Shinobi Rising [Naruto RP]

Zen'no slammed her heavy axe into the ground as the man ignored her. "I don't know what your deal is, pal... but you seriously need to leave." Headstrong as always, she had no clue who this man was or what he was capable of doing. Hell... he was in a stance that suggested he was going to fight a Jounin-Rank Shinobi. Did the Amegakure native pay attention to that? Not a chance. She was a bit miffed at being blown off, after all. "Turn your sorry ass around and get away from here before we ruin you so hard that it'll take years for them to figure out who you w..." Suddenly the angry young woman felt a hand on her shoulder. A man in a black robe, with red-orange flames on the shoulders, prayer beads around his neck, and a cigarette in his mouth, stood behind her. He smiled warmly before he walked toward the man who was poised to attack the group.

"There you are." said the red-haired man as he stopped walking. "It's pretty obvious that these people aren't too friendly, Xan. Let's leave them be." the same hand he had placed upon the young girl's houlder not ten seconds ago was now on Xandi's shoulder. Hotaka then whispered in the man's ear. "Come with me now, or I swear I will kill you slowly before bringing you back as an unfeeling slave." Standing back up straight, This new man shook his head and apologized. "I'm sorry that my friend here was hostile. But we'll be taking our leave. Perhaps we'll meet again sometime under more pleasant circumstances." The hand on Xandi's shoulder gripped more firmly for a brief moment before releasing. Hotaka himself... well, he started to walk away. Fully expecting Xandi to follow behind him.
Xandi, like a dog hearing his master, turned to the voice. Xandi slowly took up another position-one that suggested he was harmless. His expression reverted back to that of a bored male's-half lidded eyes, mouth in a firm straight line. Then, he felt Hotaka's hand on his shoulder. Hotaka whispered a threat to Xandi. Xandi watched as Hotaka spoke to the group of shinobi one last time and began walking away. Xandi closed his eyes and followed Hotaka, fully believing the other male's threat.
"Zen'no! Let's go." Mizuki said just to try to get Zen'no away from there. That man wasn't a Genin, that was for sure. Mizuki sighed and stayed calm and still. That other man... she thought, Where did he come from? I didn't sense another person walking up. she thought again. She frowned and looked at her Sensei and said "Are we going to train?" Mizuki was serious about becoming a chuunin. This was a test she didn't want to fail.
(@T o b i: I need an update on character sheet, please. I mix up who is who and cant find my students and teammates...)

Rika Komaba

Rika was laying on her stomach on the roof chewing on her breakfast morsels as watching the crowd beneath. Her mother thought she was on her way to loin her team but she had forgotten where she supposed to meet them and didn't feel like leaving home at all. The streets were to crowded and she didn't like to lurk from one street to the other while weird people from far countries bumped to her. She preferred to watch them from above and feel superior. "Tiny creatures!" She whispered and sneered with herself all alone. "You're all here to witness my victory, for sure!" She went on with encouraging herself then sat straight with pride and ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. She was in her comfortable clothes, wearing a top knot. She stood then and stretched her neck to see if she could find someone from her team.

Honma Rozan

Honma had been walking with his young team since early in the morning when the gate of kumogakure appeared in front of them out of fog. He looked up and found rest of the village hidden in clods so much that he hardly could say if there was a tower or not. he turned his head peering at the genins who were following him. "The journey is at its end. Look ahead and see the village hidden in the clouds... of course as much a it can be seen!" He told them casually without showing any emotion about the end of the trip.
"That was close!!" He exhaled heavily and leaning forward a little just to alleviate some of his internal stress "Wow!" Hofuna started laughing a little at what had just perspired, he wasn't necessarily too intimidated by the initial aggressor though he seemed he would be a big challenge to deal with even with all three of his students. The next man however who with naught but a grasp on the shoulder and a whisper had dissipated the tension immediately. In Hofuna's experience; people with that sort of effect on other people often meant they held a great amount of respect or a frightening amount of power but that guy probably had a fair amount of both. It seemed something was afoot but worrying about it now would prove fruitless and so with a deep breath Hofuna simply filed it away for later examination. "Don't mention this to anyone guys..." Hofuna said with as much severity as he could muster ".....I'll have to deal with what happened here myself, so until I do 'that' I need you all to keep your traps shut. Not a peep of this from any of you to anyone and I mean it." He went on with all seriousness.

With a shrug and a cheeky smile he patted Toshi on his shoulder and gave them all an appraising nod "Good job though you guys, you were all prepared within moments and ready to support your team mates. Now for your super duper, extremely hyper important training mission." The smile he wore this time was far more mischievous and he couldn't but laugh a little at his students "This my pupils will be a test of great danger, it will set apart the weak from the strong, the ninja from the ordinary rabble..." He gestured for them all to follow him into the nearby gathering of trees where he had set up a table laden with hot steaming bowls of ramen "Your training today is to eat and enjoy the ramen here, this ramen has been painstakingly bought from every ramen shop int this village and I entreat you ll to scoff down as much as you can" Hofuna wasted no time to sit down at the table and begin his own ramen eating challenge irrespective of whether his students joined him or not.
lllllToshi sighed, relaxing and returning to his former cheery and slightly mischievous self as the two men walked away until they were out of sight. The second one to appear gave Toshi a really weird churning feeling in his stomach, and he didn't like it. There was just something about him that was odd, and Toshi had no clue what it was. That whole confrontation was pretty random and definetly not normal. And that man with the red hair was able to tell the other guy what to do, and the black-haired angry man just did it with no question? Toshi had noticed that, and it made him wonder what sort of relationship they had, and if this "Xan", apparently, was buddies or in cahoots or something with this really off-putting guy, what would've happened if he didn't show up and stop Xan? Why was he asking about the Chunin exams? People that were going to take the test aren't going to know more about it than the fact that it's some sort of assessment so that they couldn't cheat, either. Why would Xan bother asking them. Unless he wasn't from anywhere around the ninja villages, or had just forgotten, or never taken a Chunin exam? Which wouldn't make sense, because he certainly looked like a ninja, and he didn't mind confronting other shinobi. And what Hotoka said made it seem even more suspicious.

lllllUnsure if all this went through anyone elses' mind, and not wanting to create unnecessary fear or suspicions, he kept a small grin on his face and turned back to Mizuki.

"Help? Mi, I appreciated the offer, but I always have to help you! Would you be any good?" He giggled a little, sticking his hands in his pockets. Hotoka put his hand on Toshi's shoulder.

"Good job though you guys, you were all prepared within moments and ready to support your teammates! Now for your super-duper, extremely hyper important training mission. This, my pupils, will be a test of great danger; it will set apart the weak from the strong, the ninja from the ordinary rabble... Your training today is to eat and enjoy the ramen here. This ramen has been painstakingly bought form every ramen shop in this village and I trust you'll scoff down as much as you can."

lllllWhat kind of mission was that? It actually did sound dangerous, it could give someone a heart-attack. And wow, that was a lot of money!! But Toshi wanted to talk to Hotoka, and he wasn't going to let the obvious hard-work (he went to every ramen place?), time, and moeny he put into it go to waste. Plus, it would probably be fun. Toshi suddenly took off, running after Hotoka and jumping over whatever was in his way. Rushing to the table and jumping and sliding in beside his teacher, he eagerly started eating. He hadn't finished eating this morning, either. But before the other students could come into hearing range, he mumbled to Hotoka, "Hey, is something going to happen at the exams? Did you know who those guys were?"

((Speech now in a bigger font for your convenience. Or something.))

"I never ask for your help!" Mizuki exclaimed as she walked to where her sensei wanted them to go. Those guys weren't normal, and Mizuki could sense that in their chakra. She wondered if anyone else did but she didn't want to bring up an unnecessary subject so she ignored it for now. Upon arriving to the table, Mizuki took one glance then sat under a tree. She never liked Ramen, and never will. For some reason it tasted so bland, and never was cooked right. Mizuki sat under the tree, arms crossed, and he face seemed to trail off as if she were in deep thought, which she was. She was trying to figure out why what happened back there happened. Whats eating ramen got to do with training for the chunin exams? Mizuki thought as well. She closed her eyes and listened to her surrondings. This was something she did often to sharpen her sensing abilities.
I'm sorry

Q danced down the street flailing his oops hers arms and this song sang:

"I am a hunter of peace, and I have chased

the elusive mayfly

known as love

for many moons now.

There is no rest for me in my search for peace

Eeach morning, I meditate diligantly

The subjects are life


and happiness

I quit aftre three seconds."

but then she had too poop so she ran to the nearest bush and stooped to leave behind her leagacy.
Zen'no stared on in disbelief. She'd screamed at the guy who was menacing her team... and accomplished nothing. Yet this other guy comes up, whispers, taps him on the shoulder... and all is well? Bull. She couldn't actually wrap her head around it. Instead, the young woman simply stood motionless. Dumbfounded at the absurdidty of what had just happened. And then her sensei mentioned eating a bunch of Ramen. ... high carbs and salt... many different flavors... etc... Just what she DIDN'T need. "No way am I eating all that. It'll make me fat. I'll have a single bowl and that's it." The girl put her hands on her hips as she spoke, as if to blatantly be a brat.

Not far away... Hotaka turned a corner with Xandi in tow. Once out of sight, the red-haired man slammed his comrade into the wall by pushing forcefully on the man's shoulder. "We're here for a reason... and you are out there starting fights out of nothing but simple bloodlust? What in the name of the Gods is wrong with you?" Hotaka sighed heavily and then stared the other man right in the eyes. "Don't let it happen again. You know what I do to those who repeatedly disobey orders. Simply resume your intel-gathering and recon. No combat unless you cannot avoid it in any way. ... not yet, at least. Don't worry. There will be blood soon enough." With those last words, Hotaka use his Black Bog Disappearance Genjutsu... and vanished from sight once more.
After being forced against the wall, Xandi glared at the red-haired man. Hotaka questioned him angrily, and he ignored it, turning away after the other man had stared him directly in the eyes. The red-head gave him an order, a pretty specific one, and he slowly nodded. After the man had disappeared, he slowly stepped away from the wall. "Not soon enough..." Xandi said, referring to Hotaka's last comment. He sighed and walked away to resume his intel-gathering, as ordered.
Initialy all the ramen had only been for himself but with the arrival of those two strange ninja he decided that he would simultaneously distract his students for a moment and just in to case provide the latter of the two ninja to disregard their little group and leave without further incident. Hofuna stared momentarily at Toshi as he weighed his student's question before answering "The exams are an excuse, to what? I am not at liberty to tell you, but while here I need the three of you to behave." He said staring pointedly at Toshi emphasizing the young shinobi's knack for getting into trouble, Hofuna then gave his other two students a momentary look to ensure they understood the severity of what he was saying to them. "Oh and just in case you thought otherwise; this is not your actual training what I wanted was for you all to split up and do some scouting, observation is the keystone to your advancement. The chunin exams tomorrow will be hard and will require you all to be able to observe what you can see and what you can't, i would like a report of your findings at your earliest convenience." He issued his orders to his students and expected them to fulfill them to the best of their abilities while he continued to finish of yet another bowl of ramen which had less flavour than the last. "I wonder where the Hokage is." He wondered idly no longer paying any attention to his students, he would have to do some scouting of his own
Mizuki nodded and stood up, "Well, then I guess I'll see you guys later on." she said then she was gone in a flash. She jumped through trees looking and observing anyone she could find, She was mostly looking for her opponents. She was also thinking about alot of things in her mind. Mizuki continued to go through trees until she missed a branch and ended up falling onto the ground.
[[[MENTION=3663]furtuna[/MENTION]- sorry, there isn't really anything I can do besides telling you to just go back and look at the character thread. ]]

Isako quirked the corners of her lips upwards into a smile, "I smell azuki beans, sugar and honey." She motioned her body forward and twisted around to face her two relatively quiet partners. "If that's anko I smell, I bet they have daifuku." She gave a wide and some-what goofy grin, "I could go for some ichigo-daifuku or yukimi-daifuku." Isako wasn't a finicky eater and in the past, has even been a bit overly eager to try different foods.

Hearing the movement of Nao shuffle along the gravel ahead of them, Isako followed along side Hiraka. She wasn't particularly too concerned with dogs not being allowed within the motel, as many ninken were free to roam indoors among the majority of Sunagakure, and therefor didn't say anything to Hiraka on that matter. "Hiraka, we can share a room together if there isn't enough open. That way we can save some cash," she flashed a half smile. Hearing the door sweep open, she took a step inside only to be welcomed by a lively and benign voice. "Hello," she walked toward the voice, "Do you have two or three rooms open? We just got here from Sunagakure and the trip wasn't as exciting as I expected. You must be getting a lot of customers."

[[im not sure if I'll be on Saturday because I have to go somewhere, but I'll try to post that day.

Also, excuse me for any mistakes. I'm currently using my phone.]]
The walk to the Kumogakure Academy was brisk and Tomei simply enjoyed being able to walk somewhere without have his father's men breath down his neck as a constant reminder not to stuff up in public lest he dishonour his family name. Tomei was under no illusions though, he knew he was still being followed but at least now they were trying to hide themselves. As Tomei made his way to the academy the throngs of genin and other ninja became thicker and thicker, with all the fuss over the chunin exams on the cusp of tomorrow most of the visiting ninja had naturally gravitated to the academy. There was a pair of ninja sparring nearby, the sounds of their clashing kunai and the audible thump of shuriken against wood could be heard through the area. Tomei decided he would stop for a moment and watch the two spar for a bit.

It turned out that the pair were from Kumogakure and were simply showing off to the gathering crowd, the two seemed to be intensely concentrated and moved with some practiced ease. However when one of the pair noticed Tomei watching they stopped the fight,
"What's up brat? You think you're too good to train with us don't you, why don't you show us some of your 'clan's' skills then!!" Tomei looked at the pair and sighed momentarily, he had been the center of many jibes but before he could simply brush the insults away and continue on walking, today however was a different story and his anger flared. "Fine! You want a go at me do you? I'll give it a shot." Tomei replied and moved into the empty space and expected he would fight only one of the pair but neither ninja moved outside the circle. Tomei shrugged and stretched a little before moving into a low stance that enabled stability and balance over mobility and agility. Tomei did not unsheathe his katana but instead removed one kunai from the folds of his kimono and gestured for his adversaries to approach.

They were quick and somewhat skilled but unprepared for Tomei's surprise attack, the two ninja jumped high and intended to knock Tomei out with a head on attack, Tomei however was prepared and took a step back, the closest of the descending ninja received a jab in the stomach crumpling him to the ground while the other ninja's attack was blocked by Tomei's kunai. The second ninja scowled and rushed forward into a kick that landed squarely against his lower jaw sending him to the ground. Tomei reclaimed his previous calm and bowed to his erstwhile opponents and then to his awestruck audience who parted for him without any further ado. Minutes later nd Tomei could finally make out the tall form of Reizo
"Hello Reizo" He sid as he came to a stop before his towering team mate.
Reizo briefly glanced over the nearby authority, taking a quick moment to examine the mask which he bared. It was an ivory tint with maroon and black trimmings, and the mask was that of an unspecified bear. His outfit consisted of nothing more than a slate gray uniform under the casual Kumogakure flak jacket. Not too far from him was another authority in very similar clothing, stationed closer to the Raikage’s building. It was one of the very few times where Kumogakure ANBU occupied the many areas of the region, attentively observing the various citizens as well as noncitizens.

One of them, Reizo noticed, was quite focused on a particular shinobi who was obviously unfamiliar to Kumogakure. The man appeared to be in his late teens or early twenties, with untamed black hair and piercing violet eyes. From what Reizo could perceive, it seemed as though this particularly eccentric shinobi was causing quite a fracas with another clique of shinobi whom he didn’t recognize either. He focused his attention back toward the authority, noticing him give glances toward the other higher ranking officials as if confirming something. Seeing a much older man with a shock of red hair handle the situation very collectively, Reizo’s suspicions eased slightly.

It was strange, Reizo admitted, but he managed to convince himself that with such a big event just around the corner, that these sorts of things were common and therefor was nothing to be concerned about. Hearing another quarrel only a few feet away, Reizo turned around to see a small hoard of shinobi all circled around something which he couldn’t see. He could hear a familiar voice shout angrily and by reaction, briskly began walking toward that general area. Gently brushing the other shinobi to the side, he made his way up front, only to see two Kumogakure nin on the ground while Tomei stood. “Tomei,” he said, “I don’t think causing a scene such as this would be a wise decision. Although, it looks like I’m a bit too late now.” He spared a glance toward the other two shinobi, “have you seen Rika?”
Rika was forced to get down of the roof by her mother and got dressed up lazily to go to academy although she wasn't sure if her teammates were there or not. At least while walking the most familiar paths in the village she could observe the gusts closely or perhaps something interesting would happen. She wore ankle length red trousers, a withe long sleeve shirt and a red vest. It was a spacial outfit for her and she chose it because wanted to look different than usual in front of strangers. She gathered half of her hair in a top knot and let the rest shower down on her shoulders and set out to the academy.

She was right about strange foreign people; some of them were really interesting and she even stopped by some teams pretending doing some common things like adjusting he bag on her shoulder to eavesdrop their conversations. She was walking slowly behind a group of urban girls listening to them chatting about fashion when heard a familiar muscular voice speaking her name. She stood and turned to face Reizo's back while her brain was interpreting his sentence as;'Have you seen Rika?'. It was obvious that he was talking to Tomei even though She couldn't see him as he was smaller than the man and could be hidden behind him easily.

"She's been drowned in the lake. Sorry, I tried my best but couldn't save her!"

She answered in a sad voice instead of Tomei.
Mizuki stopped and hide in the shadows when she noticed Tomei and Reizo. She observed the two, were they participating in the exams as well? Tomei apparently was skilled with kunai's. These were shinobi from where? She couldn't see their headbands. Mizuki lost balance and stepped forward from the shadows, She looked around and wondered if they heard her. She cursed under her breath from being so careless. Was it because today just wasn't her day?
"O-ok." Hiraka stammered, following Isako and staring down at the ground as they passed by multiple people. She soon came to a stop next to Isako and stared at the front desk while she spoke. Yohei licked her face causing Hiraka to smile at the young pup.
Rika noticed a girl stepping out of shadows and hid again. She wondered if she had been watching them. "Look, we've even stalkers in our own village! When does she come from? She should be a failure as a spy~" She spoke loudly about her to make her agitated and have her reveal her identity without any problems.
Tomei had only just dispatched the two kumogakure ninja when Reizo had made his way through the gathered crowd. “Tomei,” he said, “I don’t think causing a scene such as this would be a wise decision. Although, it looks like I’m a bit too late now.” The short ninja looked at his team mate who practically towered over him and nodded "I apologize Reizo, I had no intention whatsoever of causing a scene. These two would not let well enough alone and I felt it appropriate to deal with them in this manner." Tomei replied to his compatriot with all sincerity. "She's been drowned in the lake. Sorry, I tried my best but couldn't save her!" Tomei smiled somewhat at the joke and leaned to his left to see around Reizo's back, "Forgive me for pointing out the obvious Reizo but it seems she has found us..." Tomei responded "....uh hello there Rika." He finished giving the newly arrive ninja a perfunctory nod of his head.

"Look, we've even stalkers in our own village! When does she come from? She should be a failure as a spy~" Tomei had also seen the kunoichi stumble from her cover and noted her headband implied she was from the Hidden Leaf Village. Tomei then remembered that he was not wearing his own headband and removed it from the folds of his clothes to tie it loosely to his belt making sure the symbol of his village faced outwardly. "I think it admiral that our foes think us dangerous enough to even 'attempt' to spy us out." Tomei mentioned before stepping to his right away from the now groaning and dispatched ninja to take in both his comrades in a single look. "What do we do now?" He asked them both truly curious, he hadn't been made privvy to any prior made plans.
Mizuki cursed under her breath and sighed. She then crossed her arms across her chest "A failure as a spy? Today's just not my day so back off." Mizuki stated firmly. She knew she should've been more careful but that dream kept pondering her. That awful dream was reality, but no other shinobi would know of that. Mizuki noticied they were shinobi from The hidden clouds. Mizuki hope they wouldn't start anything. She wasn't in the mood.
((No, it's still open!


The link to the sign-up is on the first page.))
Hotaka sighed heavily as he walked near the arena that would house the chunin exams. Granted, he wasn't likely supposed to be so close... but others had strayed near the arena as well so he knew he'd likely be seen as just another curious bystander. Combined with the fact that he had mental barricades and was keeping his chakra surpressed... it was unlikely that anyone would recognize him as the leader of the reborn Akatsuki, let alone as a Shinobi at all. "So this is where the exams will take place, huh? Kids barely old enough to show interest in the opposite gender... pitted against one another in heated combat." The middle-aged man smiled as he looked for the main entrance and/or ticket counter. Surely with the exams nearing, there would be tickets for sale. And as usual... he was correct. The young man at the ticket counter happily took Hotaka's ryo and handed him a trio of tickets. One was for himself, of course. Another was for Xan, and the third was for his surprise guest.

"This will be glorious..." said the man as he headed back to his hotel room to prepare. After all... performing a jutsu as complicated as the Edo Tensei would take a bit of work, even for one so talented as Hotaka. But he knew he could do it. Things were falling into place marvelously. Now if Xan could keep his impulses in check, then the plan would go off without a hitch. Granted, it was unlikely... but Hotaka could always hope for the best.
Xandi glared at the soft skies, angry to have been scolded. He could hardly get over the fact that his leader had said there would be blood soon enough. Someone like himself would never be able to wait patiently enough for bloodshed. He kicked a small stone, and calmly strolled along, heeding Hotaka's orders. Although, he wondered when the real fun would begin.

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