Ship crash


Out of Practice
Here's the character sheet!

Appearance: (Use picture, anime or real)

Name: (First and last)


Age: (Preferably teenage or in your 20s)




Sexuality: (Also say if Uke, Seme, or Seke, AKA Sub, Dom, both)




Bio: (Optional)


Birthday: (Day and month)






Level of education:



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I'm in. Could i reserve a place? I had to think about it after posting and deleted it to avoid taking up a spot whilst i thought about it. I would enjoy this. :)

Name: Adelaide Picante

Nickname: Addy or Pica

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Religion: Strongly atheist, follows the Buddhist teachings as a philosophy but not a religion.

Personality: Pica loves people, and people love her. She's easygoing, fun to be around, optimistic, and amazing with children. She's also vain, clingy and volatile, but people tend to overlook that when they see how much she cares about the human race in general.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Dating?: Pica is single right now.

Married?: Nope!

Children?: None of her own, but she raised her little brother from his birth.

Bio: Pica was born into a happy marriage. Her mom wanted to be a stay at home mom and her dad wanted to bring home the bacon. They didn't love each other, but they accepted each other, and that was that. Her father would get drunk and beat on her mom, and she accepted that for a time. Shortly after a severe beating, however, her mother packed up her bags and ran, taking the child and a positive pregnancy test with her, along with every picture in the house. She left everything else. Pica's brother, Nicholas James Lebenz, was born eight months later, two weeks after a finalized divorce. Pica was forced to go on visitation with her abusive father who would lock her in his office with a foldout couch-bed, a locked computer, a locked closet of clothes, a small reinforced window and a glass door, tempting her to leave, but never opening. Food there was scarce, and she would frequently have nothing but a cheese stick, a McDonald's burger, and a bottle of soda to get through a weekend. By then, she was 8, and old enough to realize that it was wrong. She tries speaking up once, but when her mother's lawyer said that would probably mean her brother would have to go instead were it brought back to family court, being technically his child, Pica chose to endure it herself. When Pica was 10, her mother started working 10 hour days, and when she was 13, her mother turned to the bottle. Pica was left to raise her brother, and take care of her mother some days, fearing more for them when she was on visitation than herself. At 16, she moved out and took Nick with her, taking a year off of her education to battle her mother in court, become an emancipated minor, legally adopt her brother, and start a child abuse case against her father. The trial for her father is still ongoing, but Pica has returned to her education, graduating a year late from high school with an acceptance to the local community college at $5,700 a year for a Bachelor of Science in Education. She worked part time as a waitress to supplement herself, and is on food stamps and welfare, living in Section 8 housing (the Projects) in order to get by.

Fears: Losing her brother, being in a small space, locked rooms, starvation

Birthday: December 3rd (She's a Sagittarius.)

Allergies: Cats, beech trees, and celery.

Disabilities: Mild PTSD from her father, triggered by starvation, locked rooms, someone hitting her or loss of her brother. She has not had an episode in 2 years.

Skills: Food rationing, basic medical knowledge, excellent with children, natural leader

Weaknesses: Has panic attacks, impulsive, too worried about her brother

Habits: Pica grinds her teeth when stressed, and bites her lip often. However, her most peculiar quirk (as we all have one) is that she carries a large coin from Libya that she is constantly fidgeting with.

Level of education: Pica just graduated high school, a year late, when this happened.

Addictions: None

Appearance: (Use picture, anime or real)

Name: Monica Yerts

Nickname: Nica

Age: (Preferably teenage or in your 20s) 24




  • Kind
  • Respects others
  • Willing to listen and lend a shoulder to cry on
  • Fairly approachable
  • Protective of people she likes.
  • Hates bigots,racists and sexists
  • Is prone to saying things alound.

Sexuality: (Also say if Uke, Seme, or Seke) Homosexual

Dating?: Yes. Monica has been involved with her girlfriend for 5 years.

Married?: No.


Bio: (Optional) Monice Yerts had an average childhood. She studied cooking after leaving school and became a chef at a local restraunt. She met Alice Lions and the pair slowly fell in love over the course of the next few years. They started to date 5 years ago and moved in together last year. They used their cash from their jobs to go on vacation.

Fears: Losing her lover.

Birthday: (Day and month) 4th May

Allergies: None



  • Cooking
  • First Aid(Minor)

Weaknesses: Cares too much. Scared easily and is prone to having nightmares if she is under a lot of stress.

Habits: She tends to think aloud and carries a locket with a picture of her and her lover on.

Level of education: Fully educated.

Addictions: None

Other:Don't be a jerk.
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Name: Hannah Coriander.

Nickname: Hanners.

Age: 19.

Gender: Female.

Religion: None.

Personality: Hannah has very few friends. She is a rather bleak figure. She seems to have an emotionless demeanor to her, accompanied by a dark sense of humor. She almost never speaks with others but has no issues with addressing situations as a leader. Hannah is a withdrawn person, very quiet, and perhaps that is for her own good. A very intellectual girl she is, knowledgeable on almost every subject, but perhaps her knowledge is too vast for her age. She knows things that she shouldn't, and due to her odd understanding she has a really hard time making friends. She's convinced herself that being alone is best for her, and because of her odd demeanor she is often made fun of, but she doesn't take it to heart. She is very avoidant of people, and upon meeting an unfamiliar face she tends to become rather uptight. She has a soft side, which is revealed when she warms up to someone, but rarely does that happen.

Sexuality: Sapiosexual.

Dating?: No.

Married?: Nope.

Children?: Certainly not.

Bio: Born into a big city, Hannah always had issues fitting in. She had a weird personality that caused those around her to be pushed away. Try as she might she was never good enough in the eyes of the other children, and she often found herself alone on the playground swing set, drawing what she saw. Fast forward a few years and she's moved on from elementary. Now in high school she's deprived of the comfort of her swing set and takes another shot at making friends. It was most likely her dark humor or her bad puns, but nobody stuck around long enough, and after a while her personality grew jaded. Having no say into the world she was born in, Hannah spent her life hiding herself from others. She longed to meet someone like her, someone that would understand her, and that day had yet to come.

Fears: Spiders, Oblivion.

Birthday: 26 June.

Allergies: None.

Disabilities: Needs glasses to see things that are further away.

Skills: Skilled with a bow. She took a survival course in camp and is a great hunter. Her mother was a nurse so Hannah knows how to treat injuries.

Weaknesses: Though a tough demeanor, she has a condition where she will feel others emotions. Often this causes her to have odd mood swings.

Habits: None.

Level of education: Highly educated and knowledgeable on almost every subject. (Academic)

Addictions: None

Other: Hannah enjoys singing, music, and art. She often sits alone and sketches for hours, her drawings usually rather morbid. She is a well educated girl and is highly intelligent. She used to be on a track team and she's rather healthy and in shape. What she gains in physical and mental ability, she lacks in social and cooperative abilities.

-Don't be a jerk-

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Appearance: (Use picture, anime or real)

Name: Caitlen Mendousa

Nickname: Cait

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Religion: Agnostic

Personality: Sassy, Rude, Goth

Sexuality: (Also say if Uke, Seme, or Seke, AKA Sub, Dom, both) Demi Seke

Dating?: Forever alone

Married?: No

Children?: No

Bio: (Optional) Born into a family struggling to live, her father shortly left after birth. She was booted out of the house to keep her younger brother healthy, she lived inside a orphanage and noone would adopt her.

She ran away from the orphanage at 10 and got a job at a nursing center. To relieve stress she found a bar that served the underage and became addicted to drinking.

She went on the ship as a nurse to aid injured passengers.

Fears: People,

Birthday: (Day and month) 27 of july

Allergies: Peanuts

Disabilities: None

Skills: Immense knowledge of medical and diet information

Weaknesses: Her

Habits: Drinking, Being rude to her companions

Level of education: Medical

Addictions: Alcohol

Other: Don't be a jerk
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Name: Renna Page

Nickname: Ren

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Religion: NA

Personality: positive, enthusiastic, caring, immature, loud.

Sexuality: ?

Dating?: No

Married?: No

Children?: No

Bio: I was traveling alone, going to see the world. I have no home, no money, no possessions and no cares. I'm a happy hobo!

Fears: being trapped/staying in one place

Birthday: May 16

Allergies: none

Disabilities: I am missing a hand.

Skills: tracking



Level of education: NA

Addictions: none

Other: Don't be a jerk!!!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befbc07b1_blueeyes.jpg.9f4cbfe494213cab65ee8162fba751fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befbc07b1_blueeyes.jpg.9f4cbfe494213cab65ee8162fba751fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Keri Malone

Nickname: Ri

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Religion: Agnostic

Personality: Very sweet, outgoing, generous, kind, giving, strives for perfection

Sexuality: Bisexual

Dating: Has a boyfriend named Ryan, who is which back at home

Married: Has a promise ring from her boyfriend

Children: None, but loves children

Bio: parents are never around, and when they are around they beat her. She tried to run away, so they had no choice but to take her with them on their trip. She has been raped by her father a few times. Both parents are alcoholics. But both parents die in the crash.

Fears: Being beaten, heights, being alone, the dark, spiders, dogs.

Birthday: July 6th

Allergies: None

Disabilities: None

Weaknesses: Being afraid of mulitiple things.

Strengths: Can handle pain, good at cooking, knows alot about plants and different foods that grow.

Habits: Nail biting, talking and walking and screaming in her sleep.

level of education: 9th grade

Addictions: Smoking

Other: Don't be a jerk!! 
Can I play multiple characters? 
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/imagesCA5FM9RT.jpg.4f8445b0dd91aea744de9ea3e7f0a40f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15568" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/imagesCA5FM9RT.jpg.4f8445b0dd91aea744de9ea3e7f0a40f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Jamie Brown

Age 21

Gender: male

Religion: None

Personality: Is very kind, and loyal. Trustworthy, generous, giving, helpful. He loves to help people.

Sexuality: Straight

Dating: No

Married: Yes

Children: Yes

Bio: Lives happily with his wife and baby son, in Wisconsin. Came on the ship for a buisness trip. He had a great childhood, his parents were kind loving people, who loved to help others. His parents opened up a soup kitchen to feed the poor and the opened their home up for people to stay for a few night at a time. They were kind and generous people. He grew up with a lame leg but with physical therapy it healed, but he still ocasionally still needs a hand walking up and down steps and things like that. His wife's name is Kiara, and his son's name is Junior. He works at a company that sells computers. He was travling across the ocean to be a buisness man.

Fears: Being alone, stuck in small tight places.

Birthday: January the 3rd

Allergies: Chocolate

Disabilities: Lame leg

Weakness: his leg, running, living off the land (He is clueless on how to survive off of the land).

Strengths: Hunting, Fishing, and taking care of people, somewhat like a doctor.

Level of education: bacholers deegree.

Habbits: Nail biting

Addiction: None

Other: don't be a jerk!



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Name: Riley Coggs

Nickname: None

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Religion: None

Personality: She can be cold, distant and selfish. Although if she's comfortable around you she's playful, flirty, childish and loves to tease.

Sexuality: Doesn't know nor care, Seke

Dating?: No

Married?: No

Children?: No, but she adores them and wants her own some day

Bio: Riley grew up in a rich family with her parents and younger brother. She had a great upbringing and has no problems with her parents. However, recently, her brother started doing drugs and alcohol. He started acting reckless and cruel. Shortly after her work required her to go on a business trip. Because of how anxious she was to get away from her brother, who refuses to admit he has a problem, she gladly accepted.

Fears: Anything addicting and scorpions

Birthday: September 25

Allergies: None

Disabilities: None

Skills: Building campsites/shelter, fishing,

Weaknesses: Her fear of addictive substances, usually does things her own way(even if she knows it's wrong)

Habits: Quietly pacing when stressed

Level of education: Home schooled

Addictions: None

Other: Don't be a jerk!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/120265a6e1c939aef5f8157d75ce26ad.jpg.179483b08e3a07ac38498146116048eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/120265a6e1c939aef5f8157d75ce26ad.jpg.179483b08e3a07ac38498146116048eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance: Her right eye is very dark brown, almost black.

Name: Ellian Grey

Nickname: Elle, Ellie

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Religion: None in particular

Personality: Quiet, thoughtful, hard to approach because she basically avoids people. Gentle and sweet when you get to know her. Writes constantly and can most likely be seen reading a book. Usually looks like she's sad or upset, but she's just thinking.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Dating?: No. She was briefly in a relationship, but he broke up with her because of her eyes.

Married?: No

Children?: No

Bio: Very normal childhood, parents, two siblings. She dropped out of school at 15 because she wanted to travel. She wears an eyepatch because she feels weird about having two different coloured eyes. Decided to go on a ship, to see what it was like for her work as a writer, and was on her way somewhere but things happened... Like the ship breaking...

Fears: Drowning, sometimes the dark. Has terrible nightmares about her eye.

Birthday: June 17

Allergies: None

Disabilities: None

Skills: Learned how to hunt during her travels, knowledgeable about quite a few random things from her writing and travels, and good with animals.

Weaknesses: Cooking, most things medical related, zones out a lot.

Habits: Talks to herself, fiddles with her eyepatch when she's nervous.

Level of education: Mostly schooled, but she dropped out to travel when she was 15.

Addictions: None



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