Shipwreck Island

Casey looked up and saw that Daniel was close to sleeping. She smiled and then wrapped her arms around him. She rubbed his neck as she laid next to him.
Madison's eyebrows knit together, staring up at Maxx. "I'd never really thought about it that way..." she said softly. "But I guess so. That's just a bit sad, isn't it?" she laughed, petting Mags' ears. "But enough about him. Talk about you," she curiously said, wanting to know more about the stranger.

Blake looked down at the girl, shooting her a subtle grin. "Yeah, it is," he smiled. "And they are. They're fascinating." He looked over the edge and back at her, not being able to wipe the silly grin off of his face. The girl was cute, there was no denying that. And he just had this giant urge to protect her from whatever came her way, almost the way he felt about his sister. And he didn't even know her name.

Shaking his head to try to clear the ridiculous thoughts in his head, he stuck out his hand. "Blake," he introduced, licking his bottom lip, dimples on full display.
He smiled as he softly kissed her forehead, wrapping his arms around her as he held her close. "Sorry if I fall asleep, Casey," he whispered softly into her hair as he gently rubbed her arm affectionately.
Maxx smiled and nodded, "Well, I'm Maxx. I have a Yellow Lab at home named Hercules, and a tabby cat named Emerald. I like to play sports, and basically anything fun." He told her with a chuckle. "My favorite color is green, and I like going on adventures." He added with a soft smile. "Anything else you want to know?" He asked her curiously.

Casey smiled and wrapped her arms around his. "It's okay. You can fall asleep." She whispered as she laid her head under his chin. She took her hair out of its ponytail and smiled as she listened to his heart beat.
Daniel smiled and held her close against him as he shut his eyes. "Mmm," he muttered quietly as he ran his fingers through her hair as he started drifting off into sleep.
Casey stayed awake, the creaking of the boat make her stomach churn slightly. She kept a smile on her face and slowed her breathing. She wanted Daniel to finally get a peaceful sleep. She kept herself close to him and looked out of the port hole that was on her wall.
Ron thought for a second as he opened his duffle bag. "I don't know... like you're more enjoyable to talk too. You don't act dumb just to seem like a cool person. That and you are quite beautiful," He smiled at her and threw his shirts into his dresser.
"Do... do you really think so?" Sky asked as she sat on the end of the bed watching him organize his clothes. She looked out the window and noticed that the clouds passed by in the darkening sky as the ship began to move away from the docks.

Daniel's breathing slowed and steadied as he peacefully slept holding her tightly against his chest.
"Yeah, why else would I say that?" He asked and tilted his head towards her, tilting his head slightly. He followed her gaze out the window, where the dock was slowly fading away and the sky got darker. Ron sat down next to Sky on the bed and wrapped an arm around her. "I think you're really cool," He said with a smile and slowly, he kissed her cheek.
She slightly blushed as she smiled with a giddy giggle. "Thanks," she shyly muttered as she looked at him. "You're actually really cool yourself, you know." She smiled as she looked at him and slightly leaned her head on his shoulder.
"I dunno," Jeydon tells Valerie. "I guess I find it entertaining when people literally think I'm British, whatever." He watches the people walk to their rooms getting to get ready for dinner. " "So what brings you to this bar? If I'm not correct, I'd say you were under age." Valerie says. "Oh," Jeydon lowers his voice so the bartender cannot hear him. "I can get anything with a fake I.D." He smirks, his eyes grazing over her features. "You don't exactly look like you're old enough to drink either."

Hayli smiles back at Blake, showing off her dimples as well. "I'm Hayli," she introduces herself. "Hay, I think I found your brother at the bar, I'll be right back." Abbi says, placing a hand on her shoulder before walking away again. "That was my sister, Abbi," she tells Blake. "My brother's name is Jeydon."
Casey looked at Daniel, letting him fall asleep before she reached for her laptop. She plugged her earbuds in and turned The Avengers on. She smiled as she laid her head on his shoulder and watched the screen as it flickered on her face.
"I try," Ron smirked and ran his fingers through his hair, making sure he didn't get them caught in any knots. "I'm tired," He yawned and laid down on the bed, pulling on her hand as he fell backwards.
She smirked and lightly blushed. "Though you most likely don't have to," she muttered under her breath. She giggled as he pulled her back. She blushed slightly as she fell back next to him. "Me too," she yawned and laid her head on his shoulder.
"Makes sense." Valerie began, "From what I've collected, accents are what make a man attractive." Valerie joked, recalling back to a time when her friend had swooned over a guy who had an Irish accent.

She raised an eyebrow when Jeydon mentioned his fake I.D. "Well aren't you a badass." she mocked, with a smirk. To be honest, she had a fake I.D. In the past, but she got rid of it since it was really of no use. Valerie didn't drink often and all she really had to do was ask a friend and they'd hook her up.

She nodded when Jeydon had said she looked underage as well. "Well that explains this." she told him, holding up her cup of water. "I prefer to be sober while riding on a floating death machine." she joked, referring to the boat. Valerie took a sip of her water and set it back down on the counter. "So let's see you work your magic." she said nodding towards the bartender. "Order a drink."
Jeydon smirks, turning to the worn-out looking bartender. "Yeah," he says. "Can you give me a round over here?" The bartender looks at him skeptically. "I.D, sir," he requests. Jeydon whips out the fake card and flashes it at the man. Uncaringly, the bartender gives up, handing Jeydon his drink. "That's how it's done," he says, winking at Valerie.

As if on cue, Abbi comes up behind them and smacks the drink out of Jeydon's hand. "S'cuse me," she says, looking to Valerie. "Are you giving my under-age brother f**king alcohol?" Abbi squints her eyes at her, eyeing her up and down. "Come on," she tells Jeydon. "Let's get freshened up for dinner."
"Impressive." Valerie said, pretending to clap for him. "I would think you would've acted a little more flustered." She took one last sip of her water and set the cup down onto the counter, nodding towards the bartender to let him know he could take the cup away.

Out of no where to, a girl comes up and hits the drink out of Jeydon's hand. She raised an eyebrow and looked down at the cup on the floor before turning her gaze to the girl. It was his sister. "Are you giving my underage brother f**king alcohol?"

"Well then." she said. "that was unexpected." Valerie reached down and picked the cup up off of the floor. "I understand you're being a responsible older sister, but you might want to refrain from breaking thing that aren't yours." she said with a slight smile towards the girl, waving the cup at her.

She handed the bartender the cup and nodded at Jeydon. "I'll be sure to be more responsible next time." She gave him a wink, to let him know his I.D. would be kept a secret. Hopefully it'd come off as something flirty to his sister. "See you." Valerie waved a goodbye and smiled at the girl.

(( OoC:// Ohh, scary. xD ))
Maddie smiled at Maxx. "That's awesome," she said in awe. "Animal lover as well? We'll get along just fine," she giggled. Listening to him ask what else she wanted to know, she thought to herself before opening her mouth to speak once again. "Do you know the ship well? You could show Magnum and I around," she smiled, her cute British accent ringing through the air.

Blake smiled at Hayli, parting his lips to speak, "I like your name. It's cute," he chuckled, a lame attempt to flirt with the American girl. Madison and himself always had a thing with American accents, they both loved them. He turned at the scene of Hayli's sister. "What's going on over there?" he curiously asked.
Maxx laughed, "That's good news for me." He chuckled softly, he listened to her flowing accent as it rang through the air like a beautiful bell. "I'd be more than happy to show you around." He told her as he took her hand and began to walk. "Here is the deck where you can enjoy the suns Nd great service." He told her as he pointed to the deck and the chairs set up on it.
Magnum let out a small growl at Maxx when he went to hold Madison's hand, he was definitely not used to sharing her. Maddie laughed and shushed him, looking back at Maxx, listening to him tell her the areas of the ship. "I'm not even sure where my room is," she admitted, all of a sudden feeling embarrassed. It felt weird not having Blake at her side, but she figured she'd let him continue to chat up the cute girl beside him.
Maxx laughed slightly, "My bad Mag." He told the dog as he let go of her hand. "We'll fix that." He told her as he walked up to the man at the key station. They conversed before he revived a key. "Here you go Madds." He told her as he handed her the key. "You're in room 34." He added with a smile.
"Thank you so much!" she said with a grin. She led him back to the deck so she could grab her bags, ready to put them into her room. Walking with both Maxx and Magnum, she carried and rolled her luggage down the halls until she reached room 34. Taking out the key, she unlocked the door and invited Maxx in. Mags made himself at home, instantly jumping up on the bed in the corner of the room-- which was pretty nice for the price they paid for it. "So I guess this is it," she smiled at the boy in front of her, politely implying it was time for him to go so she could unpack her things.

"But thanks so much again," she added, smiling. "This definitely shouldn't be the last time we talk." She surprised herself with her bravery, never really being that open to anyone. Mags perked his ears up at Maddie as if he was surprised as well, then laid his head back down on his paws.
Maxx nodded, "Yep. Well, if you need anything, I'll be across the hall." He told her as he exited the room. Before he closed the door, he waved to her, and then walked into his room. He sat on his bed and threw a plushie ball against his wall. He didn't know what else to do. He wasnt going back on to the deck; it was getting a little nippy out there. He rubbed her forehead as he dropped the ball and laid on his bed. He didn't know what he could do; he figured that he'd sleep. He took off his shirt and changed into basketball shorts before slipping under the covers.
Hayli feels her cheeks get warm when Blake compliments her name. She's not used to boys being nice to her like this, but Blake's not a boy is he? He's a man. She looks over to her sister and sighs. "My brother probably got caught with alcohol again," she tells Blake. She keeps looking in their direction for a short while before speaking again. "I gotta go, but will I see you at dinner?" she asks.
"Well that's not good," Blake tutts, furrowing his eyebrows together. "And of course, love," his deep voice chuckles, lifting her hand up to press a soft kiss near her wrist. After dropping her hand, he cocked and dropped his head down to her ear, uttering out a small whisper. "You'll sit with me, yeah?" he asked, his hot breath tickling her neck. He stood straight up once more, his left eye dropping in a wink as he smirked, his dimples prominent.

Madison nodded at Blake and smiled before he left, leaving her with Magnum and her things to unpack. She started with the boring task of putting her clothes in drawers and setting out a toy for Mags. "What do you think of him, hmm?" she asked to her German shepherd. The dog cocked its head and went back to chewing his bone, leaving Madison bored out of her mind. "I think he's nice," she said, answering herself.

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