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Fandom Silly Dungeon Crawling Action:Meikyuu Kingdom


Pull my devil trigger
The day of the sun shone once more upon this little kingdom. However it was from being an urban and urbane center. Rather it is a cozy rural village with some ranches and wilderness that just so happens to have a rather important looking building in the middle of the land.

All would be fairly calm, boring, and uneventful were it not for the interruption of the court by some odd newcomer. "You majesty,"said the man, "I am but a wandering chef in search of new recipes, techniques and exotic ingredients to raise my chosen art to new forms for all the world to see! I happened here by chance when I heard of there being a most fascinating thing. There were rumors that long ago the people around the area had made a semi-subterranean cellar that also happened to be a farm of sort for maximum efficiency. Intrigued by this concept I ventured forth but it seems to have not only been overrun by monsters but some great big lout of a monster seems to have made the territory his. I ask of you; that if you can clear it out I'll lend you my services."
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The queen sat on her small cardboard throne, completely unamused. With her chin resting in her hand and a piercing stare, directly looking into the chef's soul, she spoke up. "A cellar? Oh my god, who the fuck cares!? Do you think a queen like me has time for such inane matters?" - Shirona separated her lips once more and took air, like she was preparing to say something more, but she got interrupted by one of her maids. "Actually, your majesty, you do", she affirmed with a rather loud whisper. Shirona turned her head towards her servant with an expression of total wrath drawn in her face. "DO NOT CONTRADICT ME!" - she yelled, expelling all the air of her lungs in the process.

The ruler turned her head back to the odd visitor and let out a frustrated sigh. "Alright, I guess we could find some time for it..." - she muttered as she took a notebook and a pencil from under her throne (which was, in fact, just an open box placed downwards). Shirona shook her head, emitting several noises of disapproval in the process of flipping through dozens of blank pages. Placing her finger in one of the many blank fields, situated just two days from now. "Oh! Seems like we have an open spot here" - said the queen as she scribbled a few notes - "What is your na... oh well, doesn't matter. Just give us the maps and come back in a few days, we will see what can we do."

Quickly getting up from her throne, Shirona spun around half a circle over a single foot to direct herself to her landmakers. "Alright gentlemen, we have work. Bring here the meeting table!".
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Dice of the Guilty Conscience was busy tending to his blade, a well used machete, with a incredibly tiny fragment of a sharpening stone he found laying about. As he worked on his blade, he thought of how far he had fallen in life. He was working for a dreary and lowly kingdom, which had a Temple constructed to the creatures that slaughtered his family. However, this was the only kingdom that was, currently, willing to hire him as a knight among them. An orderless shanty-town that had the audacity to call itself a kingdom, was what he was reduced into serving. Despite his noble heritage, or possibly due to his heritage, what with Angels butchering his families like dogs, other kingdoms of the realm scoffed at his initial attempts to be brought into the fold of their servitude.

But despite the fact he hated this 'Royal' Slum, a job was a job. And Dice had nowhere better to go, as no one else was currently willing to hire him. After the short tending, the fragment was used up. The Knight returned his machete into a worn out leather holster, with quite a few patches missing on it. Really it was safe to say most of it was missing, except the bare necessity for it to stay in the holster.

Dice adjusted his bow-tie as he brushed some dirt off the top of the shoulders of his tweed shoulder-pads. As he made sure his suit was clean and proper, as compared to everything else in this rathole, he glanced as he heard the Banshee Shriek of the 'Queen'. She called for the meeting table.

Dice gave a grumble as he resigned himself to the fate that, yes he was still stuck here. No, it wasn't a dream. And unfortunately, he couldn't have any 'bull sessions' to discuss how much he disliked working here and how he hoped a better opportunity would soon arise. Dice went to fetch the meeting table. Well, if it could even be called a table.

Fitting for this place, it was nothing more than a large refrigerator box, with a little crude 'Meeting Table' written on it in black marker. Dice lifted it up from against the wall, where it was currently being stored as he walked it into the 'Throne Room'.

He set the box down gently, not wanting to ruin the 'table', knowing full well it'd be quite sometime before another cardboard box would present itself that could be re-purposed for a table. He gave a small, and disingenuous bow to the Queen. "The 'meeting table' my liege. Only the finest table in all the land, is worthy of conducting such esteemed business." Dice grumbled in a sarcastic manner. He tapped on the hilt of his machete, as he spoke up again. "So, my liege, what task do we have ahead of us?"

Dice hoped it would be something, that would give him freedom from this horrid wasteland. If only for a brief moment. Just, something to take the edge off.
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As usual, the "royal mage" had been sleeping under the Meeting Table. He had just shown up one day, and hadn't really stopped. He was a useful enough character, after all- he lugged that greatsword around all day, after all. And he did seem to actually be a magician of some sort. So it was a fair trade that he claim the title of "royal mage" in this shantytown.

With a yawn, Radish the Indefatigable, Hobo Wizard, returned to his breakfast- a piece of toast covered in mayonnaise. After downing it, he stretched and made his way to the meeting table, putting mayonnaise on a toothbrush. Mostly to mess with Dice, really. He yawned again, waving to the queen.

"Mornin' majesty. Wassup?"
Winter stood next to the queen's "throne" and tugged at the collar of his ratty, threadbare jacket, looking mildly displeased with the current state of affairs- of course, nobody in the cardboard kingdom could remember seeing him in a state of anything that wasn't mild displeasure, and there was a point sometime in the past where everyone had sort of stopped bothering to ask why. He glared at the sharpened inner rim of his hat, picking off flecks of dirt, hair, and blood that had gotten stuck to it from regular use and accidentally cutting himself whenever he grabbed the damn thing; he really should have gotten a guard for it by now.

"It appears her majesty has agreed to find a very large sort of monster and kill it- or rather, have us kill it while she watches from the sidelines. We should prepare to mount an expedition as soon as possible."
In the land of cardboard, there resided a fellow known as Reginald the Ironclad. The man in question happened to serve a dual purpose as the kingdom's high priest and state executioner, which resulted in his sermons having a decapitation thrown in every once in a while, usually on Tuesdays. Given his devotion to the stern-faced and perpetually frowning Judge, this was doubtless the way he liked it. Now, if only they could get a chapel that wasn't made out of cardboard, or cause the crime rates to plummet, then everything would be just peachy. It's awfully difficult to clean blood stains out of that stuff, you know.

However, 'Reggie' had taken a break from his usual aforementioned routine, as he was presently attending a presumably important meeting. As a result, he was wearing his best clothes, which essentially meant that they were clean. Well, as clean as clothes could get, given that cleaning facilities were a tad hard to come by around here. That was unimportant in the end, though, as there was business to attend to. Specifically business related to pacifying a section, albeit a relatively small one, of the labyrinth. With the 'meeting table' and the other officials of the kingdom gathered, it was a simple matter of attending to the affairs of the land, then they could depart on a most merry adventure of justice-dispensing goodness.
As Dice contemplated on the hardships he had fallen upon, and the noxious nature of these slums, something else had to pile on and ruin his already ill mood. That 'Mage' had to be here as well. And he was violating the proper order of hygiene! AGAIN! Dice narrowed his at the 'Royal Mage'. "At least give the tooth-brush some decency." He grumbled out visibly annoyed.

That wretched Hobomancer, his antics were yet another bane to the knight. His general demeanor was appalling. And of course the fact that the tramp had a Greatsword. A lousy bum had a fine weapon, which to be fair was a bit oversized. And of course would occassionally could lead to complications. But nonetheless it was too glamorous of a weapon for a mere bum. Dice eyed the Greatsword enviously knowing, well rather assuming, full well that blade must have had a proper owner at one point. But cruel fate had to separate the blade from the honorable user. Instead lodging it into the noodly arms of a mere vagabond.

He shook his head as he focused his attention away from the blade. Dice gave a quick nod to Winter, as he tapped on the hilt of his own blade. "Well, hopefully good fortune falls upon us in our quest. My blade hungers."

Ah, Winter, he was the only other truly decent and righteous person of this place. The only one Dice could consider a friend. He was sure they came from the same cloth, that of actual prominence in the upper echelons of society. And the both of them were reduced to nothing. The suited pair were reduced into servitude in a wretched slum, to a petulant brat. Truly a fall from grace that occurred to the two of them.

And then of course, the High Priest and Executioner. Dice did not fully trust him, though the Priest had redeeming traits. His pursuit for law and order was noble and just. And Reggie was a virile individual, another paragon of manliness. However despite the glorious traits, he did sermons at a Temple devoted to his sworn enemy. And he was positive the religion was devoted to the Angels. It was a sickening and wretched thought. Dice wished that Reggie would be converted to something more honorable. Possibly one those Cults devoted to the Molepeople were around. He hoped that a Moleperson Cultist could evangelize the Priest.

"So your lordship," Dice said glancing at the Queen, his lips stretching out at contempt of the fact he was calling this pitiful creature his superior. "Shall we mount the expedition to rid the land of this foul monster? Anything else before we march in to strike down this potential threat to this glorious kingdom?"
"Good morning to all of you, gentlemen. I have called you here bec..." - Shirona abruptly stopped the sentence when she heard Winter the Unperturbed's comment. Looking at him, she snapped her finger as she extended her arm to point at the sharply dressed man - "Exactly! Now, since we already know each other, let's forget about formalities. Let's discuss the plan directly."

After grabbing a piece of paper and a black marker and putting it in the middle of the meeting table, Shirona started drawing crude icons, probably meant to represent each member of the court. "Alright, these are Radish, Winter and you, Reginald" - the woman pointed at a row of three shoddily drawn stickmen, sitting in the front - "You will stay in the vanguard. Your true muscle..." - the queen stopped for a few seconds to throw a dirty look at the huge butler - "... will protect Dice and me from incoming attacks". The girl drew imaginary circles with her finger around two more stick figures, sitting behind the other three - "We will be sitting in the rearguard, attacking from a safe position with our superior weapons."

Her Majesty cleared her throat. "Now, since I am a really benevolent queen -unlike others- I will listen to your suggestions one by one, but for your own good I hope they are the same as my plan."


"As for bringing villagers with us... that's a complicated topic". Shirona exhaled loudly. The look in her face demonstrated she was frustrated with the situation. "They are not trained, and therefore not suited for combat or any of the dangers the dungeon might throw at us. The risk of losing them in there is very high, and with our current population any loss could bring us into critical numbers. I purpose bringing up to one villager for each one of us, maybe two if you really promise protecting them. Anything more, and our glorious kingdom will suffer a huge loss. Understood?". The queen quickly eyed the landmakers surrounding her. "Any objections?"


"Also, I must proudly announce our kingdom is increasingly becoming more cosmopolitan than ever. Look!". Shirona leaned forwards and opened the 'table'. After a few seconds of searching, she grabbed some sort of small book and got up from her chair to show it to the Court. The thick tabloid happened to be two poorly cut pieces of cardboard that acted as a cover for a bunch of papers between them. "HELLHOLIA GUIDE - da beast (an only!) travellan guide of all hellholia!" was crudely written with a marker on the cover. "They mention how good is our kingdom for shopping. A shame they also think our city is also an insecure place full of criminals, or that they think we are all 'dumb fucks'" - said Shirona with a concerned look in her face - "But that's obviously because they don't live here. They just probably buy the cardboard from the same place we do. Yeah..."

"Anyway, our shops are loaded with interesting products. I am sure if we ask the shopkeepers nicely they could lend us a hand". Shirona gently placed the tip of her fingers over her chest in a rather smug fashion. "I mean, they can't say no to their queen..."

"And last but not least, we have to discuss the preparatives. I will do the shopping and prepare the necessary equipment for the mission, but someone else should try to send a scouting team to the place so we can know a bit about the zone beforehand. I suggest Winter, since he has already demonstrated in the past he can organize these operations very efficiently". Shirona stood silent for a few seconds before balancing herself backwards and crossing her legs. The queen readjusted her belts while looking at Reginald from the corner of her eyes. Lost in her thoughts, it seemed like an eternity before she snapped out of her trance. "Eeeh... the rest can do as they wish, but I expect it to be useful."


  • Buying Spear.
  • Rolling for Lifestyle Wandering.
  • [dice]5082[/dice]
    RESULT: suddenly some travelers visit the Kingdom, and the Kingdom's food stores start to dwindle. Make a Lifestyle / 11 check. If it is successful, you receive supplies from another Kingdom. Increase the number of Citizens by 2D6. If it fails, reduce the number of Citizens by 2D6.
  • [WARNING] Burning 2 Vox!
    RESULT: 3 + 5 + 3 Lifestyle = 11 [sUCCESS]
  • [dice]5084[/dice]
    RESULT: +8 Villagers! Yaaay!
  • Taking 2 followers.

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In the back! In order to rationalize the misfortune he had been assigned to stay with the petulant brat, he'd have to come up with something quick. In his haste, the Butler Knight presumed that the 'Queen' put him in the back because she knew that he was the strongest. Of course in her frail and cowardly nature she'd need him to slay the monsters that would be attracted to attack her.

And of course besides being a zenith of pure testosterone, he was a top-notch shot. No one could handle a gun better than him. And he had a truly glorious gun.

Dice realized this would be a good time to take out his pent-up frustrations about his lot in life by shooting things, and imagining it was the things he hated. Which was most everything about this place. After he got a meal of course to prepare for the venture ahead, and made sure he had his noble mount Kipling ready and prepared.


Buy 1 Lunch

Use Hunting Ground Facility

Effect: For the rest of the session, Attack Checks increased by 1

Taking no followers.


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Winter placed his hat back on his head and straightened it, almost cutting his fingers yet again as he did so. Looks like it was time to get something done- any job was fine, so long as it got him out of the kingdom.

Carefully-cultivated scowl not leaving his face, he responded; "Yes, yes, I'll put something together, your majesty."

Winter scowled and snapped his fingers. He pointed to a pair of bewildered-looking servants, "Bates, Norma, you'll be with me. Don't die, or I'll dock your pay."

"Are you sure we're qualified? Couldn't you take-"

"No back talk! You. Me. Dungeon. Now."

He drew his normally hunched-over frame up to its full, skeletal height and wandered off through town and into the dungeon proper, servants in tow.

Gather Information Check (2 Followers):


Difficulty 7


Difficulty 8


Difficulty 9


Difficulty 10

Return to Town

Use Hunting Grounds (+1 to attack rolls for duration of session), Exhausted


  • C1 = 2 Traps - 3 Corridors (B1, B2, C2) - 0 Monsters
  • C2 = 1 Trap - 1 Corridor (C1) - 7 Monsters
  • B1 = 0 Traps - 1 Corridor (C1) - 5 Monsters
  • B2 = 4 Traps - 1 Corridor (C1) - 0 Monsters
Shirona examined closely the spear the shopkeeper handed her just some seconds ago, caressing it with the tip of her fingers. "So... you say the tip is detachable? (...) No, just wondering."

A fat, tall teenager with a horrible hat and tasteless dark clothes entered the room in a rush, just to fall unconscious to the ground in exhaustion. After being attended by the shopkeeper and the queen for several minutes, the man suddenly jumped from the ground. Shaking the dust of his clothes, the man finally greeted the women by tipping his hat. "M'laaadies..." - said the man, before switching his attention to Shirona - "Your majesty, I am but a mere man with a mission: to deliver an exciting message, grandiose news!". He looked euphoric, gesticulating and waving his hands at every word. "For I am blessed with the chance to inform you about an impressive event!..."

The queen listened to the man rambling in purple prose about something big that had just happened for almost one hour, her mood swinging between completely indifferent and slightly frustrated. "Say, m'lady... does your privileged mind recall that day where a pack of misguided sheeps came to our humble home, begging us to fill their body and soul?". Shirona's brain took its time to reboot from hibernation mode, a drastic measure used only to prevent brain damage in extreme situations. "Huh, the guys who made our only eat-all-you-want restaurant go bankrupt? Yes, I remember them. Did not we poison their desserts?". "No, ma'am. We swapped the rat poison with sugar just before you made them a 'winter cake'", mentioned the shopkeeper. "Y-you too!? AGAIN!? YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO HELP YOUR QUEEN, DAMMIT!".

"M'lady, the good news is that they decided to stay" - affirmed the fat man with a respectful nod - "The great news is, the Metro Khanate has decided to bless us with a special delivery full of food and everything necessary to sustain them. What could have lead them to make such a selfless act is, alas, outside of the boundaries of my imagination. It certainly seems suspicious, but I am sure Your Majesty will know what would have pushed them to...". Shirona grabbed the fat man by the neck of his t-shirt and pulled him towards her. "Did the delivery come in cardboard boxes?", said the girl with a completely cold tone, now the just a few centimeters from her face, bent to match her short stature. "W-why would you want to know that, m'la..." - the man was suddenly interrupted by Shirona - "DID IT COME IN CARDBOARD BOXES OR NOT!?". The moment the man was able to pronounce half a wye, Shirona stormed out of the room like thunder.

And that was how the queen spent all the afternoon building a small cardboard fort.
With the meeting concluded, it was time to prepare for the imminent dungeoneering that was to commence shortly. Thus, Reginald made his exit, feeling slightly uneasy for reasons unknown. This unease didn't last long, however, as Reginald soon found himself standing before the temple. Made of haphazardly assembled cardboard though it was, the structure served a higher purpose: the veneration of the almighty Judge. Well, from a technical standpoint, that wasn't entirely the case. The state of the faith in the realm was an odd one. The sole temple in the kingdom was consecrated to Angels and celestials of varying stripes, yet the state religion was that of the Cult of the Judge, a divinity that was indubitably a separate entity. Unsurprisingly, this did a spectacular job of confusing people to no end, which Reginald intended to rectify at some point in the future. All he needed was to find a way to clean the Angel drawings off the darn walls, which was a challenge of similar calibre to getting rid of the bloodstains, what with them being done in marker.

Such a noble goal was for the future, though, what mattered now was the present. So, for the time being, the priest focused on the immediate issue: locating his curate. This didn't take all that long to accomplish, as Reginald the Ironclad very nearly tripped over the poor fellow the moment he walked through the door. "Ah, my apologies, Nemo, I didn't see you there." Before receiving a response, the High Priest and part-time Executioner continued talking. "Now is not the time to be cleaning the pews, my good man, for there is injustice afoot! We must steel ourselves for imminent battle against those who would oppose the Law, and perhaps pack a meal for a break somewhere in between. So, my loyal curate, we must make haste!"

Amusingly, while he was talking, the clasp holding an amulet 'round his neck broke, causing it to drop to the ground. Unfortunately, the two of them were occupied with ham of two varieties, and so it remained unnoticed. This would have absolutely no negative repercussions in the future, because that would be silly.

Bought 1 lunch (free)

Dropped an amulet to make space.

Used the Hunting Grounds Facility, granting a +1 to Attack Checks for the remainder of the session.


Took 1 follower.
The hobomancer tried to spend his time studying the mystic grimoire- it required careful reading, as it was written in Spanish. Such was the price of a discount grimoire purchased from a flea market. However, he was distracted by the queen's tremendous presence as she shouted at those who would not inform her of the arrival of cardboard boxes. It was no wonder this town was such a wretched hive of scum and villainy, really, if that was her main concern.

And thus with all affairs taken place all the members of the court now embark on their journey to this dungeon. With a small company of citizens and nothing else but the vaguest instructions of "it's around the back" to follow for the location.

Although in their case "around the back" is almost as literal as if figuratively. As while not literally behind it. It is rather close in proximity to the kingdom in that one could overlook it from a high enough vantage point and that it's to the side of it. Unfortunately for our intrepid heroes will slightly long and circuitous due to the location of their sole entrance
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The preparatives went faster than expected, and as such, the Court decided to depart the same morning of the day after the meeting. Well, or at least Shirona did. Time was precious, and she wasn't in the mood for listening to their opinions today. On top of that, it seemed like a wonderful morning to travel, or at least compared to your average morning in this hostile world, so she was sure nobody would have questioned her decision even if they had the chance to comment on it.

  • [dice]5116[/dice]
  • RESULT: everything starts rumbling, and suddenly everything around you starts undergoing dungeonification. Choose 1 random known region. The entire Court is teleported to that region. [FAIL, we don't have any known regions yet]

The Court exited the Kingdom from their south gate. Apparently, the cellar was exactly next to their kingdom, but there was no way to get there since all the west side walls were still intact. A new entrance had been planned there since the kingdom was conceived (or, in other words, just a few weeks ago), but it seemed like everybody in the kingdom ignored the existence of dynamite and instead had three orcs trying to dig in the cold stone wall with cardboard spoons.

Incredibly enough, nobody had even bothered to explore the regions in front of [TBA] until now. The queen liked to think everyone was too comfortable in their unique and original cardboard kingdom, but truth is she was simply ignorant of all the villagers who had secretly left that place, leaving behind only an exact cardbox replica of their bodies. Of course, she didn't notice, and just accepted them as fellow citizens.

But, just as they stepped on the apparently featureless room, the ground started shaking. Dungeonification? People panicked, but not for long, as it simply stopped just as it started. Everybody was confused, but they knew they couldn't stay there much longer.

  • [dice]5117[/dice]
  • RESULT: if this is an unknown region, nothing happens. Otherwise, apply the result from the Special Region Events Table. [FAIL, it is an unknown region]

The next room was another featureless room. Nothing happened this time, much to the queen's disappointment. But then, in a blink, they arrived the cellar completely safe and without any terrible lethal injuries that would have made this slightly more exciting. Traveling sure was boring.
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In front of them amidst the nondescript fields lay their destination. The ground was kinda hilly with irregular mounds and dips. And you'd swear there was like something reflecting sun light from the roof. In front of them was a domed hill with a wooden door that would make for a quaint cutesy abode. However judging from the crude un-welcome mat it seemed somebody was occupying it.

The very thing that hits you after going down the stair is the immediate dankness of the area. The room is dim and the air is moist almost sickeningly so, also it is rather warm but in that unsatisfactorily luke warm type of warmth. Immediately obvious is in the corners there seems to be various rectangular type objects. And some of those objects seems to be shaped like a treasure chest. Also there seems to be three ways of going. One to the north-east, north, and east.


"It's not taking the money."

"The bill might be wrinkled, sir."

"I've smoothed it out like twenty times, how smooth does it have to be?"

"Maybe you're using the wrong sort of money?"

There was the dull sound of Winter's foot colliding angrily with the vending machine.

"Piece of shit!", he growled, "What, my money isn't good enough for you? Is that it? You got a fuckin' problem with-", he trailed off as he realized his companions had arrived. Winter stood up straight, arms clasped behind his back and conveniently concealing a couple of wadded-up Khanbux clenched in his hand.

"Hello, your majesty! You're a bit... early, it seems. I was, er, attempting to discipline this contraption, you see. Terribly stubborn thing."

Dice felt a tad happier with life, and it showed, he actually had a smile on his face as he heavied his over-sized Safari Gun. And currently he was on his mount which he obtained in his travels. Oh those were the days, searching for work when he still had hope a fine kingdom of the realm would hire him.

The ride, a starving tiger with a muzzle and a saddle glared at everything as it trudged forth. There was much traveling done already, and the Butler Knight was weary. And more to the point, there appeared for no creatures to kill in this room. He had no purpose at the moment then.

But the Knight noticed something that Winter had pointed out. It was a Vending Machine! Dice quickly heaved his Safari Gun over his shoulder as he inspected the machine. The burly Butler Knight stroked his mustache with his free-hand as he glanced through the selections. He quickly stepped towards the machine, and motioned his tiger to stay. "Winter, if I may... Sometimes it takes brute force. But first let me see the selection."

"Aha! I haven't seen this drink since I was but a wee lad exploring the Dark Jungles! ...Back when I had hope for the future!"

Quickly Dice pressed the button, without inserting a bill. Nothing. Dice returned his Safari Gun into a twine holster on his back. He gave the machine a quick shake. "Come on, give me your secrets!"

And after much shaking, out came not just one RC Cola, but ten! Ten delicious RC Colas! Dice smiling collected his bounty, knowing full well this was going to be useful.

Considering the rest of his general lack of purpose at this junction, as there was nothing to slay this would be a good time to rest.

After of course, Dice had kept an eye on the place. He returned to mount his beast again. Keeping his eyes peeled he would not sleep until he had secured the area. It was his job, after all, as a Knight to keep the members of the Court safe. Despite his loathing for these people, he was a professional. A professional who had the misfortune of being stuck to serving in a shantytown, but a professional nonetheless. And then his eyes grew a tad weary.


Camp Phase Actions/Rolls


Vending Machine Wit Check

7 + 2 Wit = 9

Result: Success!

Take 10 'Awesome' Potions.


Charisma Rest - 8: Doze off while on watch. When woken up, someone has covered you with a blanket. Choose a character at random and increase your Affection Score with that character by 1 point.

Random Character Code

1 - Winter

2 - Shirona

3 - Mayonnaise

4 - Reginald


Person is Shirona

Affection Type


Affection Type is Friendship

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The hobomancer looked the vending machine over, nodding sagely.

"The ancient tomes speak of such devices. I will commence the ritual needed to unlock their full potential."

With that, he leaned up against the side, and thumped the machine with his elbow. Potions flowed out in droves, coating the floor in front of the machine. He gave a thumbs-up and smirk.



Success! The vending machine has been mastered. I will fill my backpack with potions.


And during the Rest, I have a nightmare about being chased by old people. Since I get to choose who wakes me up, I'mma choose Dice.
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"Hello Winter!" - said Shirona as she tapped the vending machine with her finger - "Busy with this thing, huh? Do you want a drink? I am not sure for how long have these things been here, but might as well try."

The queen opened her purse and picked up a small hairpin from there. After inserting it in the vending machine's keyhole, she carefully moved it around in small movements. "I learned quite a few things in high school" - said the girl, probably paying more attention to the task at hand than what she was saying - "One of my ex boyfriends was one of those typical teenager thugs. Guy was dumb as fuck, but hey, at least he was very skilled. (...) No, that is not what I meant, Bates; quit giggling."

After almost one hour of fiddling with the lock and desperately trying to convince the others that she knew how to do this, Shirona gave up. "WHY WON'T YOU OPEN, YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!?", said the woman as she kicked the vending machine. With a loud thump, the door finally opened, revealing a bunch of columns full of beverages with funny names written on the can. "Oh hey, it worked! I told you I knew how to do this!".

One of the sodas called her attention. 'Dalai Lemon' was printed on the tin, and if there was something Shirona loved were lemonades; they reminded her of the days she used to sell lemonade in a crude vending stand made of cardboard boxes to get funds for her dream kingdom, probably two days ago. However, upon closer inspection, she found the expiration date. Seven years ago! Drinking this was probably not worth the tummy ache, so she simply closed the door and moved on.

  • [dice]5157[/dice]
  • RESULT: success! But Shirona's inventory is already full. Items dropped!

Wandering around the room, the queen stumbled across a chest. But not a simple chest, no; a very suspicious chest. It was obviously rigged!

The woman circled around the chest, looking at every angle from all kinds of ways, trying to find out where was the trigger located to no avail. Pissed off, and after doing enough squats to look at it from below that it would probably make her legs hurt the day after this, she decided to simply open the chest. And then... nothing. She was very sure there was a trap, how didn't everything blow up? Maybe the only way to deactivate the trap was realizing there was a trap? Or maybe the trap was just a metaphor of how indecision can prevent us from advancing in our lives. Maybe the trap did in fact set off and it was making her think about this! This issue was too deep for Shirona, so she simply decided to stop wasting time thinking about it and looked at the contents of the treasure chest.

  • [dice]5159[/dice]
  • RESULT: success! The trap has been disabled.
  • Dropped 1 Potion!
  • Acquired 1 Information!
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Inside the chest lies information. What it does is quite undefined which is far from being informative.

Upon searching the room successfully you find some signs hammered into the earthen walls. One reads Green house, another Pantry, and the last one Fish pond
The beginning of their adventure was a rather uneventful one, with the most notable occurrence being the dungeon briefly rumbling, only for nothing to come of it. However, patience, much like sternness, was a virtue, so Reginald the Ironclad was more than willing to wait as long as necessary, so long as it ended with some quality justice-dispensing.

Yet, as the day went on, not a single lawbreaker made their presence known. Thus, no smiting of criminal scum took place, instead there were only vending machines to extort bubbly drinks from. The priest's pack already contained a drink, in addition to being full, making the acquisition of any of the aforementioned beverages a waste of time. Admittedly, the drink in question was an odd one, brewed by the curate from unknown materials. But, it didn't smell poisonous, which was usually a good sign. He would probably have to test it at some point.

The sampling of questionably digestible liquids would have to wait, though, as now was the time for rest. Reginald needed to be at his best while smiting criminals, after all. Nemo, unsurprisingly, was already preparing a tent and a switch of clothes for the priest. The lad was an excellent curate, and if he wasn't so damned quiet, would make for an excellent successor. Perhaps after he had rested, the priest could mull over potential methods of changing that. But for the time being, Reginald the Ironclad exchanged his usual uniform for a nearly identical one, much like all of his sets of clothing, and went off to rest.


Result: Someone enters the tent while Reginald rests. Rollan to determine the person, then the result.

Code for the first roll / basically a coinflip:

1 - Shirona

2 - Winter

Figured that it wouldn't make much sense for it to be Dice or Radish since they're a tad busy dozing / running away from the horror that is senior citizens in a dream.


Result: Person is Shirona

Rollan for what happens.


Result: Rolled an even number, so both characters increase affection scores towards each other.

Bumping loyalty up to 2.
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Dice grumbled out a bit as he rubbed his eyes. Glancing down he noticed, a blanket of sorts anyway, tossed on top of him. "How unprofessional for me to sleep on duty..." He grumbled out, before tossing the blanket off. "Though that was a kind gesture." he muttered out.

He trudged a bit before poking his tiger Kipling, and getting him up. And then there was a sight, that did annoy him.

That Hobomancer, seemed to be squirming around, in a state of sleep, though something was off. The Butler Knight knew it'd be best to shove off, and continue the journey. They had been idle for too long. He couldn't have the wretch dragging down his professionalism further, by not getting him ready to go. Quickly he used his massive hands as he grabbed Mayonnaise by the collar and shook him a bit, "Get up. Stop lazing about, we have work to do. You won't have any 'Happy Days' if you continue to mope about! We have work to do, I expect professionalism out of you." After the shaking he let go, but since he was in a slightly better mood, lowered his grip in a fairly gentle manner.

Dice heaved his safari gun back into his hands as he mounted back up on the tire. Holding it with his right hand, he used his left hand to enhance his yelling. "Get up! We are not on a Busman's Holiday here! We have a mission to do. Let us head northward! Same formation as the 'Majesty' made during that meet." He finished up.

Adjusting his bow-tie with his left hand, he glanced around as he gestured Kipling to go forward. After making sure his suit was prim and proper, he held his gun steady with both of his hands. And so the Butler Knight headed Northwards, ready for the challenges surely ahead.
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Upon going up they saw that the earthen walls soon meshed with glass to form an enclosure inside. Opening the door the light somewhat increased from the ambient light from outside of the dungeon, however it was still on the dim side only slightly less and furthermore it was incredibly humid and hot in there. The dankness was off the charts. The greenhouse itself was pretty much overgrown and would take a lot of time to make it functional .

However before they could explore it further the vegetation seemed to move! Suddenly strange plants appeared, there were three heart shaped leafy things accompanied by two other plants with many cruel looking vines ready to whip and constrict their enemies.

1 Devil's tongue and 2 prothallium in the vanguard, 1 devil tongue and prothallium in the reargaurd

Deed of Arms Applied on Devil's Tongue in Rearguard (Attacking Rearguard Devil Tongue increases Weapon Damage by 1d6)


4 + 6 Warfare + 1 Attack Check from Hunting Facility = 11 Roll

- Firearm hits random target if multiples in same area, if successful.


Dice cackled out boisterously as he noticed the vegetation with the cruel vines and the three hearts. He grinned as he peered at them, as his heart was full of merriment in the pursuit of the hunt. It reminded him of his younger days. "Ah yes! Something sporting." Dice glanced towards the vanguard as he held out his Safari Gun. "Gentlemen, I trust you shall be fine in your expedition. I shall provide fire your way, but not just yet. A few things in the back that need to be taken care of."

Dice glanced at the writhing mass of vines in the back. He narrowed his eyes at them, "You'll have my permission to die first. I do not trust a writhing mass of vines to exist near, well you know. I'm a professional and a gentleman so I can't go further, but if you are capable of speech, I trust you get my point. You have my permission to die first."

Turning around on his tiger, and sitting backwards on the saddle he held out his gun and held it up. Taking a quick glance at the target, he fired a shot, and realizing he may have not cleaned out his gun since the Hunting Grounds. Oh great! Did I clean the gun? I'm sure I did.

"Ah this shall serve as a fine warm-up sport. Before hitting the main game of Angels." Dice spoke his thought on the engagement.

Promathius Rearguard Struck.


It ded.

Dice simply smirked as his well-placed shot exploded the heart plant, into pulpy plant goodness. Not what he was intending to hit, but an effective clean kill in the Safari.
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