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Fandom Skull Island: Gates Of Hell (Monster Verse)


Sicarii Assassin

Log Entry
April 17, 1955

My name is Dr. Marcos Aguilera, and it's been exactly thirteen days since the Tidal Ride set sail out of western Sumatra. My story is a strange one, so here it goes. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was January 1946, less than a year after World War 2 had officially ended. I was a battle hardened young Lieutenant who had just spent the better part of four years fighting in the European Theater. I was selected for something they were calling Operation High Jump. Even though Adolf Hitler had committed suicide and The Third Reich had all but collapsed, the Nazis weren't giving up so easily. Allied Forces had continued to pursue them to a secret base near Mt. Erebus, Antarctica. The bastards had their hands in all kinds of occult and fringe science projects, anything that would give them an edge. Well in seems in all their meddling, they managed to summon something so huge and terrible that anyone could scarcely imagine. My battalion were about to engage them near the volcanic base, when something happened. Something, that to this day, haunts my nightmares. The ice began to give way beneath us and up from the depths, crashed something so fantastic and huge, I still have trouble thinking about it. Through the heavy snow and wind I made out a gigantic form a hairy spider like creature, completely draped in white fur the size of a goddamned mountain. Than out of nowhere, the ground began to shake again and from the east, we saw another titanic creature, this one more reptilian in appearance with large dorsal spines on it's back. The two monsters began to attack each other. Before I knew what was happening, my battalion was immediately evacuated out. We were air lifted back to the ice breakers on the shore line, just barely escaping with our lives. But I remember distinctly hearing the muffled sounds of the mammoth size monsters, battling it out below, even though I could visually make out very little because of the blizzard. The sounds the creatures made still echo in my subconscious. From that point onward, I became obsessed with finding the truth as to what we encountered out there on the ice. It's taken me nearly a decade of painstaking study and subterfuge, but I believe I've finally stumbled across something that will lead me to the answers I seek, even earning my doctorate in the process.

Using my family's inheritance and traveling to some of the most exotic places on Earth, I managed to get my hands on a plethora of classified and secret files, documents, charts and recordings compiled by high ranking officials operating within Nazi Germany during the war. In their quest to create a super weapon, the Nazis discovered something they call "The Riese" or giants. The titanic creatures hailed from a hollow world within the Earth's interior and it's here that the Nazis thought they would gain the upper the hand to win them the war. In my research, I found out that the Germans had pinpointed several places across the world that acted as natural entry points to this lost world within our own planet. The base in Antarctica was only one of many. Since the Mt. Erebus site had been presumably destroyed back in 1946, I concentrated my search on some of the other key locations cited in the classified documents. One of the most promising is the subject of this very expedition. A hidden archipelago in the south Indian Ocean named Skull Island. It's here that I believe my best chances lay at gaining access to this supposed Hollow Earth. The region around where Skull Island is supposedly located has a very bad reputation, where hundreds of ships have vanished without explanation. With the last of my inheritance, I managed to pull together a small expedition crew and a ship to get us there. I don't know what we're gonna find out here, if anything at all. But it's do or die time. I've spent the last nine years searching for something, and I better damn well find it. Wish us luck, we're sure as hell gonna need it.

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