Sin City


Unlucky Member
Enrollment for Witches




Short bio:



Powers (max 4):

Skills (max 5):

Weaknesses (3 or more):



Enrollment for Hunters




Short bio:



Skills (max 5):

Weaknesses (min 3):

Weapons (min 2):


Enrollment for Humans




Short Bio:


Living (Brinstone Apartments, Chastity Hotel, Sunbeam Flats, Own house (limit of 5):

Skills (max 3):





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Enrolment for Witches

Vira Azarov

Age: 20


  • Penelope Mitchell

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tumblr_mtxdfap8xS1rjn473o2_500.gif.1fa70abf86c5cfe885220e53c95df047.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25789" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tumblr_mtxdfap8xS1rjn473o2_500.gif.1fa70abf86c5cfe885220e53c95df047.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Short bio:

  • Born into a family of Russian immigrants, Vira is the eldest of three. At the age of four, she discovered her powers when accidentally setting an old woman's cane on fire. From then on her parents trained her in witchcraft and the rules of the Candidus Coven, which translates to radiant in Latin. Meaning they are one of the covens of pure white magic. She left her hometown of Days Creek, Oregon to attend school at the University of Nevada, pursuing English literature as her major.


  • Waitress at a pub and a student.

Single?: Yup

Powers (max 4):

  • Channelling: Able to summon extra forms of energy in case she is in danger or in extreme exhaustion
  • Spell Casting: Ability to cast spells through incantations and rituals
  • Telekinesis: The ability to manipulate objects and people through the use of her mind
  • Elemental Control: Controls and manipulates the elements of earth, water, fire and air.

Skills (max 5):

  • Brewing: Like all witches, Vira is able to create potions that can heal people and deadly poisons.
  • Knowledge in plants
  • Immune to illusions
  • Can tell when magic is used on her

Weaknesses (3 or more):

  • Overuse of magic: If she exerts too much power. Vira will experience nose bleeds, exhaustion, disorientation and possibly death.
  • Mortality: Witches are still human and can be harmed like humans (i.e. death, aging, getting seriously injured)
  • Fear: Can cause Vira to accidentally suppress her powers. Rendering her useless in times.

Coven: Candidus


  • She loves to read
  • Drives an old Chevy nova



  • tumblr_mtxdfap8xS1rjn473o2_500.gif
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Enrolment for Witches

Name: Alyssa Jones

Age: 20


  • Ariana Grande


Short bio:

  • Alyssa was born and raised in the bright lights of Vegas. I WILL CONTINUE L8R! GTG NITEEEEEEEE


  • Cocktail waitress


Powers (max 4):

  • Shape Shifting: Able to shift shape into anything, any shape, any color, any pattern. Even another person
  • Weather control: Ability to control the weather
  • Mind Control: The ability to manipulate people with just looking at them
  • Extreme speed: Can move extremely fast. Up to 20000 MPH

Skills (max 5):

  • Singing
  • Immune to magic used on her
  • Extremely flexible
  • Very strong hearing and smell

Weaknesses (3 or more):

  • Black outs: If Alyssa is in an area with alo of noise, due to her hearing. She starts to feel dizzy and faints.
  • Mortality: Witches are still human and can be harmed like humans


  • Tiriddium


  • She owns a pet terrier named Bibble
  • Drives a white ford mustang
Enrollment for Hunters -

Seamus Lesedi

Age: 25


Short bio: Seamus has lived his whole life in Las Vegas and prefers the noise and bustle of the high speed lifestyle. He never had any plans of going to college or leaving Vegas; he's mostly a homebody. Seamus was taught at a young age to beware of witches, with a very religious hunter father keeping Seamus in his shadow. He mostly acts as a bail bondsman for an actual career, but uses the abilities his father taught him to track bail jumpers and witches alike. Seamus, however, does not really have any grievances against witches and sometimes questions his motives.

Occupation: Bail bondsman

Single?: Yes

Skills (max 5):

  • Silver-tongued devil: Often viewed as charismatic, but with a sort of roguish air to him.
  • Quick reflexes
  • Can handle an array of weapons: From knives to guns, Seamus's father taught him how everything works and how to use it. He prefers ranged to melee, however, but carries a small knife just in case.
  • Slight immunity to magic: After having been hit with magic enough times, Seamus has built up a sort of immunity to it, however, it can still affect him just not as severely as it once was able to.
  • Quite the artist: Tattoos don't draw themselves. After having gotten so many, Seamus has picked up a slight skill in drawing and quite enjoys it as a de-stressing activity.

Weaknesses (min 3):

  • His past and family: The mention of the Lesedi lineage enacts a rage in Seamus that can clog his analytical skills, making him much easier to kill.
  • Hardly ever sober: Seamus loves alcohol, but it doesn't love him.
  • Lone ranger: Seamus doesn't play well with others and has a hard time trusting them. He prefers to work on his own, that includes family.
  • Questionable resolve: Seamus kills witches, but why? He's not too sure and sometimes that puts him off from his tasks.

Weapons (min 2):

  • AK-47 Assault Rifle: Main and preferred weapon, slung on his back.
  • Dual pistols: Out of ammo for the rifle? Switch to hip pistols.
  • Combat knife: Hidden on his person, Seamus is always prepared.


  • Has a brother who also hunts witches, but doesn't live in Vegas.
  • Despite hunting witches, he doesn't believe in superstition.

Name: Donavan Exavidr

Age: 24

Appearance: Danny Schwartz

Short bio: Born into a family of hunters, Donny never wanted this life. He was always looking to find ways to fail so he wouldn't be taken on hunts for witches. He doesn't really like them, but he hates to kill them. So he's tried every trick in the book to fail or not go at all. His family just keeps trying for him to take up hunting witches though. He'll try to show some sympathy, like last wishes, when he hunts on his own, but other then that, he just turns away and does the job.

Occupation: Mechanic

Single?: Yup

Skills (max 5):

Fast Reflexes

Knowledge of most, if not all, weaponry.

The ability to charm a person into things, but it won't always work.

The ability to recover fast from an unexpected blow. After so many hits on failed hunts, Don has learned just to jump right back up.

Weaknesses (min 3):

His right side, as he is left handed

The ability to look at a dying witch, especially if it's because of him.

Anything that has am extremely strong scent of blood.

Weapons (min 2):

Two daggers passed down from generation to generation in his family.

A handgun

One Swiss Army knife

One regular knife

Other: Allergic to peanuts

Enrollment for Huntress


Artemis Avci





(Barbara Palvin)

Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 110

Piercing || Tattoo

Short bio:

(Sorry this is not so short, inspiration hit me and it turned out like this.)​

Artemis family is a long line of hunters and huntresses of Europe. They named themselves after great hunters and huntresses. She was named after Artemis, the Greek Goddess of the Hunt. She was born in Hungary but at three, she moved to Tanzania where her family thought it was best to hunt witches. In her pre-teens, they moved to the Amazon in Brazil because some hunter friends had found many witches hiding in the tropic.

In her pre-teens, Artemis's family moved back to Europe, this time to France. At first she had a bit of difficulty, not knowing French. She knew little English, though the French hated to speak it. Luckily she made a friend, Sabine, at school that soon became her best friend. Artemis soon discovered her friend had a witch family, and was a witch herself. She his it from her parents as best as she could and yet, it was still not enough. Two years after moving into France, Artemis killed her best friend at 15. They left for Britain shortly after.

In Britain, the Avci's decided they needed to start training Artemis as a fighter. In school she isolated herself and focused on getting good grades. Instead of feeling sad for killing Sabine, she felt anger. If she had been better, she might have killed her before and not felt anything for the witch. When Artemis graduated from school a year early, her parents sent her off to some hunter friends in Russia to improve her skills.

At 17, Artemis met Aleksander and instantly felt like she was in love. Aleksander was the son of Dimitri, an ex-spetsnaz trainer who was now her instructor. Her training made her feel like she had died and gone straight to hell. Though when she saw Aleksander, she felt better. He was 20, charming, handsome, and anything a girl would want. After a year, Artemis had improved immensely in fighting and her crush on Aleksander had grown. But one day after training, she caught Aleksander with another girl and she felt her heart shattering. After that, she spent her time training and getting so exhausted she couldn't dream anymore. Artemis left a year later when she turned 19. Her parting gift from Vladimir was a charm necklace to protect her mind from witch powers and help her sense when one is near.

Instead of returning with her parents, Artemis decided to go hunt by herself. She stayed in New York for a few months and then moved to Las Vegas. Her parents were well enough with money so she didn't need money. She got jobs were she would see and hear the most to then hunt the witches down.


Day: Starbucks

Night: Cocktail Waitress at a Casino in The Strip.


Skills (max 5):

1. Being of small stature, Artemis doesn't rely on strength to fight. She is a fast and flexible fighter.

2. Knows English, Hungarian, Portuguese, French and Russian.

3. Great markswoman. She knows her weapons and can work with a variety of them.

4. Can be quite the charmer and uses her looks to usually get what she wants.

5. She can be creative with things and has a good ability to work well under pressure.

Weaknesses (min 3):

1. Artemis is known to be impulsive and stubborn. When she sets her mind on something she aims to do it, no matter what or who.

2. 20/40 vision.

3. Even though she tries to hide it, she is affected by her killing her best friend in her teens and dislikes her parents for making her.

4. Misplaced trust.

Weapons (min 2):

1. Charm necklace - Protects her from witches mental control/powers from Artemis's head. It also warns her when there are witches close,

2. Two silenced M1911 pistols. Carries around only one usually.

3. Throwing knives. Uses these all the time hidden by her clothing.

4. Tranquilizer gun. Always good to be prepared.


Drives a black scion fr-s
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