Sidereal Cover Leaked...

Hmm... at least Seven-section Staff Boy looks MALE in that picture.
I just want to know what the hell kind of thing does UDON HAVE on WW to continue to be able to make crappy covers for their books?
Given your reliance on 4chan images as a signature, I'm really gonna have to call your ability to judge artistic merit into question.
I have the capacity to judge art!

And I say that mr. middleman looks like a cold, unfeeling ninja robot with a human head stuck on top, while the lady next to him has her legs at a wierd position in relation to her body. Also, macey mcsmarshton's right hand is at an odd angle.
Ummm... Well...  

Maybe that's an unfinished concept version?

We hope...
My dreams, are once more, crushed. I think they'll just parcel out shitty covers for the hardbacks and just give the good ones to the softcovers. I mean, imagine the horror (funny kind) that Abyssals will be.
Why is anyone surprised? The art for the 1E hardback covers was equally atrocious.
Man, this is amusing beyond measure.  Sidereals 2E isn't even out yet, so the best you bitches can find to complain about is the cover art.
memesis said:
Man, this is amusing beyond measure.  Sidereals 2E isn't even out yet, so the best you bitches can find to complain about is the cover art.
You respond to criticism against Sidereals as if you take personal offense to it somehow.
Mem, I'm commenting on a cover art piece. I could give a shit about the mechanics. I just want the damn book. Sheesh.
Flagg said:
You respond to criticism against Sidereals as if you take personal offense to it somehow.
Given the posts here, I can only conclude that people are taking personal offense to the cover art.

My dreams, are once more, crushed.
this made me a sad Haku, 'kay?
You don't find this a tad ridiculous?

The "oh, that's just sarcasm" reply won't fly, if you insist on treating my comment with deadly seriousness. :)
So we're clear to make fun of cover art.  We're NOT clear to make fun of people making fun of cover art.  Gotcha.  Glad we cleared this up!
Memesis, get laid. Fast.

You are a worse prick than me lately and I can't stand my title being taken away from me.

To the topic at hand... ... ... I think it is a joke. I hope so at least. But then... it is better than the first edition cover ^^
Well... It might be a joke, but the 'style' does fit, so to speak.

Of course, this might be a rough sketch/picture to determine the signature character's position on the cover. May be.

And besides, the book hasn't come out yet, so all we can do is bitch about anything leaked... including the cover art.   :D
Maybe this is a ploy by WW to get the fans bitching and complaining about the art so that when the real book comes out, and the cover is better, we're all blindsided and have nothing but praise for the WW gods......

Vanman said:
Maybe this is a ploy by WW to get the fans bitching and complaining about the art so that when the real book comes out, and the cover is better, we're all blindsided and have nothing but praise for the WW gods......
That's too intelligent for the WW marketing department. Or any marketing department.  :twisted:

Dunno, I find the cover art rather awful.

I mean, well, I really liked the background art for the 1E Sidereals book (which I so fucking want a poster of). I kinda hope this isn't final and we get to see something like they did with the last edition.

Because I think that was the coolest Exalted art I've seen. >_>

Safim said:
Memesis, get laid. Fast.
You are a worse prick than me lately and I can't stand my title being taken away from me.
Eh, allow me to be a twit for a moment.

Frankly speaking, while Memesis sounds easily irritated lately, you sound like you are deliberately attempting to irritate people on purpose, because I don't think someone can be naturally anal like that and still socialize. From what you've said above, I guess I was kinda right. Why? Do you enjoy dragging cool discussions down with personal accusations? Is being a prick somehow a cool thing to do around where you live? Have people in this forum committed a vile sin against your ancestors?

I really don't understand your mindset. :?
I do not irritate people on purpose, that is a common misconception. I just don't hold back criticism where its due, I don't think you are able to point me at any one post of me where the only thing I did was to irritate someone without actually contributing to the discussion. And to be honest, most discussions on here quickly derail into a "my stuff is so uber powerful" slugfest and people constantly repeating each other. As far as I am aware I am one of the posters here who actually only posts when he has something to say and I think the threads I opened were all of some worth.

And about me being a prick... you should try it with irony from time to time. Self irony to be exact. I am perfectly aware of the fact that I am not the easiest person to be around, perfectly aware of the fact that I sometimes have difficulties transporting my ideas in a "nice" fashion. And I am perfectly allowed to make fun of myself by calling me a prick and pretending that this is a title you should wear with pride.
So egotistical and inflammatory behaviors are acceptable as long as you admit it and justify it?

Well, what I'm saying is, I don't really care about you being candid or whatever, which I think everyone already is anyway, but you should at least consider showing courtesy and think of how your statements would be accepted by other peers.

You know, like how everyone else who is no better or worse than you is doing.

Chill, this is the Exalted Compendium, not the TFS or the WW forums or even the forums.

We're SUPPOSED to be egotistical and prickly. We have to live up to the Little Joe and TSJ legacy.

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