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Fantasy Shiobi Academy

\(._. )/ In the RPs that I'm in, we always talk in OOC. A lot. It just happens when you stay in an RP for a long time. :)
well the longest rp i'm currently in is 46 pages and I have been in the OOC once maybe twice.
The actual longest I have been in is about 450 pages but that stopped about three months ago where I visited the OOC about 5 time in total
I'm always in OOC. We just talk a lot. I'd say we're friends, (I guess.) I like RPing a lot >.<
I'm never in OOC unless I get tagged for something in there. Woo +1 friend. I enjoy rping a bit too much its like a unhealthy addiction I say(to myself of cause) that okay no more rping today when its like one am in the next ten minutes i'm back checking if anythings going on.
YouTube lol. I listen to music when I'm writing so I set the mood. I'm just too lazy to turn it off lol.

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