Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)


Familiar for Hire
The bell rings just as you arrive your late and you have a feeling that today isn't goining to be a great first day.

(You may now post!)
Dammit! I scream, my toe throbbing from being rammed against solid concrete. why even have concrete steps outside a school anyway? Sigh, it doesnt matter, I am so late already. I knew I should have had puddles wake me up an hour before school instead of only half an hour. Suddenly i stop dead, OH NO PUDDLES!! I drop all the text books and notepads I have huddles in my arms on the ground outside the door. i put out my hands palms out and take a deep breath, then I whistle a calling...nothing happens..."OH C'mon Puddles I damn well late as it is!" Suddenly I small grey blip appears far off in the air. Puddles! "Move your scaley but you lazy bones! I mean really what kind of dragon makes their witch late on her first day of school?" Puddles lands next to me with a guilty little look on his face, he waddles over to my text books and picks them up in his mouth, then looks back up at me. "Haha, fine you're forgiven, now let's go I am seriously late!" I opened the door and Puddles came waddling in behind me, happy as a dragon baby could be.
Kaze snuck in the school's side entrance knowing he was late, and tring to avoid getting in trouble for it. But as luck would have he ran right into the principal. Kaze pretended to listen to the speach about how important it was to be on time, and look presentible. He straighted out his shirt and fixed his tie that was part of the dress code for guys. Finally the princeipal was done and he began to leave. Until the principal called him back to scold him for the small silver earring Kaze wore. 'I can't wait for this day to be over. I'm usually unnoited and good in school. But it doesn't look like that'll happen this year.' He thought irritiblly.
Drake runs as fast as possible to get there on time when he trips on a rock and stumbles into a tree. "OUCH!" Drake yells but quickly recovers and begins running agian. "Darn I needent be late OUCH!" He yells again. "Now I have a bloody nose." When Drake gets to school he quickly finds the classroom still having a little blood on his hands he sighs and accidentlly attracts the class's attention. 'Darn.' Drake thinks as the teacher gives him the evil eye and sends him to the princable's office.
"Well, it's official Puddles," Siren says looking at the tiny out of breath dragon, "we are lost." He looks up at her with a, no shit, look on his face. "Don't give me attitude! If you're so smart you find out where we are!" She sneered, then slumped back on to a wall of lockers. This seemed to be all the invitiation Puddles needed. He dropped the load of books from his mouth and nudged one out of the pile with his snout. He picked it up and spat it onto Siren's Lap, then looked up at her smug-like. The book was titled, Spells to Use When Lost in Unfamiliar Places. "Wow, well that's...oddly specific. Good job Pudds." She threw Puddles a piece of meat she had in her pocket, the dragon was all but too excited. Just as Siren was about to open the book and see what she could find she saw a boy passing by her, and by his mannerisms he was having almost as bad a day as she was.
Drake trudged down the hallway to the office there was a girl and a dragon sitting against the lockers. "Are you lost?" he asked. Stopping his prossetion past maybe if he could help this person his day would brighten, at least the girl's should. But the principal came around the corner with another student. And from the look on his face they were in for a repremanding.
"are you lost?" The boy asked her.

Siren wasn't really sure how to answer. She suddenly became aware of how out of place she looked, with her poofy blond hair all spread around her and her apprentice robes dishevled from all the running and getting lost and stuff. Not to mention there was a freaking baby dragon eating a piece of bloody steak at her feet!

The boy was looking at her expectently and the longer she waited the longer he had to look her over. "No, I wa-" she began to say. Then, all of a sudden a Man and another student came bustling down the same hallway. The man looked angry.

"What are you student's doing here!?" He growled, "That's enough, ALL OF YOU! TO. MY. OFFICE!"

Drake sat in a chair in the office with the blonde girl and her odd pet, and the dark haired boy with the pericing. As the principal shuffled through papers and talked.

"You kids are sure making really bad first impressions. All of you late, one of you disrupting class, one sitting in the halls not wearing the uniform and bringing animals into the school, one of you coming in a closed side entrance not wearing your uniform correctly and having pericings. Which are all clearly against school regulations. So what do you delinquents in the making have to say for yourselves?"

Drake sat still and quiet not sure what to come back with.
"Excuse me sir," said Siren timidly, "I don't mean to be rude or anything, but Puddles isn't a pet, she is my familiar. I am a witch and we are entitled to one familiar, it says so in the handbook." The man looked sternly at her. he began to say something but Siren cut him off. "Also, sorry...but I do apologize for being late, I had trouble finding the school this morning. Then I got lost finding my class....this boy(she pointed to the boy next to her) was stopping to help me out. I mean it is the first day, do you think you can just make an exception for the three of us, just's been an awful morning and I dont think any of us want to cause you trouble or be any later than we are for our classes..."

Siren looked down at Puddles who in turn gave her a sideways wink of encouragement and cuddled up next to her foot.
The principal looked angery at her comment and Kaze was ready to make a run for it, but then his expression eased. "I guess but it had better not happen again. Repeat offernders are NOT tolerated. Here is list of classes for each of you and I would perfer that your. . . . framilier was kept on a leash or out of sight. You are dismissed."

Kaze imedeantly grabbed a paper and left before the principal could change his mind. He got a small paper cut and sucked on his finger as he made his way to his first class. 'Framilier? Witch? Could it be that I'm not the only wierd one around here? I guess we'll see, maybe I can talk to her later. But will it be worth the risk of reveiling that I'm a mage?' He wondered sighlently.
To Siren's surprise the principle actually let them all go, though neither she nor Puddles quite liked the leash comment. The blacked haired boy was gone before she could even blink an eye, and the other boy was packing up his things hastely. Siren and Puddles gathered thier stuff and went into the hallway again. Luckily that class list the principle gave them had a map on the other side of it.

"Alrighty then!" Siren said in a forced positive mood, "let's do this thing Puddles." Puddles puffed up his chest and smiled proudly, going with the positive vibe thing Siren was trying to make. "Ok, dont over do it, or i'll leash you (Siren winked). SO, first class iiiisss....ancient" Siren sighed and folded up the paper into her pocket. "Let's go Puddles, this way." she began to walk off in the classrooms direction.
Kaze looked at the class list and found his way to his first class. He sat down and was soon followed in by the blonde girl. 'Looks like she has ancient history first too.' He thought before the teacher began to site her lecture again.

((GTG for the night see ya'll tomorrow.))
Aedyn galloped the last streach to the school cursing herself. The trip from the Great Plains had taken an entire day longer than she had planned for and she was going to have to go to school as soon as she got there. Without settling into her dorm room and getting a good nights sleep first like she had hoped to be able too. She also, is seemed wasn't going to be able to put on her uniform, so she was still wearing the Glamouried cloak, that made her look like a rather tall human who ran awkwardly, the cloak made her seem human, but could do nothing for her height or the way she moved.

The low branch clipped her shoulder making her stumple and reel off ballance for a moment she tottered on her forelegs, and then she toppled over onto the ground. Scrambling hastily to her feet she spat grass and dirt out, and continued her race toward the large main entrance. Leaping nimbly over the concrete steps and whacking her forehead on the door frame "Bloody--' she exclaimed in pain, 'right, have to duck to fit under human size doors' she reminded herself, feeling the fool. A loud bell rang startling her, as she ducked under the threshhold, enough to lift her head and slam it painfully into the frame once more 'great, now I'm late as well as exhausted and injured. Today has been just peachy' but as she thought it she knew that the terrible day wasn't through with her yet. She stood just inside the doorway and stared at the hall realizing belatedely that she had no idea where to go from here. 
"Oh well," she said quietly shaking her head, then she straightened up and strode forward "best start searching, prehaps I shall find someone who can help me find class. I can't be the only one having a bit of bad luck today." It was easy to get lost in the twisting passageways and that is just what Aedyn did, not that she really noticed, wondering absently whether anyone noticed the clip-clop of her hooves on the stone. And if so, what they thought of it since they couldn't possibly be able to see her hooves. She heard voices and stopped, then continued, using her training to walk in almost utter silence--it was difficult on the polished stone surface, but not impossible--then she peeked around the corner of the doorframe, and saw as three disheveled students got chewed out by a tall, unpleasant looking man. He was finished it seemed for he handed them all papers and sent them away. One of them vanished and the other two hurried away they all left through the other door, which Aedyn assumed must be the main entrance. Aedyn backed up a step as the man aproached, her hoof lost traction on the polished stone and she slipped, both of her hind legs going outfrom under her she sat down hard on the floor. the man turned the corner sharply and tripped over her, his leg catching her injured shoulder painfully. He struggled ungracefully to his feet and swung around, his face red with anger. "Young lady" he growled with barely controlled rage "you are out of uniform, and you are late. I won't tollerate such dissrespect in my educational establishment. Come with me." He turned and stalked back into the office and she struggled to her feet wondering how she had dissrespected him. Perhaps being tripped over constituted as being disrespectfull, or maybe he just didn't like the fact that she was taller than him. Oh well, she thought with a sigh as she clip-clopped despondently after him.
Kaze dozed a little in class by accident but woke with a start when a book landed on his head. Not hard enough to really hurt but enough to wake him.

"I would appreciate it if you did not sleep during my lesson Mr. Sekai." The teacher screeched.

Kaze cringed at the use of his last name, with a Mr. in front, and by a squeaky voiced teacher none the less. "Yes ma'am." He uttered just loud enough to be heard. The teacher nodded curtly and walked back to the front of the classroom.
Siren and the rest of the class tried to choke back a chuckle when the black haired boy got a book in the face by the teacher. Hey, she couldn't blame him, you would think "ancient" history wouldn't be such a snore. The only thing keeping Siren from dozing off was a nice tail whip to the thigh every couple seconds. Puddles had fallen asleep next to her and was whipping her tail in her sleep. Siren gave the dragon a nice nudge with her toe, right in her scaley side. Puddles woke, quite startled, and in the shock let out a firey hiccup.. The flame ball was only the size of a grape, but it was enough to singe the top of Mrs. Gnomes firzzy hair. Siren once again tried to choke back her laughter.
Crispin looked over at the doors that led to the school building once more. He had repeated this action numerous times that morning from his hidden vantage point in the tree he was sitting in. Kate had sent him to school about an hour before so he would be plenty early, but he was having trouble finding the courage to go in. He wasn't like most people. He knew that. So why should he try and make these people accept him when he was obviously an outcast? He didn't belong here...

But really, that wasn't of his own choosing was it? He was born normal, that should be enough right? He had as much right as anyone to be there! But he wasn't normal any more... did he still have that right? These thoughts and several along these lines had been swirling in Crispin's head all morning as he watched the student's enter the brick building he was supposed to spend the next two years of his life in.

Crispin sighed. He couldn't run away from this any longer. He had to go and at least try and fit in. He shimmied down the tree slowly and trudged towards the doors. They seemed like the portals leading to some mysterious, foreign land... Crispin took a deep breath, collected himself, put a unconcerned face on, and walked inside....

The first thing Crispin noticed was that there were only two people he could see. He must have seen hundreds go in that morning, where were they all? He froze for a second, unsure of what to do. It seemed the two people hadn't noticed him however so he jumped behind the nearby lockers and hid... waiting for them to leave. The black headed girl seemed to be receiving a lot of grief from an angry looking man... He watched curiously from his hidden spot...
The man--the Principle Aedyn suspected--sat at the desk and began straightening perfectly straight piles papers, in what seemed to be an attempt to curb his temper. "Miss-?"

"Lasadh" she supplied. He looked at her oddly but continued "Miss Lasadh, consider this a warning, you are to appear on time and in the proper atire from this day on or you will be diciplined. You will not lurk outside of offices nor will you sit on the floor in the halls, any further actions of this sort may result in suspension." He took a packet of papers from the top his stack and handed it to her "This is your class shcedule, you are dismissed." "Thank you sir." She responded, then pivoted on her back leg and left. Thankfully the packet came with a semblence of a map and she was able to find her first class: Ancient History.

'the class is probably half over by now.' she thought to herself, then she straightened her shoulders and walked into the classroom, ducking under the doorframe so she didn't see the initial reaction to her intrance.
Mrs. Gnomes turned toward Siren in a vicious rage. " Excuse me Miss!," she said in a sneering tone, "I know that the new, 'rules,' have allowed for you to carry around the monsterous lizard all day, but if you cannot contain it! I will dispose of the both of you from my classroom, IS THAT CLEAR!?" I nodded...Puddles looked pissed after being called a lizard, but really what else was she going to call him. After the meeting with the principle I started getting the feeling that having a dragon hanging around me was a bit to much of a giveaway that i was a bit I casted a spell over him to make him look like a big lizard...the only ones who knew the truth were the teachers and the principle...still she shouldn't be so mean about it.

Before Siren or Puddles could sulk anymore she saw a girl walk into the room. She was really late and the teacher scolded her too. The girl walked up and sat in the seat next to her. Siren looked at her. She looked so normal. Then she looked at Puddles and her own robes...realizing how un-normal she looked...Sirens face turned a deep ashen red.
Inside the room before Aedyn had a chance to look up, the frizzy haired teacher was shouting at her, She toned it out, fairly certain that she was being scolded for being late, and she had had enough of that for one day. After a short while the teacher seemed to calm down a bit and Aedyn tuned back in to hear her say "Take your seat young lady." "My apologies ma'am, thank you ma'am." Then she took her seat beside another girl with wild blonde hair changing, with a surprising amount of effort, the spell on her cloak from a Glamourie into a shapeshift spell so that she could sit easily in the chair.
"Hello," Siren said after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence. The girl looked at her. Siren smiled her best winning smile, Puddles smiled to, but Siren gave him a look that meant for him to start acting more like a common lizard than a dragon. "My name is Siren," she said to the girl, "and this is my lizard Puddles." She kept up her smile the whole time she spoke.
The girl next to Aedyn said "Hello," with a large smile, then she introduced herself as Siren and her pet lizard as Puddles. "Oh, Hi." Aedyn responded with her own smile, a happy, friendly smile "I'm Aedyn it's nice to meet you Siren, that's a beautiful name." She giggled "And Puddles, how do you do?" she asked the lizard. A ruler snapped down on her desk with a loud thwack Causing Aedyn to jump. "Miss Lasadh, you have already missed almost half of my class, if you cannot bring yourself to pay attention during the remainder of it, I will have to dicipline you."
Siren turned red. She didnt mean to get the girl in trouble, "I'm sorry," she whispered. "We can talk after class." Siren smiled at her. Puddles curled up and fell back asleep.

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