

Black Sun in a White World
Any really outstanding fights in your games that just come to mind? One's that you look back on and go, "Awesome. That was fun." Could be a scuffle in a bar, epic war, duel or whatever. This goes for Exalted or any game system.

Some stand outs for me and my gaming career.

Skirmish with a hoarde of hobgoblins within the walls of Rathess, that was just frigging fun. *Exalted*

HUGE air battle with skyships and warring on the ground to take out a Theran airbase. *Earthdawn*

The fight against THE Wormskull. *Earthdawn*

The war against the Passion of Death. *Earthdawn*

The Battle of Triumph. *Earthdawn*

Huge siege on Thorns, Realm armies and everything! *Exalted*
Kye's duel with Eleria...nuking that dragonblooded ship with the lightning ballistae, blowing the everliving crap out of those armored darkbrood leaders on that thing's back...Be proud CW, your games are the only ones I've played in that I find truly memorable, :D
The circle has helped rally Chirascuro against First and Forsaken Lion's armies, themselves standing alongside ragtag militia to try and make it hold, reinforcing the weakest location of the city...the Dragon King allies they recently awakened from within their stasis pods standing alongside them. The Twilight blasting away from cover with Sorcery, moving down the undead ranks until he runs out of essence, his Lunar lover guarding him against any ghostly attacks from the other side, the Semi-Renegade Dereth Day Caste Abyssal dancing through the foes, 'her' martial arts skill holding 'her' safe...and just when they are about to break, the plan they worked out before hand goes off...and the Abyssal's mistress calmly strikes the armies leader down from Princess Magnificent calmly removes her 'master' and takes command of the army, smiling at her servant and nodding to her servant's 'allies' before marching her new army off...after all, her armies already hold everything between the Thousand and Chiroscuro...and much of the area nearby...

Other than that would have to be when a group's barbarian Dawn Caste slew/was slain by Yurgen Kaneko in single combat. They acted at the same time, and both managed to kill the other after a suitably epic battle. The second in command of each of their hordes stopped the fighting for the day to bury them both together in honor, before sending out a second pair of champions the next morning.
The circle has helped rally Chirascuro against First and Forsaken Lion's armies, themselves standing alongside ragtag militia to try and make it hold, reinforcing the weakest location of the city...the Dragon King allies they recently awakened from within their stasis pods standing alongside them. The Twilight blasting away from cover with Sorcery, moving down the undead ranks until he runs out of essence, his Lunar lover guarding him against any ghostly attacks from the other side, the Semi-Renegade Dereth Day Caste Abyssal dancing through the foes, 'her' martial arts skill holding 'her' safe...and just when they are about to break, the plan they worked out before hand goes off...and the Abyssal's mistress calmly strikes the armies leader down from Princess Magnificent calmly removes her 'master' and takes command of the army, smiling at her servant and nodding to her servant's 'allies' before marching her new army off...after all, her armies already hold everything between the Thousand and Chiroscuro...and much of the area nearby...
Other than that would have to be when a group's barbarian Dawn Caste slew/was slain by Yurgen Kaneko in single combat. They acted at the same time, and both managed to kill the other after a suitably epic battle. The second in command of each of their hordes stopped the fighting for the day to bury them both together in honor, before sending out a second pair of champions the next morning.
Nice :D
Sounds like the battle between Cuchullain and Fiachra in Irish myth. Cuchullain was a classic "Solar", battle aura and all, and the invaders knew he'd butcher their army despite being the only man of Connaught not under the Queen's spell, so the Queen of Ulster sent her own champion, Cuchullain's childhood friend Fiachra.

They duelled for three days, each day with a different weapon, and at the end of each day they'd make camp together and share stories of the good times. On the third day, Cuchullain killed Fiachra and repelled the invasion.

As to my own epics, the best fun I ever had in a fight was a protracted chase in a Vampire Modern Nights game, where my Ventrue was chasing a renegade Giovanni (Battousai) across London, and damned be the Masquerade. It started in a club, progressed to the streets, then to a great high-speed car chase, then into the Thames.

It only ended because of the lame, lame interference of another PC. It was a really close fight.. And really funny. My favourite part was where Battousai was trying to throw me from the roof of his car and I tore the roof off.. classic.
As to my own epics, the best fun I ever had in a fight was a protracted chase in a Vampire Modern Nights game, where my Ventrue was chasing a renegade Giovanni (Battousai) across London, and damned be the Masquerade.
Good times. I really wish that had played out right.
Let's replay it, exalted style. Chiaruscuro, with yeddim instead of cars.

Did you just start again with a new name, or get your posts transferred? Cool beans.
Hm. I think I still like mine. "Jack" beats Battousai though. Battousai was cool, but Jack has an honesty about it that intrigues.
He simply changed his name.
Stoooopid question time (yes I know you'd expect no less from me), how can you change your name on here.  I thought I'd looked but couldn't find it.
Well, you don't need to ask a friendly one per se. Any will do, out of your choice of one.
I only got to run 3 sessions before my group collapsed.

The first was introduction.

The second had a fight where the circle is trying to fight a strong Water aspected Dragon-Blood high in a castle overlooking the Inland Sea.  The Zenith Martial Artist hits him hard enough that the Dragon flies out the window, and the Night jumps out as well to kill him before he can hit the water.  

The third session had a horrible sea "accident" and a nasty Obsidian Butterfly casting that slices up a crew in the water.  The bloodbath draws sharks and the circle fights the surviving Dragon Bloods on the backs of feasting Thresher Sharks illuminated only by the reflections of stars on a moonless night on glimmering shards of black butterfly wings tinged red with blood.

Man, I miss that group   :(
My friends and I were playing Champions when we had a epic battle that I have not seen the equal to yet.  First part, we discover a Viper base under Alcatraz island.  By tracking equipent shipments, we estimate that it is a large base.  We move in with backing from the Navy (several destroyers and the battleship Missouri) and surround the place.  The initial wave of Marines move in and are blown to bits as an explosive takes out the top of the island.  More troops move in supporting superheros planning on punching into the middle of the place.

Second part took place when a single villian from the book named Sanction fought five characters AND the Navy to a standstill.  He finally got tired of fighting and flew down to the Missouri, picked it up, and threw it at the island.  He then flew off as the heros went from combat mode to rescue mode to save the lives of the crew that survived the crash.

Third part happened underwater.  A rouge group of supers snuck into the sub bay, planning on raiding as much tech as they could carry and run while the shit was going off above.  They ran face first with several of Vipers big guns evacuating the base.

It was like the fight in Return of the Jedi.  One battle on the planet, one in orbit, and the final one inside the Death Star.  It took weeks for us to run the whole thing from all points of view.  It was ubercool.
Holy fuck. What is Champions and where can I get it?

And I'm actually thinking of pulling something off like that with my custom setting someday.
Ok so this was a 3-4 session RPG and its the best game ive ever played in. It wasnt exalted it was a game called legend of the five rings.

In this oh session of sessions our party (A monk, A duelist, an archer, a shugenja{sorceror} and two Bushi {warriors} ) took their last stand in a temple and held the temple as even the supports started to collapse against 60-70 ronin followed by 9 heavily trained/armored ronin.

It was the best skirmish ive ever been in.
Holy fuck. What is Champions and where can I get it?
And I'm actually thinking of pulling something off like that with my custom setting someday.
Champions is the super-hero role playing game using the Hero System.  It is a point based character creation system that is adaptable for just about any genre you can imagine.  It has a ton of books out, some very specific for martial artists, psionics, mystics, dark heros, teen heros, cyber heros, vehicles, high fantasy, and about a dozen other books I didn't list.  Along with Exalted, it is my other favorite game system.  I cannot praise it high enough.  Check it out.  Very good system.
I'd have to say one of hte most memorable in one of my games was long ago. My first Age of Air campaign. Fire Aspect DB leapt from airship to airship, igniting their powder magazines. Well on the last one...he had no where to go.

4000 feet down. Boom.


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