Sidereal Cover Leaked...

Call me an elitist, but I very much prefer the originals over the pale imitations their absence has created here. None of them has come to match Joe's and TSJ's artful and delicate prickiness. It was something to admire, really. :(
So egotistical and inflammatory behaviors are acceptable as long as you admit it and justify it?
Well, what I'm saying is, I don't really care about you being candid or whatever, which I think everyone already is anyway, but you should at least consider showing courtesy and think of how your statements would be accepted by other peers.

You know, like how everyone else who is no better or worse than you is doing.
So just shut up and get some reading comprehension skills. I really would like to see you finding one of my statements which could be defined as egoistical. Just look the word up next time you intend on using something with more than one syllable, ok?

And there is a slight difference between speaking out the truth and flaming someone. When I post my opinion on a topic, perhaps even demanding that people should inform themselves before setting their mind-crap free in the internet, then that is not a flame. Even if I don't pack the ego of people in cotton wool before speaking/typing.

And by the way vrrrrrruuuuuuuummmmm, that was the rest of my last response to you driving by. It was not very fast, you still seemed to miss it. I guess it is due to some error on your behalf or perhaps it doesn't fit into your picture of me that I actually contribute a lot.
...never mind the fact I made that post up there in the first place. I think we are blind to ourselves enough to pretend that this conversation never happened.

EDIT: Sorry, it's hard for me to say what I want to and have what I'm saying convey any kind of significance because English is not my native tongue. So I had to fix some words. Aporogies.
...never mind the fact I made that post up there in the first place. I think we are blind to ourselves enough to pretend that this conversation never happened.
EDIT: Sorry, it's hard for me to say what I want to and have what I'm saying convey any kind of significance because English is not my native tongue. So I had to fix some words. Aporogies.
I am not a native speaker either. I just take a few moments more to read a post...
Man, you english-speaking people are too citic, that must be why I didn't get my green card, hehe. I kind of liked it. If you compare to D&D covers or, specialy, 1e covers, this is suberb. The 2e core book has also a very good cover.
Eh...back on topic. It seems to be ugly art, IMO...I love two of the Characters (Black Ice Shadow and Iron Siaka) on that cover, and I shudder at it...I hope they clean it up more or's not pretty, to seems like something hastily thrown together with little consideration for anatomy and proportions.

And no, this isn't because it's the Sidereal book's's because the art is lousy, at least to me. If this were the cover to Abyssals, I'd not be happy with it either. Ick. They could have put some more effort into it or something.
Dude. That sucks harder than a french midget.

Seriously, what kind of dirt does udon have on white wolf? There's gotta be a reason for the craptacular art as of late. I mean, who the hell decided on the picture for the Water Aspect page? Glad to know he can do the splits, cause that's the only weakness of certain evil anathema...
unless you douche Bigalows present artwork of equal or better quality, then i think you girls need to cool it on the critism. Unless you want me and Pats McGroin to pay you a little visit... you know, like a drive down the hersey highway... that sorta thing?

... sorry guys, i have just been gone so long, i wanna be apart of the community again. Would you take me back as and accept me as one of your own mama bird?
Lotus said:
unless you douche Bigalows present artwork of equal or better quality, then i think you girls need to cool it on the critism. Unless you want me and Pats McGroin to pay you a little visit... you know, like a drive down the hersey highway... that sorta thing?
Why? You don't have to be an artist to like a piece of art. If you don't like a movie, do you feel you have to make a better one in order to criticize it? That's a load of bollocks. You can say you don't like something without having to present an alternative.

I mean, that's pretty much what the internet's all about now, isn't it?

Lotus said:
... sorry guys, i have just been gone so long, i wanna be apart of the community again. Would you take me back as and accept me as one of your own mama bird?
That depends on your answer to this question - What do the words "Boy Toy" mean to you in relation to your place on this forum?

memesis said:
Given your reliance on 4chan images as a signature, I'm really gonna have to call your ability to judge artistic merit into question.

Is Iron Siaka the one with the big fucking mace? She's the most dopest sig character from 1E - or at least tied with Crimson Banner.
Yes, that's Iron Siaka. One of my favorite Sids...heh.

And, to Lotus, no, I probably can't draw something with that much detail. However, I certainly can draw something that's better proportioned and in more plausible postions than this. I'm not that great of an artist, but I at least know the proportions of the human body, and the fact that there are so many errors with anatomy on this cover is why I don't like it. If you want me to do a rundown of why I have issue with this picture, I suppose I can oblige:

Iron Siaka: Firstly, nobody in their right mind would be attacking from the position she's in unless they wanted to fall flat on their face and look ridiculous. One does not jump with thier knees pointed in opposite dierctions as if they were doing a sumo-squat. Also, her right wrist either has a couple extra joints in it or is completely dislocated from her hand. The left is more managable, but only if she wants to break it upon the mace's impact with anything. Wrists don't much care for bending that far backwards most of the time. One also doesn't choke up that much on a weapon's hilt if they want to keep hold of it when it hits something (or, in other words, her hands are too close together to be holding it believably).

Black Ice Shadow: They could have at least given him a waist and a butt so that it doesn't look like his legs are three times the length of his torso. They could have also given him shoulders. Shoulders are twice as wide as the head is tall, so to speak, and he's running a bit short of that. His head also looks too small for his body, to me...which really doesn't help the shoulder situation, really.

Secrets guy (w/the seven section staff): In a way, he's one of the better drawn ones on this page, and that's sad. His eyes do not line up on his face...the right one is too low, and to small, considering that it's the one closer to us, and so perspective dictates that it should look larger. His left arm is also in a fairly uncomfortable position to hold an arm in. Something bothers me about the position of his left leg as well, but I can't place it. Though, as Flagg said, at least he looks undeniably like a man this go around.

Miss Journies: She suffers from the too small head worse than Shadow does. She also doesn't have enough hip for me to think that that skirt is staying on without glue or something. She also has two-dimensional feet...worst case of flat feet I've seen in my life. Fingers also do not bend backwards naturally. Especially not if you want to be holding something between them and your thumbs. Her torso is far too long for the rest of her, and her headgear makes the Lover's new hat look trendy.

Battles (Crimson Banner, right?): One does not run with arms in a swastika position unless they want to be in some major pain. He's the other character that isn't overly badly drwan, comparitively, though. The fact that it looks like he has no upper portion of his left arm hurts some, though.

One doesn't necessarily need to be a good artist to tell the difference between good art and bad art. That's like saying you can't say a singer sucks because you can't carry a tune either. It's silly. *shrugs*

Oh, and welcome back, again. :)
Well you might know, but maybe some of the others didn't. And also; that's why I'm here: to impart irrelevant knowledge you may or may not already have.
Have people realized that there are like 6 posts telling people that there is a duplicate thread?

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