bold, speaks her mind when asked.
  • Almost cruel to a point, she doesn’t take feelings into account.
  • Can be flirtatious and sweet when she wants to be.
  • She tries to hide it, but she’s quite the mother hen.

[*]Weapon: Dual Pistol Revolvers (Blackhawk .41) Not quite as deadly as you would think. It’s not really for show or anything like that, it gets the job done quick and easy. It has a range of up to 1,500 feet, making it a prime weapon for- you guessed it- a pirate assassin. Especially if she wants to be showy and flip around.

… She also bears blades on her shoes, causing her close range kicks to be deadly. As long as she doesn’t step on them, she’s pretty much OK.

[*]Overarching Quest; She wants to find the people who dragged her to this existence, and send them on a one way ticket to ...well, take a guess. No pit stops. When asked about this, she’ll speak in a darker tone than usual and probably get angry.

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