[SIGNUPS] Consortium of Empowered Individuals


Four Thousand Club
The year is 2040. Technology didn't really advance much. The world is largely unchanged. And why would it in twenty-eight years? Money is the name of the game in most of the world,and police are drowning in procedure and red tape more often than not. History has bore witness to empowered individuals at it's length;branded heroes,villains,innovators,and witches in their respective eras. Now,in an age of relative open-mindedness,society now faces a new wave of empowered individuals. In the past,empowerment was a slow trickle,with surges from time to time. This is one such time. Suddenly,it seems that Marvel and DC comics are springing to life,and authorities are simultaneously confused,relieved,curious,and terrified. These "Supers",as they're being called,have the power to flout the law and due proccess for their own aims,with the only viable response being the military,or,worst case scenarios,WMD's. Many authorities hope that the Supers will sort themselves out,but many don't see this happening in the forseeable future. Others see it as a new and exciting facet in their lives,and simply roll with it.

You are one of these Supers. There is no league,no legitimate organization. It's every Super for themselves...Until they can establish their own organizations and alliances.

Name: First and last names are required.

Alias: If you use one,of course. This is your Super's public identity.

Sex: Male? Female? In-between? Something else? Or are you genderless?

Age: Try to be old enough to be a rational person.

Appearance: Include your super-suit,if you have one. I need your default appearance,though. ALL SHAPESHIFTERS NEED A DEFAULT FORM. Include height and mass,too.

Power: Simply the name of your power. You can have this section as many times as you need for the character...But keep balance in mind. No Superman rip-offs. I keep a Kryptonite hammer handy.

Power Explanation: Give a basic idea on what your power does,and how it works.

Power Limit: What is the absolute limit of the power? This must include a significant penalty on the user;no one hits their limit without getting messed up.

Practical Examples: Give a few practical examples of your power. This is NOT an exhaustive list;this is here to help give others a view of your power.

Origin of Powers: Your origin story. How did your character obtain their superhuman abilities?

Code of Conduct: If you're a good guy,a bad guy,or somewhere in between,most people have a code of conduct. What will your character do? What will they not do? I expect any violations to be met with extreme inner turmoil on the character's part.

So,who are you? And how will you mark the world?
Name: Alex Miller

Alias: Crimsontide

Sex: Male

Age: 26


5'10-170 pounds (reasonable?)

Power: Blood manipulation

Power Explanation: He can manipulate the blood-flow in people.

Power Limit: The most he can do is stop the heart and blood-flow entirely, but this causes him to hemorrhage considerably. Killing someone else this way could very easily kill him.

Practical Examples: He can speed or slow the flow of blood and he can push blood through the surface of the skin causing cuts and lacerations as he pleases. He also had moderate abilities for injuries as he can prevent blood from exiting a body.

Origin of Powers: Alex grew up with an insatiable need for power. This was largely because of his home life, his father was abusive and he dreamed of escaping with his cowardly mother to safety. He would eventually escape for a few years of college where he majored in political science and dreamt of being a successful politician and maybe even someday a senator. His dreams were nearly destroyed when he was mugged and despite his efforts he was stabbed in the attempt. He then learned about his ability to manipulate blood as he barely bled despite the stab wound. Alex continued to practice on himself at first, but began to move onto small animals when he began to attempt to kill someone. When he was confident enough Alex returned to his parent's house he killed his father by stopping his heart (although Miller suffered from a Class III Hemorrhage and needed transfusions after this). Once he recovered he realized that he had killed his father and unfortunately he realized that he enjoyed the power of his ability and that he was superior to humans such as his father.

Code of Conduct: Alex wouldn't consider himself as such but he is a bad guy. He works for his own ends and often people get in the way and get hurt. He believes that he is a superior human being and therefore acts accordingly, he has next to no regard for human life.
Name: Marcus Kyle Lawson

Alias: Deadeye, (To some people he's called subject 213 or just 213. backstory-related)

Sex: Male

Age: 24


View attachment 6164

Height: 6'1''

Weight: 195 lbs.



1) 'Clairvoyant Eyes' - He's had implanted eyes which gives him an extreme hand-and-eye coordination, x-ray vision, and a precognition skill that lets him determine projectile trajectories. He can see slightly better in the dark.

2) He's a master of the art of killing. He can improvise to make a projectile/shooting weapon out of anything. He's a peerless marksman, whether he shoots with a weapon, throws, toss, flick, fling, kick, moving, or even use his mouth. He can play with projectiles however he likes. He also has a great range of knowledge with different weapons.

3) Has extreme athleticism and conditioning. Skilled with Parkour and acrobatics and specializes in japanese martial arts.

4) He has an incredible threshold for pain

Power Limit:

1. His eyes are a little more sensitive to light. He's ok with normal lighting but he can't handle light directly pointed in his eyes and he becomes dizzy.

2. He can only use his precognition abilities to what he can see. He doesn't have extremely accute senses. He just has better reflex.

3. His precognition skill doesn't affect his physical abilities. Meaning, Seeing it doesn't mean anything if he can't move fast enough to do something about it.

4. He has a severely reduced sensation to pain which works both ways. He only feels slightly hurt but the damage is still there so he has to do something about it. It's sometimes hard for him to judge the amount of physical damage he's taken.

Practical Examples: He can catch, dodge, deflect or redirect things that are going his way but he's vulnerable when the things approaches from his blindspot. He can't catch things moving at a very fast speed but if he's fast enough, he has to dodge or deflect them. It takes time for him to see through dense metal but he can. He can easily see structural weaknesses and faults. He's a very good spy because of his abilities.

Origin of Powers: Marcus was part of an assassin-training program went wrong. He was originally from London and was taken when he was only 10 to a place referred to as Dead Island. There he was trained along with other kids from around the world for years. He survived the first part of the selection process. He then underwent biological experiments with his new comrades and friends when he was 14. They were then forced to hunt and kill each other as part of the last selection process. After emerging above his peers, Marcus escaped the facility after setting the island to self-destruct and setting the other kids for future research/training free. He somehow made it to another country, where he first made a living by making use of his extraordinary abilities. He was deeply involved with the underground and other criminal groups.

Code of Conduct: He has his own goals and would do whats necessary for those said goals. He's naturally good though his methods can be extreme due to how he grew up. He never sells out people he trusts and those kind of people are in short stock because he can be very cynical. He's also a playboy and can be a show off when he's not donning his alias so he mostly makes exceptions for women. He's very secretive so people usually don't trust him that much. He's never seen working with anyone before. He will not hesitate to kill someone if he absolutely has to. He's a very practical person.
Approvals and denials will be posted when more people have applied. Also,Red,I'd preffer it if you didn't specify the country to which 213 has fled.

Name: Donnovan Kincaid

Alias: The Auditor

Sex: Male (Donnovan),Genderless (Auditor)

Age: 34

Height: Six foot three inches

Weight: 210 pounds (Donnovan),Impossible to measure,presumed supermassive. (Auditor)

Donnovan is a fairly average looking man. His hair is brown,as are his irises. His eyebrows are big and bushy things,and his ears are slightly larger than average. His face is long and wide,making him look larger than he is,with a prominent chin,which sports a neatly trimmed chin curtain. His nose is steep and blockish,with a pair of armless red lensed round shades resting upon it. His hair is thick,but kept just above the nape of the neck. Donnovan's shoulders are broad,,but his arms are fairly thin,as is the rest of his body. He tends to wear neutral coloured clothing,preffering button-up shirts or long-sleeved shirts,and denim jeans. When the weather calls for it,he dons a greatcoat. He wears a digital watch on his left wrist. Finally,he keeps a pendant on his person at all times,under his shirt. It is made of silver,and is kept on a platinum chain. The pendant is in the shape of a drop,with a diamond set within,mimicking the shape of the pendant.

The Auditor is,put at it's most simple,a burning man-shaped hole in the coloured spectrum,with a red corona surrounding it,with the only features being featureless glowing red eyes. Due to the Auditor's head being perfectly round,it's assumed that it is also bald. Above The Auditor's head are the fragments of a shattered blood red halo,still maintaining their original places relative to the whole halo. The Auditor's voice is deep and booming,and demands obedience.

Power: Weapon Conjuration

Power Explanation: Exactly what is says on the tin; The Auditor may conjure weapons at will,as well as dismiss them.

Power Limit: The weapons must be personal weapons,meaning they can't be crew-served weapons or siege weapons. To conjure them,The Auditor must make a violent arm motion,and the weapon must appear in one or both hands. It makes a very loud warped "woosh"ing sound. Excessive use results in The Auditor becoming unstable,forcing it to revert or to consume the recent dead as a temporary patch job;if The Auditor does not revert or consume a corpse in time,it explodes,killing it and Donnovan.

Practical Examples: Conjuring a naginata,conjuring a handgun,conjuring a grenade,dismiss a conjured lance.

Power: Activated Intangibility

Power Explanation: The Auditor may become intangible (impossible to touch) at will,and back.

Power Limit: The Auditor must drop all weapons in order to become intangible. Excessive use results in The Auditor becoming unstable,forcing it to revert or consume the recent dead as a temporary patch job;if The Auditor does not revert or consume a corpse in time,it explodes,killing it and Donnovan.

Practical Examples: Becoming intangible to avoid an incoming strike,becoming intangible to manouver through terrain,becoming intangible to outmanouver a foe.

Power: Fire Projection

Power Explanation: The Auditor is capable of projecting an extension of itself to strike,no matter it's state of tangibility. It burns very hot.

Power Limit: The fire is actually quite weak;it is incapable of exerting a force,and therefore is only a threat if allowed to burn or is a threat to the oxygen supply.

Practical Examples: To distract an enemy,to light a campfire,although it'll burn black,to cut matter for various applications.

Power: Limited Telekinesis

Power Explanation: The Auditor can physically manipulate entities remotely with the power of the mind.

Power Limit: The telekinesis cannot be used on the fine scale,meaning that The Auditor cannot telekinetically disarm an opponent or tear them to pieces. The Auditor requires line of sight. Telekinesis requires The Auditor to move. Excessive use results in The Auditor becoming unstable,forcing it to revert or to consume the recent dead as a temporary patch job;if The Auditor does not revert or consume a corpse in time,it explodes,killing it and Donnovan.

Practical Examples: Crowd control;flinging opponents around so it can deal with one at a time. Environment control;can manipulate loose elements of the environment,quite effective when used with it's Flame Projection.

Power Origins: Donnovan Kincaid is a collector of ancient relics. With an impressive fortune (although his dress hardly reflects this),Donnovan funds and participates on expeditions abroad,searching for lost civilizations and their relics,furthering anthropology and broadening his personal collection of artifacts. On an expedition into Nunavut,he discovered ancient ruins,frozen over and filled with snow. The architecture and markings were inconsistent with other ruins in the world. After a brief exploration of the frozen ruins,its purpose was still undiscovered,however,the expedition did retrieve a considerable number of artifacts for study back home,including his pendant. Back home,Donnovan was mugged. In a flash of black and red light,Donnovan was gone,replaced by aglowing,burning hole in colour,shaped like a violently twiching man. The mugger soon found himself performing the world's finest impression of charcoal. Soon enough,the thing was gone,replaced by Donnovan,who had full memory of what had happened. To this day,Donnovan hasn't discovered how to control The Auditor;only to influence it. However,The Auditor,speaking theough the pendant,had divulged what it can do to him,knowing that if Donnovan were to wrest control from it that The Auditor's continued existance would be in his hands.

Code of Conduct: The Auditor follows only one rule: Leave no orphans. However,Donnovan is much more upright in his morals. He refuses to kill unless absolutely necessary,preffering to talk,or at worst,violenly knock out,his would-be foes. Furthermore,he abhors collateral damage and endangering bystanders and allies. The Auditor scoffs at the concept of allies.
Name: Lily Knight.

Alias: Mirage.

Sex: Female.

Age: 23.


Height: 5'8

Weight: 120 lbs.

View attachment 6051


She can create vivid illusions, sometimes making the person go mad.

Power Explanation:

Creating fake images that seem real, but are not at all.

Power Limit:

She can only create illusions for a certain amount of time. If she does it for to long, she can faint, or be severely injured in the brain. Plus, her illusions only last for a certain time. So they go away after a while.

Practical Examples:

She can create an image/thing/or place in a person's mind, making them think the stuff in front of them is real, when really it's not. This can drive a person mentally insane if the illusion lasts longer than it's supposed to.

Origin of Powers:

Lily was born an orphan. Her parents abandoned her as soon as she was born and dropped her off at the orphanage. Since she never knew her parents, she would always imagine what they looked like in her mind. Soon after a while, her imaginations became more vivid as she grew older. When she turned 15, she began creating illusions with her mind. She never knew how she did it, but it happened. Clever as she is, she figured out a way to escape the orphanage. She made the image of her fake parents into an illusion, and made the parents adopt her falsely.

As soon as she got out, her fake parents vanished and she was free. It seemed impossible, but most people found out about her power and went searching after her. But she was to smart for them, and made herself into a Mirage. You would see her, than you wouldn't.

Code of Conduct: She's more in between the two. She is good, because she is able to rescue and save people from danger using her illusions. But she is also bad, because sometimes her illusions can drive people crazy. Most people don't know what to think of her, since she is so mysterious but so fragile at the same time.

As a note,the Code of Conduct section is NOT for labeling yourself as good or evil,simply to list the limits of what your character will do,based on their personal morals.
Name: Alexis Higgins

Alias: Flare

Sex: Female

Age: 21


Height: 5'1"

Weight: 126lbs

Power: Fire Manipulation

Power Explanation: The ability to control and create fire at will. Able to control fire, either produce by herself or any nearby fire. Is also able to control heat to a certain degree and able to turn up the heat to produce fire if needed. Able to use fire as a weapon or wall if able to control fire well enough and same with using it to project oneself. Also able to absorb heat and fire to a certain degree.

Power Limit: Alexis can control fire pretty well, but the bigger the fire is, the harder it is for her to control as it takes concentration to control an already made fire. For creating her own fire, she cannot produce too much for each time she creates her own, it uses up her energy and if she pushes too hard she can pass out for a good amount of time, an hour at the shortest and a day at the longest. It also takes concentration to control her own fire and the more fire, the greater chance she'll lose control of it. As for absorbing heat, she could manage to absorb heat from a stove or a campfire, but the more she absorbs the greater risk she has for overheating and causing damage to her body. She also cannot put out fire.

Practical Examples: Alexis can save a person from a burning building without need of a firesuit. She can also use her fire for warmth or light whenever she needs it.

Origin of Powers: Alexis is unsure of where her powers were orginated. Her parents claim they have no clue to her having this ability and Alexis so far has believed them. Alexis began to develop her fire manipulation around the age of ten and since then has always had it.

[What Alexis does not know is her mother was part of an experimental studies when she was two months pregnant with Alexis. She was unsure of the purpose of the experiment, but needed the money. The scientists injected her and various other test subjects with a substance they claimed would help the body survive harsher climates and temperature changes and this is something Alexis's mother saw no harm in. The experiment did not work for her, but instead affected the unborn baby Alexis. Alexis's mother suspects there was something more going on at the clinc, but had no way of tracking down the scientists. No one besides her knows what happened.]

Code of Conduct: Alexis is a good person and wanting to help others, preferring to use her powers to help people if she can. She'd rather not use them if not necessary, but she would not use them for something she deems immoral and would never use it in a fight unless forced to.
Name: Derick Asher

Alias: Ebony/Ivory Knight

Sex: Male

Age: 20


View attachment 6075Unfortunately, this was the closest image I could find. Rather than metal, this would actually be a bone-like substance.

Derick is a large man, about six and a half feet tall, and over two hundred pounds by a fair bit. Even without his powers, Derick looks much like he could lift a car, tanned and scarred skin, and thick shaggy dark hair.

Power: Superhuman Physiology

Power Explanation: Derick is above human capacity in all ways physical

Power Limit: Capable of lifting a small car above his head, and throw it with considerable effort.

Practical Examples: Running, jumping, healing, and lifting to name a few.

Power: Ebony/Ivory Plate

Power Explanation: A suit of ultradense bone that Derick can release from beneath his skin to form a suit of armour.

Power Limit: The suit is about even to four centimeters of fortified steel plate that can regenerate damage within a few minutes. Inside, Derick is still little more than human. (Fire and explosions are bad)

Practical Examples: Easily deflects small blades, and even most conventional firearms.

Origin of Powers:
During a savage beating that Derick can hardly recall, his armour revealed itself, snapping out from beneath his skin in an instant, and he remembers nothing beyond that.

Codes of Conduct:

Derick's "light" side, follows basic chivalric codes, refuses to fight dirty, will only kill if there is no other option, and et cetera.

Derick's "dark" side, does whatever so pleases him without regard for the consequences, and despises weakness. Thinks that fighting fair is overrated.
Name: Kimberly Eliza Dreamwood

Alias: Manipulatress

Sex: Female

Age: 22



She stands at 5'3, being a tad bit petite and weighs a mere 146 lbs. (Forewarn me if she's terribly small)

Power: The ability to manipulate minds and/or bodies

Power Explanation: Almost like Medusa, one look into her eyes and you under her manipulation. She can implant thoughts or directions into a persons mind and they shall do as she pleases unless they have an extremely strong will and can resist her manipulation.

Power Limit: All manipulation has a limit and Kimberly's is simple. The person she chooses can only be manipulated for a short amount of half an hour. She can only manipulate one person at a time if she goes over that limit she is prone to memory loss and/or seizures, although she loses just small amounts if she does. Lastly she can only manipulate people from a mile away. If she goes over that measurement she can have seizures or memory loss again.

Practical Examples: She can easily stare into her opponents and manipulate them to her do will or erase the memory of her face and escape. (There's much more to her powers but I want to let that be revealed.)

Origin of Powers: Kimberly always had a way with people's minds and was a truly good liar. There was also the fact that she used just a small percent above average of her brain than others. Her powers were becoming aparant as she reached the age of sixteen when she had forgotten a homework assignment and had told her teacher that she hadn't gotten an assignment. When the teacher asked Kimberly to look into her eyes and tell her that the teacher completely forgot the assignment. Kimberly began excercizing her powers and eventually found she could also manipulate bodies.

Code of Conduct: Kimberly would never go to such extremes as to kill a person but, if needed, she can cause serious injuries although she'd rather not. Overall she's a rather good person, until she feels threatened.

Name: Achalesvara (“Charlie”) Nayar

Alias: Freefall

Sex: Male

Age: 25

View attachment 6095

Appearance: 6’0, 170 lbs (wiry but strong)

1a) Power: Gravity control – “null gravity”

Power explanation:
Can reduce the force of gravity on himself, other people, and objects within a 300 meter radius of himself.


* Can reduce the force of gravity on himself, giving him the ability to jump higher and farther (ie: jump from rooftop to rooftop) than would be humanly be possible. He can also do this for others within a 300 meter radius.

* Can reduce the force of gravity to ease picking up and throwing heavy objects at opponents. His current limit is making objects about one tenth of their actual weight (ie: a small motorcycle would feel like lifting 60 lbs).

* Can increase the acceleration due to gravity, making objects accelerate towards the ground faster than they would at normal Earth gravity levels, increasing terminal velocity (ie: a much higher chance of killing someone if they fell from 40 feet).

* Can change the trajectory of objects moving through air by decreasing gravitational pull, allowing objects to remain on course for longer periods of time before falling to reach the ground.

1b) Power: Gravity control – “plus gravity”

Power explanation
: Can increase the force of gravity on himself, other people, and objects within a 300 meter radius of himself.


* Can increase the gravity around him and others, making movement more difficult to the point of immobility (depends on the strength of the individual, as well as the individual’s mass)

* Can increase the force of gravity to make other objects heavier, making it more difficult to pick up, wield or throw objects. (His limit is making10 lbs feel like 100lbs, etc)

* Can change the trajectory of objects moving through air by increasing gravitational pull, allowing objects to remain on course for smaller periods of time before falling to reach the ground.

* Can decrease the acceleration due to gravity, making objects accelerate towards the ground slower than they would at normal Earth gravity levels.(ie: a much lower chance of killing someone if they fell from 40 feet)

Power limits:

-Cannot use “plus gravity” and “null gravity” techniques at the same time, but can change from one to the other in about 3 seconds.

-Can only control gravitational force within a
300 meter radius of himself. The larger the area of control, the less he can increase or decrease gravity.

-The more powerful/exacting the technique executed, the less time Charlie can sustain its use. Factors of power and exactitude include: accuracy of the gravitational technique, time sustained, the magnitude of the difference from Earth's natural gravitational pull, speed and strength of ally’s/opponent’s movement at Earth levels, etc. Upon reaching the limit of his stamina, he tends to collapse to the ground in exhaustion.

-Gravitational field does not have to be centered on him.

-Still has to deal with inertia; if an object is not in motion, some force must be applied to it in order for it to move- unless the person/object is in midair, in which case he can make the person/object fall faster or slower towards the earth.

2) Power: High speed and stamina at normal Earth gravity.

Power explanation
: Charlie works out regularly, but tends to give himself a handicap by increasing the gravitational field surrounding him. This puts extra strain on his muscles while exercising. He tends to enjoy cardio more than weights, and so his body is built for endurance, rather than pure strength (although he still is quite strong, his strength does not reach superhuman levels). He can run like the wind for long periods of time, at the speed of an Olympian running 100-meter dash but for the duration of a marathon. This stamina helps to improve the length of time he can execute techniques with his gravitational field.

Power limit: Cannot do this for more than a few hours, after which his body is extraordinarily tired and needs to recuperate for the better part of the day.

Origin of power: When he was undergrad in physics, Charlie was interning at a revival of the gravity control research project from the 1950's-70s. They had created a room that nearly perfectly emulated zero-gravity, but only when the particles in the room where charged at the correct levels and in the right quantity. Unfortunately, late one night, when he had finished completing a report after everyone else had gone home, Charlie stepped inside the experimental room to poke around. However, an experiment was set off, and was conducted with him at the center. Charlie, having the largest mass in the room, attracted the elementary particles, which continually attacked his body for the better part of an hour, imbuing him with the power to control gravity.

In the morning, the others working at the project saw the data from the experiment, but believed it to be a glitch with the project, and thought that the data was corrupted. A hard copy of the data was saved at some warehouse, but every other record of it was wiped from the project’s database, allowing Charlie to carry on with life as normal, albeit with some very interesting perks.

Code of Conduct: He has tried to conceal his powers from the world, and tends to use them for his own amusement. However, if and when he runs into trouble, Charlie will try to help out the victim in the situation- though (if time allows) much thought will go into the situation before he picks a side. If time is of the essence, he’ll just go with his gut. If the scale of the dilemma is larger than just a minor conflict, he will tend to side with whoever he perceives benefits the society as a whole.

He will try to use his powers in subtle ways first, which is not terribly difficult, since gravity is an invisible force and he can control it just by visualizing the technique he wishes to execute.
Name: Mina Mortis

Alias: Cain

Sex: Female

Age: 19

Appearance: Mina stands at 5'5" and weighs around 130 pounds. She had long black hair, pale skin, and icy blue pupiless eyes. View attachment 6096

View attachment 6144View attachment 6145 The coat and boots are black as well but I got lazy . . . Also, normally and for running, the boots don't have the wings or flames. Wings are for jumping and flames are for kicking.

Power: Basically magic

  1. Dark Boots: Mina can summon a pair of boots that she wears as Cain. These boots boost the power in your legs by ten, allowing you to run faster, jump higher, and kick harder. She can also lend them to other people if she wishes. This is the ability she uses most in fights, since she doesn't see many opponents as worthy of her other skills. This technically would fall under her summoning magic but it's a spell that doesn't require any cost so I think it would count as a separate power.
  2. Water Manipulation: Mina has the ability to control and mold water. This includes manipulating the temperature of the water from boiling to frozen. She usually uses this skill in the form of ice, shaping it into weapons of sorts. This is her second most used skill. This magic also has no cost.
  3. Summoning Magic: Mina is a witch whose power source comes directly from Hell itself. She uses tarot cards as a medium for her spells. The minor arcana (the suits: swords, wands, cups and penacles) are straight forward spells (example below). And the major arcana summon demons as some kind of familiar (again, example below). She'll only use this in emergencies.

Power Limit:

  1. The boots can only strengthen your legs. If your legs are weak or if you can't use them at all, they won't do much for you. So Mina still has to train regularly to get stronger (she usually trains by free running).
  2. Mina can only use water that is available to her. She can't pull it out of thin air. Also, the amount of energy it takes to change the temperature of the water being used is proportional to the mass of the water being affected. She can't freeze or boil the ocean. For now, her limit seems to be about 5 gallons.
  3. The magic is a very risky thing to use. Because her source of power comes from a contract, everytime she uses a spell, a part of her is transported to Hell. To the opponent, it would look like she's slowly vanishing from her feet up. When this happens, she needs human contact to bring her back. Major Arcana spells "cost" more than minor arcana spells. The spells are also somewhat unpredictable. I have a tarot deck with me so if Mina has to use a spell, then I shuffle and pick the card on top and that's the spell I use.

Practical Examples:

  1. Like I said, she can run faster, jump higher and kick harder. I don't think I need to provide an example of how this works.
  2. As an attack, she'll typically use the water like a whip or shoot ice shards. She will also use the ice to form weapons like Gray from Fairy Tail. She can also brew a cup of tea without a kettle and make popsicles without a freezer.
  3. Minor Arcana (Three of Swords): A seal will appear in front of Mina and then three blades will shoot out at the person. Most of the minor arcana are straight forward like this except the house cards (king, queen, jack). An example being that the queen of swords summons a large cleaver like sword for Mina to use in battle.
    Major Arcana (any): A seal will appear in front of Mina. It will then open up like a double door and a demon will come out.

Origin of Powers: Mina was born in the bathroom of a run down apartment to a couple of self absorbed a**holes. They didn't even bother to register her birth so she doesn't show up in any system and she didn't have a name until she was seven years old. Well below the poverty line, Mina's parents would use whatever little money they had on themselves. Sick and tired of having no money, the couple decided to make a deal with the Devil to make all their wishes come true. Planning to use their seven year old daughter as the sacrifice, they drugged Mina so that she couldn't run away. But black magic can be so dangerous and unpredictable especially for novices. Satan did come, but he came for Mina. He asked her for her wish and she could only think of one thing: to survive. He killed her parents and allowed her to live. But her life is due to a contract and while granting her power, it also ensures that when she does die, her soul is destined for the eternal flames. So now she's trying to live with no regrets.

Code of Conduct: Mina follows two rules:

  1. Keep entertained. This basically means that she does what she wants when she wants, and the things she wants to do are things she views as "fun". She'll only collaborate with someone if they can keep her entertained.
  2. If something bothers you, get rid of it.

Mina is a neutral party, not aligning to any sides and only doing helping herself. She has little to no regard about the well being of anyone and has a bit of blood lust. But she also has a soft spot to children and animals who've been "abandoned" in any sense.
Name: Gary Garfield ((Teehee. Name illiteration.))

Alias: Blacksmith

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Appearance: View attachment 6100 Glenn: About 5'10, usually wears clothes that fit the trend, not going overboard.

As Blacksmith, he changes into a suit of armor (literally, is the embodiment of the armor) About 6'2

View attachment 6099< Similar to this, body proportions generally the same, but in hunter green. (May draw actual armor ...later)

Power: Self-Regeneration

Power Explanation: Able to restore himself whenever he becomes dented, torn apart, or becomes left in shattered pieces.

Power Limit: The armor is able to handle machine gun bullets and can handle being hit by a car (going average speed), but if confronted by larger forces, will start taking damage. Depending on severity, if denting damage (punches from super human strength, or shot by a cannon) it takes little energy to heal, if shattered or squished(pressed by weight off building) can fully regenerate but that uses up his ability completely, until it recharges, which takes two days. It also leaves him immoble for between 5 seconds to 10 minutes, depending on severity.

Practical Examples: If he is stuck in a situation where he gets hit by a train, and gets a few dents, he will quickly regenerate after the impact is finished.

Power: Armor support

Power explanation: Blacksmith is able to transform himself into armor of different properties at will. He can transform between a strength boosting armor, speed boosting armor, guard boosting armor, or camoflague armor. The user decides what to do with the armor, but Blacksmith decides how long he wants to be armor. He is able to multiply capabilities of the user by 5, with the exeption of camouflage and guard, which neutralizes attack impact to 10%. Camouflage makes the wearer blend in with their surroundings, making them virtually invisible.

Power Limit: Blacksmith can't use any of these powers himself, they are support, so Blacksmith is meant to be worn and used for boosts during fights or jobs. Besides Guard, all the other ones have the durability of steel. If the armor is broken, or user dies, Blacksmith returns to his usual armor, but his power is fully drained. Blacksmith's power has no time limit, that's up to how long he choses to be armor or the above.

Strength has lowest durability, and low defense.

Guard has little mobility and no attacking capabillities.

Speed has low defense, and low attack.

Camoflague is skin-tight, so leaves the user vulnerable to injury.

Practical Examples: If Blacksmith were hired to accompany a reguar person, he is able to instantly attatch himself to the person he's with. The person will control which armor he has at will.

Power: Support split.

Power explanation: everything mentioned above, but for more than one person.

Power Limit: All multipliers go down by half for each person. He is only able to support 3 at decent potential. Guard is limited to 40-70% Neutralizating forward, non-radial damage. Camfolague is unavailable. If armor is more prone to destruction, and returning to original blacksmith form, regeneration power neutralized.

Practical examples: If in a small group for a job, and each person needs his support, he'd be able to separate into armor peices, enough for 3 people.

Origin of Powers: (Will work on the prior origin event later. x__x) Glenn made a contract with a demon armor for greed and power. He could use the armor as a means of gaining money, treasures, power, and control. In return, the moment he dies, the armor devours his soul for his demon master.

Code of Conduct: The working man Glenn puts on a facade of morality, but really his intentions are to make money quick, and gain the ability to do what he wants, when he wants to do it. He could care less for the life of others even his workers. He only wants his cut of the cake, a nice BIG cut.
Name: Hadix Right

Alias: Cuire

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Appearance: He is lightly tanned with eye length hair. His eyes are a light gray and he has a blond goatee that is nicely trimmed. He has a muscular tone to his body and is usually always standing at attention. He Hadix is about 6"2' and weighs 176 pounds. His face has very chiseled features and he has a very smooth voice.

As Cuire he wears a black tuxedo that is finely pressed. He has a red tie and a red rose in the left pocket. (like a fancy waiter.) He has a red wrapping around his head hiding his identity.

Power: Food Enhancement

Power Explanation: When he cooks his food he is able to enhance them to make the eater stronger, faster,smarter,etc. These foods effects only last for a certain amount of time though approximately being 5 minutes. He is also able to make his food irresistible by enhancing the flavor.

Power Limit: The physical enhancers can have negative effects if more than one are eaten. Effects being paralysis,vomiting,diharea,and some serious cases death.

Power: Wine Control

power Explanation:
This power allows him to conjure and manipulate wine in any form. Also has an intoxicating touch which allows him to intoxicate whom ever he touches.

Power Limit: He is only able to conjure wine from other liquid,so if their are none then he can't use this power. The intoxicating touch has to make skin to skin contact.

Power: Food Conjuration

Power Explanation:
He is able to create food from nothingness. He can't make the food any larger or smaller than it is intended to be ,but he can enhance the flavor with his other power.

Power Limit: He can't create anything he has ever had but being a chef himself he has had a lot.Origin of Powers: When he was a child he had always wanted to be a world renowned chef. One night had a restless sleep as visions of food swept threw his head. He awoke completely surrounded by food. He had thought it was a prank so he just continued his day. At school he was arm wrestling a boy and out of no where he fell over and started stumbling as he walked. He then realized it was him and he thought it was a gift from above.

Code of Conduct: He believes that what must be done must be done. He will allow who is pursuing to explain what they were doing and why before doing anything. If the are unwilling to talk he will catch them and turn them in if unarmed. Other wise he believes there time is up and they are trying to escape the inevitable.
Aura: Alex Miller,AKA "Crimsontide" - APPROVED! Keep any potential bodyjacking minimal.

Red: Marcus Kyle Lawson,AKA "Deadeye" - APPROVED!

Riddle78: Donnovan Kincaid,AKA "The Auditor" - DENIED! What was I thinking!?

Lost in Paradise: Lily Knight,AKA "Mirage" - DENIED!

Legendless: Alexis Higgins,AKA "Flare" - APPROVED!

Heartsteal22: Derick Asher,AKA "The Twin Personae of the Ebony and Ivory Knights" - APPROVED!

Xx-Katherine-xX: Kimberly Eliza Dreamwood,AKA "Manipulatress" - DENIED! I'm very uncomfortable with mental/bodily domination powers.

Vive: Achalesvana "Charlie" Nayar,AKA "Freefall" - APPROVED!

Amdreams: Mina Mortis,AKA "Cain" - APPROVED!

Reviour: Gary Garfield,AKA "Blacksmith" -

Anonymous92: Hadix Right,AKA "Cuire" - DENIED!

Riddle78: Donnovan Kincaid -APPROVED! Much better!

Aeradom: Lu Zhang,AKA "The Ghost Monk" - APPROVED!

Heartsteal22: Subject Number 47466,AKA "Grimm" - APPROVED!

Thesmashbro: Kanjo Kenshi - REWORK NEEDED! Apathy is great,but apathy alone can be easily obtained by mundane means. Add something supernatural to that,within reason,then you're in!

Happy Crane13: Yukiko Watanabe,AKA "Drama Queen" - ACCEPTED! However,know that the human mind is a very unpredictable thing.

Rhomboid: Trick Gibson,AKA "Card Thief" - ACCEPTED! Thanks for clarifying.

Thesmashbro: Beat Rizumu - ACCEPTED! Living audio mixer and sonic cannon? Never saw that one before!

Firebreather: Fox Markson,AKA "Firebreather" - DENIED! Look at The Auditor. My own character. He got denied,and he's less powerful than the current version of Firebreather. He needs some serious nerfing,man.

The RP will begin sometime this weekend. Keep your eyes open.

Name: Donnovan Kincaid

Alias: [None]

Sex: Male

Age: 32

Donnovan stands at six foot nine inches,and is built like a brick shithouse. Weighing in at two hundred fifty pounds of muscle,he casts an intimidating silhouette. He wears denim jeans and a sleeveless shirt,and throws on a leather jacket when the weather gets wet or cold. He wears combat boots bought from a military surplus store. On his left wrist is a digital watch that has seen better days. Donnovan has broad shoulders and a large neck,with his limbs often being equated to tree trunks. His head is quite squarish,with a stately and well-groomed chin curtain adorning the bottom fringes of his face. His eyes have brown irises,and the hair on the top of his head is thick,but kept no longer than the nape of his neck. His hair is black. His eyebrows are relatively thick and bushy. His knuckles and elbows have faint scars,bearing mute witness to his lifestyle.

Donnovan's body is a mural of ink and colour. His left forearm is host to a coiled length of barbed wire,whils his right forearm has an image of a length of coiled chain. His elbows have spiderweb tattoos,and his upper arms bear images of coiled snakes. Along his shoulders is a tribal image,consisting of flowing and overlapping lines,ending in points,while down his back is an image of a metallic gauntlet clutching a skull. Running up his neck and behind his ears is a continuation of both the image on his shoulders and those from his upper arms,coiling around eachother in a helix. His chest has a tattoo of an iron "patch",just over his heart,and the rest of his chest is host to a charging cavalier. Up either leg is an image of a falcata;a single edged,broad bladed sword with a forward curve. On his thighs are images of small handguns. In between the weapons is an ornate interweave of bands,barbed wire and chains. Finally,arguably the centerpiece of his collection,Donnovan's abdomen sports the slogan "I will cheat Death of his rightful victory,for no one can defeat me. I will gladly plunge feet first into Hell with the knowledge that I will rise again.",subtitling an image of the gates of Hell itself.

View attachment 6101

Power: Animated Tattoos

Power Explanation: Donnovan has the power to make the images depicted in his tattoos to come into being with a touch.

Power Limit: Since he must touch the tattoo to bring it to "life",some tattoos will be difficult to activate,such as his falcatas. The proccess of animating a tattoo is extremely painful;just as painful as getting it. Excessive use in a short period of time can cause damage,ranging from open bleeding wounds and scarring to creating gaping fissures in his flesh.

Practical Examples: Using his chain tattoo as a weapon,using his falcata tattoos as weapons,using his iron patch tattoo as protection against heart-shots.

Origin of Power:
Donnovan Kincaid looked like a thug all his life. As he grew up,he slowly became the mask that had been forced upon him by his peers. As an adult,Donnovan got a job as a bouncer for a notoriously rough "Gentleman's club",and held it ever since. Throughout his career,he began to ink himself,in order to magnify his terrifying presence,and also as a method of catharsis;he needed to express himself. One day,a quintet of n'er-do-wells mobbed Donnovan in the club,wielding crowbars and switchblades. Among the damage done,Donnovan recieved severe head trauma,necessitating constructive surgery on the back of his skull,and delicate neural procedures. When he recovered,Donnovan found his tattoos coming to life whenever he touched them,and has since added the falcatas and handguns to his collection of inked body art. He is now the sole reason that the clube he works at has no problems with customers;after breaking up a fight with his chains,no one ever worked up the balls to try anything,lest they earn his wrath.

Code of Conduct: Finish what you start. Aside from that,he's quite flexible,but would much rather serve his own goals (reaching end's meet) than fight crime or support a shadowy organization.
Name: Lu Zhang

Alias: "Ghost Monk" or simply "The Monk"

Sex: Male

Age: 24


View attachment 6143


Power: Spiritual Attunement

Power Explanation: Through the use of attuning his soul with that of a selected animal spirit,the two souls can merge for a time to empower Lu with a selected trait.

Power Limit: Lu must be selective with his choice of which animal spirit to attune himself to as, for the moment, he can only have one passive buff that’s selected when he meditates for at least 4 hours, and one activated ability which only lasts for a short time and cannot be called upon until after the next moonrise.

Practical Examples: One example of an aspect he can take on, and often does, is that of a jaguar which bestows night vision, inhuman flexibility and speed among other abilities.

Power: Empowered Attacks

Power Explanation: Due in part to his spirit monk heritage, he is able to infuse his attacks with spiritual energy, that allows him to bypass mundane defenses and attack at the opponents spirit directly. This infusing can be used with either his martial arts or weapons.

Power Limit: While the attack may penetrate through the defenses, his hand doesn’t. Thusly, if he was to strike an electric field, the attack would go through but he would be shocked in the process. In addition, this ability has no affect on defenses of a magical nature.

Practical Examples: Lu gazes over at the man in power armor as he notches an arrow. The man in steel simply scoffs at the simple monk, “An Arrow! My armor is built to withstand attacks from a tank. Just what do you think your stick is going to do to it?” Allowing himself a brief moment to smirk, he releases the arrow that is now bathed in a bluish-white flame. It strikes true on the armor, dinging harmlessly off of it as expected. But the spiritual energy passes through the metal and strikes at his soul directly.

Power: Spirit Companion

Power Explanation: Shortly before becoming a spirit monk, a spirit companion (said to be chosen by the Water Goddess herself), that would accompany the monk on his journey and to advise and aid him when possible. It is also said, that the companion carries the will and wishes of the Goddess. Lu's chosen companion is a Snow Owl.

Power Limit: The companion in question cannot interact with the physical world unless he manifests (which he can only do for a short time) and is unable to go more than five miles away from the Monk. In addition,while he can manifest himself in the physical world for a short time,others are not able to communicate with it unless they have the natural ability to speak to spirits.

Practical Examples: Wu Peng, the Snow Owl Companion, serves as his intermediary with a haunted Native American totem spirit guardian. The Totem tells Wu and Lu, that trespassers have come and desecrated the burial ground,taking the bones and artifacts of his people. Armed with this information. Wu goes out and searches the other local burial ground sand finds the perpetrators warehouse, which he goes in and takes down the bad guys. This episode went on to be one of the highest rated episodes of all time... coming second only to the Superbowl that year.

Power: Spirit Atonement

Power Explanation: The ability to guide lost spirit into the next life.

Power Limit: The monk must first resolve the issue that is keeping the spirit in this life if he is able. Whether that be dealing with something the spirit left undone in this life, or simply counseling the spirit. After that is done, the ritual is performed and the ghost moves on.

Practical Examples: Blocking his path, is a spirit that refuses to move on and is to strong to be overcome by strength of arms. Instead, Lu guides and counsels that lost soul and ushers him into the next life.

Power: Spirit Tongue

Power Explanation: Thesis the simple ability to speak to other spirits and understand their language.

Power Limit: While he is able to speak to spirits of all kinds, this ability doesn’t flow to other sorts of supernaturals such as demons.

Practical Examples: Lu finds out a key piece of information on where a local gang is hiding from a small mouse spirit.

Power: Favor of the Godess

Power Explanation: This power comes in three different forms: First is the ability to see past the physical world and into the spiritual world. The other way this ability manifests in a sort of danger sense that alerts Lu to an incoming danger. Lastly, the Goddess of Water and Life also bestows a minor form or regeneration that can be used in combat to heal internal injuries and open wounds.

Power Limit: While looking through the world spiritual world, he is unable to perceive non-living subjects. Instead, they are seen as dark or grayed-out background objects. As for the danger sense, it isn’t specific enough to be able to countered, only to know that danger is approaching and to take cover or dodge. Lastly, the regeneration is not unlimited and depending on the amount injury sustained, it may be necessary to meditate before being able to do so again. For example, should he suffer a punctured lung from a gunshot wound, he would be able to pause and heal it (taking no other actions while he is concentrating for those few moments), but wouldn't be able to heal a second gunshot wound that penetrated his heart. Also, he most be conscious to use this ability.

Practical Examples: Lu walks out into the forest and examines his surroundings as sniper zero's in on him. Just as the shooter begins to pull the trigger, Lu is alerted to the danger and promptly ducks behind the nearest tree, just as the bullet whizzes by his previous location.

Power: Monk Training

Power Explanation: Excellent Balance, Staff and Bow Fighting as well as proficient in Bojutsu and Kung Fu, Extensive Knowledge of Holistic Medicines, Parkour Training(from the Monk Training), Strong Lungs, Toxin Resistance, Accelerated Healing (not in combat, however while mediating, he can recover from injuries that would normally take weeks in days.)

Power Limitations: Although being raised as a monk did wonders for the body and mind, it did have significant drawbacks. The greatest of these is his lack of experience with modern technology, and thus has some issues when adapting to it. Examples of where this comes in to play is that he is unable to drive and uncomfortable in a fast vehicle, and his lack of knowledge concerning computers. Simple tasks, such as “googling” are beyond his understanding.

Origin of Powers: Legends tell that they are touched by the Goddess herself while in the womb. Charged with the duty of maintaining the Great Wheel, of ushering on lost and wandering souls into the next life. Spirit Monks are not trained, but are born to maintain this sacred duty.

Born in a small village around the Spirit Monks monastery, each year, the monks from the monastery come down and pick out the children hmm have shown signs of a secret heritage. They are then taken up to the monastery at the age of five to be trained to carry out their task. How many many are born and chosen each year seems to vary greatly,and the only explanation locals can offer is that the Goddess provides as many monks as will be needed.

Within the monastery, they are not only taught the secrets of martial art sand holistic medicines, but also of the many types of spirits that inhabit this world with whom they may come in contact with. In addition to the normal training of their body and mind, their spirits must also be properly attuned to be able to use their unique gifts to their fullest abilities.

What they didn't teach him, was just how far ahead the rest of the world was from the sleepy mountaintop existence he had known all of his life. Lu was overwhelmed when he got off the boat and stepped onto this strange new world. The height of their technology were an old television set that showed I love Lucy re-runs.

Made fun of for his funny ways and frustrated with the modern world, hews just about to get a ticket to go home. When down an alley he noticed a man, beat up and drunk and just in general down on his luck. It seems the man had been cheating on his wife while she was alive, and when she passed on, he didn't even have the decency to got her own funeral. Needless to say, this caused for a very restless spirit. And this spirit had chosen to make this man's life as miserable as possible. After a little effort, Lu managed to convince the spirit that she was too good for him, and it was time to move on.

Turns out, the man he had helped was a once famous Hollywood producer before all the haunting business had started up. The man decided touche his new found friend's ability in a one of a kind show; a show where a “ghost hunter” goes around and looks for haunting and cures the area. It didn't take off immediately, but after the episode with the Native American Burial site, where Lu subdued over 20 men none of the largest burial site robberies of all time. Ever since then, people have eagerly followed the simple monk on TV, making the producer a very rich man. And for Lu's part, he still lives a humble life and doesn't have to go out looking for souls to put to rest,they come to him.

Code of Conduct: Don't Kill if you can Maim, Don't Main if you can Subdue, and Don’t Subdue if you can avoid a fight altogether. The preservation of lifers of the utmost importance, due in no small part to the nature of his existence. Due to this, he will not kill an opponent if he is unable to do the preceding three, and will instead retreat from combat.

(Edit: Wasn't exactly sure on the power level you were looking for, so I'm happy to edit or remove powers that you think should come into play later or not at all. I tried to be as detailed as possible so as to limit surprises. Also, if the idea of him being known is problematic, then I'll be happy to tweak it and have an idea just in case.)
Name: #47466

Alias: Grimm (Self imposed name)

Sex: Male

Age: 32


Grimm is probably most terrifying because he doesn't look terrifying. Looking quite average at about 5'8" with a slightly athletic build, and medium length brown hair with brown eyes, until he's on the attack, he's almost invisible.

Power: Super Soldier Project

Power Explanation: Designed and trained to be the ultimate soldier, Grimm can be a terrifying force on the field, and heals more quickly than normal humans.

Power Limit: Heals at about double normal human rate, but that's all besides twelve years of extensive military training.

Practical Examples: Keeps calm under pressure, and spends less time down and out than normal people.

Power: Explosive Hematurgy

Power Explanation: Grimm's blood converts matter into a highly explosive compound of a nearly identical consistency, and can only be discerned by lab tests.

Power Limit: Explosive have the force approximately triple that of Semtex, though Grimm is in no way protected from it. Grimm must also shed his own blood to make use of this power, though range is limitless so long as he's already prepared the site.

Origin of Powers:
Grimm was a clone, a military experiment gone horribly wrong, though arguably right over twenty years ago. Since then he's been attached to multiple disasters, though there's never been evidence. Grimm was the only experiment to exhibit all the traits of a successful clone, though his mental state was by far in the wrong condition.

Code of Conduct: Grimm's goals are simple, to inflict as much pain on humanity as possible, and he'll do whatever he so pleases to get there.
Name: Yukiko Watanabe

Alias: Drama Queen

Sex: Female

Age: 20

Appearance: Usual Appearance: View attachment 6405

View attachment 6406 with a View attachment 6407 that covers her face.

Power: Empathic Manipulation or simply controlling a target's emotions

Power Explanation: She can control a person's emotion in a 200 meter radius. She can induce any emotion to that target in a period of time.

Power Limit: The user will feel nausea or headaches or may faint if used too long. Powerful emotions may have a 30% chance to backfire. The user cannot manipulate non-human organisms.

Practical Examples: She can fight her enemies by inducing horror on her target and make them run away or she can aid an ally by taking the fear away, in a fight.

Origin of Powers: She was supposed to be the next priestess of her family's temple, but when a ritual goes horribly wrong a residential spirit decided to live inside her and caused her to have her power. Without control, she accidentally drives every member of her family into madness and killed themselves.

Code of Conduct: Yukiko treats everyone equally, no ally, no foe. She takes no sides and does her work behind the curtains, unnoticed. Her one and only rule is that she must not attach herself to the point where it becomes difficult to let go.


Trick Gibson


Card Thief






View attachment 6431



Power Explanation:

Trick is just your average normal Illusionist, but has by far been notice as the best card trick magician in the world.

Power Limit:

He is just a normal human, he can only move so fast.

Practical Examples:

He is able to hold a relatively high amount of cards on him at any time (Total being 100 decks+2 spare in his pants pocket.)

Origin of Powers:

I suppose you can say he was born with it, at the age of 6 he fell in love with card tricks and by the time of 13 he was creating is own tricks. Some people tell say he can bend space to make some of them happen.


Plasma Cards

Power Explanation:

They are cards much like the Gambit character from X-men, however they are technology and powered.

Power Limit:

Once again Trick can only move so fast, but at once he can throw a whole deck, half in each hand. Once a card is thrown and impacts something, it has to be recharged before use again.

Practical Examples:

Using the cards Trick unfolds the deck and throws them hit each of their mark on the wheel, leaving the girl unharmed.

Origin of Powers:

I suppose you can say he was born with it, at the age of 6 he fell in love with card tricks and by the time of 13 he was creating is own tricks. Some people tell say he can bend space to make some of them happen.

Code of Conduct:

Trick can't kill, he can only make things seem like they are killed, much like being surprised and getting shot with a paint ball gun your body will think its being shot with a real gun and either shut down, or make you collapse. Trick is only in for the fun, he isn't the most serious guy in town.
Name: Beat Rizumu

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: Beat is white with orange hair. he commonly wears a red hoodie, black pants, red shoes, and a black beanie with headphones and an MP3 player. he is 5"10 and weighs 205 pounds.

Power: Sound manipulation.

Power Explanation: Beat can alter and control sound in different ways. One of those ways is that he can change any sound to a different sound. He can also absorb sound and turn it into energy which he can use in different ways such as energy projectiles and flight. He uses his MP3 player to have a constant source of sound to amplify his powers.

Power Limit: Irritating sounds cause his energy projectiles to dissipate and lose his charged energy.

Practical Examples: Beat can alter his voice to get into a place with a voice activated lock or make a high pitched sound to shatter glass. This isn't really a power, but Beat has a good sense of rhythm which he can use in fist fights or other circumstances.

Origin of Powers: Beat is from a race which name has been long forgotten, but they are known as "Meta-Humans". Meta-Humans gain a super power at a random time in their lives depending on what they were doing at the time. Beat always loved listening to music. He carried his headphones and MP3 player everywhere he went. He even has a playlist of music for when he went to bed. Because he listened to music so much, it was only a matter of time until he gained music-related powers.

Code of Conduct: Beat likes to have fun. He won't go out of his way to stop a bank robbery. But if there is one in his way, he will stop it with style.

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