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Site slow on tablet


Oddball and author
Soo... I'm not even sure if it's just my tablet or maybe something with the site, but...

Since a little while (shortly after the update) the website became incredibly slow on my tablet. To the point where I can't even properly type a reply because I type faster than the tablet on the site van keep up with. This results in lots of unwanted caps and unneeded punctuation marks in weird places. On my laptop, the site is working just fine. On my phone as well. I checked other sites or internet applications with my tablet, and they're all working just fine. It's really only this website that's having this issue.

Might this be because of something on this new site my somewhat older tablet can't keep up with anymore? Or is it an issue with the site?
the mobile site works fine on my phone, so it might be your tablet

the typing problem happens with me on my phone in lots of apps and websites fairly often

it's because the keyboard software/phone cant keep up with my typing, im pretty sure

a mobile app has been in the works for a while, maybe that'll fix your problems when it comes out

until then i don't have many suggestions for you, unfortunately
I have a fairly new tablet and it runs the site slower than my desktop, but still much faster than you're describing, so I'm guessing it's your tablet?  All the things that make us special might be slowing it down.
Hmmm... Well, I guess it's indeed my tablet then. No surprise there since it's four years old. I hope the app (whenever it's ready) will fix it... Since my tablet is kind of my secondary platform to be on here xD

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