Shiru is alive!

Good day fellow roleplayers.

My name is Shiru or Juice (as it is in English). I am a partially experienced roleplayer and novelist. I started of casually and soon enough I joined a roleplay guild. I stopped after a rather serious car accident and now I am here to try it once more. I haven't done a good detailed roleplay in a while so I am a bit rusty.

My preferred genres are:


Science Fiction










Romance (preferably without me having to be an abusive character who later on is nice... that's annoying...)

No erotica please. The occasional pansu to mune mention is fine just don't take it too far.

I have plenty characters that I choose from according to the genre.

Stuff I don't like:

When people control my character or create a back story for him/ her. (I KILL YOU!)

When people take what my characters say personally. (They are characters in a story thus not real!)

When people judge me based on my characters. (Don't >.<)

Finally, I do role play as both male and female characters as well as more than just one character at a time.

My format is third person past tense.

I hope to make some good friends on here. I also role play on kik and whatsapp if you're interested.

Have a good day.

Welcome to RpNation!

Hope you have a good time roleplaying here ❤️

Welcome to RPN! Fortunately our Site Rules (which you should totally check out) draw a hard line at no erotic content! I have a feeling pansu to mune would also be forbidden, though I'm unsure of what that means.
It's panties and chests. I'm not sure if you watch Seinen but a lot of the time the characters are unhappy with their sizes. That's what I mean by that. I don't usually play as those type of characters anyway so it's fine with me if that's not allowed.
Hello, fellow newbie.

ShiruSenpai said:
Stuff I don't like:

When people control my character or create a back story for him/ her. (I KILL YOU!)

When people take what my characters say personally. (They are characters in a story thus not real!)

When people judge me based on my characters. (Don't >.<)

Finally, I do role play as both male and female characters as well as more than just one character at a time.

My format is third person past tense.
This. This is exactly my thoughts right down to the "third person past tense." Are you the male version of me? O.o
Sure. I'd like to do Seinen, but I am open to a lot of things. Do you happen to read Berserk? I'd like to roleplay in a bloody medieval fantasy.

Do you have any plots or worlds in mind?
Berserk? I'll check it out but I do like the idea of bloody medieval fantasy. Quest for Lost Heros was much like that.

I have plenty plots and worlds but a lot of them are better with a few people. I have a plot that you may just like. I'm not sure if you've watched any dementia anime but I thought of the idea of one character going into the other's mind in search of darkness that needs to be destroyed because the darkness is making said character go insane.

It's a pretty much limitless plot but if you're up to it, I'd love to try that.
uh. If you haven't read berserk already, I must warn you... it's not for the weak of heart. Lots of torture, gore, and violence here. It's the most intense manga I've ever read.

Hmmm... that's is an interesting concept. I have read a manga like that. I'd be willing to give it a try, but I'm not sure if this subject falls under my skill set. But hey, no pain no gain!
Don't worry, some of the people I role played with randomly turned my character into a hybrid by saying that the dragon was my father. Really don't worry, anythings better than being stuck with someone like that >.<

I'm sure you'll do a great job.

I love gore and torture so I'll check Berserk out.
xD Da fudge? That must have been hella annoying. Alright. I'll follow your lead on this for now until I get a handle. If you want to invite a few more people, I'd be fine with that as well. I can't stomach another huge group roleplay though... not again...

As for Berserk. If you can handle it, I definitely recommend!
Quite honestly I can't trust anyone yet. Just now I invite someone who takes about 4 days to answer -w- I tend to get that a lot hahaha. It'll just be the two of us if that's okay.

Oh just out of interest have you seen Acchi-Kocchi?
I have not. Googled it, and not a big fan of the art style (too cutesy and generic), but that can easily be forgotten with a good plot. Is it any good?
The humour is fantastic! Although... I do have a weird sense of humour and I understand a bit of Japanese so I got the puns. The storyline was pretty bland though. I liked it because it was cutesy. I love cutesy.

Anyhow, I'm going to run out of available messages at some point. I think this is my 9th. I'll post something in 1x1 and we'll discuss it there.

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