Shinobi Rising [Naruto RP]

"S-Sure." Hisaka said in response to Isako's question. She didn't really mind having to share a room, if needed be, since she and Isako had been teammates for some time now. She followed silently a mere few feet behind Isako when she'd started talking to get their rooms.
Rika observed Mizuki from top to toe, looking down at her. "So what if I don't? What can you do missy?!" She said sarcastically, obviously asking for a fight.
Mizuki was getting very annoyed with this girl. She knew she was asking for a fight, but her sensei said not to fight unless needed. In this case, it wasn't needed. Mizuki sighed, "I don't have time to waste on you." Mizuki then stated.
Rika jumped up and down in anger making her fizzy hair fly. "Oh yeah, run away you scardy cat!" She almost shouted as waving fists to Mizuki.
Mizuki sighed, "Oh yes cause I'm scared of you." Mizuki stated sarcastically. She was annoyed, she would fight this girl if her sensei hadn't told her what he did. Plus the exams are tomorrow, can't hurt herself now
Zen'no watched as her fellow kunoichi took off like a bat out of hell. "Typical... why am I always watching after kids?" The older Geninclapped her hands together, then spread them apart as far as she could... this simple gesture was all that was needed to perform her "Wings of Divinity" jutsu. The signs made, she then channeled her chakra toward her shoulders. In response, thin ribbons of energy soon shot from where the chakra points in her shoulders and quickle coalesced into shimmering wings of chakra. "Now to go get her. ... much as I wish I didn't have to." And with that, the now winged Genin rocketed into the sky and in the direction her teammate had headed. Luckily the other girl wasn't too tough to follow, as Zen'no's chakra control was fairly high, lending to her ability to TRACK the chakra of her teammate.

It wasn't long before Zen'no caught up with her squad member... already engaged in a spit with another kid who was to take the exams. The older Genin decided she'd watch for a bit. ... fortunately it devolved into a match of who could taunt who instead of fist to face. "Alright, kids... that's enough." said Zen'no as she hovered nearby. "If you want to duke it out like immature tards, do it during the exams. And shouting insults and taunts is just silly. So how about we just go back to our senseis and save the fighting for tomorrow?" The girl took great care to remain at least several meters in the air, and closer to Mizuki than the yet unknown shinobi... lest they get mad and attack her. This way she'd have a great vantage point and advantage when it came to dodging. "Your call." she said with a strangely cheerful smile.
Rika sighed. "Boring!" She put her hands on her heaps as frowning. "Which village brings up timid kittens like you?" She asked and arched a single brow as watching the newcomer interrupting them. "Oh, back up? It's fine, I can handle as many as my hair strands!" She said and chuckled loudly.
"You annoying." Mizuki stated as she looked at Rika, "Go away Zen'no. I can handle this." Mizuki also stated. Mizuki wasn't like she normally is, and Zen'no could probably figure that out. Mizuki was a little depressed, that dream she had kept bugging her. If anyone wanted to mess with Mizuki she would either ignore them or fight them, but considering the exams are tomorrow, she should just save the fighting for then.
Zen'no sighed heavily as neither Mizuki nor the other girl seemed to want to back down. "Alright, well let's see what you think of my Call of the Wild Birds Jutsu." The young woman's chakra flowed strongly through her as she focused on the technique. In response to her altered chakra, several scores of birds flocked to her side. From the smallest of sparrows to the mighty Cloud Eagles of Kumogakure. They landed on any available perch from nearby buildings or trees to benches and railings. "You see, Birds are kinda my thing. It's what my clan is known for back home. Now can I let my friends here get back to their normal lives, or are we going to have to get dirty?" Zen'no hovered still, several meters away from her potential foe. But nor she was joined by the growing flock.

"I hear Cloud Eagles can kill a human in self-defense. I wonder what they can do if they're actually looking for a fight." said the Amegakure native to the girl Mizuki had been arguing with. "And you, Mizuki... seriously. I don't know what your deal is, but should we REALLY be instigating a fight right now? I doubt it." The look in Zen'no's eyes wasn't the usual cheer and happiness. Her expression was more along the lines of a stern mother scolding a child. After all, as the eldest Genin in the squad, it was almost her duty to be the more responsible one when the Jounin Sensei wasn't around. Whatever was to be done would need to be decided quickly. The birds Zen'no called were cawing and squawking loudly, showing they could sense the tension. The Amegakure girl hoped everyone would just simmer down.
"You insulate bit**!" Rika scuffed as her chakra boiled up and made her hair hover up in the air. "You're using my own village's inhabitants against me? You timid bast***! Come to me without hiding behind others lives if you can!" She growled, ready to attack her opponent mercilessly.
((I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a while, with school going on I've gotten quite the pile of late homework and I'm not really supposed to be using the internet right now either. But I have a snow day and my mom doesn't so... ;D Yay snow!!))

|||||Haru sighed, staring at the sky as he wandered through the town. He didn't really have anything to do, so maybe he'd go and watch the exams tomorrow. He didn't know where'd they'd be held, though. He averted his attention from the clouds and turned it to the skyline, looking for a tall or important-looking building. It'd have to be big to fit all the participants, staff, and the spectators. Seeing one that might work and also looked like it was some sort of arena, he decided to go there and find out if it was indeed the building to be used for the Chunin Exams. The Exams weren't being held that day, so Haru figured that there would be no reason to rush, and ambled calmly and lazily through the streets. A kid, who looked to be approximately seven years old, was running in the opposite direction as Haru. Thinking nothing of it, he kept walking until the kid rammed into his side. The minor fell down, probably because Haru didn't turn even with the full force of the little kid's body hitting him.

"Hey, watch were you're going next time?" He voiced his question/suggestion as he crouched down and held out a hand. He didn't see any reason to be cold, and he felt bad because he looked poor and dirty. The kid looked scared for a moment, then nodded and warily took the offered hand and stood right again and immediately ran off again. He watched the running figure, wondering if that was a little odd or not, the way things happened, but quickly dismissed the thought and continued his careless journey. Approaching the arena, it did turn out to be the place where the Exams would be held. So... would they just go the next day or what? Scanning the area, he saw someone selling tickets. So they would need to buy admittance. Reaching for his money, to his surprise and anger he found it not where he usually kept it. Where was it?! He twisted around, digging his fingers into the depths of every pocket and even his weapons bags. Still unable to find a thing, he checked them again, his agitation increasing with each place he re-checked. Where had his money gone?! Sighing, putting his face in a hand and plopping his butt in the middle of the the dusty ground, he came to a conclusion. It was the kid. He'd rammed into him to steal his money in the confusion, it was a classic trick, but he fell down. That must've been why he looked frightened, because he knew he was guilty of theft and thought that Haru would have known it too. And he'd been stupid enough to think it was an accident, and helped the ugly wretch up!

|||||Getting up off the ground, (he'd look silly sitting there) Haru left to return to the hotel he'd been staying at. Looking for a place to eat would be pointless without any money, so maybe he'd see if the hotel was still serving that free breakfast. He wouldn't be able to stay longer than a couple of days either, with not being able to pay for extra nights and all. After that, maybe he'd find someone to mooch off of/travel with until he found someone else to give him a job. Not a normal one, preferably one where all he'd have to do was take someone out. Those were usually easy and could pay a lot.

((Okay so the different font bothered my eyes and now I am doing colors too??.

I'm going to make a Toshi post next.

[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION] Also, if you want to I dunno Haru and Hotoka could be staying at the same Hotel or something if you want someone to rp with with Hotoka until the Exams??))

"Calm down little girl." Mizuki statd coldly. Zen'no was right, why fight? Mizuki sighed then said "Let's go Zen'no, before Sensei noticies anything." Mizuki said as she walked off. She hoped Zen'no would follow.
Tomei ignored the majority of Rika's little spat with the foreign ninja as much as he could but the escalation of their argument was drawing some undue attention from the ANBU stationed nearby. Tomei knew without a doubt that the Masked ninja would have already sent a report to the Raikage or whoever he would delegate to deal with international mishaps.

The small Kumogakure ninja was amazed when a third person joined their argument, it wasn't amazing that she was there but that she was hovering in mid air like a humming bird, he took a step towards Rika and away from Reizo but realised that the new arrival was simply trying to resolve the situation.

When it seemed like the foreign ninja were about to leave Tomei thought it was to move next to Rika as he noticed that the ANBU guards around her had moved just minutely closer but he didn't know what they intended to do. Tomei simply wished to play the incident down, no one needed to get in trouble today, no doubt the Raikage would be very harsh on anyone who got themselves in trouble.

"You should just let it go, you can settle the score in the exams tomorrow I'm sure, plus we don't want to get Sensei mad at us." Tomei said to her through the corner of his mouth while he watched the guards around them who seemed to have miraculously moved closer without him seeing it. He flicked his left hand in their direction hoping that Rika would see that they were being surrounded slowly.


Hofuna had just finished his large meal and smiled at how very delicious it all was despite the fact that it was all ramen. For a moment he looked up at the sky and note that his students had been away for sometime, how far they had progressed would be evident in the details of their report. He shuddered slightly as he felt a chill run up his back, he absently hoped none of his little ninja had gotten into any trouble. The Hokage would kill him if his students riled up the locals unnecessarily.

Reizo, much like Tomei, had been disregarding most of Rika’s dispute with the foreign shinobi but the developing argument was beginning to draw much unwanted attention. He disliked scenes such as this, where everyone’s eyes would scan across the area which the fracas seemed to originate from. However, this seemed to happen more often than it should, mostly due to the obstinate nature of Rika. His eyes lingered back onto the ANBU silently standing across the street, slowly edging closer to their general direction. Now, he figured, would be the appropriate time to interrupt their spat with each other and fade into the large crowd of people.

He took a step forward and paused for a split second as a foreign shinobi hovered before them, and as imaginable, assumed they meant harm. Placing his hand on the tilt of his sword, he took a step forward as did Tomei, but slowly released his grip as the young woman had intended to resolve the situation. “Tomei’s right,” Reizo said quietly, “leave the quarrel for tomorrow.” He glanced flatly toward the ANBU who seemed to be slowly approaching them and felt a bit apprehensive by whatever they might be planning- if they were intending to do anything. Much like what the majority of the shinobi involved in this particular situation probably think, he didn’t want to start off on the wrong turn with the authorities here.


The hotelier gave an amicable smile toward the Sunagakure shinobi, “I suppose we’ve been fairly busy, but I think we still have a few rooms open.” He glanced behind the counter and began scavenging through the cabinets, “Oh, here we go.” He leaned back up and placed two keys on the counter, “Room 23 and 27 are just around the corner and to the right,” he pointed down the hall. Isako grabbed the two keys and handed the key number 27 to Nao.

Isako turned back around toward the hotelier, “Have you heard anything about the chunin exams here?”

Nothing much besides that it’s tomorrow.”

“Well I guess surprises are fun. Are you going to go see it?- The final round, anyways.

“I think nearly everyone within the village as well as outside is planning on seeing it.”

After a seemingly lengthy conversation that seemed to be carried on by Isako, she finally turned back around toward to her less sociable team members. “Alright, we’ll just put down our stuff and then get something to snack on,” Isako said. She eased toward the scent of Hiraka and handed her the other key, patiently waiting for her to lead them to their room number. There were a lot of people out and she was hoping that she wouldn’t get lost too easily. Although, she wasn’t too concerned about stumbling upon any quarrels, as her pacifistic and quiet-loving friends would more than likely shun such things.

|||||After his other two teammates left, and assuming that Hofuna meant that he wanted all the ramen all to himself, Toshi got up and wandered away, not really sure where he was going. He was bothered by the fact that his teacher had told him the Chunin Exams were "just an excuse" but then said that he couldn't say why. It was just annoying when people said things like that, like "Oh hey I know this thing so I'll just say this one really interesting tidbit and then not tell you the rest.". It just wasn't nice. Also, did that mean the Chunin Exams didn't really matter this time if it was just to cover something else up or something? Or did whoever just decide that the Exams would be a convenient place/time to do whatever? Toshi also didn't want his chances of passing to be jeopardized because everyone was distracted by something else or have the exams interrupted or put on hold either. He had to pass. It was for his family! Toshi couldn't let anything keep him from doing this, he didn't care what it was. Maybe if he knew more about what was going on he'd understand it more and if in any way it would affect the Exams, he might be able to figure out what to do from then. it was always better to be prepared, and surprises weren't favored. But how could he possibly go about doing this? If Hofuna couldn't tell them then it would be hard to discover anything because it was a secret, but then again, if Hofuna, someone who just taught and led a genin team, knew about it, then wouldn't other team leaders know about it too? Toshi could't just ask another team leader, they wouldn't tell a stranger and probably didn't tell there students either. But maybe a stupider, or a team leader that trusted their students a lot would've told their students?

|||||Now back in the city, Toshiwakai glanced over all the people filing down the streets and inspected his surrounding, the building and alleys and streets as he made sure he wasn't wearing his Konohagakure forehead protector. There. He spotted a genin, she was all by herself and foreign and walking towards him. He changed his pace so the timing would be perfect. When she wasn't even a foot away from Toshi, he stepped in front of her, put his arm around her so her neck was in the crook of his arm, swept her feet from under her, forcing her to lose her balance and fall backwards all in a second. She gasped, but before she fell he turned her around so she was facing away from him and pulled her behind a wall in an alley so they were out of sight, and continued to push her face into and pin her on the ground. He took just a moment to look around. No one had noticed, or cared.

"Do you know what's going to happen at the exams? Tell me quietly!" He said as menacingly as possible, but quietly. The noise from the crowd was loud, but he wanted to make sure. Toshi was also unaware that he was basically acting exactly like Xan had been.

"W- what? N- I- what are you ta-" The genin was obviously scared and confused, but it didn't really register with Toshi. All he was thinking about was passing the Exams, and his siblings.

"That's not an answer!"

"Ah-" Why wouldn't she just freaking cooperate? He really needed to know this!

"It's a yes or no question!"

"N- No! No, I don't know anyht-"

"Stay there for like... five minutes after I leave and don't say anything!" Toshi warned. He couldn't get in trouble either. It might get him into trouble, no it probably would get him in trouble and that wouldn't work. And if he got his teammates into trouble, it would be worse. He got up and backed away slowly, watching to make sure she didn't get up or twist her head to get a look at him. He turned and re-entered the crown as inconspicuous as one can from an alley as one can, and sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked.

|||||What did he even just do? And for nothing! He rubbed his eyes- he should probably go to sleep, he was tired. Couldn't think straight. He went back to the hotel, and moved his slouching form past two apparent Sunagakure girls towards his room.

((Toshi is adorable and he loves everyone.<3

Squee his kindness makes me giggel I just want to hug that thign with adorable curly hair))
ika heard Reiso and Tomei. "Tomorrow?" She remembered why the mist genins were in her village and grinned wildly. "Ok, but in one condition!" She said and stood relaxed, trying to flatten her hair. "We'll crush them at first chance, ok?!" She asked eagerly. She was to air headed to notice ANBU's movements. "So, to get ready for tomorrow, what should we do now?" She asked again, completely forgetting about the fight she wanted to start.

Honma stepped into the inn after his genins. "I suppose I've booked rooms for three. Two boys in one room is fine. No need to waste money!" He said casually and counted the sand kids. "Where i the third one?" He asked indifferently but actually was getting uneasy bout having one stray in street.
The Kumo girl was quick to insult Zen'no. Granted, this was expected... but still disappointing. "Shut up, you stupid little kid. YOU are an inhabitant of THEIR home! These birds were here long before you or anyone else chose to live here and take away their roosts and perches... so don't tell me I'm using anyone from YOUR village." The wings that had emerged from Zen'no's shoulders flared slightly as she spoke, indicating an increase in chakra flow. The girl landed next to her friend and was fully prepared to use her "Wings of Divinity" jutsu's offensive capabilities... but then EVERYONE suddenly did a one-eighty and was now against a fight. In response, Zen'no disengaged her jutsu entirely. The wings flickered a bit before fading away, and the birds she had called out to began to fly away one by one.

"Better listen to your friends... though I've been saying it the whole time. Chill yourself and save it." It was only now that the Amegakure native saw a single masked person in a black robe. "ANBU. Where there's one, there's probably three more." she thought to herself. "You're free to be optimistic..." said Zen'no to the formerly angry girl, who commented on crushing the pair of Konoha Genin. "But your 'Wind Style: Full of Hot Air' jutsu isn't enough to win a fight." Ouch... insulting both the girls skill AND jutsu? Both at the same time?! Zen'no was claws-out today. "Let's go find Ramen-Sensei, Mizuki." The teen smiled smugly as she walked away with her teammate.
Reizo, without sparing the other two foreign shinobi another single glance of acknowledgment, slowly began to turn around and walk away in a very nonchalant disposition. “Come on,” he said as he briefly glanced over the ANBU nearby. They remained stationed where they were at, but didn’t seem to be drawing any nearer. Reaching in his pocket, he took out a small white mint and placed it in his mouth, “right now we should be just blending in.” He tilted his head back, “next time, Rika, it would be best not to cause a fracas. If we want to avoid scenes, we need to keep level headed.”

He continued walking further down the streets, “there are ANBU stationed everywhere and taking note of any misbehavior or outburst…that right there just got us written down.” The other two foreign shinobi more than likely got written down as well, but right now that was none of their concern. “We don’t need to step on the wrong foot with the authorities, especially right before the exams.” He was fairly certain that with both Tomei and Rika involved in disruptive fights that their team was defiantly on the watch list. Reizo had become accustomed to quarrels and sudden outburst due to the feral nature of his sumptuous family, but he didn’t have the patience to deal with anymore abruptions. Not today, at least- mostly due to the upcoming exams.


[[ [MENTION=3663]furtuna[/MENTION]- there isn't anyone missing from the Sunagakure team. They're all there at the hotel. xD ]]

Isako began rummaging through her backpack, making sure she had brought all of her scrolls or didn’t somehow loose one by accident. Although, she should have probably made sure before she left Sunagakure, but she had the tendency to do things at the last moment. With her, she brought three medium sized scrolls. All of them were lightly scented with different perfumes to verify which one was which, because all three were identical and therefore could not be identified by texture. One scroll possessed her clothes, while another held all of the needed medical/health supplies, and the last one obtained several food and water supplies needed during the exams.

The rest of her bag was filled with extra perfume bottles intended to be worn by her comrades once the exams started to better help her find them. The scent was that of raspberries and lemon, a certain perfume that they had always gone with during missions and such. Confirming that she had indeed brought all that was needed; she zipped her bag up and placed it back on her back. She grinned at what Honma was saying, and leaned in toward Hiraka and Nao, “secretly, we’re just going to all go spend it on junk food, yeah?” When she said ‘we’re,’ she was probably more indicating herself.

Hearing the movement of footsteps, which weren’t that of anyone in her team, she became momentarily silent. The smell was that of perspiration and something unfamiliar to her… She could smell a small layer of nail polish with something much more overpowering. It smelled almost intoxicant, or that of something deadly if touched to an open wound. She leaned in toward her team mates, “I smell something weird.” She didn’t know who this person was and couldn’t honestly make out what this type of person might be, but she guessed that he or she was more than likely participating in the chunin exams.
((Lol Toshi smells sweaty. Makes sense though.

Oh and in that last post I made a mistake, its not just two of them is it, its the whole team right?))

Toshi glanced up just before he was about to turn to his room, hearing something about him smelling funny. Or, he assumed it was him and not the hotel because he couldn't smell anything weird. Which was a little rude, but he didn't mind. She probably didn't mean anything by it.

"What, do I really smell that bad?" He joked, ignoring his swirling thoughts and plans to go to sleep for a moment, unable to not make a comment somewhere along those lines. It would also probably be a good idea to know a little about the other genin. After all, then he'd have a better chance at passing the Chunin Exams because who knew who he was going to face up against? One of the girls, the one that spoken was wearing bandages over her eyes. But then, how could she see? Or, maybe she couldn't and that was why they were there in the first place, and... had a really good sense of smell maybe? The rest of the team seemed to be "normal" though.

((I'm really sorry, I can't think of much more to say.))
"Stadium, stadium where are you hiding." Tegeal said to himself with a grin. He had been wandering aimlessly for over a month, literally stumbling into this village on complete accident and checking himself into an inn. This morning he found himself dodging pedestrians as he bounded onto roof tops and through random alleyways trying to find this Chunin exam stadium that people were buzzing about. "Found you~!" Tegeal chimed from atop a building gazing at the stadium smiling remembering the days before he became a rouge ninja. Until he was pulled from his flashback by a red haired man who appeared to be a visitor of the village like himself. The man didn't seem to notice him, but in a world of ninja who can really be sure of anything. Mr. Red-Hair eventually walked away . . . with Tegeal following close behind with nothing better to do but to follow this mysterious stranger. "This is gonna be fun~!!" his smile only getting bigger with each step.
Hotaka smiled slightly as he felt the chakra of the young man following behind him. It was fairly strong for one who seemed so inexperienced as to not bother trying to hide themselves. Sure, he had felt the presence for some time. But it was only now that the kid had all but come out and said 'Hey, I'm here.' that the older man decided to act. Continuing to walk, Hotaka spoke just loud enough for his pursuer to hear. "You can drop whatever act you're putting on and be straight with me. I know you're not just some random punk following an easy mark. And in telling you that, you now know that I'm not just some random fan of the chunin exams." Indeed, this was correct. Normal civilians might be able to sense chakra in a very basic sense... as in they simply get the feeling someone is powerful. But they could not sense it well enough to know they were being tailed without looking behind them. Simply by telling the boy that he knew he was being followed gave away the fact that Hotaka's skills were quite polished. But the question was... did the boy know enough to recognize just HOW skilled the red haired man before him really was?

"You're free to come with me, if that is your wish. But I will tell you this. If you try and stab me in the back... literally or otherwise... You'll beg me for death before the sun sets." Hotaka flared his chakra intensely for the briefest of moments before returning his level to that of a normal person. He knew that any nearby shinobi would likely feel it as well... but he didn't much care. A simple chakra increase followed by a rapid decrease could be anything from a genin being startled, to a jounin training. It didn't instantly mean 'I'm a dangerous criminal, come and get me'. "Oh... and I have a gift for you, young man." a ticket to the chunin exams was held near his shoulder as he walked, inviting the young man to come and take it. "I'd like for you to take part in something grand..." said the dangerous man as a sick grin crept onto his face.
"Kay." Mizuki said as she walked away. She was still a little irritated. She let out a big and deep sigh, "You think we're ready for tomorrow?" she asked Zen'no.
He obviously wasn't some ordinary traveller like Tegeal had first assumed, the man had been able to notice him through his chakra, which Tegeal had forgotten to conceal. Not only that but his amount of chakra was quite superior to his own, and the threat he had issued . . . this guy meant what he said. And for some reason Tegeal felt that he could trust this person . . . to a degree, he seemed almost as honest as he was violent. Realising he had left this dangerous red head waiting for an answer Tegeal quickly replied smiling despite the situation " No act sir just too curious for my own good." with the situation hopefully slightly defused for a while Tegeal was left to consider his offer. A thought came into his head, Mr.Red is strong, probably one of the strongest people at this village, Tegeal needed to grow, to become stronger to be able to get back at the Raikage for what he had done. Tegeal had nothing to lose and everything to gain " You know I don't usually take up strangers on their offers to show me their grand . . . anyway you can count me in, considering I dont end up dead in a random alley five minutes from now." answered Tegeal adding in a bit of humor hoping to get a response out of Mr.Red.
"Why should they be so strict?!" Rika asked as walking by Reizo’s side but it was more like she was hoping on her toes. “Exams are being held twice year and in every village by turn, so it’s not really a big deal!” She commented. “Hey, don’t eat without offering some to your friends!” She objected and punched his arm in a friendly way.
[[[MENTION=3663]furtuna[/MENTION]- There hasn't been a time skip to the next day, yet. I'm not sure when we will. ]]

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