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Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom - An SMT RP


New Member
"In 5 minutes, the world is going to end. Do you want to continue?"
That was what the letter that appeared in the mail said, wrapped in a black envelope. Alongside an address to a small office building.
Things have been changing for the strange around the world. Several cone shape objects have appeared in the sky around the hour, dotting the stratosphere. Rumors of strange otherworldly creatures appearing. Disappearances. The doomsday cultists aren't helping the matters. Maybe it would be worth it to look into it, it's not like you have anything else going on?

"When the world ends, the survivors will fight to decide the template of the new one."
Hello, this is my attempt at getting back into the RP scene with a roleplay focused around one of my favorite game series, Shin Megami Tensei. Specifically, this one is more inspired by 3 with the tone of 5.
Shin Megami Tensei, for those who don't know, is the darker and grittier big brother of the Persona series. Often set in a post apocalyptic Japan, it follows the story of the main character deciding the fate of the next world. They achieve this by, what else, summoning a team of demons; these demons, despite being called demons, can range anywhere from gods, folklore characters, myths, cryptids, angels, and, yes, demons. Of course, you'll be able to choose one of these demons to give you a fighting chance in this new broken world.

As for the plot of Freedom, the players characters are a group randomly selected to move on to the next world, now suddenly thrown into a destroyed would, full of demons, with other survivors fighting to be the creator of the next world. Together, you can fight and grow stronger, work together, in order to be the ones to reach the throne.
I would prefer players to be somewhat familiar with the series, or at least familiar with its little brother series Persona, in order to grasp the spells and demons of the franchise.

Currently the setting is in the embryoic stage. I have a basic skeleton worked out, so this is just an interest check to see how many people would be down.
Megami Tensei specifically,huh? I'm definitely down for this.
I've seen a lot of persona rps here but not so much SMT! lad you're interested!

Oooh I’m super interested
Very good!


Count me in!

Nocturne will always be a favorite of mine. Glad you're interested!

As for getting things started. I'll probably set up the OOC and character applications tomorrow. Currently at work
Right now my basic idea for the plot would to have 3 main antagonists, each representing a different alignment or path for the world, with the player characters being the fourth option
As for the demons and summons, thinking of having everyone have a main demon companion with the opportunity to get more down the line
I've seen a lot of persona rps here but not so much SMT! lad you're interested!

Very good!

Nocturne will always be a favorite of mine. Glad you're interested!

As for getting things started. I'll probably set up the OOC and character applications tomorrow. Currently at work
Right now my basic idea for the plot would to have 3 main antagonists, each representing a different alignment or path for the world, with the player characters being the fourth option
As for the demons and summons, thinking of having everyone have a main demon companion with the opportunity to get more down the line
I'm personally a big fan of IV, as it was the first in the series I actually played not counting Persona.

And I like that idea! I'm personally leaning towards either a Chaos or Neutral aligned character, though even the former is less "Survival of the fittest" and more "Humanity should be free to make it's own path."
I've seen a lot of persona rps here but not so much SMT! lad you're interested!

Very good!

Nocturne will always be a favorite of mine. Glad you're interested!

As for getting things started. I'll probably set up the OOC and character applications tomorrow. Currently at work
Right now my basic idea for the plot would to have 3 main antagonists, each representing a different alignment or path for the world, with the player characters being the fourth option
As for the demons and summons, thinking of having everyone have a main demon companion with the opportunity to get more down the line
It might be interesting to keep things comparatively simple by having each PC have one main demon partner,and the chance to evolve/fuse them one or two times over the course of the story. And other recruited demons can help in battle briefly/temporarily.

Or even have them transform into their main partner Digital Devil Saga style.

I'm totally fine following a more typical style with multiple summons however.
It might be interesting to keep things comparatively simple by having each PC have one main demon partner,and the chance to evolve/fuse them one or two times over the course of the story. And other recruited demons can help in battle briefly/temporarily.

Or even have them transform into their main partner Digital Devil Saga style.

I'm totally fine following a more typical style with multiple summons however.
I'm actually in favor of taking the DDS direction as well! I think it would work best in a group setting
Didn't even think about going the DDS route. The idea of fusing with a demon is also similar to the Nahobino of SMTV, which I've been binging for the past month.
Always happy to brain storm. Not entirely sure how recruitment or fusing would work, but I feel it'd be best to have everyone control their player character and their demon companions... I call Muu Shuwuu
As for how combat is gonna work, might go with the trust system, if anyone is cool with that. I can always go with dice or other means though but I'm more use to the trust system when it comes to combat in RP
I think if we get more interest in a bit,we can put the choice of basic mechanics to a vote. Though you as the GM certainly have the right to rule unilaterally if you have a specific plan.

The combat we can probably handle without any kind of random/stats element.

With regards to recruitment/fusion,I imagine it'll happen mainly at major turning points in the story,like when NPCs in the games show up with new demons. And other times the app or COMP or whatever is used to talk our way past certain demons or gain only temporary help.
Think 4-5 players is good! Don't know if I'll be one of the main cast or just stick to playing NPCs but I'm good with anything.
As for other specifics, like post length, how does 1-2 paragraphs sound? Not asking for massive posts, as long as you aren't single line posting it's all good.
Have been cooking up ideas on the story as I worked so I think I have a solid plan for everything!
Think 4-5 players is good! Don't know if I'll be one of the main cast or just stick to playing NPCs but I'm good with anything.
As for other specifics, like post length, how does 1-2 paragraphs sound? Not asking for massive posts, as long as you aren't single line posting it's all good.
Have been cooking up ideas on the story as I worked so I think I have a solid plan for everything!
I’m fine with that :>
Think 4-5 players is good! Don't know if I'll be one of the main cast or just stick to playing NPCs but I'm good with anything.
As for other specifics, like post length, how does 1-2 paragraphs sound? Not asking for massive posts, as long as you aren't single line posting it's all good.
Have been cooking up ideas on the story as I worked so I think I have a solid plan for everything!
Sounds good to me!
Think 4-5 players is good! Don't know if I'll be one of the main cast or just stick to playing NPCs but I'm good with anything.
As for other specifics, like post length, how does 1-2 paragraphs sound? Not asking for massive posts, as long as you aren't single line posting it's all good.
Have been cooking up ideas on the story as I worked so I think I have a solid plan for everything!
1-2 paragraphs sounds fine.
Think 4-5 players is good! Don't know if I'll be one of the main cast or just stick to playing NPCs but I'm good with anything.
As for other specifics, like post length, how does 1-2 paragraphs sound? Not asking for massive posts, as long as you aren't single line posting it's all good.
Have been cooking up ideas on the story as I worked so I think I have a solid plan for everything!
I can easily do at least two paragraphs for post length.

As an aside, you mentioned that each character would have a partner monster. Would we also control the demon (and get to choose what it is; and if so what power level would it be (something like a deity or a minor demon))?
Glad we're all clear on that!

I can easily do at least two paragraphs for post length.

As an aside, you mentioned that each character would have a partner monster. Would we also control the demon (and get to choose what it is; and if so what power level would it be (something like a deity or a minor demon))?
As for this, was actually gonna bring that up. In true SMT fashion, you'll start off fighting with your minor demons and spirits, your inugamis and Mermaids, then end fighting alongside gods and famous folklore figures, your Anubis' and Cu Chulainns
Glad we're all clear on that!

As for this, was actually gonna bring that up. In true SMT fashion, you'll start off fighting with your minor demons and spirits, your inugamis and Mermaids, then end fighting alongside gods and famous folklore figures, your Anubis' and Cu Chulainns
Will we get to choose? Have you settled on the partner demon evolving/being fused at major points,or being replaced by new recruits altogether?
Will we get to choose? Have you settled on the partner demon evolving/being fused at major points,or being replaced by new recruits altogether?
Oh course, it'd be pretty lame if I didn't let you choose the demon you're gonna be fighting alongside.
I think each "story arc" you'll be given the oppurtunity to recruit or fuse new demons.

Another idea I had, to put my own spin on things, is the concept of "weapon fusion"
Turning demons into weapons so that you can fight yourself
Are the demons just going to be the one from the most recent game or is it possible to chose from any of the SMT games?
Any of the SMT games, yeah.
I guess my only rule would be "No Personas." Like you could have Sukuna-Hikona as he appears in IV and V, but not how he appears in Persona 4. If that makes sense.
I guess a weirdly specific rule to keep things PG-13, would also be "No Mara." If you know you know.
Well,that's a pretty big selection to pull from,I'm sure everyone will find something that suits them.

Really,I feel like it's fine to bring up Mara and Mishaguji in text here as long as they're not illustrated,or not illustrated in that way at least.

If it comes up,"Mara,the demon representing fear of death" is a role that can show up as either an ally or enemy.
Yeah now that I think about it, I think Mara is fine. Mishaguji too, and not just because he's on my team in SMTV at the moment. Maybe even Arioch although he's more suited to be a villain or potential "villainous ally"

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