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Futuristic Simple Slumber ((Dreamers Wanted!))

"Well, I... um, I didn't assume you knew how it worked. I guess I'm wondering how you actually did it? I mean, maybe you don't know that either, but-- yeah. You know," Jimmy replied.
"Name's Timothy," the southern man responded, his dark eyes fixated on Pierce, "Timothy Larkin. I've been here since the beginnin'. Unfortunately, there's no way to say how long that is."

Tapping the pipe wrench against the pedestal, Tim waved an arm around.
"This? This is my dream, or at least it used to be. As for Rusty, he's my assistant, so to speak. Real excitable that one."

Moving once more to his feet, he paced slowly before the group, examining their faces sternly, occasionally adjusting his hardhat.

"Y'all are new here, I take it, and I'm guessin' the bunnies showed you the way in. Well," he paused, his expression becoming a little shadowed, "I can't say that makes you very lucky, not a lot of people make it through this place in one piece... however I'll do my finest to get you through this."

In a quick sweep of his arm, Timothy struck the wrench upon the pedestal from before, sending a loud clang echoing throughout the massive metal carapace of the building. In the distance, beyond the blinding light of the door, a strange mechanical whir and sound of gnashing steel rose.

"Rusty's my assistant, like I said before." Tim stated, tossing the wrench off to the side of the main aisle, "'Cept he's got the mind of a little puppy so he can't distinguish between certain things..."

As the noises increased to a crescendo, Timothy pointed with an open palm toward the open portal from which something, seemingly of science fiction, began to emerge. A head of a great metal monstrosity, easily 20 feet in the air, appeared through the curtain of light. Contrary to its name, it was covered in plates of dark metal, void of deterioration, that reflected its environment like a mirror off its glossy surface. While the entrance remained some distance away, the beast's size was still very apparent.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Rusty.png.ec24e86a4d65035fb881fabe640787a6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97167" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Rusty.png.ec24e86a4d65035fb881fabe640787a6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Certain things like playin' fetch," he smiled ominously, "and runnin' while screamin' for dear life."



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Cora partially tunes out Terry and the young teen in favour of turning the red gun in her hands. One second, she was watching Terry marvel at his classic looking revolver and the next, she has her own firepower. The thing is massive. It has a height and feels solid. The girl holds the gun as if she will pull the trigger, the butt of the gun against her shoulder, a hand on the pump and the other on the trigger. She makes sure to aim the bright red shotgun down to the steel ground. For a moment, she really thought that she created the broom instead of this awesome baby when the item started to materialize in front of her.


((Since i wrote two posts after the creation page, this is ok?))

Once again distracted to a certain, Cora only catches bits and pieces of the constructor's conversation with the face painted man. She only looks up when the crackling noices startles her to look at the strip of light. Cora clutches on to her shotgun tightly to her chest, the barrel pointed upward, after seeing the monstrous head of Rusty. Rusty her ass.

"We have to find that pit," Cora spills out her earlier thought. She can feel herself going clammy and her breathing is the only thing she notices herself doing. Her eyes peels away from the bright light and shadow and she closes her eyes, not for anything but to just clear her mind. When she opens her mind, she glares at the man with the hard hat.

"Or maybe your are the pit." Cora says. "The riddle only says there are three things in this room. It says nothing about a man." Her eyes widen barely. To be honest, she is just bluffing about the pit thing but talking it out loud has her mind spinning with ideas once again.
Timothy glanced around toward Cora, casually ignoring the shotgun she now held as if it weren't there. His eyes, while dark, weren't menacing.

"You see," he started, a slight frown forming, "them bunnies are good friends of mine, but they always interfere where they aren't needed..."

Whirling clumsily on his feet, placing his hands in his pockets, Tim pointed toward Rusty, who seemed to scan the room patiently.

"The 'pit' is right there." he instructed, "There are actually two ways to leave this place. One is through the door, the other is in the stomach of the beast that guards it."
Terry could not believe the treason that just happenend. Of course this man would betray them like that, at least now the rest of the group knew not to trust everyone, if terry could trust them at all.

His hold thighten around his weapon, his teeths clench and his eyes lock on tim. He raise the barrel of his gun toward him. His mind clouded by frustration, fear and rage. He can feel his heart pumping and sweat roll down his forehead. Quite remarquably, his hands stopped shaking.

He snap two bullets aiming at the general area between Tim stomach and head and sprint for some cover.
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Jimmy ran towards a wall, then changed direction, then looked around, searching his surroundings for a clue on what to do. He was upset, and frantic, and had no idea what to do. He tried to focus, he had to focus. Jimmy thought of happy memories, but all of them were of his mother, and were soured by the fact that she'd left him. So he invented, he imagined. He was an adventurer, holding a silvery blue sword. Jimmy held the thought in his mind, kept it there, but couldn't sustain it. He wasn't an adventurer. But now, he was holding the sword.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/f1834ed27b9445658d242e54cba532cf.jpg.a4ea2154efb9834bd3cdd7a386d39a08.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97715" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/f1834ed27b9445658d242e54cba532cf.jpg.a4ea2154efb9834bd3cdd7a386d39a08.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lies! That is what Cora would have liked to shout if Terry did not just shot at the construction worker. She jumps high up in the air at the sound.

"Why did you do that?!" She yells at Terry. She cannot believe that just happened. She should just run for it like that kid ran for the wall. She should also look for that pit, she doubts the escape is down that beast's mouth. She looks over to the other people, but notice that they are weaponless. Under the pressure, her patient has been cut short.

"You guys! You can make stuffs! Think of a weapon!" She yells out to the people. "And get away from that man!" She points to the construction worker.

((Saturnity explained how creating stuffs works, and I think it takes couple of posts for the items to actually materialize. I think? I'm kind of confused how things like Processes and Abstract will work, but i guess we will wait and see.))
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Before Terry had even fired the shots, Tim had already begun waving his hand. The loud pops were followed by a ringing sound, as two pillars of metal shot up from the ground to meet the bullets. Shaking his head, Tim began to pace.

"This is why the bunnies should be more thorough with their speech." he spoke in an annoyed voice, "People that come through here always have the same reaction, and I end up needin' to teach them a lesson..."

At the far end of the room, Rusty had snapped its head toward the source of the gunshots, while a bright reddish-orange eye opened on the center of its forehead. It began to inch curiously into the room, a steel claw the size of a small car reaching forward and grasping the edge of a support pillar. Timothy glanced back at the sound of Rusty's movement.

"Now you done it. I told ya he's excitable, now didn't I?"
Things were now moving fast again. Instead of everyone chattering away to decide on what to do, they were actually acting. The boy that had joined their party spoke up. Told them to think of something. What did he mean by that?

Then as the boy and the other male (Terry) spoke to one another,
items began to appear in their hands. Guns. Pierce was just as stunned as Jimmy was. Guns out of thin air?

"Embrace the impossible..."

That's right... It was impossible to summon guns and items on will... but.. this really was a dream, wasn't it?

In that moment, the strange man spoke again, pulling back Pierce's attention.

Wait a minute... since the beginning? Timothy Larkin... was here since the beginning. So that meant that they weren't the first people to go through this experiment, were they? Pierce's eyes narrowed. So Timothy had made this mechanical world... So it was possible to construct from their own thoughts... the whole concept made Pierce think back to what the two rabbit-headed figures had said.
Embrace the impossible.

Timothy had said he would help them get through the dream. How much Pierce believed in that was up for question, but so far the man had not given any kind of hint that he was hostile. Even with
Rusty sounding like it'd done something very very wrong.

Hearing the wrench clang against the platform made Pierce jump slightly. His eyes started to the large door across the way, only to have them widen when he saw something very large emerge. That.. that was Rusty. Rusty could easily strike fear into anyone's heart.Towering over, and looking like a robotic version of the alien from the Alien series... Pierce was almost tempted to summon a weapon along with the others.


Something seemed off about this. Was Rusty bound to the door? Why didn't it run out and attack them? Did Timothy have control over Rusty? It didn't seem like it... Before Pierce could ask any more questions, let alone open his mouth, the others started to act.

A shotgun was summoned by the recent boy, and he started to come to conclusions again. Timothy was the pit? What? How did that make any sense? Timothy was quick to correct KC though.

Well there was their drafty door, the one Rusty was guarding. Darkened pit, just as Timothy had said, was Rusty. What did it mean then by 'a hungry heart of steel is three'? Maybe... maybe it was possible that...

But before Pierce could finish his thought, again, the group acted. The sound of gunshots met Pierce's ears and he stared disbelievingly at Terry. REALLY? OF ALL THE THINGS TO DO, YOU SHOOT AT THE ONLY PERSON THAT MIGHT KNOW SOMETHING. Pierce was so close to losing it. Why in the
HELL would he do that?! KC spoke up, saying exactly what Pierce was thinking at that moment. But then they started doing the worst thing possible.

They started to run.

Ohh Pierce was furious. And somewhat terrified now that there was a giant metal beast on the prowl.
"Quick, Timothy!" Pierce started, not moving from his place. If he ran, would he be subjected to this 'game of fetch' too?

"What does Rusty like to eat?" It could be possible that Rusty was more in common to Cerberus. Feed him and pass into Hades. Oh god, Pierce hoped that he was right on this.
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Westar wasn't sure about anything anymore. He couldn't. Not of the people he'd met, the events that were unfolding, or the giant killer monster. But he didn't care if it was real or fake; to see people die because of the Hourglass made him snap. The thought of it agitated him more than anything. But this time, he could do something. He could finally do something. He looked around him, as each person were summoning weapons. One had a sword; another had a shotgun. They could summon anything, if even that. Ideas popped up into his mind; but none of them seemed to stand a chance against the monster. Then one idea came into mind. He postioned his hands right. Was it right? He'd never handled one in real life, after all. Then, it seemed that the empty nothingness in his hands became something. Though it was only a dream, it felt real; he could feel the weight of it, the texture and smoothness of the RPG. It would be easy to use, right? Of course it would. He pointed it at 'Rusty', and hoped to whatever god there was that it would work.

But he wouldn't shoot yet. Not then, anyways. He would keep waiting.

More motions from nearby made Pierce turn slightly in place. Eyes instantly stopped when he saw an RPG in the hands of the young man that had dragged him here. Really? REALLY? Were they listening at all?

"For the love of god, whatever you do, do not shoot that." He snapped. Everyone was becoming so frantic. Hadn't they seen that Rusty only responded AFTER the fact that they had initiated violence? "And don't run." It was so hard for Pierce to not raise his voice at that moment. As much as he wanted to yell at the others to not run, he felt yelling would be just as bad as running. If the mechanical beast couldn't distinguish play from pain... then whose to say it could distinguish noise?
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Terry frustration grow as the others dont seem to understand what is happening. It was rather obvious to Terry that combining their wits meant defeating the hungry beast and its creator. As he try to flank Tim, Terry shout to the others.

He's a threat! Its his dream, kill him and rusty's dead. He never planned to help us you fools! We're not the first ones here.
At the sight of the little people scattering in opposite directions, Rusty grew visibly excited, its plated steel head shuddering. Unable to resist the curious temptations, it's entire form emerged from the door, casting a looming shadow forward onto the grated floor. Rusty's body was easily the length of three eighteen-wheel trucks, comprised of sleek and polished steel scales that seemed to pulsate from some unknown internal mechanism. Its tail, at full stretch, was just as long as its body, and whipped haphazardly through the air, occasionally glancing off of the metal flooring and showering sparks into the air. Timothy put a hand to his face and shook his head, then returned his attention to the face-painted man before him, ignoring the one that attempted to flank him.

"I s'pose you probably understand the situation a little better than your friends here." his eyes flickered over to the one holding the grenade launcher, "I designed Rusty to be durable. The last people to try and blow him to bits failed, miserably. In fact, he thinks those little rocket thangs are toys. To answer your question..."

With another wave of his hand, Tim materialized another platform beneath his feet, then rode it into the air as a pillar extended beneath it. Retrieving a metal rod from his belt, he rapped it loudly on the metal grate upon which he stood, sending a metallic ring through the air. Rusty's body ceased shuddering as it's head flicked toward the man. Extending the arm which held the rod, as if in demonstration, Tim whirled around and flung the metal through the air in the beast's direction. As if on impulse, Rusty's body surged forward and in a flash snapped the metal into it's massive jaws. Flames erupted from its throat and curled around its glossy steel teeth as Rusty tilted back its head.

"I designed Rusty," Timothy continued, "to recycle the leftover bits of scrap metal that I happen to produce here, so I can reuse it. Like I said, he's my assistant. However... now that he's all worked up, I'm not so sure you'll be able to pull together enough to keep him satisfied, in time to make it to that door..."
She should run, she should find, she should do something, but all Cora did is standing stock still and looking at the approaching beast with wide eyes. Her mind finally blanks and she feels faint on her feet. She staggers and falls heavily onto her knees, dropping her shotgun, and she breathes in deepily. Laughter suddenly ruptures out from her mouth. She quickly pulls a hand to cover it.

She has no idea why she found the situation funny, but her mind bursts out due to the stress. She have taunted the man with the hard hat to see his reaction, but what she got was more than she asked for. Now that she is able to get a breath in, she decided on what to do next.

It's a shame that they cannot get all the information they need from this man but instead things got intresting, dangerously so. The people around her have split their opinion to solve with this looming problem. People are yelling and arguing, including herself. She is so fed up with the riddle.

"The door is right in front of us, you guys," Cora says and she slowly gets up from the floor, grabbing her gun as she did so. "How about we stop wasting time and get to that door without getting caught?" Her body sways slightly but freezes when her body tenses feeling eyes looking at her. The feeling passes. She quickly creates five cap bombs heads, all loaded with fun exploding caps. These are toys, but maybe she can use them as distraction. She stuffs them into her pocket.
"Man, you guys sure are slooow!"

The words tore out of the darkness like an ice cold knife. In an instant, two unnamed dreamers that stood toward the back of the group dropped to the ground, their throats slashed and gushing. The shadows on the metal floor seemed to fan out like flames as a lone figure stepped past the twitching bodies, a bloodied knife cradled whimsically in a crimson coated hand.

"And here I gave everyone a head start..." As the silhouette became visible as a tall and well-built man clad in a hooded red jacket and torn jeans, he flicked the dagger around his fingers and pointed it in turn at the remaining dreamers. It was the same dangerous man from the Field of Dreams. "What. A. Waste."

Timothy's attention now diverted from the other dreamers, he interrogated the man, a hint of fear in his eyes.

"What are ya? And how did you kill them?"

His voice shook slightly as his face donned a confused look. Cautiously, he reached toward his belt, which held a rather large hammer, and grasped the handle of the tool.

The new arrival smirked, his other features still obscured in the shadows of his hood. As if by instinct, Rusty lunged forward and braced its body in front of Timothy, as if to protect its master from an attack. Ignoring Tim's words, the stranger continued speaking.

"I got a little bored standing around in that valley... the colors didn't quite suit me. You all look like you're having fun though. Mind if I... cut in?"
Idiot! How could this guy think like that? It wasn’t guaranteed that Rusty would disappear if Timothy was killed. On top of it all, Pierce’s intuition was telling him that the only reason Rusty was on the prowl now was because Terry had attempted to harm Timothy. The ex-soldier’s patience was starting to wear thin with the few more… vocal… of the group. At least Timothy seemed to validate Pierce’s conclusions.

So Rusty was just one giant metal scrap compactor. Oh.. so… that made sense. Pierce would have been more at ease with the idea if, well, Rusty wasn’t so much in the mood to play now. What could Pierce think up to give Rusty that would allow them to pass? It would have to be a large amount of scrap metal or… some kind of rich metal than might be hard to melt down. Give them time while Rusty chewed on it. But to summon something that large? So far all that was summoned were things that could be held in their hands, not something that would fit in an eighteen-wheeler truck sized head of a beast.

It seemed like idle pondering time was over. They had to act, and act fast. How long would the door stay open? They had a lot of area to cover before reaching the door. Speaking of which, KC seemed to point out the obvious.

Narrowed eyes fell on KC, whom had stopped running. He was right, at least. Enough wasting time. Pierce glanced back at Timothy and gave him a nod.
“I appreciate the info.” Lowering his head, Pierce started to imagine something. Something large, something metallic. A giant block of pure metal. He imagined the size… it was at least a block the size of a garbage truck. Focus, Pierce, focus…

But then a voice rang out, broke his concentration. A chill ran down his spine. Eyes opened and he turned back to see an unfamiliar figure. Pierce stared wide-eyed as a deep red started to color the scene before him. Was this the crazed man with a knife Terry and that girl had mentioned? How could he have been so careless to forget?!

This was their chance.
“Head to the gate, now!” Pierce commanded loudly, hoping that the group he was with would actually listen. Instincts kicked in.

Tactical knive. Three of them.

Instantly, three daggers appeared in front of Pierce. As they dropped, he snatched them and threw them just as quickly toward the hooded figure. His accuracy said enough about his training with the weapon, though, he wasn’t banking on them being their saving grace.

At this point, Pierce trusted that Rusty would be protecting Timothy, and so he rushed back to gain distance. Passed the platform, Pierce ducked behind and peeked to see if the others were moving. Where was KC? He’d seen the boy summon something… they looked like little smoke bombs. Letting out a whistle, he meant to grab KC’s attention.
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It seems like some people are ready to move to the door. She does not know why all of them have waited so long and argued to get out of here while time is ticking by; the exit is right there.... Okay, riddles are dicks.

Cora creeps towards the silver of light. She makes sure that she has an eye on the giant beast as she past the platform. Then a voice, cocky and dismissive, rings out into the metal room. Cora frowns at the attitude and looks behind her to see who it is.

Death is something that did not past Cora's mind. It is a strange concept to think about when the girl still believes that everything she is experiencing is not real. Cora stares at the sweeping blood, the dieing bodies, and the standing figure by the bodies. A moment later, the male's frown deepens when the dreamer progress the sight to her mind; how gruesome.

When the worker with the hard hat spoke, Cora looks at the worker, confused. That guy just killed the people by slicing their throats, judging by the victims clutching onto their throats and gurgling and gasping wetly on the ground. That is how people die. Telling herself that, she ponders if there is a specific way that a person can die in this realm. The construction worker spoke as if there is a specific way to die here.

While Cora paused to think, the Beast has went to protect its master and the painted man yells for the Dreamers to head to the door. She curses, wanting to ask the construction worker about death in here, but the exit is wide and free and they should not be wasting any more time here. She starts to jog, but she keeps glancing behind her. Maybe she will get some answers some other places.

A sharp whistling has Cora's head turning. Throw them the man with paint said. Dark brows raise in surprise. Does he knows about the cap bombs? They can only pop and she planned to use them to distract the Beast while they would be sneaking towards the exit if it wasn't for that guy with two dead (dieing) bodies. Guessing that the painted man has a plan, Cora chucks a single cap bomb head at the lone figure. The steel head arches high but it lands far in front of the target due to their large distance. The cap lands and a loud BANG explodes out and a thin trail of smoke weeps up to the air.
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"Heh." was the only thing to escape the dangerous hooded man as the three knives soared at him through the air. Smiling, he made an upward pointing gesture with his right hand, and, in an explosion of metal shards, a massive metal spike thrust up from the steel floor before him. The thrown daggers struck the spike and clattered to the ground harmlessly. With a loud bang, the cap bomb lobbed by Cora exploded at his feet, but the feint didn't faze him.

"Tell me old man," he shouted, his snide words directed at Timothy, "Do I really have to dig you out from behind your little pet?"

Swiftly kicking the metal spike to the side, the murderer stored his knife in his belt, then placed his hands in his pockets, continuing his relaxed stride forward. He seemed to ignore both the other dreamers that now sprinted toward the open door, and the large metal creature that stood braced before him. He stopped within several meters of Rusty, not once glancing up at the hulking beast. A voice, Timothy's, called from behind Rusty.

"I don't think that's a very smart idea, kid." he remarked, despite the slight tremors in his voice, "Rusty is mighty protective ya know. What I want to know, is how you created that huge spike in the blink of an eye. That shouldn't be possible!"

The intruder smirked, then removed his hands from his jacket pockets once more. He finally gazed up at Rusty, who seemed to watch him warily, its tail whipping back and forth through the air with a loud whistle. With most of the dreamers now rushing to the far door in desperation the area was generally clear of bystanders.

"It seems your little dream world favors me," the man continued, "and I'm not a kid."
Cora watches the ground in front of the murderer spikes up and catching the thrown knives heading towards him. The cap bomb goes off. Something is a missed. What was the plan with her tiny, popping caps?

Somethings bothers her as she jogs towards the door. Listening to the construction worker and the murderer, it sounds as if the host of this place is as confused as they are at the moment. Scared even. Cora sprint to meet with the other Dreamers in the area.

"Is it ok to leave?" She asks and looks behind them at the construction worker, Rusty, and the murderer.

(Just made it broad so anyone can join)

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