Shinobi Rising [Naruto RP]

[[[MENTION=3663]furtuna[/MENTION]- No, I meant that there's a slight possibility that we might. I'd have to go back and re-read whatever I said, but I know I never said that.]]

Isako twirled her hands behind her back as the strange, unfamiliar voice spoke in a somewhat jokingly manner. She inched forward toward the deeper toned voice, musing that the person with the faint, strange odor was near their age group. She quirked the corner her lip upwards into a half, toothy, smile. “Not exactly bad,” she said, “just a bit heavily coated on the nail polish, I think.” She began rocking herself back and forth on her toes, “Nail polish smells weird regardless, but I don’t think I’ve ever smelled anything like that.”

She stopped her rocking motion and stood in a much more straight position, “So you must be participating in the exams, too?” She leaned forward a tad, “I think practically everyone from outside of Kumogakure have already rented hotel rooms and such. So I guess it would be kind of obvious if you weren’t around here either.” She pondered for a short moment before realizing that she forgot to introduce herself. “I’m Isako, by the way,” she flashed her Sunagakure head band, “and we’re from the sand.”
"It smells weird?" Toshi lifted his hands to his face and sniffed them. It didn't smell bad at all!

"Maybe I've gotten used to it? Oh! And I'm Toshiwakai," he almost held his hand out before realizing she wouldn't see it, "but you can just call me Toshi. And I'm from the Leaf!"
Honma called his team out for a last before night check. “First of all let me remind you that you could take this exam sooner but I had you wait till you can win without a doubt! So don’t underestimate yourself and don’t dare to look down at your opponent!” He paused and looked at their young faces. “I’m glad that you guys have never had a serious problem between yourselves. As you already know; with your team work you tree have the power of five!” He stopped to see the effect of his words. “Any questions?” His asked and waited. Despite of his encouraging speech he had kept his monotone all the time. "If there isn't any, you'd better go to bed early to night. Don't let your hearts shake because you've got what you need to win what you want... so rest peacefully till tomorrow!"
Mizuki appeared behind Toshi and poked him "What are you doing? Whos this? Mizuki asked. She was curious to know. This didnt look like Toshi was doing any research on the other contestants at all.
Toshi's head whipped around. He didn't hear Mizuki coming, and her words startled him.

"Huh? Oh, I'm just saying 'hi' to these people. This is Isako, apparently she's from the Sand." He shrugged, not really sure what else to say since there wasn't anything.
Mizuki giggled, "Scared ya didn't I Toshi?" Mizuki said. She looked at the girl from the sand and smiled. A cut on Mizuki's cheek seemed to start bleeding again, Mizuki sighed when she saw the blood drip to the floor. She wiped away the blood.

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