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Fandom Side Quest: What Lies Beneath... [Millennium City: Lower Class District]


Ready for the Shit Show, Shaka Brah

Franklin and Lamar glanced Tony and Kobiyashi, "Yo, this niggah cute," said Lamar, bending over, patting Kobi on the head, "Ay, take this homie. This'll help..." He reached into the back of his pants, unholstering a [TEC-9 Machine pistol], while Franklin handed Tony, that vanilla princess, and The Joker... [a bowie knife]. That's all they had, unfortunately, but if you can manage to secure weaponry off someone else, that'd be a distinct possibility.



Welcome to Belleview Manor - an abandoned, dilapidated mansion since 2011, owned by a wealthy oil baron in 1921, a drug sweatshop in 2008, and on the books, after the MCPD shut everything down, owned by the illusive Dr. Joseph Heiter. You could see eight men, equipped with MP5 submachine guns, walking to and fro, their comm-links buzzing with action.

They don't appear to notice you yet, though.

Be wise about your next move.

You're given three options:

A.) Charge in, guns blazing.

B.) Examine the RESTROOM nearby: It's mid-sized, dinky and dirty. The walls are rusted as if they hadn't been used in decades. A few bathroom stall doors are missing, and graffiti, mostly phallic drawings and a black 'I'll suk ur dik 4 $1. call me @ 342-246-1235' is evident on the third stall.

C.) Wander the CEMETERY: The cemetery is a small graveyard located toward the North of the Manor. It is surrounded by many trees. There's an unlocked Mausoleum at the edge of the cemetery. Do you explore what's inside?​

Maxiliase Maxiliase , Xibilation Xibilation , Frost Arus Frost Arus , Centurion_ Centurion_ , Yang Xio LONG Yang Xio LONG , dalecoOoOoOper dalecoOoOoOper , G God Of Succ , Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo , Rhys Rhys , marc122 marc122
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Tony says that he wants to go to the Restrooms and wait for any of the guards to come up so he can cut him and take his outfit, so he can kill them one by one to exchange the outfits for everyone.
That or, going on a gunfight.

B) (If anybody has a phone, maybe we can call the number)
As for the moment as Rhys arrives to the manor, he decides to wander around the cementary. It was a normal cementary, what did he expect "It appears like it was a cementery for the family, although it kinda looks truly abandoned, I wonder how old this place was" Rhys said to himself while still wandering around the graveyard, and then he sees a unlocked Mausoleum, and he walks towards it, he opens it up to find something that strange, not that like "Life changing stuff or anything" kind of non-sense

( C.) Wander around the graveyard)

Kobayashi blushed a little bit when she got patted by Lamar. She then grabbed ahold the TEC-9 pistol. She never grabbed ahold of a gun in real life before. The only times she's seen guns being used is in the Metal Gear series, the EDF series, and possibly the Yakuza series. Nonetheless, she was satisfied to be at least given something useful for ranged combat.

"...Thank you."

Now, it was her turn to make a move. She considered A, aka. charging in, guns blazing, run-and-gunners letting the bodies hit the floor, but no, she would wound up dead. The restroom, and cemetery, though, was something she could want to break in through. Then, when Tony Montana said that he would explore the restroom, she nodded towards him, as she saw the disguises as an opportunity to break in under Heiter the Hater's nose. So she spoke up and said towards Tony:

"Same here."

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Tony looked at Yang and says Tony Montana. I'm trying to make us get some cash. He replied with conviction
I want to go in and either catch them by surprise with a bang or a surprise with a sneak stab.
Yang Xio LONG Yang Xio LONG
The Joker decides that there must be a much easier way to deal with this situation than barging in and going through thugs, and decided that he just cleaned his shoes and so he went to take a stroll through the cemetery, a very picturesque sight so he goes to the end of the cemetery where the mausoleum resides and sees there is a locked door on it so he kicks it down and instead of a grave inside of it there's a passage so he goes back to the main group and says "Right ladies robots and Tony. I've found a passage way in the mausoleum in the cemetery the only trouble being that it's going down... way down so maybe we shouldn't but what the hell we should do it for fun am I right?"

4 B - Kobi, Yang, Darkness, Xibilation
4 C - Rhys, Joker, Dale, Tony,
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"More people? i don't know any of you?!" Looks around as she shrugs "This is gonna be a blast!"
(i picked b!))
"As long as we're able to stop these miscreants from running rampant, I'm.. Unfortunately in." Dale nodded at the others with him. He began to quickly analyze the situation and pointed at the cemetary. "We can flank them from behind, there."

Tony says that he wants to go to the Restrooms and wait for any of the guards to come up so he can cut him and take his outfit, so he can kill them one by one to exchange the outfits for everyone.
That or, going on a gunfight.

B) (If anybody has a phone, maybe we can call the number)

Darkness listens into the group discussion and watches Tony as he puts forward his arguement, Calling the number was a creative and unique idea that not many people would've thought about doing, not that Darkness even knew what a a phone or a phone number was, but she agreed with Tony's stealthy approach, avoiding combat and gearing up; she also decided to agree with Tony simply because he persuaded her to do this and because she admired him.

"I agree with him, as much as I love charging in and being targeted by all the danger, I don't think it would be wise with the current state of our party."

looks around the group as she gives her opinion on the situation, stopping on Tony and ending her sentence with a nod.

B) vote for me.
(Nice thinking with the phone, Tony; maybe we can get an Easter Egg? :O)

Akibahara Akibahara Maxiliase Maxiliase
"YES! it's time to deal out some PUNishments? eyy eyy? anyone....?" Looks around as she still has a bright smile!
The Joker readjusting his hat and then looking at the girl who is very excited about going to smash some heads he looked at her and said with a smile "Maam I'm more than happy to go, but it's awfully nice to wait for the others to decide, it's not nice to be rude is it"
Yang Xio LONG Yang Xio LONG
The Joker readjusting his hat and then looking at the girl who is very excited about going to smash some heads he looked at her and said with a smile "Maam I'm more than happy to go, but it's awfully nice to wait for the others to decide, it's not nice to be rude is it"
Yang Xio LONG Yang Xio LONG
"Whatever clown guy, I think I nailed it." Gives the man a nice bow as she still is grinning "Got enough paint on ya, a little more and you could be a Work of art."
Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo
We go through the cemetery and listen to her jokes. Ok? Says Tony as he awaits for everyone's approval
"Gotcha handsome..i'll be here all night." She stretches and puts her hands behind her head as she walks up with him "I am ready when ever you all are!"

Kobayashi faced the bombshell blonde, aka Yang, and saw that going to the restroom would reward her with more immature jokes from her. However, she saw this as an acceptable compromise, but she thought that the blonde especially has to stay quiet due to the sheer amount of her energy. Then she looked back at Tony and agreed with a prompt:

The Joker looks at the lady and for once someone doesn't start wanting to kill him from the beginning to which he responds with a bow in return "Well ma'am, I'm already a work of art I don't need to be any more added to. You can't make perfection more perfect can you?" And then he looks at the gangster and sighs a bit and says "You see usually I'm the one whos mad and waiting to go, but now I think we need to be courteous and wait for other people to agree with us."
You have chosen [the cemetary].

The sunlight shines down on the gray, dying mausoleum - it's doors are creaked open, revealing two tombs: The first read 'Sarah Connor - Respected Mother', the second read 'Spartacus - The God of Blood and Sand', there's locks on both of them, with a single [golden key] on a little prayer shrine nearby, you're going to have to choose one or the other - choose wisely.

A.) Open Sarah Connor's tomb

B.) Open Spartacus' tomb.
As the Joker enters the mausoleum he previously entered somehow all of it changed and then the Joker went outside and looked to the right where the was the mausoleum he broke open and so he swallowed some of his own salivae and went back inside and with a smile said "That mother looks like a nice lady, she wouldn't do anything strange with her grave, like I read warriors do shit to their graves so they don't get grave robbers, also I'm getting a feeling I heard her name in Terminator so if we open it we might find a lot of guns...." he says as he puts his hand over the mother's grave

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