[Sign Ups] The End of Days (Medieval/Survival RP)


The Overseer
Quick History:

The mighty kingdom of Darlem, known for its size and power, controlled the continent of Hyral for centuries in peace. Their reign was undeniable, and the humans that lived there existed in peace. But, one day, without warning, the Elves declared war against the great nation. In no time at all, the great King Allant retaliated with the power of ten thousand men to drive back the oncoming force, but it was not great enough. This war, that stretched through the entire land of Hyral, spilled more blood and toppled more cities then anyone could have ever imagined. In the end, the Elves destroyed every civilization on the face of Hyral. The humans, now scattered across the land, could do nothing but scavange for food and shelter as their lands were being conquered by the pointy eared miscreants. The only hope that they received was from the gracious Cirilian nation from the North. But that simply wouldn't be enough. The Cirilian weren't nearly powerful enough to take on the entire Elven armada, and without the Humans on their feet, they could do nothing but hide in the shadows. This truly, is the End of Days.

Important things to know:

The game will begin at a ruined city known as Tenier. This is where all of the players will meet each other, and we will begin the game. For back-story purposes only, I'll give you the name of a few locations.

Cities; Brakstorm, Lockheart, Jlorian

Towns; Harlem, Tolmon

Castles; Kralin, Ordilian, Rorixtread

If you choose a class with an animal companion, or if you choose a magic user, PLEASE only have a companion/use spells that are within reason. Example; You can have a wolf, a dog, a rabbit, or any other simple animal as a companion. No dragons, no trolls, no worgen, no fairies, etc. Same with spells. Magic missiles, calling in some fog, or blocking an attack is all fine. No summoning a cyclops, no calling in a storm and instant killing anyone, no freezing/immobilizing people at whim, etc. If your sister just died, or your on a suicide mission to protect your allies, I will allow some higher powered spells to make it more climactic, but I still will not allow any of the before mentioned spells.

There are three different sides in this conflict; The Humans (assisted by the Cirilians[http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/stf/stf155_vedalken.jpg]), the Elves, and the Barbarians. The humans, obviously, are you. The Elves are the primary enemy. And the Barbarians are the multiple gangs throughout the continent that will kill you simply for the clothing on your back.

The game is here; http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3800-The-End-of-Days-RP-If-you-wish-to-join-read-description?p=132497#post132497

Races/Classes for Character Creation:

Humans -

Ranger (Uses either a bow and arrow, a rapier, or an ax, has knowledge of the forest, optional animal companion)

Knight (Uses either a great sword, a shield and sword, a spear, or a great hammer, has knowledge of any city, uses heavy armor)

Berserker (Uses either a great ax, two axes, a long sword, or a club, has knowledge of barbarians cities, can use a brief berserker rage [increases damage output by 2 for 2 rounds, afterwards cannot fight for an additional 2 rounds)

Monk (Uses either a bow staff or martial arts, has knowledge of sacred areas/items, can block the next incoming attack rather than strike)

Engineer (Uses a prototype rifle [designed by yourself], has knowledge of machines or mechanical appliances, can overcharge rifle once per combat for 2 damage [causes the rifle to be uncooperative on the next round, can only be used once per combat])

Cirilians -

Mage (Uses multiple spells, has knowledge of Cirilian camps and outposts, can locate powerful magic sources nearby)

Necromancer (Uses plaguing or deadly spells, has knowledge of morgues, graveyards, or recent deaths, optional undead companion)

Swashbuckler (Uses either two swords, two axes, or a shield and sword, has knowledge of possible escape routes in cities)

Marionette (Uses dagger, short sword, or dual daggers, has knowledge of secret organizations, can force one opponent to attack it's ally for one round, can be used once per combat)

Paladin (Uses mace, mace and shield, long sword, or ax, has knowledge of religious locations or shrines, can heal an ally one tier rather than fighting, cannot heal self)

Elf Rogues -

Archer (Uses a bow and arrow, has knowledge of Elf camps, optional animal companion)

Bandit (Uses either two daggers or a short sword, has knowledge of city sewers, can discover the weakness of opponents [not immediately, but after a few minutes can figure out how to end the fight quickly)

Valkyrie (Uses either a great sword, a shield and sword, or a spear, has knowledge of any the Elven militia, uses heavy armor)

Alchemist (Uses dagger or short sword, has knowledge of medicinal herbs and edible/poisonous plants, once per combat, can use an explosive to attack two opponents at once, dealing 1 point of damage to both)

Forsaken (Uses an ax, dual axes, a long sword, a great ax, or a machete, knowledge of Elven corruption, can cause self to lose one point of health to deal two points of damage, only class that cannot be healed by Paladin [is forsaken, obviously])

Character Sheet:

Name - (Self explanatory)

Age - (Humans can live up to 80, Cirilians can live up to 130, Elves can live up to 110)

Race - (Choose one of the above races)

Class - (Choose a class from the classes below the races)

Weapon - (Your weapon of choice, and a small list of your most popular spells if you're a spell user)

Personality - (What's your character like?)

Appearance - (It would be appreciated if you inserted a picture here)

Companion - (If you have one, insert another picture of it here)

Back-story - (Doesn't have to be long, just enough to give your character some life)

Other - (If you have any other information that you want to put here, feel free)

Example -

Name - Brakkus Johnson

Age - 31

Race - Human

Class - Knight

Weapon - Great sword

Personality - A strong, serious man that has no time for silly behavior. If there's a time to be playful, he'd rather patrol the area instead.

Appearance - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110217195211/assassinscreed/images/archive/8/88/20120629122149!DVD-Knight.png (I would insert it, but the image was too big)

Companion - N/A

Back-story - Brakkus, known to be one of the most playful and jovial monsters as a kid, had a drastic change of personality when he experienced the unfortunate death of his uncle. After such a dreadful experience, he swore two things; that he would never kill someone, and that he would stop anyone that tried to kill his loved ones.

Other - Although he won't admit it, Brakkus has a soft spot for small animals. Especially bunnies.

Crucial Points:

There are a few important things that I have to point out about this game;

Firstly, there is a solid possibility that your character might die. This of course, is a survival game. If you're in the middle of a combat, or there's a trap that simply catches you off guard (gentle hint; always say that you "search the room" before you enter a dungeon), your character is going to get injured. If your injuries are unattended for long enough, I will literally kill. Your. Character. It's as simple as that.

Second point; there will NOT be ANY over powered characters in this game. Period. End of story. What do I mean by this? Simply, you can't kill anything with only one blow. You can injure multiple enemies at once, but you can't kill them immediately.

Third (and final) point; this point is by far the most important. If you haven't already noticed from my first two points, I'm going to be using a relative combat system to help the game progress. All characters at the start of the game will be in a natural "Healthy" state. If they are hit once, you will become "Hurt." If you are hit twice, you will become "Injured." If you're hit a third time, you'll become "Maimed." And, heaven forbid, you're hit a fourth time by an opponent, you'll die. Game over.

Now, for those of you that noticed Knights, Swashbucklers, and Bandits didn't quite have anything special about them, I'm going to clarify that now; Knights have a fifth state that occurs right after their "Healthy" stated called "Damaged." It basically means that your armor has been hit pretty hard, and that it won't be able to protect you against much else. You can keep fighting like your Healthy, but you won't have that little protection from your armor.

Swashbucklers get their own special "Dodge" ability. This, just like the Knight's armor, acts as a fifth tier in their health. Right after Healthy, they fall into a state called "Scratched." It basically means that you just got hit, and you can't dodge your opponents attacks again.

And finally, for the Bandit, they get a particularly special ability that I like to call "Double Tap." This little technique, which can be used only once per battle, allows you to hit any target twice, knocking them down two tiers in their health rather than just one. Now, before you get all harried out at me for giving these three class their specials out of the blue, I will be allowing any characters that were here before this change was put into place the ability to change their class. I'm sorry about the mess, and keep in mind that this is a one time deal.

Some final tidbits; The majority of enemies in this game will take only two hits to take out, so don't get annoyed that I'm making the game too complex. I'm sorry if anyone was annoyed by this change in any way; I meant to add it before, but I completely forgot, and now both myself, and you guys are paying for it. Please, take my most sincere apology. I'm am very, very sorry for not adding this before.
Name - Victoria King.

Age - 25 years old.

Race - Human.

Class - Ranger.

Weapon - An elegant white bow and arrow.

Personality - Strong, fierce, and reckless. Victoria is not your typical human girl. She never backs down from a fight, and will do anything in her power to win. Even though she's is just a girl, she is more deadly than anything. Adding onto her fierce personality, Victoria is very agile, flexible, and extremely accurate on shooting her arrows. She hardly ever misses, and can shoot a butterfly from a mile away.

Beneath all that aggressiveness and strength, there is a girl with a soft heart. She used to be sweet and caring, but as she grew older, her personality changed, and her kind self was lost. Only Raja can bring out her true self.

Appearance - http://snarkcriticpop.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/GIRLS-WITH-GUNS.jpg

Companion - She has a Tiger named Renn, who she's had since she was little. (http://images.pictureshunt.com/pics/b/bengal_tiger-8901.jpg)

Back-story - Victoria didn't have to best life in the world. She never knew her parents, and practically grew up alone, trying to survive in the forest. Until one day, she met Renn, who was sitting alone in a pool of water, growling for his mother. She felt bad for the cub, feeling his pain, and took care of him. As they both grew older, they became more attached to each other. Renn, who is immensely protective of Victoria, will kill anything that hurts her.

Victoria may not of had the best life, but at least she had Renn.

Other - Nothing really.
(Accepted :D . I like the back story, but really. Raja. Aladdin much? But hey, I'm not one to judge.)

(Also, if we don't get at least three people signed up, I'll introduce Brakkus into the story as well. Just throwing that out there)
Name- Areth Black.

Age - 26

Race - Human

Class - Ranger

Weapon - His Elmwood home made Bow and a dark cross bow. He carries 40 arrows and 35 bolts.

Personality - Calm and peaceful. He has always had a fond love for wild life never harming any creatures of mother nature. He has also enjoyed running in forests with Neo his kitten. He also loves to climb up forest trees and look at the view he has sat in a tree for almost 4 hours before the Elves had attacked now only doing so to remember his life before hand.

Appearance -

Minus the two claws on his hand :S

Companion - Neo.

Back-story - ( Hope you dont mind if I tell it in the first person :D ) "Areth, Areth, Areth." He sighed and stroked Neo as he purred gently. He looked out from the tree he was sitting in. "What happened" He asked himself. and shook his head. He closed his eyes still stroking Neo. " We'd always lived there Puss" He said in a soft tone. "Now its ravaged and torn. We used to live here once my parents had died. Just you and me...and...Well now its just gone." He sighed again opening up his eyes to see the ruined city of Brakstorm. A tear trickled down his face falling down the tree till it hit the ground. He started climbing back down the tree with Neo on his shoulder till he reached the ground. He walked into their little shack. Eat some bread and started the fireplace up...

Other - Nope.
(You don't have to change it if you don't want to. It's a cool name. Also, Areth, you've been accepted. The cross-bow was pushing it a bit, but I'll let it slide since your animal companion is a kitty :3)
(Cheers :D I decided to have a kitten for rp reasons of making my characters personality show it through his pet.)
(Awesome guys :D Now we need at least one more person to help start us off. Hopefully not another Human Ranger, lol xD )

(Does anyone have any idea what they're going to be doing when the game begins? I expect that Areth would simply be sitting in a tree, but I'm not so sure about you, Victoria)
Name - Jaidynn Aza Caverly

Age - 24

Race - Elf Rogue

Class - Bandit

Weapon - Two daggers

Personality - Jaidynn is more of a plan-first, fun-later sort of girl. She takes everything just that tad too seriously and hates rushing in without a plan. She extremely dislikes what the Elves have done to the humans and rebelled completely, even leaving her family behind because she believed her Father was corrupted in his ways - since he was one of the lead elves in the attacks against humans. She's an animal lover, even though she has no companion of her own, she's brave, loves the outdoors and feels most in her element at night time. Jaidynn is a good fighter and has once taken down three male elves at the same time.

Appearance - View attachment 7105

Companion - N/A

Back-story - Jaidynn grew up in her village with her mother, father and younger brother Darrien. She was a happy child, well loved by her family and liked by her peers. She slowly found herself growing distant from her Father at the age of 17 - didn't help when he threatened to kill any guys who were interested in her. Then once the war broke out, and Jaidynn saw her Father in action, killing innocent humans, she tried to stop him, ending up in a huge argument which caused Jaidynn to leave her home and dedicate herself to protecting the humans her Father had so quickly slaughtered. She has yet to run into her Father, and doesn't even know if he's looking for her. But she does know she will have to fight him if they do encounter each other. Jaidynn misses her Mother and little brother dearly, but knows she can't go back to them and surrender herself to the side of the killers.

Other - Jaidynn is not usually easily provoked, but if she sees someone hurting an innocent she will go ballistic. She is not a big believer in giving people a second chance and can climb practically any tree she discovers.
(Of course you're accepted :D Since there's really no fighter in the group, I'm going to throw Brakkus into the party. I'll post the address for the thread on the first post under "Important Things to know")
Name - Alvar Tosho

Age - 46

Race - Cirilians

Class - mage

Weapon - Book of magic. He memorized four spells: Ignis (Fire spell), sanare (heal spell), nato (levitation spell), tardus (slowing spell), and intego (barrier spell).

Personality - He is very knowledgeable. He enjoys stories and fiction, and looks at life like a story in a book (this may make him sometimes lean on he fourth wall).

Appearance -

View attachment 7125

Companion - none

Back-story - He used to work at the Cirilian library. After a raid, he left before they burned it down. The only book he took with him is the book of magic, often thought of the most valuable book in the library.

Other - none
Name - Junichiro Koizumi

Age - 25

Race - Human

Class - Knight

Weapon - Katana Blade (In the Role Play, he will be referring his blade to as the Daichi sword)

Personality - Junichiro is the type of man that would rather walk on his own. He doesn't like the company of others too much, but that doesn't mean that he hates his allies. He's quite the serious type, but he also has respect towards others. It's hard to get through his tough shell, but in time he begins to turn softer to his fellow companions. Trust is something Junichiro cherishes. If you cross him, your head will most likely sit on a platter.

Appearance - View attachment 7126

Companion - None.

Back-story - Before the great massacre, Junichiro lived a happy and fulfilling life. Believe it or not, he wasn't a dark person like how he is now. But that was back then, when life still "existed" throughout the lands. He lived in the peaceful town of Harlem, where he had settled down with his wife and two children. Throughout the years he had lived there, he was under swordsmanship training by an old (retired) Knight whom he had met when he was about 6 years old. The old man was like a father, since Junichiro's parents abandoned him when he was younger. Which is why the old man had taken Junichiro and helped him become a stronger and more capable man. He trained Junichiro in how to take care of himself and how to survive harsh lands, as well as sword skills. But as time had passed by, the old Knight realized that his student was much more efficient with his sword skills than anyone he had ever trained before. So with this, the old man decided to continue to train Junichiro to become the greatest swordsman in Harlem. And when Junichiro finally turned 18 years old, the Knight passed down to him the ancient Daichi sword that has been passed down from generations. After the success of becoming a skillful warrior, he settled down and married Hikari Amaya and had two wonderful children. Once he had happily formed a family, he decided to spend his time working at the church that stood out from the town. He loved his work, but he never knew that the day of reckoning would come.

The day the Elven army set out to wipe out all other species had come. His town was one of the few that had the worst of the attack. For countless amount of days, you could hear the horrifying screams that echoed throughout the land. You could hear the poor souls beg for mercy, begging to live. But no. The Elven army gave no mercy to the town, for even Junichiro's sword skills was not enough to kill over thousands of those creatures. It was then at the final days of living in pure hell, was when his family was found from hiding. He saw them, the Elves taking his son and daughter. And his wife. Those vile creatures killed his wife in front of his children, not caring if they were watching and screaming out in horrific terror. He couldn't let them take the only thing that he had left. So he charged at the Elven patrol. He killed any of them that stood near his children. He yelled at them to run away, to let him finish them all off even if it meant that he had to die to defend them.

But before his son and daughter even had the chance to escape, a few Elves captured them again and dragged them off to a carriage. They were taking them as prisoners, or maybe just saving them to finish them off later. Soon, Junichiro had lost his strength, and the Elves nearly beat him to death. After the battle, they just left him to rot in the ruins of his town. He was still alive, though. He was still living on, with everyone's lives hanging over his own head. So many innocents had died, and for what? For power? For the Elve's own God, if they had any?

It was then when he had sought out of a plan. He decided to head out on a quest for revenge in order to save his children. He had to be the right and left hands of Death and Judgement. Reborn from the ashes of war, Junichiro Koizumi, 25 years old, will set out on a journey to save the only few people that he has left. And he is willing to kill anyone who got in his way of Judgement. For Death will be his enemies' only salvation.

Other -
When ever it's safe, he would often meditate for his own sanity. It was his favorite thing to do before the war, it helps to remind himself about how life was before the near extermination of the humans. He sometimes prays, but only when he's alone. Also during battle he will sometimes speak as if he was speaking to God, like praying, or damning his enemy to where they belong.

(If there is anything I need to fix, I'll be happy to do so. ^^)
(Alright. I've got two things to say to both of you. Besides these two things, you're both accepted and can jump into the RP when you wish)

(Firstly, to Thesmashbro; You've been accepted, of course. We definitely need a Cirilian in the party. I looked at your spells; Ignis, Sanare, Volo, and Torquent. Ignis and Sanare both look alright, but I have to ask you to remove Volo and Torquent. Volo, being a spell for 'flight', just won't work very well for this RP. No character in this game is going to be over powered, it's a survival, after all. Your characters may or may not die. That's a solid possibility. And your spell Torquent just doesn't fit either. In fact, I do recall stating in the first post not to use any immobilization spells. Honestly, I'll accept Volo if it's a 'float' spell rather than a 'flying' spell, and I would accept Torquent if it was a 'slow' spell rather than a 'binding' spell. I hope that you understand.)

(Secondly, to Darksoul90; You've also been accepted, but there's one thing I constantly noticed throughout your history: Your character seems to be from a rather 'Eastern' perspective. Since this game is going to be a Medieval fantasy game, I'd appreciate it if you focused more on Knights, Chivalry, and Swordsmanship rather than Samurai, Senseis, and Martial Arts. Sorry man, it's just not the game we're playing)
Robin shouldn't rangers get a dodge too? Considering the fact they're based around Agility and Climbing?
I changed the two spells. I use latin words for the names of the spells, btw. also there are more spells in the book he carries, but it takes time to look them up and he probably won't get the time in the middle of a fight. I also won't include operpowered spells unless they had a big downside to them, and I will especially not make those spells dues ex machina.
(Awesome Thesmashbro :D I like how you have some spells that you just haven't memorized yet. That's good RP :D )

(Also, AncientPredator, the reason that Ranger's don't get that dodge ability is because they already have that animal companion. Plus long ranged attacks. If I give them dodge, they officially become OP. Alright?)
(Lol, DarkSoul90, I just re-read your history. I must admit, it sounds pretty boss.

Sadly, there's one other thing that I have to point out... yes, I'm sorry. Just a bit picky I guess.

At the end, you state that your destiny was to overthrow the Elven kingdom. Firstly, I'm sorry, but this isn't one of those RPs. We won't be demolishing an entire kingdom any time soon.

This entire game, honestly, is about survival. Your characters path will be laid out, and there is a solid chance that you'll get your kids back, but we're only going to overthrow the entire kingdom if two criteria are met;

We get far enough in the story that I've created [that actually leads up to an epic Elf slaying battle... shhhh, tis a secret]

And, if we spend enough time in the RP that I feel your character will actually be able to take on such a force. Juuuust sayin)
Oh cool, thanks Robin ^^ And no worries, I don't mind tweaking up my character's history XP But once I do that I'll go right on ahead and start posting on the RP. ^^
Name-Dreylain Miratelle (Drey for short)




Weapon- View attachment 7152

Personality-Dreylain is a well-mannered and empathetic young man. He also has a great deal of pride.

Appearance- View attachment 7151


Back-story-Dreylain lived with his father, Vincent in Harlem. Throughout their time in Harlem, Vincent taught Drey about swordsmanship and alchemy at the age of 5. Drey also learned how to manage in different terrains, which plants and herbs were safe and poisonous along with learning how to fight with a sword. By the time he was 15, he was already proficient in swordsmanship and alchemy.

The day the Elven army set out to wipe out all other species had come, Vincent knew the town would possibly be taken or be destroyed. He and Drey rounded up as many townsfolk as they could, and managed to escape amidst the carnage. However; Vincent returned to Harlem to face the Elves. Drey respected his father's decision and left Harlem with a new goal: Survive and become stronger.

Other-Before the Elves attacked Harlem, Vincent gave Dreylain a book on White Magic which he hasn't opened yet. Dreylain also has an odd tattoo which Vincent drew on Drey's chest when he
turned 5.View attachment 7153

(Nice character man, but I'm gonna ask you to wait a little while before you join the game. We already have a lot of people that we're introducing, and we really need to start getting on the road)

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