~Single Gender~ [Inactive]

"It's...nice to meet you as well." Silas said. Looked like neither of them were particularly skilled in speaking. Oh well, they could figure it out as they went along, he decided. He placed down the colored pencil next to his sketchpad, catching a glimpse of his work, and he realized there was something else he wanted to say.

He looked back at Kyosuke and hesitated before following through. Well, it wasn't like he could hide his own weirdness for very long anyway. "This may sound like a strange question, but if you could be a color, what would it be?" Silas had a hard time keeping eye contact after saying that, but he managed and waited for an answer anyway.
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Neji sat in the A rank classroom as a few people stated coming in. The teacher asked neji to go to the B/C classroom to ask the teacher in there if that teacher could talk to him for a minute. So neji got up and walked to the B/C room to talk to the teacher. He walked in the B/C room and talked to the teacher who then walked out to talk to the A teacher. Neji was standing in the front of the B/C room looking around at the cute boys as his red A button stood out on his brown uniform.



Fraun opened his eyes to see a guy standing in the front of the class with a different button than his own. Now since he had fully woken up he was more energetic and had a loud voice when he pointed his pocky stick and closed one of his eyes. "Your hot." He stated before chomping back down on his stick. He closed his eyes once more shaking his head to and fro. "Hottie ,hottie , hot hot , hottie."


(Dis is funny because for some reason I can edit other peoples posts 0.0 is it cause VIP?~BEX)
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Kyosuke was a little relieved that neither of them were very good with people. He noticed that Silas hesitated a moment before asking a question, no doubt he thought it was an odd question. But Kyo didn't think it was strange in the slightest.

"I don't think that's strange at all..." He began as he moved his hair from his eyes.

"But.. For me I would have to just be white. Fading down to nothing is something that interests me I suppose..." He said as he tilted his head a bit to the side in thought. He wouldn't want to be dead though; no, he valued his life wholeheartedly. His answer was a bit ironic considering his white hair and ivory-pale skin.

"I don't think the question is strange... But perhaps my answer is odd..." He replied honestly.

Kyosuke was so engrossed in the conversation and his thoughts, that he didn't notice the commotion surrounding the class A student that had walked into the room. No, your just too lazy to write. No I'm not, you are. No, because I'm just the narrator. But we are the same person. ... You got me there..
Neji turned when he heard whst the cute boy who was eating a snack said. Neji blushe really red " oh wow well um um thank you". Neji never really heard a boy say that to him before. He had forks say it all the time and ur never fazed him but when this cute bit said it Nejis heart raced and he blushed and got nervous.
Fraun smiled toward him, one of his rare smiles where he shows little teeth and his lips seem to be more red than usual, a slight blush you could say. Fraun took the first move and got up from his chair. Chomping on the poxy stick he walked past a few boys and stood in front of the A class student. Fraun left the pocky stick in his mouth and held out the box. With a slight giggle and a tilt of the box, a small toy came out. It was a key chain with a small dog on it. "My name is Fraun from class C...you are?"

(What is this black magic
O.o )

(Idk but its freaky stuff)
Silas blinked, having not expected to be taken seriously. Relief washed over him and he almost, almost wanted to smile. It had been a while since he had shown that much emotion.

He sat back and contemplated over the answer for a moment. Yes, that about fit what he had judged. He dug through his pencil pouch for a white colored pencil and turned back to his drawing. On the page were vaguely humanoid figures, each one almost exactly the same except for a small spot on their chests. He colored in the white which made the white paper a little brighter and moved the utensil upward slightly so that a few white marks lightened a bit of the black of the figure as well.

"Like you said, I don't find it strange at all. It suits you." Silas said while he finished with the little detail. Once he had finished with the color he set it back down. He glanced over to the front of the classroom, where a student from Class A was speaking with someone from their class, but didn't pay them much attention. They seemed occupied with each other at the moment anyway.
Neji watched as the boy got out of his seat and walked to him. Neji smiled and blushed, He listened to the cute boy as he said his name. " well hey there, my name is neji from A class. It's nice to meet you fraun". Neji smiled as hectalkedvtibthe cute boy, he thought to him self this should be a good year.
(Just would like to say, since this is my roleplay, and I can side post whenever I want, that ill be going to bed now. Goodnight.)
Fraun took out the key chain and placed it in Neji's pocket. Smiling he clasped his hands together behind his back after he threw away the pocky box. " It's nice to meet you as well. Class A, no wounder you in the class. Your better looking than Ryan. Oh um, hey want to eat lunch with me later. I don't know my way around here very well." Fraun gave him a wider smile as he stepped closer. Standing almost on his toes he looked up at him, his lips aligned with his chin. "I'll buy, if you want. Just eat with me please."
Neji was not that tall but, he was taller than fraun by a little bit. He blushed as he listened to fraun, neji smiled really wide showing off his great smile " aw well thanks, honestly your really good looking as well and, well I do not know my way around either. So um yea sure we can um eat together I guess". Neji grabbed a pen out of his pocket and took frauns hand. Neji wrote down his iPhone number in it. " here so you have my number". Neji could not stop smiling at this boy.
Fraun took his hand and looked at the number. A blush crossed his face which made him avoid eye contact. Placing his other hand over the other he nodded his head a little. "R...right." Fraun looked up and around the classroom. Asking for the teachers pen he took Neji's hand and wrote down his phone number while adding a cute face. "I don't think I'm good looking. Unlike the other guys in here I'm pretty plain." He took the edge of his hair and began to twist it around between his fingers. "Plain hair and eyes...I'm not really sure why I'm here, but I guess I am." He gave him a smile before returning the pen to his teacher. "Since we don't know where to go , we both can get lost." He laughed a little before looking up at the clock.
Neji blushed and smiled as he looked at the number in his hand. " fraun your cute okay trust me you really are". Neji stretched as he tried to play it off cool, but in fact he was really nervous. " yea I guess we can get lost together right. I mean it could be worse". Neji blushed at the boy as his hear was racing super fast. He had already seen a lot of cute boys here, but something about fraun just made him excited and nervous all together.
Takumi continued to write down the ingredients, almost finished. He drew small drawings of the ingredients beside the word, making sure that everything was neat and organized. While spacing out a bit, he had realized another black-haired student had walked. Takumi looking towards him, shooting a small, but bright and friendly smile along the way before turning back to his work.

He had been ignoring the long-haired stranger in front of him for awhile now, Takumi had realized, maybe hearing a yawn once in awhile, but not much more. So it had surprised him when the male had suddenly introduced himself, probably feeling social.

"Well, there goes my alone time..." he thought to himself, a bit annoyed, though he decided to be nice and talk to the guy. "It's Takumi, nice to meet you, Yuuta." He replied, looking up at him with a smile. "How are you?"
Yuuta smiled when Takumi responded. Not really intentionally. The corners of his lips just rose. Still, he couldnt help nut feel the niceness was being forced. Look up at Takumis smile and once again taking note of his brilliant eyes, Yuuta replied. "pretty well.. um.. what recipe is that?"

Yuuta tried to show some interest. He loved cooking but he would get a heart attack just looking at those sweets.
"well class should be starting soon, and I don't want my seat taken. I'll see you after class right?" Fraun gave him an angelic smile. His phone began to buzz and has a small little message with it. Ryan is sending you a message. Fraun pulled out his phone and flipped it up. Giving Neji a sorry smile he read the text message and began to reply to it. His fingers slid and moved past the keys faster than one can blink. Finished with his message he closed his phone with a loud snap then slid it back into his pocket." So?"
Neji was still blushing around fraun " yea sure I'll see you after class". Neji smiled at him and turned around and started to head back to his classroom. Neji had never felt like that around anyone before. There was just something about fraun that made him nervous and want to look his best. He didn't want to do anything to embarrass himself around fraun and he just wanted to be around him.
(OOC: For whatever reason I didn't get a message that other people had posted and had no idea that this had been posted on. I fail. I'll do better fromnow on *is super annoyed with self*)

Edin lost himself to his musings for a moment before realizing that his classmates were talking around him. He had had to glance away from the Lavender eyed boy when their gazes met for fear of falling pray to 'sin' as his father would call it. He wrote out musings on what school was going to be like- especially if these were to be his classmates. He wasn't sure if he was extremely lucky or not. On the bright side he now had a few names to write down next to the color of eyes.

'True Blue Eyes (like refracted Sapphire) - Rank B - Kyosuke(?)'

'Reddish Eyes (like a sunrise)- Rank B - Silas (Sy)(?)'

His curiosity getting the better of him because he needed to finish filling out names to eye colors he turned to the Lavender eyed boy, trying to smile in what he hoped was a charming way.

"Uh, hey. My name is Edin... I uh... well, what's yours?" Edin asked, pencil poised to write down the name in the proper place in his list.

While he waited for an answer he noticed a couple other students... wondering how he hadn't noticed them before he began quickly writing down descriptions for them as well:

'Hazel Eyes (like filtered sunlight) - Rank C - Fraun(?)'

'Green Eyes (like smooth jade) - Rank A - Neji(?)'

He added the question marks just to remind himself he didn't know these names for sure. The possibility that he had spelled them wrong or misheard was strongly in his mind, as well.
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Utsukushi briefly finished his treat, closing his eyes and tilting the bottle of milk with his head backwards. He downed his favorite drink, laying it on the desk. He noticed his fingers were a bit messy, raising one of them to his mouth, but not before turning to a voice in his direction. "Uh, hey. My name is Edin... I uh... well, what's yours?" It was the writer-guy-person, how delightful~ He wasn't shabby, his B rank fit him like a vice. The other couldn't see it, but the gears in Utsu's head start turning violently and a mental smirk came upon his lips. The male- Edin, was it?- almost seemed like a small unsuspecting rabbit about to be pounced. "A-Ah, um, I'm Utsukushi... Just Utsu is fine, doe~" Utsukushi gave a mental fist pump, nailed it. Before shortly guiding his attention to the chocolate delicacy on his fingers, he sprouted an idea and repressed a evil grin. He made sure not to make it too showy, innocent enough to be pardoned, but licked some off his fingers. Any dirty or even normal mind would squirm to this sight, but maybe Edin was one of those guys who couldn't get a clue. He made sure to do the action very slowly, trying to steer in some sort of contact.
Edin quickly placed 'Utsukushi (Utsu)' next to lavender eyes, happy that the boy had responded. When he glanced back up his gaze caught an lingered on Utsu's tongue a moment before he shook his head, blinking rapidly and forced himself to meet only Utsu's eyes. He grinned, hoping that the heat in his face was just his imagination and there wasn't a blush rapidly spreading across his cheeks.

"It's... really nice to meet you." Edin finally said, his hand moving forward for a handshake before his brain caught up with him and he realized the trouble that might cause. Even if Utsu's hands weren't sticky with chocolate anymore... Taking a deep breath Edin recollected himself, not pulling his hand back because that would have been rather rude of him.

"Have you lived here long?" Edin continued, needing to fill the silence but not really having anything to fill the silence with. He tried to think of something else to go on about while still waiting to see how Utsu would respond.
A smile passed Yuuta's face, and Takumi noticed while staring into his eyes that they were quite lovely, a bright, beautiful, sky blue. Before Takumi knew it the right corner of his lip tugged lightly, barely visible to the naked eye but still exposed, a warm smile was strewn across his face, leaving himself a bit surprised for a moment.

"pretty well.. um.. what recipe is that?" He heard come out of Yuuta's mouth, though it was barely audible to Takumi's ears, seeming that he was a bit off into space for a moment. Finally processing and realizing what he said to him, a deep blush came visible to his pale skin.

Takumi glanced down at his journal, then back up to the raven-haired man. "Y-you saw..?" He asked shyly. He had not told anybody and nobody had known that he had taken a liking to the culinary arts a very long ago. His bangs covered his face, he didn't want anyone to see him embarassed. "It's..a cookie recipe..." He mumbled, not being very specific.

He put his elbow on his desk, resting his head on his hand, which was trying to cover his heated cheeks as he stared off to the side, not wanting to make eye contact. "I have a bit too much of a sweet tooth if I do say myself..." He continued to say, his cheeks still burning, though it was light and his cheeks were only tinted a pale pink now.
Fraun went to go sit back in his seat. He had pulled out his phone and saw he had a few unanswered text messages along with a raging email from Ryan. Laughing a little to himself he gave a small frown and opened up the text. Most was about what he was doing for lunch and his club activities. The others were about coming to pick him up after school. Ryan was the protective type and after what happened to his previous ex he didn't want to chance it with him. Kyle must have been behind him since there was a lot of faces and weird letters that was put together that shouldn't have been. Fraun put his elbow on his desk and tilted his head toward the side, his hair fell over the fist that held up the side of his face. He scrolled down using his thumbs as he read over the group text that dealt with dinner. "Beef patty, gumbo, omelet , curry, curry bread, buffet and out to eat where his choices and it didn't take him long to type these out. Fraun soon drifted off into a dream , his eyes closing and the sounds of rushing waves took over the noisy classroom.
Silas glanced up as the teacher walked back in, apparently finished with whatever business he had had with the other teacher. The older man walked up to the podium in the front of the room, as if ready to start the class.

"Looks like it's about to start." Silas muttered reluctantly. He usually wasn't one for paying attention, but he supposed that he could at least try on the first day. Slipping his colored pencils back in the pouch and closing his sketchpad, he looked toward the teacher and waited for him to start.
Seeing the teacher enter the room Edin turned away from Utsu, facing the front. He opened to a new page to take notes for the class while his mind went over the information he had gleaned, brief and simple though it was. Focusing in and setting the wayward thoughts aside, Edin prepared to write down anything of importance.

Yet before class even started he was distracted again, going over things that he had written that technically weren't important. He wondered if his dad was write in what he said as well... his father was a strongly religious man, after all... and sometimes it seemed that religion could cloud his father's mind. Maybe it was time for Edin to think a little more independently.
(OOC Note: Just an FYI, I'm going to an anime convention for the next three days, so I probably won't respond to anything until late Sunday. Sorry!)

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