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lore thread.

NOTE: While the lore is predominately original, it has been heavily influenced by other forms of mediaā€”especially Dead Space and Aliens.
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// life in 2152

EARTH: A far-cry from the once illustrious and awe-inspiring planet that housed diverse fauna and flora and thriving societies. Unfortunately, it was inevitable that the living pincushion of industrialism and capitalism, Mother Nature, had to pay for their sins in the form of major geological changesā€”more holes in the ozone leading to extreme weather conditions, Antarctica and Greenland becoming nothing more than a giant body of water that flooded most coastal towns with the melting of icecaps, and a significant decline in most animal and plant species that are now considered "exotic" and sold amongst the wealthy elite.

Ironically, it was modern technological advances that saved major cities from extinction and now remain the last bastions of societies on Earth. They aren't without their problems and suffer from poor living conditions; most cities being cramped and home to vertical monstrosities that reach to almost impossible heights to try accommodate for the ever-growing population. The populace is made up of the lower-socioeconomic classā€”those left behind who do not have status, wealth or relevant skills that could be applied in space. Overpopulation and lack of resources have led to unchecked unemployment and have caused uneasiness between certain nations, with several wars and skirmishes plaguing Earth and its fragile ecosystem. These cities are governed by their respective governments and order is kept with overworked police officers and soldiers.

Due to the living conditions and rather unfair regulations of most government bodies, some opt to live outside the enforced city walls. Aptly named the "Wasteland", due to the desert-like appearance which comes from the lack of weather-regulating technology that is limited to cities. These spaces are completely ungoverned by their respective governments and rife with assault, murder and thievery. Each country has prominent gangs who unofficially "govern" these spaces. These gangs have made agreements with city officials to keep their business out of the cities and, in return, they turn a blind eye to their grisly actions.

It is rare for someone who has the economical means or skills that can be utilised in space to remain on Earth; most moving onto space stations, Second Earth or joining a crew.

Sadly, it seems as though Earth is slowly being forgotten by those who inhabit space, with most intergalactic governments seemingly not having much input or communication with their Earth counterparts. Thus, the problems plaguing Earth are often not extended to those inhabiting space (for example, wars occurring between China and the US on Earth are not extended to the government counterparts in space).

SECOND EARTH (Kepler-62f): Home to the elite and wealthy, Second Earth was originally advertised as a new home for all the citizens of Earth, but quickly corporate greed outweighed the livelihood of people. Life on Second Earth is considered a distant dream for most, with ample space, a shopping capital to die for, little to no crime, a dedicated military/security team and grand, lavish infrastructure from the highly-successful, Madeira Corporation. The taxes are high and the prices to afford this lifestyle are even higher, yet most on Second Earth have the money to spare from celebrities to CEOs. Most on Second Earth ignore the problems that their previous home, Earth, is facing and choose to live in utter ignorance.

While extensive terraforming has managed to mirror Earth, the temperature is on the cooler side. Fortunately, most homes are fitted with heating technologyā€•the capital, for example, is covered in a biosphere that simulates a warmer temperature. Exotic pets (basically most animals at this point) and flashy clothing is common, as though competition to show who has the most wealth. The exception is for the fortunate workers, scientists and their respective families who are housed in several complexes.

Considering the sheer space Second Earth bolsters and its economic exclusivity, riots and debates are rampant on Earth and the space stations since it could easily be inhabited by millions. Thus, the infamous Second Earth Rebellion was no surprise to anyone but the ignorant citizens of Second Earth. The deaths rattled the community, who quickly threw money at security companies to keep them safe in the future and have made Second Earth almost impenetrable since.

SPACE STATIONS: To immediately combat overpopulation, influential countries created their own space stations to house their citizens. These countries include the United States, China, Canada, Japan, India, United Kingdom, Russia, Brazil, France, Germany, Switzerland, Mexico and South Korea. These space stations are governed by their respective countries, yet all (and space itself) are under the universal laws of the "Space Nation Federation" which is made up of a representative from each of the thirteen nations inhabiting space.

Space stations try to mirror their Earth's counterparts, with shops, entertainment, occupation and education opportunities. Most people that originally inhabited these space stations were pertinent for space exploration, maintenance and other relevant positions. Those born on space stations represent a new generation of people who are mainly shoehorned into their parent's occupations or other limited opportunities. Everyone must earn their keep or else they face deportation back to Earth. However, most space stations have an abandoned or unused area which is rife with shady and illegal activities, the unemployed and "undesirables". For reference, the US space station has an old cargo bay that has been nicknamed, 'The Alleyway'. Prostitution, drugs, underground fights and other unsavoury activities are common in these places. In most space stations the authorities have allowed these places to fester as they offer alternative entertainment for the workers and activities the higher-ups engage in from time to time.

In the end, life on the space stations is hard work, with long, gruelling hours, frequent work incidents, synthetic food and limited free time. However, they boast some of the most intelligent and hardworking individuals you will find in the universe.

SPACE VESSELS/CREW: Those who prefer a more nomadic lifestyle will join a crew aboard a spacecraft that is privately owned. This can be for a variety of reasons from families, communes, specialised occupations (e.g., mercenaries, private militias, hired guns, pirates, criminals). They can be legal or illegal in nature, with some vessels being stolen or illegally flown within space with individuals who do not have a legitimate space citizenship. Most seek this lifestyle for a lack of taxes, their own rules aboard their vessel (especially cults or religions that differ from "normal" ideologies) and more freedom from the gruelling hours aboard space stations.
that's our sun. //
benjamin wallfisch.
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// the big players

MELTON-HISANO CORP (MHC): The MHC is a multinational (American and Japanese) conglomerate, consisting of two merged corporations: Melton Limited Corp and the Hisano Corporation. A household name since 2090, the corporation is the leading technology suppliers for both commercial and industrial clients. Well-known for its manufacturing of synthetics and spaceships to everyday household appliances, MHC is a widely successful and powerful corporation. In the past ten years, MHC has been branching out to more non-manufacturing interests with mining and exploration of extra-terrestrial technology to stay ahead of the competition. Recently, the corporation is under fire for one of its flagship vessels randomly combusting and killing those on board which has made national headlines. Another scandal or incident could lead to major financial repercussions.

MHS-DESDEMONA: The MHS-Desdemona was built and is owned by the MHC with its sole purpose to mine and explore for extra-terrestrial technology on surrounding planets and moons. A colonial expedition, the corporation hired an extensive team of varying professions along with their families (considering the long expedition). The Desdemona is one of the first ships capable of the "scan and catch technique" for harvesting mineral-rich asteroids using huge gravity tethers. This allows the Desdemona to lock onto asteroids and pull them into the massive collection bays for smelting. The bolstering crew of 635 inhabitants has been undergoing their expedition for the past eight years. Until recently, they were investigating a strange electromagnetic signal from a distant moon. A year later, they went completely silent after the distress call. The ship's layout and a visual map will be available on the Discord server. Since this is where our characters will be spending most of their time here is a Pinterest board with the vibes.

SS-AZAEL: The SS-Azael is a small spaceship which was built and owned by the MHC, who have hired a small crew of outsiders to investigate the distress call on the MHS-Desdemona. They are willing to pay the crew a large sum for investigating the distress call and discovering why the entire crew of the MHS-Desdemona have gone radio silent. The reason for hiring an outside-crew is to avoid any connections to the corporation in case of a scandal which could cripple the company.

SPACE NATION FEDERATION (SNF): Considered the overarching governors of space and everything within it, the SNF is made up of representatives of thirteen countries (United States, China, Canada, Japan, India, United Kingdom, Russia, Brazil, France, Germany, Switzerland, Mexico and South Korea). Their presence can be found in the headquarters of each space station, being responsible for training and employing military and police personnel. While it is possible to join private militaries and protection services, most are ex-SNF soldiers or police. The SNF are also responsible for the new and extensive laws, regulations and policies that apply to those within space. Those who break minor laws are usually subjected to fines, public service or warnings. However, those who commit serious crimes or are repeat offenders will have their space citizenship revoked and sent back to Earth. For most this is certain death unless they can quickly adapt to Earth's brutal living conditions. Criminals can re-apply for citizenship after their allotted timeā€”that is if they survive.

AEGIS INTELLIGENCE LIMITED (AIL): Ex-veteran turned private contractor, Patrick Fischer, decided to capitalise on the creation of Second Earth, whose residents were lacking exclusive military attention. After schmoozing a handful of wealthy investors from Second Earth, Fischer was able to use his previous military connections to collate a sizeable militia who were further trained under the scrutiny of Fischer. After five years, the once unofficial private military became widely-recognised as the primary military of Second Earth. Known as Aegis Intelligence Limited, Fischer has become considerably wealthy from his ventures. AIL was the first line of defence and security into Second Earth, with more residents investing into AIL to ensure they kept the "riff-raff" out of Second Earth. Everything was running smoothly up until a security slip allowed for the Second Earth Rebellion to happen. Despite their success in handling the threat, the residents have become cautious and some pulled out in financially supporting Fischer's private military. He has worked hard to rebuild his name, hiring mostly new soldiers, beefing up security and making sure everything is airtight. However, a new competitor is on the block, Madeira Securities, who already have the financial backing to offer Fischer a run for his money.

MADEIRA CORPORATION: Madeira Corp. is a multinational corporation primarily known for its technologies on Second Earth. Founded in 2072 after the beginning of the New Space Age, the original Madeira Technologies quickly climbed the ranks with rapid expansions in operating systems and software. While the original goal of the company was to aid in space exploration, its early AI programs were quickly and widely adapted for uses in city planning and wide-scale simulations. Madeira Technologies would become Madeira Corporation when Kepler-62f 's terraforming ended, with their technologies used primarily for the planning of the elite's lavish mansions hosted on the new planet. Madeira's breakthrough simulation engine NeoSight was used extensively to determine the potential effects of different structures on Kepler's biosphere, ensuring maximum biodiversity and security. After the Second Earth Rebellion, Madeira formed another branch, Madeira Securities: this time aimed at ensuring the rebellion was never to be repeated. While Madeira Corp. was never advertised exclusively to the rich inhabitants of Second Earth, as time passed and their quality and prices rose, their new technology became rarer and rarer on Earthā€•isolating its clients almost exclusively to those on Second Earth. Over the past 5 years, a litany of accusations has been levelled at Madeira after buildings on Earth built with their old technology began collapsing. Madeira Corp. has never acknowledged these incidents.

FORGOTTEN ONE'S SALVATION (FOS): The organised group most infamously known for their large coordinated attack on Second Earth. Not much is known about the group, yet most of their members originated from Earth and believe that space should be open to all. It begun with exposĆ©s about inequalities and the harsh realities of those trapped on Earth but didn't amount to much change. Therefore, the noble cause soon erupted into the only thing people seemingly listen toā€”violence. A few coordinated attacks were completed on corporations and protests sprouted around Earth and on space stations. However, they didn't become ones to fear or idolise until the Second Earth Rebellion. While they ultimately lost and suffered casualties on their side, the group see it as a success. Since the devastating attack the group has been rather silent with only murmurs being ushered. Rumours have circulated that they are behind the MHC's vessel, MHS-Starhunter, blowing up; yet no evidence was found to prove their guilt, nor had the group claimed responsibility. Members of this group are mainly secretive about their allegiance considering the tough stance the SNF have taken on them; labelling the group a terrorist organisation and punishing any rumoured members.
the hive. //
benjamin wallfisch.
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// major events

NEW SPACE AGE (2070): In the year 2070, the United Nations announced that urgent solutions were needed to address overpopulation and the diminishment of natural resources on Earth. The solution came in the form of rapid expansion into space exploration that led to finding new veins of resources, space stations to hold the ever-growing population and terraforming on potentially habitable planets. The space industry became a lucrative venture, with most technological corporations booming; this brought in countless competitors wanting their own share, which in hand made space travel more readily available.

INTERGALACTIC SPACE TREATY (2092): Space was empty no more, with dozens of vessels and the recent addition of liveable space stationsā€”it was absolute chaos. No structure, universal laws or regulations, everyone was free to do as they permitted without repercussions. Thus, thirteen nations who were interested in order and peace gathered and formed the now well-known, "Space Nation Federation". A monumental moment for space, the nations created a rigorous set of universal laws to be followed by all who inhabited to space. Thankfully, this led to the eventual end of unlawful chaos and a semblance of order for space.

GRAND-OPENING OF SECOND EARTH (2093): After several decades, the terraforming of Kepler-62f was finally over and announced to be habitable. The caveat was that only the elite and wealthy could afford to move to the now dubbed, "Second Earth". Most citizens had already secured their place on the lavish Second Earth, which boasted ample space for its lucky inhabitants and its own private military who would keep them safe after the rebellion.

THE SECOND EARTH REBELLION (2149): Overpopulation is still of major concern and with the terraforming that has made Kepler-62f, now liveable, has also created heated debates to who should live there. Currently, Second Earth is only inhabited by the elite and wealthy (plus relevant workers and sometimes their families). Therefore, people suffering from the effects of overpopulation wonder why there isn't more accessibility for everyone, which has led to small riots and rebellions. However, a large scale rebellion was infamously led in 2149 by an organised group known as the "Forgotten One's Salvation" (FOS). Several ships made their way through Second Earth's security and began a coordinated attack on residents and it's private military. Ultimately, Aegis Intelligence Limited was able to fight off the group but not until 73 people died (16 Second Earth citizens, 34 rebel soldiers and 23 private military soldiers). The FOS group is still a relevant threat and members of said group are considered enemies to SNF. A highly-skilled task-force was created to dismantle the group, which was previously led by Sergeant Chapman, but has been forced on leave for misconduct. In terms of the effect this has had on Second Earth, security has been bolstered and reworked which has made it almost impossible to enter without relevant paperwork.

MHS-STARHUNTER EXPLOSION (2151): One of MHC's earlier models, the MHS-Starhunter is a flagship vessel that had been running for over thirty years before the incident. On the 15th of December, 2151, members of the United States space station awoke to a rumbling and blinding explosion kilometres away. Responsible for creating new technology, the ship and its 254 workers were killed in an explosion that has been dubbed an "accident". Upon observation of the wreckage, signs indicate that the ship's engine combusted and spread throughout the ship. This incident has led to many investors pulling out of MHC's endeavours and wariness among consumers. The company reimbursed the worker's families who were killed in the incident and tried to keep the incident rather hushed despite making national headlines. Even the reclusive granddaughter of Hamada Hisano and new head of the company, Kikyo Hisano, made an appearance in an infamous intergalactic conference; reassuring the public that an incident of this calibre will not occur again. Rival companies are secretly hoping for another incident that may spell the downfall for the major corporation's image.
collision warning. //
benjamin wallfisch.
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// technology

SPACE TRAVEL: Now Astronauts are not the only ones who inhabit space, with public transport being readily available from Earth to the space stations and between the stations themselves. Spaceships come in all shapes and sizes with technological advancements into space travel having improvements on the duration of travel (for instance, it is considered 3 times faster prior to new space age). Alike driving a car, a space license is required to pilot a spaceship, which isn't as simple as it sounds. Prospective pilots must complete mandatory training through the Space Nation Federation's program before being considered space-worthy. The SNF flags high-scoring prospective pilots and may offer them a permanent position within their military.

CYBERNETICS: While technology companies have mainly focused on manufacturing and advancing spaceships, some companies have dabbled in cybernetics. Extending on prior advancements surrounding functional limbs, cybernetics are capable of replacing missing limbs with ease. These cybernetic limbs can be modified to the user's desire and outfitted with tools and accessories (if they have the funds that is). It is common for individuals in high injury-related occupations (e.g., engineers, welders, military) to be reimbursed with cybernetic limbs as work coverage in the occurrence of an work-related injury. More neurological and optical cybernetics have started testing but currently no legal forms are available on the market. Rumours have spread that Japan has a prototype that allows for the eye to zoom in and out, capture footage and even see in the dark.

EXOSKELETONS: Originally created before the New Space Age for those suffering from a physical disability. Yet, technology companies saw the potential these held, specifically for physical labourers and soldiers. Exoskeletons thus developed as a way to improve the overall strength of an individual and lower rates of fatigue. Recently, these exoskeletons are equipped with simple AI, which can now detect fatigue or poor posture and send warning signals to individuals and managers to take care. Augmenting human strength comes with the potential of misuse; forcing people working in already brutal conditions to work longer. However, it has the potential to reduce body stress and limit work-related injuries.

SPACE SUITS: More lightweight and wearable, spacesuits come in a variety of shapes and shades depending on the function (e.g., engineer, pilot, security, civilian) of said spacesuit. Most space suits are fitted with exoskeletons to ensure safety of wearers. While spacesuits are known for detachable helmets/face-wear, some are now capable of simply retracting from the face for a more sleek and non-intrusive approach. Check out the board for some ideas/inspirations for spacesuits Pinterest board.

ANDRIODS & AI: Most spaceships are fitted with a form of artificial intelligence (AI); capable of verbal communication, detecting faults, facial recognition for security access and other tasks. However, it is recommended that human involvement is still utilised as the AI is only capable of detection, not deduction and advanced reasoning. In relation to androids, it has been a fiercely debated topic within the SNF and relevant bodies as technology continues to interweave with humankind. After years of debates and several iterations of legislation, androids became sanctioned to be manufactured and used in space. Androids are commonly used for menial tasks aboard spaceships and are prohibited to be altered from manufacturer settings. This is to ensure that androids are not given forms of personalities or feelings that could lead to confusion from humans and in turn android-sympathisers. While personal-use androids are allowed to mimic human appearances, all commercial androids are given a blank, grey slate to ensure they differentiae from humans.

3D PRINTING (REFORGE STATIONS): 3D printing uses computer-aided design to create three-dimensional objects through a layering method. Sometimes referred to as additive manufacturing, 3D printing involves layering materials, like plastics, composites or bio-materials to create objects that range in shape, size, rigidity and colour. 3D printing has evolved since its invention with most ships being equipped with 3D printing stations or more aptly named Reforge Stations. Furthermore, the printing technology has progressed to be time and cost efficientā€”only taking mere minutes in most situationsā€” and creating more complex and sturdy objects. Weaponry, technology and food rations are often mass produced with Reforge Stations.

WEAPONRY/TOOLS: Technology powerhouses have seemingly had their hands full with more pressing issues than the advancement of weaponry. However, with manufacturing and physical labour becoming one of the most widely-needed occupations, more powerful tools were needed. As such, technology companies have created cord-free, handheld laser and plasma cutters for not only manufacturing and physical labourers but medical personnel for cutting through tissue and even bone with precision. This allows for ease when cutting ores, minerals and rocks, steel and other materials. Military corporations utilized this technology to create a line of weaponry which is capable of firing plasma (this includes blades, pistols, assault rifles and snipers). Plasma weaponry is exclusive to the military and illegal for citizen use/possession. Yet, that hasn't stopped illegal suppliers from selling to citizens and/or companies. Furthermore, plasma cutters have been used as improvised weaponry in the past. Apart from the inclusion of plasma weaponry, all other forms of weaponry still exist and are wildly popular among the military and legal among citizens.
gravity purge. //
benjamin wallfisch.
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