• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Hard Boiled

Heartless Glow In The Dark Fire Breathing Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Congratulations, new employee [IDENTIFICATION NUMBER]!
By signing on with HarpsiCorp, you have just taken the first step towards becoming an essential gear
in the machine of the MOST TENACIOUS space exploration conglomerate in the known galaxy!

Your automated HarpsiCorp onboarding experience will now begin. Please observe this important message.


"Space. Boundless promise. Limitless resources. A brighter future.
It's here that hard workers like you, the backbone of civilization, will help us pave the way to the universe.

I am Amadeus Hearthwright, President of HarpsiCorp's recruitment division.

When my great, great grandfather, Exeter, founded HarpsiCorp, he foresaw a remarkable opportunity among the stars.
His vision eventually brought us the railgates.
Spanning all the way to the outer-reaches of the Milky Way, these are the veins connecting all of modern civilization,
and the people flowing through them are its lifeblood. The railgates reinvigorated humanity, and are key to our continued progress.

You have been selected from among thousands of candidates to join the HarpsiCorp family!
This is more than just a job - it's an opportunity to be a part of the largest, most successful, and most pioneering company in human history.

Your dream may be to forge your own destiny one day.
Well, work hard, heed your superiors -- believe in the HarpsiCorp vision -- do this, and you too will get your chance.

Your first step is to join our Everwork program, the greatest gift we give our employees,
turning death into an ongoing opportunity for learning and growth.
With HarpsiCorp, death is a fresh start.

Good luck!
And remember: together, we sing the song of progress!"

Please affirm the following statements:
- I have no criminal record in the Terran or Martian zones (a record in the Jovian frontier is acceptable).
- I am not a member of, and have never associated with, a Worker's Union or other labor interest.
- I have completed my annual medical exam and have been cleared of having McCollough's Lung.
- I have no commercial or real estate interests on Luna, in the Asteroid Belt, or in the Nation-State of Arizona.
- I will bring a positive attitude and a problem-solving mind-set to work every day.
- I understand and accept the health risks associated with long-term exposure to a Van der Waals Field.
- I will vote for Chancellor Chun Zhang in the Pan-American Senate Election.

Click HERE to agree.

To finalize onboarding, click HERE to agree to Everwork terms and conditions.

THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the 9th day of November, 2329, between HarpsiCorp and its subsidiaries, incorporated under the laws of the Solar Industries Commission ["HarpsiCorp"] and myself, Citizen LF-2911805 ["Employee"].
Employee hereby grants permission to HarpsiCorp the authority to collect, analyze, and utilize their biometric data for use to better the lives and wellbeing of them and their co-workers, as well as for any other purpose.
Employee hereby grants permission to HarpsiCorp the authority to perform psychological tests on them at any time, with or without their knowledge.
(Employee is not entitled to compensation for participation in these tests, but may receive additional sugar cube rations.)
Employee hereby grants permission to HarpsiCorp the authority to garnish their wages if their actions, or lack thereof, result in any real or potential losses for the company and/or any of its affiliates.
Employee hereby grants permission to HarpsiCorp, the authority, in perpetuity, to record and own their DNA, and to create new entities with that DNA, with no restrictions or limits. Furthermore, Employee agrees to pay a nominal fee for this service in the event of their death while performing the duties of their position.
HarpsiCorp may execute these entities at any time for acts of gross negligence.
Employee hereby grants permission to HarpsiCorp, the authority, to transfer any and all upaid debts owed to HarpsiCorp and/or any of its affiliates to their next of kin in the event that they are terminated, disappear, and/or perma-perish.
HarpsiCorp reserves the right to terminate this contract an any time, without notice or payment in lieu, with no requirement of sufficient cause.

Thank you for choosing HarpsiCorp, and welcome to our family!
To complete your registration, your genetic sequence will now be extracted for use with the HarpsiCorp Everwork asset replacement program.
Don't worry - pain levels during extraction are largely tolerable!

Please note, as outlined in section 31 in your employment agreement, the process of genetic extraction will destroy your original body.

Beginning extraction now.
. . .
. . .
. . .
Extraction analysis and backup complete. Beginning spare generation.
. . .
. . .
. . .


231541DSD KTR --D SA<DS>+555//

LOG<> 255452147/35 A +++ TOPOLOGICAL SORTING


. . .

Everwork asset replacement successful!

Genetic sequence stored.
Congratulations! It is now safe to die*.

*Employees are responsible for the cost of biomaterials used in the Everwork process,
An additional fee is required for deaths that occur outside working hours.

Citizen Report Check...........................$120.000.00
Medical Analysis...............................$362.150.95
Transportation To Work Site....................$510.000.50
Seat Selection Fee..............................$10.000.00
Kessler Passage Toll............................$77.000.00
Luggage Handling (Including Gratuity - 35%)....$212.517.32
Automated Onboarding Procedure...............$1,200,000.00
Lifeguard Genetic Backup Storage...........$500,000,000.00
Biomaterial Refrigeration..................$227,850,000.15
Equipment Setup............................$325,400,000.00
Equipment Security Deposit.....................$725,000.01
Habitation Fee (Cleaning, Repainting)........$6,340,000.50
On-Site Training.............................$8,000,000.00
Helmet Interface Software Update...............$800,000.00
Meal Prep - Annual..........................$34,780,000.00
Waste management - Human (Premium)..........$20,000,000.00
Emigration/Duty Fee........................$122,000,000.00
Entertainment Library Fee.......................$59,999.99
Tracking Implant Fee...........................$415,000.00
Salvage Rights Fee (Including Notary)........$1,400,250.00
Financial Account Setup Fee......................$5,000.00
Account Maintenance Fee (Monthly)................$2,015.00
Administration Fee.................................$500.00
Display of "Fees Report".............................$7.50

ACCOUNT BALANCE............$-1,252,594,441.92
"Debt is a sign of being prepared!"


And so, it is that time again.
That lovely time of year when I, RpN's resident Egg Boy, get itchin' to whip up a new RP. This time, from my favorite genre of all: Evil Space Corporation™!​
This could just as easily be classified as a Fandom RP, but I'm putting it as Futuristic, because I feel like it.​
The primary inspirations for this RP are (with an asterisk denoting a major influence):​
Hardspace: Shipbreaker*​
Deep Rock Galactic*​
Slime Rancher​
Portal/Half Life​
CoD: Infinite Warfare​
Star Wars​
And any other Evil Space Corporation™ media that I decide to pick from as we continue.​
The Gist
This RP will revolve around (see what I did there?) the struggles, relationships, and rare victories of a team of low-level grunts, all heavily indebted to the interplanetary conglomerate, HarpsiCorp, as they perform their duties and, perhaps, fight for labor rights in whatever way they see fit - if they see fit at all. The RP will take place in a myriad of locations including but not limited to, our characters' home Space Rig, a multitude of alien planets, orbital scrapyards, trading posts, and various space stations. You will have the option to choose which department your character works for - Mining, salvage, transport, trading, R&D, etc, and can choose from any number of positions and skillsets. You can be a fresh recruit or a salty dog, but regardless, you will be indebted to HarpsiCorp.​
Not even death is an escape from debt - quite the opposite, in fact, as should your character perish for any reason, an additional charge will be added to their account. But fear not! HarpsiCorp's Everwork program ensures that, alive or dead, you'll never be late to work!​
Live complacently, sandbag your shift, or actively sabotage the corporation (at your own risk) - the choice is yours.​
The Rules
-All applicants must be 18+. No exceptions. Violators will be removed immediately.
-No god-modding/metagaming/powerplay. That means no controlling characters besides your own (unless explicitly allowed), no magically making your character always succeed at everything, no miraculously overhearing a whisper across the room, no omniscient characters, etc. Especially no impossible survivals of doomed characters (i.e. surviving getting sucked into space or something). Death is not permanent in this RP, use this to your advantage (Though, not necessarily your character's advantage)!
-Any decisions that may affect multiple characters and/or the overarching plot should be run by myself beforehand.
-If you're wondering whether or not you should ask about something, ask it.
Violations of these rules may lead to your post being "sent back" and/or deleted. Repeated violations may result in termination from the RP.
The Rest
I'm still cooking up the specifics of the plot and all that good stuff, but I wanted to put out some feelers here to see what kind of group I can muster up. I'll be working diligently to create lore pages, and soon after, a CS page if enough people are interested.
Absolute maximum is, we'll sayyyyy.... Eight people including myself.​
Reply below!
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This is giving me major Outer Worlds and Severance vibes, and I am super here for it. Count me in!
Lore page is up! Much more to be added soon.

hey, who the fuck put henry ford and andrew carnegie in charge of space? get them the fuck out of the stars.
hi, local communist here. not sure if i have the time for a full commitment for a full charictar. but if a revolution happens and you need a morally fifty shades of gray revolutionary leader (Hi kids, do you like Propaganda of the Deed?) or two, i can provide.
Beautiful interest check, really well written. Super interested!

Those terms and conditions are craaaazy
Alright everyone, we've got quite a few bites here, so here is the CS page!

You can look for now, but I would ask that you please wait to post your CS until I have posted mine. I just wanted to get this out there so you all can start brainstorming.
Happy trails!
Kloudy Kloudy ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 Nomai Nomai Unearthly Unearthly Maverick Six Maverick Six Solar Daddy Solar Daddy queendilettante queendilettante Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford

My CS is now up, feel free to begin adding yours!
(The only time after this I will tag you is when I create the main page, don't worry.)

Also, do you guys want a very simple discord server for organizing OOC or would you prefer to keep it all local? Reply here or tag me in OOC.

Kloudy Kloudy ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 Nomai Nomai Unearthly Unearthly Maverick Six Maverick Six Solar Daddy Solar Daddy queendilettante queendilettante Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford

My CS is now up, feel free to begin adding yours!
(The only time after this I will tag you is when I create the main page, don't worry.)

Also, do you guys want a very simple discord server for organizing OOC or would you prefer to keep it all local? Reply here or tag me in OOC.

I'd always prefer a Discord for OOC but I could do on-site if need be 💪
Ditto ✌️
Also, slightly off-track, but would you mind sending us the code for the cs sheet if you would like us to follow that style Hard Boiled Hard Boiled ?
Also, slightly off-track, but would you mind sending us the code for the cs sheet if you would like us to follow that style Hard Boiled Hard Boiled ?
I don't care if you follow the style or not, but it's cool if you want to.

[border=6px groove #FFAE42][bg=black]
oooo~ I want in! am I still able to join?
(this is my first time interacting with a thread like site)
oooo~ I want in! am I still able to join?
(this is my first time interacting with a thread like site)
Spots will be first-come first- served as far as CSes go, so if you want in, go for it.

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