Sidereals - Life in the Bureau


world class sprinkler
I would like to run a game with a much lighter tone than is typical.

One centered around some of the sillier aspects of the setting.

One featuring Bureau-bums working for the Most Excellent Designers of Destiny and Sidereal Conjunctions. You have an office, a good job, reality warping kung-fu, and are on an eternal quest to obtain more office supplies.

Yes, there will be excursions dealing with Cthuloid pixie elves, Solars run amok, unbound Demons, rampaging Lunars, and all the other threats to the Fate you and your colleagues planned during the weekly Mercuryday morning meeting.

A meeting, incidentally, where the Five-Score Fellowship regularly thinks up the best plan ever!

Preliminary chargen and houserules:

- This is a Sidereals game. You may play a Sidereal.

- Custom charms require the approval of all Five Maidens. They are busy playing the Celestial PS3 and can not be disturbed.

- Autochton and Gaia will review any custom artifact or equipment requests. They are very picky.

- b0rked Sidereal charms will remain b0rked. That's part of their charm.

- No Sidereal Martial Arts and Crafts Charms at chargen. After chargen SMA styles will be approved or rejected on a style-by-style basis. All approved SMA styles will then be modified to repair mechanics issues.

- This game will be very broad in scope. As such, you should probably start with no more than four charms in any one ability or six charms in any two abilities. This is a suggestion, not a hard-and fast rule.

EDIT: In case it's not clear, you start with the usual 12 charms and use standard Sidereal chargen.

This... almost seems like what work used to be like. The art of goofing off and doing the minimal amount of work relative to appearing busy and hard working and collecting the mollah. :D
Oh I could have either my little Venus girl or perhaps a Secrets person I have running around in me head. I'm so in ^^
Interested players already ... excellent!

Could you please PM me your character's basic concept and personality when you have them ready? That will be a big help while I'm doing the early *cough*disaster*cough* assignment plotting this weekend.


Well, I'm not active on this forum all that much, but siddies games are always awesome, and I've had a Chosen of Battles floating around who I'd like to try... I will endeavor to introduce you to him this weekend.
Ooo!! Ooo!! Ooo!!

I love the Sidereals.

Give me two shakes of a lamb's tail to get together an Endings or a Serenity or something, at least the basic concept.
TheFeasterFromAfar said:
I'm in, Chosen of Secrets if not already taken.
While a perfect circle would be ideal, an imbalanced circle is fine with me.

...You know, I've got this old, awesome Sidereal haiku rockstar...

...Maybe he'd make a bizare but interesting Endings?
I'll be looking over all the concepts tonight after work. And, once I've read them all, Haku shall receive my application of devotion.

-cdi, "I hate it when my network goes wonky on the weekend"
TherealBrickwall said:
Aww, crap. Is there still a few hours to submit stuff? I had a really busy weekend.
If you've already expressed interest in this thread (or PM'd me already), you can still submit a character. Otherwise, recruiting is closed.

I plan on starting the actual game once most character sheets are finalized.

EDIT: so yes, there's still time.

The forum for this game is up

From the first round of character concepts:

Myllinnia: your Serenity is approved.

The Demented One: your Serenity is approved.

White Knight: your Battles is approved.

Gryffon: your Endings is approved.

Hammercrow: your Endings is approved.

Post your character sheets with the Bureau of Humanity.



EDIT: houserules and the like will be posted in the morning. 'cdi' was stupid and forgot to bring his flash drive to work with him this morning.
What the hell kind of definition of "night" do you have, dude?

Well, I was GOING to finish my Journeys, but now I guess I won't.
TherealBrickwall said:
What the hell kind of definition of "night" do you have, dude?
Well, I was GOING to finish my Journeys, but now I guess I won't.
You can still submit it. I'm letting everyone who is good to go know that they are good to go.

TherealBrickwall said:
What the hell kind of definition of "night" do you have, dude?
Well, I was GOING to finish my Journeys, but now I guess I won't.
He said tonight "After work." Most people get off work around 5-6 PM, at least here in the U.S.

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