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Fandom Silly Dungeon Crawling Action:Meikyuu Kingdom

"Devil's tongue and prothallium at the fore, Devil Tongue and Prothallium at the rear... I've fought these things before! They may be angry plants, but they're still just as vulnerable to bushwacking!"

The hobomancer took a mighty swing, showing far more experience than a vagabond should... however, he ALSO managed to miss anything that could be considered a "vital organ" on the strange plant-creature. In fact, he didn't seem to hit it at all. But the small streak of sap followed his slash precisely, as if the shockwave of the swing had damaged it in itself.


I assume 12 beats their defense for the purpose of initiative.


Attack roll... Gonna turn that 6 into a point of Drive, leaving the result as 8.


Damage roll.
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Winter threw his hat into the ring- literally, he threw his hat at the plant monsters. It struck true, but it turned out that a hat, no matter how sharp the brim, was kind of an awful weapon. It very slightly grazed one of the plant creatures and boomeranged back to Winter, who caught it and did his damnedest to play it off like he totally meant to do that.

"I-it was a display of skill.", he mumbled to nobody in particular, "To intimidate them."



Hit for 0 damage. Welp.
The queen's face was noticeably blushed, and her mind completely absent from this reality. Something had happened in that tent, and whatever it was, Shirona liked it. Her eyes were incapable of focusing on anyone else than Reginald, salivating at the thought of what just happened during at the campsite. Life smiled to Shirona, and for once she decided to smile back: instead of scolding her Court for sleeping during work hours, she even covered Dice with a blanket after seeing him shivering. The room was indeed cold, and he probably just fell asleep by accident.

Almost without noticing, the queen found herself in the Greenhouse. The dankness of the room was absurdly high, almost like it could have started raining at any moment. Shirona's skin was getting sticky with each step in that room, and her clothes became even wetter. She was going to need a shower after this trip.

But suddenly, the plants started moving. Not like Shirona would have noticed, she was too absorbed by Reginald's black hole of attention, but Dice's loud rifle shot definitely gave her a clue that something might have been happening while her mind was full of dirty thoughts. "Oh, err... ah... AAAAAAH!" - screamed Shirona as one of the vines gently caressed her shoulder - "C-come on, remember the formation! CHAAAAARGE!".

  • Moving onto the vanguard!
  • Attacking Vanguard Devil's Tongue with Spear!
  • [dice]5209[/dice]
  • RESULT: success! Dealing 3 fixed damage from the Spear to the Devil's Tongue. (2 - 3 = -1 HP)
  • Devil's Tongue is dead!
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To be perfectly honest, Reginald was still trying to wrap his head around the previous night's occurrences. As a result, he was a tad slow to react, and didn't quite notice the murder-plants until after the action had started. When his mind had finally expunged the unmentionable events, the priest caught sight of the aberrations, and mentally rejoiced. He also did so in an outward manner, by way of shouting. "Steel yourself Nemo, for there are defilers of the kingdom's peace before us! Let battle be joined!"

Whilst continuing with his usual routine of immensely hammy tirades, the Priest brandished his Battle Axe and rushed the nearest foe.


Factoring in the -2 from the Battle Axe (I forgot to factor it in initially), final result is an 8, which overcomes the Prothallium's defence of 5.

Rollan for damage.


Result: (5hp -9) He's dead, Jim.
The devil's tongue shambled in its ever so funky way ahead to the vangaurd it then swayed side to side as suddenly its tendrils extended en masse to Shirona dragging her away from the relative saftey of the others and into the monster territory that had two monsters as they tightened around her leaving her vulnerable and dangling in a most unflattering of poses. The prothallium took advantage of this to hit her which it did but for not too much damage. However the unassuming heart shaped plant had one more fiendish trick! For after assaulting the poor maiden it by the power of cellular fission cloned itself into another copy!

[Devil tongue used constrict which reduces Shirona's defense by 1, [dice]5325[/dice] Prohallium managed to hit and inflict damage. 1 more prothallium in the vanguard.]
Dice of the Guilty Conscience knew that was going to happen. He even said so, he politely asked the thing to not do that. Dice flipped around on his noble tiger as he held out his Safari Rifle as he glanced annoyed at the Vanguard. Well really he glanced more annoyed at the writhing plants near there. Dice held his rifle with one hand as he used his free hand to waggle his finger, "You didn't act responsibly liege. This is what happens when you go into the Safari unprepared." He shook his head as he made a dismissive tsking noise. He focused his attention back on the plant.

"Right then, there are either two possibilities. One you aren't capable of speech and understanding of it. Considering that, yes you are a writhing mass of vines, I fully understand that to be an option. Or option two, you are capable of speech and deliberately ignored my remark." He said as he heaved up his fire-arm and readied it. "Well then, the Safari continues!" Dice chuckled out, still quite amused by the expedition, enjoying the sport of the hunt.

Holding out his gun, he fired a shot into the vanguard.


5 Roll + 6 Warfare + 1 Hunting Grounds boost = 12 Attack Check

- If successful, since there are multiple targets in vanguard, firearm hits random target.
Once again, Radish's practiced hand brought the greatsword around... again, seemingly missing each time he swung at the plant creatures. And yet, there was another gash along the path of his sword stroke- this one much deeper, and spread across multiple creatures. He swung the giant slab of metal to rest on his shoulder as he pointed to the creatures.

"I've seen GOLDFISH with a better K/D Ratio, man! If any of you understand this, we're takin' prisoners. Just sit down and put your taproots where we can see 'em!"


The last of the devil tongue flops around on the ground like an overcooked asparagus; all dull colored and floppy. The tentacles relent on their terrible grip on Shirona although whether or not she had any dignity to regain from this is debatable. The prothallium leaves are as shaken as a plant could be from that sudden attack that sapped their strength. But not before one of them dropped dead.
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Shirona fell on her knees, her hands trying to quickly readjust her now even more revealing clothes before it was too late. The lascivious plant vented its rage on the girl like it was the first time it saw a woman, or maybe it was just that it had good taste. Whatever it was, Shirona learned these things looked better on her lewd comics than they were in reality.

"Y-you bastard!" - the queen's watery eyes threw a killer stare at the only plant remaining - "YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!".

With the force of a thousand cardboard boxes full of other cardboard boxes, the woman jumped on top of the Prothallium and stabbed it with her spear time after time, even long after it stopped moving.

  • [dice]5423[/dice]
  • SUCCESS: Prothallium takes 3 damage from Spear! (1 - 3 = -2 HP)
  • Prothallium is dead!
After clearing the room of monster you all feel somewhat hungry and decide to have a lunch. Amidst the warmth you now get to admire the various vegetation that has overgrown in this area. Your lunch is quite meager given your budget but is adequate. It consists of ramen bricks(Hot water optional), thinly slice bread sandwiches, and perhaps most luxuriant item out of all the lunch bags of fruit drink. Perhaps the offer of having that chef work for the kingdom as well as whatever wealth can be found in this place can be used to make better lunches and lessen the rationing on delicious soft drinks.

Feeling much more rested and satiated you find one of the many doors in this greenhouse and make leave. The temperate lightens but it is far from cold and the dankness increases. The air is moist and smells like it and so does the earthen floor which at regions looks soft and damp as well as muddy in some spots. The ground narrows around as a large pond makes itself apparent. Unfortunately by the time you see this it is too late and you fall as the ground reveals itself to be unstable and enter the pond which just happens to have rocks lying in the most painful of places. {Each member of the Court takes 1D6 points of damage when they leave the room this Trap is placed in. When this Trap is disarmed, an additional Quarter passes

Disarm: quest with difficulty of 9.}

After freeing yourself from this pool you find yourself amongst a crowd of monster. Fortunately they don't look particular unfriendly. The majority of them are fish which shouldn't be terribly surprising and equally unsurprising there seems to be some cats. [Neutral monsters roll for impression]
All of a sudden the peace is broke and within the puddle laden grounds the fish deftly in a way only a fish on land could do rush and cower behind the group. The catlike monster's eyes narrow and with a toothy predatorial grin as they rush after their quarry which seems to include the group.

[bonus combat condition: prevent the pick cats from hurting the gold fish]
Apply Deed of Arms to Middle Cat in Vanguard


Dice of the Guilty Conscience pet his tiger mount Kipling as he swam out of the pond. "Good boy Kipling. You will continue to serve me well." Dice held out his Safari Gun and heaved it over his shoulder. Stroking his mustache he glanced around the room, though not at the pond. It was when he heard the splash he glanced back as he saw, a little fish flopping behind them. "Hello there little fellow." Dice remarked as he turned his attention back to the front.

Smiling softly he internally vowed to protect this creature. He saw the catlike monsters and chuckled boisterously. He slung back his gun as he aimed forward. "Ah now these are prey of sport for the Safari! The first was merely an exercise in gardening." Dice peered at the creature in the middle as he grinned. "You there, I shall give you the esteemed permission of dying first in your pack." He quickly paused as he remembered what happened last time he declared a target to die. "Or when your brothers are in ashes. However I give you the esteemed death of dying to the glorious lead that shall arrive from my gun."

And with that bit of dialogue, Dice fired.


9 + 6 Warfare + 1 Hunting Grounds = 16 Total

Firearm if successful hits random target.
Radish looked over the fish carefully. No. It wasn't here. Not the goldfish who ruined his life anyway. He made a few swings with his sword to keep the pick cats at bay, not bothering to actually try harming them yet.

"Know this, Goldfish. I seek your aid to hunt a creature of powers most foul. Have you seen the goldfish with twelve fins?"

This time for sure!, Winter said to himself as he tossed his hat at one of the group's feline foes. It brushed the creature slightly, doing absolutely nothing. Again. Maybe the hat was a stupid weapon.


The queen rushed against one of the cats and thrusted her spear forward... to no avail. With a swift backflip, the cat dodged almost effortlessly Shirona's attacks, one after another, and with each failed attempt her frustration became worse. It was almost like the cat was laughing at her for being so slow.

But that barrage ultimately proved useful. After a wild dance of limbo against a spear, the cat got dangerously close to Reginald the Ironclad. It was the perfect chance.

"Reginald, go get him! He is tired now!", said the queen as she ran back to a safer position where she couldn't get flanked so easily.

  • [dice]5638[/dice]
  • Attack failed.
  • Attempting cooperative check with Reginald the Ironclad (+2 to next attack roll).
  • Running back to Rearguard.
"Of course, your Majesty!" Still shouting, as always, Reginald addressed the feline crook. "Know this, miscreant, you have committed a capital offense! I'm not sure which one, but I'll figure it out post-mortem!" True to his word, Reginald went about the execution aspect of his job before all else, and swung his mighty battle-axe at the cat.


10 + 2 Warfare + 1 Hunting Grounds - 2 Battle Axe + 2 cooperative check = 13.

The cat's defence is 12, so that counts as a hit. Rolling for damage.


That cat is super-dead.

Gain 2 points of drive due to crit. success.
The sole remaining cat's shit eating grin quickly changed as its countenance cracked under the fairly quick slaughter of its comrades. Comically oversized sweat drop rolling down its face it used its powers to make a quick escape as it used its innate magical energies to cast a hazy darkness [Combat trap activated on enemy encampment:Eclipse cannot use ranged attacks on the area where the trap is or the area in front of it ] and to retreat backwards. [Cat is now in the encampment due to its movement passive]
The cat is too fast and too furious as it hauls ass into the dank corners of the cellar. The goldfish are quite pleased with your victory and would like to follow the collective group. But first they disappear into the water and help shove the group into the solid land. [trap auto disarmed] [gain 4 followers]

There are two directions not counting going back, that you can go. To the top lays a door to somethign else and to the east is a continuation of the pond.
"MOTHERFUCKER!" Radish shouted, grabbing one of the fish by what passed for a throat, "HAVE YOU OR HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THE GOLDFISH WITH TWELVE FINS?! IT MUST PAY FOR ITS CRIMES!"
"WHAT!?" Dice of the Guilty Conscience, who had a heavier amount of guilt due to the fact he was unable to kill the last cat, howled out. "All the beasts were not yet executed yet in sport. If a single, mere beast can escape its better and superior animal in THE GLORIOUS SAFARI..." The knight sat upon his tiger steed as he held out his safari rifle.

"I shall track down and execute that beast, the Smoke Cat." He mused out to himself. "Yes, once I strike the beast and turn it into a carpet for myself. Or perhaps if I get some good wood I shall mount the head of it."

He continued on these thoughts as he found himself glancing upwards. "Right then, we head upwards, CLOSER TO THAT FILTHY REALM! I SHALL ENJOY THEIR SLAUGHTER!" Dice declared in a boisterous manner. "Closer to that putrid realm of the Heavens, home of the most insidious and dangerous game, the 'Angel'. That game of bloodsport will not end until I have ended their pathetic existence once and for all!" Dice monologued before directing Kipling towards Radish. "I SHALL STAIN THE VERY HEAVENS RED WITH THEIR BLOOD!"

He just stared at the Hobo-mancer as he narrowed his eyebrows. "Do you really expect information out of a fish? Ha, you are more delusional than our 'liege'." Dice chuckled out amused at his jest.
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Entering the room the group finds itself in a large kitchen area. There are many things laying about the room. But most obviously there is a pan that looks of good quality and some drinks and some on the table. Also drawing attention to at least Shirona is some sort of device that beckons.
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Dice of the Guilty Conscience kept his safari rifle drawn and ready to fire. He peered around the room suspiciously, "Closer to their realm, and yet.." Dice swiveled his head as he began sniffing the kitchen in some vain attempt to track some kind of Angel. "Pity." Dice noted rather melancholic about the situation. "Well hopefully there will be some other game to satisfy me. Or even better, if the Great Hunters of the Glorious Safari, shine upon me, I shall find what I seek."

Dice grinned as he began chuckling, "COME ON OUT YOU FIEND! Dare you not come out Smoke Cat!? I shall turn you into a fine carpet, you managed to escape me after all. Unlike your weak pack, you are one of those impressive beasts that have managed to amuse me. As such, I must add you into my collection. For I do have time to spend in the GLORIOUS SAFARI! After all, I have not spotted any of the more notorious game, i must satisfy myself with you."

Plus it would allow him to forget about his current circumstance in life; namely having to serve the Cardboard Kingdom. If only for awhile, he was more like the joyful hunter, just like he was in the Congo.
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