Silver & Stakes (Lux and WalkingDisaster)

Cody, the Leader

"Yeah, let me grab my wallet and we can leave." Cody left the papers in a neat stack and walked in to the kitchen, swiping his wallet off the counter. He stuffed it in to his pocket and leaned on the counter, considering Sammie's question. "Ah...I think they're fine. I think Delilah has a lot to handle with Matt, but I'm sure they're okay. If we get back and they're not here, then we can worry," he told her, grabbing his car keys and shrugging on his jacket. "Sound good, Sam?"

Connor, the Pessimist

Connor didn't protest while Daniel slung the wolves over his shoulder. Sure, he was strong. Sure, his wrist would heal almost immediately, but it would be better to let it heal and not strain it. "It still hurts," he muttered, racing after Daniel. He noticed when he got back that Daniel put the girl in Brooke's clothes. "You would have been safer giving her a pair of your sweats and a tank top. If Brooke realizes you put a dog in her clothes, she'll hog-tie
you and stuff you in a van." Connor climbed in to the driver's seat and put the keys in the ignition, paying little attention to the dog collars. "They're adorable, Dan," he said with a wave of his hand. "Absolutely precious, now get your butt here."

(Okay =)

Sorry for the lazy posts....)

Daniel E. Hoffard

“I’d love to see her try,” Daniel said. “Besides, I haven’t seen her wear those things in years. Anna would be too pleased for her to do anything, anyways.” He could imagine Anna’s face when she came down to the basement to see two new pets. Conner drove through the forest to the house, following the winding dirt path that led up to the house. When the van finally pulled into the garage, Daniel jumped out of the car as exuberantly as when he first began the hunt. He grabbed some supplies out of the van. “I’m going to weld these chains to the wall; you bring the mutts to the basement.” Daniel opened the latch and made his way down to the basement. By the time he was finished preparing the area, the basement was a foolproof werewolf cage. He welded the chains to the wall, placed two bowls on each side and put newspaper in the corner of the room (as per Conner’s request). “What do you think?” Daniel asked when Conner came down the stairs.

‘Sammie’ Lyn Bradford

“Yeah, sounds good”, Sammie said. In her heart she still felt as if something was wrong but perhaps it was nothing. She walked out the door to her car. “Will you at least let me drive?”

Ooc| I don’t mind, my posts are pretty lazy too
xD (especially Sam’s last post)

Cody, the Leader

Cody sighed and tucked the keys in to his pocket. "Fine, get in the car," he said as he climbed in to the passenger's seat of Sammie's car. "I am going to eat so much lasagna, it won't be funny," he announced, strapping his seat belt.

Connor, the Pessimist

Connor rolled his eyes at Daniel and killed the engine. He checked his arm. Surely enough, the bleeding bite marks were now pink marks. His shirt was still soaked in blood, so he made a mental note to put on a fresh one. With a sigh, he climbed out of the car and opened the trunk. He threw the girl over his shoulder, then the one who threatened to kill him. Just for that, he was way more careful with the girl. The boy was knocked in to walls and doors. He dumped the wolves in the cage Daniel prepped for them and stood back to analyze his friend's work. "Impressive. I'm going to go change my shirt so I don't give the girls a heart attack. Could you tie them up?" Before Daniel could answer, Connor spun on his heel in to his room. He peeled off his blood-stained tee shirt and threw on an AC/DC shirt instead. When he walked in to the room again, he expected Daniel to have at least one of them tethered to the wall.

Daniel E. Hoffard

Daniel had only now noticed that Conner’s shirt was covered in blood. He didn’t pay too much attention; he was too excited about the werewolves. Conner dumped the two on the floor and Daniel got to work, tying them up. He hooked the chain up to the collar, certain they couldn’t break it. If the chains and collars weren’t made out of pure silver they would have been able to tear them apart, but since Daniel and Conner had been prepared there was almost no way the their ‘pets’ could break out of the basement. By the time Conner came back downstairs, he had both of them chained to wall. “They’ll wake up in about half an hour, want to wait? The girls won’t be home for another hour or two.”

‘Sammie’ Lyn Bradford

Sammie was glad Cody had given in and let her drive. Sammie giggled at Cody’s comment and got her keys out of her purse. She started the car and began to drive to the nearest Italian restaurant. She pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. She was worried about how Cody would react, but she knew she already had a place for her at the hospital. “Here we are!”

Cody, the Leader

"I-tal-ian food! I-tal-ian food!" Cody laughed lightly as he got of the car. He was rarely in this type of mood between Matt's energy, Sammie's schedule, Delilah's bubbly personality and their finances. He walked in to the restaurant, holding the door for Sammie. The hostess noticed them immediately and took them to a booth, laying out the menus in front of them. Cody ordered a coke, and studied the menu. He was searching for lasagna.

Connor, the Pessimist

Connor chuckled. "Sure, let's wait. Ten bucks he cusses us out the second he can." He couldn't wait for them to wake up. This was the stupidest way to beat boredom
ever, but at least Connor was entertained. He looked the wolves up and down. They were both dark haired and pale. He had more muscle than her; the girl was petite for a werewolf. She was okay-looking, but the fact she was a wolf made her very unattractive. She looked innocent, while he looked like he was up to no good. Even in comatose. "What do you want to do, oh Criminal Mastermind?"

(When do you want to bring the girls back in? Or should we time-skip to Del and Matt waking up? ^-^)

Daniel E. Hoffard

“I don’t think that’s a fair bet,” Daniel replied jokingly. He couldn’t want for them to wake up; they’d be frustrated and confused, playing right into what Daniel wanted. He studied the bodies the same Conner did. Anna Lee would have fun with the girl, she was sweet and attractive. He smiled at the thought of Anna trying to force her into a party dress as if she was some sort of play thing. “I guess we’ll wait,” Daniel responded. “I’m thinking the girl will wake up first since she didn’t get as much as the boy. We can torment her first.”

‘Sammie’ Lyn Bradford

Even in a sad mood, Cody seemed to get Sammie giggling. He didn’t usually have this much energy, but when he did she was sure cherish it. She thanked him when he held the door open for him. Her eyes looked at the menu but she knew exactly what she wanted. “I’ll have an ice tea,” Sammie said. She looked over at Cody when the waitress left, guilt cast across her face.. “I have to tell you something.”

ooc| I'd rather have them wake up first, if thats ok (:

Cody, the Leader

"Anything, is something wrong?" Cody asked, his eyebrows knit. He put the menu down and studied her. The look across her face had
guilty written all over it. "What'd you do?" He knew Sammie was having some difficulty with her schedule and classes. He figured the worst that could happen to her was she failed her classes, but Sammie was way to smart for that to happen. The look on her face, though, said otherwise. It had him worried.

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah stirred, her eyes cracking open. She sat up and inspected her surroundings, the memories of what happened to her and Matt coming back to her. She was in a basement. She frantically looked for Matt and found him lying down next to her, unconscious. Growling, she tried standing up, but was pulled back by a chain. Absentmindedly, she grabbed the chain and traced it. It lead to a collar wrapped around her neck. Delilah looked around fiercely, only to see two vampires staring at her. She snarled at them. "What is this?"

Connor, the Pessimist

"Fine, ten bucks she'll cry, then," Connor said quickly with a laugh. The girl looked delicate, but he was certainly hard-headed. He wondered if he met his match with this werewolf. Threatening to kill as you passed out sure took some guts. And so, they killed time. They replaced Anna's drugs and went back downstairs, standing impatiently in front of the werewolves. Finally, the girl stirred. Connor laughed and stared her down, but she held her ground. Her eyes demanded an immediate answer.

(No problem =)

Thought I'd get a move on
xD )

Daniel E. Hoffard

"Haha, you're on," Daniel laughed and went upstairs with Conner. The two killed time and then returned to the basement just in time to find the female waking up. As soon as she regained her mind, she demanded to know where she was, more aggressive than Daniel thought expected. "What's the matter? You don't like your new home?" He smirked at the wolf. "By the way you owe me ten dollars," he mentioned to Conner. The male wolf began to stir and was up on his feet, shouting insults at them before Daniel knew it.

'Sammie' Lyn Bradford

"I didn't do anything," Sammie commented, looking at the table. She glanced up to Cody, "I got an email from my boss today. He said my hours were too hard to work with and if I didn't work nights instead of days he'd have to let me go. You know I can't do that." She idly played with the silverware on the table; "In three months I'll be working at the hospital, but I don't really know what to do until then."

'Matt' Kefir Lovell

Matt's eyes slowly opened, closed then opened again. Every muscle in his body seemed to be moving in slow motion and his vision was blurry. The scene around him was strange and foriegn. His eyes searched the area; Delilah, grey, vampires... When his brain registered what was happened, Matt was on his feet. He ran towards the vampires, the chain pulling him back. Matt felt around his neck to discover a collar attached the chain. "I'm going to tear you apart!" He reached his arms out, trying to get something to get a hold of. They were too far away to get a hold of so Matt resorted to throwing out curses and insults instead. "Where the hell are we?! I'm going to rip your throat out!" He pushed and pulled at the chain, hoping it would break. The vampires knew what they were dealing with; their chains were made out of pure silver. "When I get out of these chains I swear-" He pulled at the chains even harder. "I'm going-" He tried getting leverage on the chain. "To-" He pulled on the chain with even more force than the last two tries. "kill you!" He stopped pulling and stared at the vampires, defiance in his eyes.

ooc| I posted earlier but it didn't go through. I had to re-type and there isn't spell check on this computer D: It's not as complete as the post I had before but I didn't want to type it all over again.

Cody, the Leader

Cody didn't say a word while she spoke and kept his face completely neutral. When she finished, he pursed his lips and studied her face. "Well..." he said slowly, mulling over every possible answer he could have given her. "That will be difficult, but...I'll see what I can do until then. Maybe I can get extra hours, or we can get Matt off his ass. Are you okay?"

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah shook her head at Matt. "It's silver, Matt. Give up. They won." She turned to look at the vampires and snarled again. "What exactly did you win? Where are we?" She realized she wasn't wearing any clothes and forced her head down, suddenly embarassed. But...she was wearing clothes. They put her in a sports
bra. "Ugh, whose clothes are these?!" She looked at Matt. "Why does he get a full outfit? Give me something better!" Delilah wasn't sure what was going on, but she was sure of two things. First, she and Matt were hostages. She wondered if they would send Cody a ransom. Second, Matt was pissed. He was flipping out, spitting death threats left and right. She laid a careful hand on his shoulder and sat him down, giving him a look. Staying calm was the best thing they could do right now.

Connor, the Pessimist

Connor couldn't help it. He burst out laughing. "Oh, you're funny. Good luck, mutt," he told the wolf, shaking his hair with his fingers as he looked at the girl. "Oh, those clothes belong to a friend of ours. She'll be home soon. You'll," he laughed. "You'll like her." He shook his head, smirking, and looked at Daniel. "He almost ripped my arm off. This was
your stupid plan, so tell them what's going on."

(No problem =) Sorry for lazy post, I have no time DX)

Anna Lee De-Fluer

After a few hours of entertaining lavish party guests and making a few inspirational speeches, Anna was about ready to leave. Tracking down Brooke, Anna waved goodbye to a few of her ‘close’ guests. She exchanged hugs, handshakes and a few kisses. Finally Anna found Brooke, “Are you ready to go?”

Daniel E. Hoffard

The female tried to calm the boy, but he wouldn’t back down. Daniel and Conner would have fun breaking him. He rolled his eyes when the girl demanded a better outfit, would she rather wear nothing at all? “Well,” Daniel began. “I’ve never had a pet dog before, so I decided to get one for the family. Lucky for us, we found
two strays wandering the wild forest. We decided to take you in and give you a better home.” Daniel was sarcastic, an evil smiled plastered on his face. “Now you either tell us your names or we make them up for you.” The male turned and screamed more obscenities at the two. “I think I’ll call you fluffy, unless you have a better name?”

'Sammie' Lyn Bradford

Sammie shrugged, “I guess, I’m just a little disappointed”. The waitress came back to their table. “I’ll have the special”, the waitress nodded and turned to Cody to get his order. “So let me pay for this meal; I feel bad.”

'Matt' Kefir Lovell

Matt was surprised when Delilah told Matt to give up. He looked at her, furious. He wanted to yell at her, but he stopped himself. He’d
never give up and the vampires didn’t win. Eventually Matt and Delilah would get out of their chains. Perhaps Delilah would stay to watch while Matt ripped the coven apart with his bare hands. “A full outfit? All I have is shorts.” Matt wasn’t too conscience of his body and he didn’t mind parading around with little to no clothes on, but Delilah was more conservative. When the Vampire explained why they had captured them. “You make me sick!” Matt spat, pulling on his chain. When Delilah put her hand on his shoulder, he shrugged it off. He didn’t want to calm down; he wanted to rip some one’s head off. “You enjoy what little of life you have left, because when I get free I’m going to burn this house to the ground!”

Ooc| Sorry I didn’t respond yesterday, I didn’t have internet :b

Cody, the Leader

Cody snorted. "Uh-uh, I don't think so." He sipped his drink and looked at the waitress, who just came back. He let Sammie order first. "I'll get the lasagna, please. Get me my lasgna." Looking back at Sammie. "I'mpaying, sweetheart. I know I can't tell you not to feel bad, because that's the kind of person you are, but that doesn't mean it's your fault. Neither does me paying." Anothe sip of soda. "I'm still paying."

Delilah, the Puppy

"I mean, for a guy, you look fine. Shut up, I hate being...ech... exposed," she told Matt, looking down at herself one more time. She really did hate going out in less than a tee shirt and shorts, but at least they thought to clothe her. She wished Matt would calm down, or at least stop screaming. They would get no where screaming. "Call him Matt, leech, his name's Matt!" She looked back at Matt in time to hear what the vampires were doing with them. Delilah paused, knit her eyebrows and threw her head to look at the vampires. "You're sick!" She tried standing again, throwing her hands in a vein attempt to grab their throats. The chain yanked her back, tugging at her neck. The second she hit the ground again, her eyes started watering. She furiously wiped her eyes dry with the back of her hand, but they came back and threatened to spill on to her face. "Let. Us. Go. Now. Or. I'll. Freak. Out.

Connor, the Pessimist

Connor tutted and shook his head. "I've already tried burning the house down," he told Fluffy. "The owner will be on your ass in a heartbeat. Trust me. And, y'know...You should quit threatening me. I tried talking Daniel out of kidnapping, but...I was bored, whatcha gonna do?" He looked from the she-wolf to Matt. "You owe me ten bucks. You're almost as bad as I am, I love it..."

Brooke, the Rebel

Brooke roamed the corridors. She looked at bedrooms, dining halls, closets....The interior was definitely more stunning than the exterior. After looking at most of the rooms, she wandered back downstairs to see how the party was going. A few people spoke to her, their names and conversations forgotten almost immediately. She didn't know if she was relieved, or felt bad. When she found Anna again, she threw her arms around her. "Thank you!" She pulled back and pushed her hair out of her pale face. "Ill go if you want to. I loved it, Anna. Thank you for taking me."

(Don't worry about it, I was at the barn with my friend's horse all weekend, anyway =) Poor baby is sick~

My freaking characters babble like idiots...DX)

Anna Lee De-Fluer

“I’m glad you had a good time, Brooke”, Anna replied coolly. She was a little surprised by the hug, after dealing with aristocrats who preferred not to be touched, Brooke was a nice change. Some people longed for the embrace of another, especially after centuries of love, lust and death. Anna did not care much for being touched but she enjoyed the petty symbol of affection it represented. “Our car is just out front,” she had called for it ten minutes ago; Anna didn’t want to stick around the party scene too much longer. She was anxious to get home and see what the boys were up to. The look that Daniel had given her was suspicious and she couldn’t wait to see what the young vampire had planned. Anna led Brooke out to the front of the mansion, waving a few goodbyes to ‘friends’. When she spotted the black car, she glided into vehicle and ordered the driver to the opera house. When the car reached its destination, Anna made her way to her car in the parking garage. “What do you think the boys are up to?” She asked Brooke, starting her car and slipping out of the garage and on the road to their house in the woods.

Daniel E. Hoffard

“Will that be cash or credit?” Daniel asked sarcastically. He laughed a bit then turned his attention to the poor female that had collapsed on the floor. Her eyes were hinting at tears, but she wiped them away. Daniel put on a sympathetic expression and kneeled down close to her, but not in her reach. “Don’t be sad.” He looked into her eyes, “Tell us your name and we can work all this out”. Daniel tried to create a false sense of security for the girl to fall into; perhaps to get to Matt he’d have to get to the girl first. “Now all that shouting isn’t going to get anything done, is it Matt?” He responded to Matt’s angered shouts as he tried to comfort the she-wolf. Daniel quickly brushed a piece of hair out of the she-wolf’s face. “We’ll see about getting you a new outfit when Brooke or Anna comes home”. Brooke would probably refuse to donate any of her clothes, although if Anna liked the way the werewolf looked she’d have a fun time dressing her up. Daniel didn’t have an eye for fashion; he mainly wore the outfits Anna Lee picked out for him. Occasionally he would wear a t-shirt and jeans, but Anna Lee would give him a look of disapproval and he would change his outfit almost immediately. He didn’t know if the two other coven members knew what she was capable of, but neither of them had ever tried to defy her the way Daniel had many years ago, before Conner and Brooke had even arrived. Of course there was that time Conner tried to burn the house down, but Anna Lee let him off on a strict warning, a strict warning that Conner would never forget. Daniel moved away from the girl and back toward Daniel, Matt had seized the opportunity and launched an attack at Daniel but he dodged it easily. He clicked his tongue, shaking a finger at Matt. “Conner what do we do to the dog that bites his owner?” Daniel made his way to the far corner of the basement and grabbed a chest. He pulled off the lock and opened the lid for Conner to see. There were several things inside, intentionally put in the chest for discipline. Some of the items were comically demeaning, like the spray bottle or the leash, but other items were serious such as the whip or the chain. “Take your pick,” he told Conner. “He did almost take off your arm, after all.” Daniel turned to Matt, “You are an animal and need to be punished”.

'Sammie' Lyn Bradford

She wrinkled her nose in frustration, but she was glad Cody wasn’t as disappointed as she originally thought he would be. The best she could do at the moment was to enjoy the dinner and Cody’s company. Sammie always felt an awkward distance between herself and Cody, as if they were both unsure what move to make next. Sammie didn’t know how it worked in other packs, if the alpha male and female were always together or not. It was a touchy subject, if it ended badly it could easily tear the pack apart. Sammie didn’t know what she would do if the pack disbanded, but a werewolf separating him or herself from a pack was a mentally painful process and Sammie would never attempt it. Delilah wouldn’t either, but Matt and Cody were both unpredictable. “So how was your day?” Sammie asked. Now that the business part of the dinner was over, she could get into an enjoyable conversation with Cody.

'Matt' Kefir Lovell

Matt had ears, but they weren’t working properly. His anger had swallowed him and he would do anything to get out of the chains and onto the vampires’ throats. He wrapped his wrists in the silver chain and pulled as hard as he possibly could. He hated how weak the silver made him feel, but he’d never admit how feeble he was feeling to his tormentors. When Matt let go of the chain he noticed Daniel was too close to Delilah for comfort. “Get away from her!” He lunged toward the vampire but Daniel was just barely out of reach. “Don’t touch her!” He tried to swing his arms to get some sort of hold on either vampire but he had no luck. His legs begged him to sit, but Matt refused to show any sort of weakness in front of the coven members. He wished that he could transform and rip the grins right off of the vampire’s smug faces, but the silver kept him from trying. Matt paced the floor, cursing under his breath, looking for a way out. He spotted a window of opportunity and jumped at Daniel when he was in his range. Matt was only a few seconds short from having his hands around Daniel’s neck but the vampire was too quick. “You aren’t my owner!” He shouted at Daniel, but he didn’t seem to be listening.

Cody, the Leader

"Ah....Nothing to report," he replied. Cody chuckled and raised his head to look at her. "Sometimes I wonder what we're doing right. Does that make sense? I mean...Come on. Del is in her own little world and Matt seems to legitimately think he's a wild animal sometimes. They drive me crazy." He took a sip of his drink and sat back in his chair. "How's school going?"

Brooke, the Rebel

Brooke climbed in to the car and swept her hair to one side. "Ah....I don't know. Probably renting an R-rated movie and trying to scare each other while carefully formulating a haunted mansion for us based on whatever movie. Maybe we should stop leaving them alone." She dipped her head back and closed her eyes, letting the night seep in. She had a good night....She hoped it wouldn't be her only taste of glamour for a while.

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah sucked in a breath as the vampire got close to her. She shrank away at his voice, which sounded surprisingly sincere. The girl studied his face, wondering if she should tell him her name. It would be better to be called Delilah than, say, Lady, or something else cheesy and tired. Her muscles tensed when he brushed her hair back, and she realized that it was hard to read his face because tears were blurring her vision. She viciously wiped them away, wishing Matt would calm down. A new outfit sounded tempting...But who were Brooke and Anna? More vampires, no doubt. She wondered what they were like. "Delilah. My name is Delilah," she told them, looking at both the vampires as she spoke. "Tell me about Brooke and Anna. Whose clothes am I wearing now?"

Connor, the Pessimist

Connor looked at the chest and gaped at it. "
Damn, dude...How long have you been planning this without me?" He looked at the werewolves. "Everything in here is so cruel on so many levels, you'll hate it!" He rubbed his hands together and looked at the trunk's contents. "Y'know, my parents never let me have a dog. They said I was lucky to have a guitar. Ha! You guys are lucky that I'm in a good mood. Piss me off and see what happens. I. Dare you." Connor's eyes bore right in to Matt's. "You," he said slowly as he raised the spray bottle, "are lucky my arm healed so fast." After Matt was thoroughly soaked, he looked at Daniel. "Tell them how lucky they are I'm in a good mood," he challenged with a wicked grin.

(Lazy, I'm sorry! Block!)

Anna Lee De-Fluer

“Perhaps you’re right”, Anna turned her attention back to the road, her delicate hands lightly grasping the wheel. Perhaps she’d bring Brooke out to her parties more often, although she didn’t want Brooke getting too accustomed to her lifestyle, she enjoyed surprising her and spoiling her tastes every once and a while. Perhaps a regular human would be exhausted after the festivities that the previous hours before Anna entailed, but it seemed as if the night was just getting started. After what would have been a half an hour drive but Anna reduced to a mere ten minutes, the rolls Royce purred into the garage. Stepping out of the car, Anna noticed the white van had a strange scent in it. She cautiously approached the van, opening the sliding door. A small amount of Conner’s blood was on the seat. Anna could smell the scent of the werewolves, but the smell didn’t vanish when she shut the door. “I think we got a new pet,” Anna told Brooke with a small smile. She followed the trail to the basement, uncovering the surprise Daniel and Conner had prepared for her. “They’re so cute!” Anna squealed, walking over to Daniel. She planted a small kiss upon his cheek and then surveyed the two new additions to their ‘family’. The first was a teenage boy, wet and angry. The second was a girl around the same age as the boy. Anna particularly liked her look, she seemed upset and Anna thought about consoling her. She wasn’t sure if the female would attack, but Anna could handle anything a puny werewolf could throw at her. “Delilah? What a beautiful name.”

Daniel E. Hoffard

Daniel’s light smile faded once Conner had finished spraying Matt. The mutt was angrier than before the punishment. “Very lucky”, Daniel replied. He turned his endearing gaze to Delilah, “Don’t cry Delilah. Anna is our leader, and you’re wearing Brooke’s clothes. Be a good girl and we ‘ll arrange a new outfit for you.” Perhaps the coven could train Delilah, it’d be interesting to have a werewolf on the team but they were an inferior race. A familiar voice echoed through the basement. Anna was dressed in her salmon pink evening gown, her silver heels clicked against the pavement as she made her way to Daniel. “I’m glad you like them,” he looked back at the werewolves, although Matt was quieted down. “This is Matt and this is Delilah.”

'Sammie' Lyn Bradford

Sammie giggled and took a sip of her ice tea. “I know what you mean. And school is going very well. It’s practically a sure thing that I’ll be graduating this spring. You and Delilah will come to the ceremony, won’t you? I can’t really imagine Matt sitting through the ceremony”. She loved her pack, and she knew them well. Other than being laid off again, everything seemed to be going perfect. Sammie was graduating a year and a semester earlier than average and she already had a guaranteed position at the hospital. Perhaps she should slow down and enjoy what little time she had left as a college student.

'Matt' Kefir Lovell

If Matt was angry before, it didn’t compare to how he felt now. The vampire was condescending, daring him to piss him off. “Oh? I haven’t pissed you off already? I need to try harder then.” Daniel had taken a spray bottled and started squirting Matt with it. “What the hell are you doing?!” Matt tried to grab the bottle from the vampire’s greedy little hands but he was too far back. “I’m going to kill you!” It felt like he was starting to repeat himself, but he was sure that he would destroy every member of the coven with his own hands. “I’m going to use my bare hands to-“suddenly Matt trailed off, looking at the new vampires who had entered the room. He stood paralyzed, staring at her, the vampire who he had met long before now. Suddenly he was thirteen again, staring at his parents’ mangled, bloody bodies and into the eyes of the monster that had killed his only family.

ooc| I made a silver and stakes playlist on spotify, look up Silver&Stakes, should be under Rain Abshell (:

Connor, the Pessimist

"You should have killed me when you got the chance, mutt," Connor pointed out, amusement staining his face, as the girls came in. They were both dressed up in velvety gowns, Brooke with a more simple look. He couldn't remember the last time Brooke looked so elegant. He also couldn't remember the last time Anna was pleased with one of his and Daniel's stupid antics. Suddenly, though, the wolf who had only death threats to spew fell silent and was, of all the people in the room, looking at Brooke with fear in his eyes. He snorted. "Have a good night, girls?"

Brooke, the Rebel

The scent of Connor's blood unnerved her, and she wasn't sure how well the unfamiliar scent made feel. She set her jaw. "They better have something good." She stepped in after Anna, following her downstairs. When she got there, she was met with two werewolves, and Daniel and Connor standing in front of them with disturbing looks on their faces. Brooke should have said something clever like,
Well, you guys obviously had fun tonight, or Oh, hey! You brought back a couple of dress-up dolls for Anna! How sweet, boys. But all that came out of her mouth was, "Why is the little one wearing my clothes, and what the hell is this mutt staring at me for? Wait...Ew - you guys touched my bra!"

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah studied the two new vampires. They were...So beautiful. Like goddesses. Each one dressed in - Wait, what was she thinking? They were vampires. Blood-sucking monsters trapped in beautiful bodies. The blonde was obviously Brooke, the owner of the outfit. Delilah tried to picture her in the clothes, and failed. She moved on to Anna. A very regal creature, and clearly more sophisticated than Brooke. Those were her assumptions...Until Anna got in her face. Delilah's eyes widened, letting more tears spill over, She shrank away and, not saying anything, snuck a glance to Matt. He was staring at Brooke, mouth agape. Matt, who never showed fear, looked absolutely terrified in this vampire's presence. Delilah moved over and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Matt?" she asked him. "What's wrong? Do you....Know her?"

Cody, the Leader

Cody smiled. "Of course, and I'm dragging Matt there anyway. I can't wait for you to graduate; how excited are you?" He was very proud of her. Sammie worked her ass off and didn't get a lot for it. When she started working again, this time at the hospital, was when he expected her to really lighten up. Then again, Sammie was never happy unless she had something to fret over.

(I literally JUST got an account, and I have no idea how to use it DX Can you tell me where to go?
:) )

Anna Lee De-Fluer

“We did, Conner. Brooke, do you not like our new pets?” Anna asked sternly. She wasn’t expecting an answer other than something along the lines of ‘yes, Anna.’ She didn’t appreciate Brooke’s outburst and Anna was letting her know in a subtle fashion. “Brooke, would you go fetch poor Delilah a more suitable outfit?” The werewolf had more tears in her eyes but the sympathy Anna felt for the girl was false and insincere. Suddenly Anna felt a pressure on her wrist, Matt had grabbed onto her looking for some means of attack. Anna called upon her strength, throwing Matt against the wall. He was quick, but she was quicker and stronger. “Somebody needs a bit more training,” Anna said, stepping out of Matt’s reach. Delilah seemed harmless enough, but she could tell Matt was a little bit of a threat.

Daniel E. Hoffard

“Calm down, Brooke. It’s not like you wore those clothes anyways,” Daniel rolled his eyes. He couldn’t help but feel a little pleased when Anna expressed distaste in her attitude. Daniel gave Brooke a smug smile then looked back at the wolves. “Maybe he likes you,” Daniel replied to one of Brooke’s questions. It was odd that Matt had gone quiet, perhaps the fear of what was really happening was finally seeping into his brain.

'Sammie' Lyn Bradford

“I’m very excited,” Sammie said. The waitress came back with their meal and Sammie began to devour her food. She had forgotten how hungry she was. The lunch she and Delilah had made was good, but not enough for a whole day. The food was delicious, Sammie wished she could cook like this at home but she was terrible at cooking Italian food. Perhaps she’d take a class once her schedule calmed down a little bit.

'Matt' Kefir Lovell

It felt as if the world was spinning, Matt wasn’t sure what to do. Her name was Brooke, such an innocent name for a guilty monster. She didn’t seem to recognize him, but Matt no longer looked the same as he did when he was thirteen. She looked exactly the same, except this time she wasn’t covered in blood. Matt was brought back to reality when Delilah placed hand onto his shoulder. He didn’t hear the words she said, before he knew it he was attacking the girl that had been foolish enough to place herself within his reach. The vampire’s reaction was quicker than what he thought, and he was sent crashing into the wall. He landed on the concrete floor with a hard thud, gasping for the breath that had been knocked out of him. He remained on his back, not trying to jump back up. All the exhaustion from the insults and the kidnapping had caught up to him.

ooc|Sorry my replies are taking so long, at work
:P and at the upper right corner there should be a search bar, type in 'Silver&Stakes' and a playlist should pop up, It should have my name when you click it (Rain).

Brooke, the Rebel

Brooke could see that Anna wasn't happy with her attitude, but she didn't care. She wanted to know what was wrong with the werewolf. She studied his face. "I feel...Like I know you," she said absentmindedly. It was thinking out loud; she never meant to vocally express the familiarity. How would that look?

Connor snapped his head up, suddenly serious. "Why would you know a werewolf?" he asked with his eyebrows knit together. He looked...Suspicious of her. The entire coven knew of her violent beginning as a vampire, but it was Connor who knew the full extent of it. She would always tease him and say that since he knew all of that, he had to sing for her. Just one song. He never agreed.

"I...I don't know. I can't put my finger on it." She tapped the corner of her lips and dropped her left hip, then walked closer to the collapsed wolf. "Where have I seen you?" Brooke asked him, trusting that his current state of exhaustion paired with the fact that he was thrown against the concrete would mean her safety.

Connor, the Pessimist

Connor was always glad when Brooke was pinched for her sarcasm, but could understand it in this scenario. She was, after all, surrounded by aristocrats the entire evening. He saw her attitude as a form of relaxation from her long night. It made him a bit nervous when she walked right up to the werewolf, but Brooke could handle herself. She could handle herself better than Anna, actually, as she wasn't afraid of breaking a nail or messing up her hair. Plus, this wolf was afraid of her....

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah yelped when Anna tossed Matt aside, and let out a puppy-like whimper as he hit the floor in a crumbled pile. "Matt, you're an idiot!" She tried to move next to him, to see if he was okay, but the silver chain wouldn't allow it. She looked at Anna and Brooke, her gaze rocking back and forth between them. These vampires were far more complex than the boys. One was more wicked in a discreet way, the other showed an attitude and insincerity. Who should she try sweet-talking?

(I still...Can't.. Find it DX

Can we timeskip Sammie and Cody? Back home?)

Anna Lee De-Fluer

Before Anna had a chance to get angry, she was taking over by curiosity. Did Brooke truly know this werewolf? If she did, Anna wanted to know everything about their encounter. Hopefully it was brief and non-romantic, she might have to lay down the law if Brooke was sneaking off with werewolves. Anna didn’t believe in relationships and love, she believed the emotion to be false and insincere. Although Brooke was still young, Anna could imagine Brooke trying to run off with some man in the near future, although Anna wouldn’t let it happen. “Answer her question, mutt.” Anna said sternly, suddenly switching sides.

Daniel E. Hoffard

Just like the two other members of the coven, a look of concern crossed over Daniel’s face. He didn’t know whether to be angry or not, although Anna seemed intrigued. Daniel decided to take Anna’s side and faked his curiosity. “Yeah, how would you know him?” Daniel asked after Conner. Brooke approached Matt, demanding answers. When he refused to talk and tried to take a swing at Brooke, Anna gave Daniel a knowing nod. He walked over, aiming a strong kick to the werewolf’s rib cage. Finally the coven would get some answers.

'Matt' Kefir Lovell

All the vampires were interesting in how Matt knew the blonde one. He was too exhausted to listen closely to what they were saying. Before he knew it, he was being pressed for answers. Matt turned his head away from the crowd of vampires, thinking of what he should tell them. The coven wanted answers but Matt didn’t want to talk, Matt tried to jump up to take a swing at the blonde vampire but he fell onto his back. Suddenly a sharp kick to his ribcage knocked the answers out of him. “Four years ago… You killed my family,” he was winded and his words came out in short bursts. “I was only thirteen.”

Ooc| Sure. Sorry I didn’t post for Sammie this round, I’ll let you guide the time skip. And I finally have internet!

Cody, the Leader

Cody drove them home, in a much better mood than when he had left. Despite Sammie's news, he had a smile on his face. When he pulled in to the their little home and opened the door, he could tell immediately something was wrong. The wolf-boy shifted his weight and paused in the doorway, then stepped in slowly. "Something feels...Off," he stated slowly. "Shouldn't they have been back by now?"

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah released a gasp when Daniel kicked Matt, feeling anger towards him and the blonde goddess. No....She no longer saw the blonde girl as a goddess. The vampire was far too air-headed. When Matt muttered the reason he was scared-stiff of the girl, Delilah shut her eyes, and saw the girl now as a beast. She went over to Matt and rested her hand on his shoulder, hoping his ribs were fine.

Connor, the Pessimist

Connor released a sigh. He was a bit reliefed, but knew that Brooke would start flipping out. He was the only one in the coven who knew the details of her animalistic beginning. His eyes went to the werewolf. His eyes had glazed over. The kid was exhausted. Connor remembered being so emotionally vulnerable, but his parents and vampiracy had hardened him dramatically. He rarely felt sympathy.

Brooke, the Rebel

Brooke didn't even flinch when the werewolf swung at her. She moved to really hit him, and hit him hard, had Daniel not beat her to it. Perhaps at Anna's silent demand. The blonde girl took a step back, her dress folded around her ankles as teh boy spoke. She felt a lump rise in her throat. She stood straight and stepped back. Every single moment she killed, every drop of blood she spilled, every death she had caused, flashed before her eyes. And the boy. The little boy no more than fourteen who looked at her with utter sadness and hatred. No wonder this boy was scared out of his mind. "Oh," she said slowly, almost inaudible. "I...DOn't know what to say to you."

(Sorry, lazy post! At my dad's place for his birthday DX)

Anna Lee De-Fluer

The plot between Brooke and the werewolf had turned wicked. A small smile crept onto Anna’s lips, Brooke showed remorse while the wolf showed fear. Both emotions were weaknesses Anna could easily play off of, although she needed to play her cards right. “What a conscience! Did you boys know about this?” Perhaps it was planned, but how could Daniel and Conner have the knowledge to come up with such a rouse? This whole situation pleased Anna, but she wanted to see how Brooke would react. She remembered when she first found her, Brooke was tired and hurt and Anna had taken her under her wing and given her a new life. It seemed that her old life was back to haunt her, however. “We should let the puppies get some rest,” Anna said, turning up the stairs, knowing that dawn would soon be upon them and she needed to lock up the house.

Daniel E. Hoffard

“Poor little orphan dog,” Daniel said sarcastically, unable to feel any sympathy for the orphaned child that was now in their custody. Perhaps Daniel had left all of his sympathy and emotions behind when he returned to America to find all his family dead, or that time wore him down. He wasn’t like Anna where he pretended to love or get excited, unless he was being sarcastic or sadistic. She enjoyed the illusion that most humans seemed to be occupied with. “You want to take him on a walk, Brooke?” Daniel joked.

'Sammie' Lyn Bradford

“Yeah, you’re right,” Sammie said suspiciously, surveying the empty warehouse. She knew Matt liked to stay out late, but Delilah usually came home earlier than this. Perhaps Matt got them into some kind of trouble, although Sammie hoped for the best. “We should go look for them, I have a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach” Sammie said with concern.

'Matt' Kefir Lovell

Matt felt weak and vulnerable in the coven’s presence. His weakness infuriated him but he didn’t have the strength to fight back. His world had changed so drastically in the last five hours, it was disorienting. He wished he could go back to this afternoon, to cooking sandwiches with Delilah and Sammie. Perhaps the pack was too tame for him, perhaps he needed to be chained up like the animal he thought he was. Maybe after he got out of these chains he needed to take off into the wild and live by himself. Matt looked up when he felt a soft hand touch his shoulder; normally he’d push it away but feeling somebody else’s energy was a lot nicer. The only thing keeping him from leaving was the relationship he had made with all the members of his pack. After a year or so of being on his own, Matt found it was exhausting to care about other people. He couldn’t help but care about Delilah, Cody and Sammie though.

Connor, the Pessimist

Connor watched Anna Lee go up the stairs and snorted. He looked back at Brooke. "Karma is a heartless b!tch, is it not, doll-face?" That may have been harsh, but come on. She killed this kid's parents. If Brooke had come in and killed Connor's parents, he wouldn't have been so angry. He wouldn't have shoved people away, or locked his girlfriend out. He hated to say it, mostly because of how morbid and bad it sounded, but if Connor's parents had died when he was 13, Connor would have died a lot happier. It was for that reason he felt absolutely nothing for Brooke or Matt.

Brooke, the Rebel

Brooke scowled at Connor. "Oh, that's hardly fair. We all know about your relationship with
your parents."

"That's irrelevant, Brooke," Connor said slowly.

"No. No...It is. The truth is Connor, you tested them. You fought with them, stole their car, their liquor, their money...Do you really wonder why they gave up on you?" she snapped, then wished she could take it back. Connor's expression, though, didn't change. All she saw was a muscle in his cheek jump.

"At least I knew when to stop," was all he said before following Anna upstairs.

Brooke squealed and ripped her shoe off her left foot, then chucked it in Connor's direction. He ducked his head and kept walking, cackling at her. The shoe hit the wall, and the heel snapped clean off. "Your records are in your room, ass-hole. Have fun living in the eighties," she screamed, then realized what she just did. She spun on Daniel. "Don't. Say. Anything."
That was why this werewolf was on the ground paralyzed. Because Brooke let her temper win and her aggressive instincts take over. Now even Connor was a target. She looked at Matt and straightened her jaw. "Look...Can I tell you my story? I don't expect anything; I just want to make sure there is no bad-blood between us. I genuinely feel awful."

Cody, the Leader

"Yeah, go back to the car," Cody told her, shrugging his jacket off. He ran to put it away, hoping he'd find Matt on the couch and Delilah putting a movie in. Or Matt on the dining room table, Delilah in the kitchen. Right where Cody and Sammie left them. But, of course, they weren't there. Cody's wolf's instincts took over, then. He growled and rushed to the car, wondering why he didn't get a call. He wished he knew exactly what happened.

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah watched the vampires fight and tilted her head to the side. This was hardly the time. The girl started throwing things while Connor kept his cool the whole time. What she said to him, though, could have cut deep. But he seemed virtually unaffected while Brooke stood there squirming and begging to let an explanation in. Delilah looked at Matt and squeezed his shoulder, deciding to let him decide if he wanted to hear what she had to say. All she could think to herself was
poor Matt.

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